My Journey of Discovery Ch. 05

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Beth goes riding special saddle, goes out to supper after.
12.8k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/06/2020
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Mistress wants Beth to use a special saddle on a horse ride, later taking Beth and Ranger out for supper. This chapter contains oral, anal, vaginal, lesbian and quasi-public sex, including in a restaurant, parking lot and outdoor pool. Like the rest of this story, STD's and COVID-19 don't exist in this fantasy world. If you're paying attention, this is a continuation of My Voyage to Submission. I've already written enough of this to see it's going to be more than one book length piece, so I'm going to rename this My Journey of Discovery. The second piece will be named My Voyage to Submission as most of it takes place on a yacht. I'm going to see if Literotica will rename the previous chapters without my having to resubmit them, so it doesn't confuse anyone more than it has to.

My Journey of Discovery, Ch. 5 - Expanding My Experiences

I slept until three. Everyone else was up but me. I stretched, feeling the tightness loosen. There were hints of soreness; you don't fuck for over eight hours without a little soreness somewhere. Once again, I was starving. It was over eighteen hours since I'd eaten. I went into the kitchen and found some leftover steak in the refrigerator. I didn't even bother to heat it up, just wolfed it down cold. There was hot coffee waiting in the pot, thank God. I needed a shot of caffeine just to wake up. Next, I had to find Mistress.

She was in her study, going over her books.

"Mistress, may I please disturb you?"

"Good afternoon, Beth. So glad you could join us."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you for letting me sleep. I was exhausted."

"I'm not surprised. A hard night at The Woodshed, a short enough sleep, a pony race and a night of sex. I wish to thank you for that, by the way. I assumed you asked for Jeremy...Ranger, in order to have sex with him. I was feeling left out, two of my subs going without me. What made you decide to include me?"

"I was always going to include you, Mistress. It was my intent merely to tease. I could see how much you wanted to celebrate last night. I thought your initial disappointment might increase your pleasure when I sprang the surprise on you. It also gave me some time to ask Ranger questions about his submission."

"It very much did, you clever minx. Was Ranger in on your little plot?"

"He was clueless as well, Mistress. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did."

"Couldn't you tell?"

"A good submissive should not make assumptions about her Mistress. It's my responsibility to see you are well served."

"Well, I was very well served and I thank you for it."

"I wished to ask a favor, Mistress?"

"What is it, Beth?"

"The Pony Race yesterday convinced me I need to keep working out. I was more tired than I should have been. I believe it to be the result of my lack of exercise, with the exception of sex, of course, since Thursday. Even then, it was less than I usually get. I believe I should stay fit to better serve should I be chosen. I would like your permission to have at least an hour each day to run, swim or cycle. I would prefer not to wear the vibrators during that time as it will interfere with my exercise. It did on Thursday when I tried to run."

"I can grant your request, Beth. It's a farm. You can run in the fields or paddocks as much as you like. You must of course run naked, with the exception of shoes. There is a lake on the property where you can swim, but you must promise me you'll never go there alone. An armed person must go with you. Gators have been found in the lake. We have them taken out as soon as they're seen to protect the horses, but I can't guarantee there are none in the lake at all times. We have no bicycles, but we obviously have horse riding. It's a fairly good form of exercise, particularly for the legs. Plus," she smiled, "there is something about an eleven hundred pound beast between your legs." She ran her hand up my leg as she said it.

"I think I'm going to rest the equipment today," I said, referring to the reproductive equipment, now a little sore, "with your permission of course. It's feeling a little overworked. If you don't need me for anything, Mistress, I'm going to work on my journal, gather my thoughts and feelings regarding my recent activity."

"Do you regret anything thus far?"

I didn't answer immediately. I still wasn't sure how I felt about everything. She looked at me quizzically, wondering if I'd taken on more than I intended. She put her hand in mine.

"Let's say I'm surprised at my willingness to go forward with all we've done so far. This is not the person I ever imagined myself to be. I'm trying to assess how I do feel against how I believe I should feel. I can honestly say to this point, I regret nothing I've done. I still wonder if I should. The experiences are coming quickly and I haven't had time to contemplate those experiences as I should. I'm hoping the journal will help with it. I truly believe this is the best way to investigate the subject and I have to understand myself and any inability on my part to complete this project. A year is a long time to subordinate yourself if you're unsure if you can do it."

I bent down to kiss her. "I'm still grateful you're taking the time to train me and give me the greatest number of experiences you can, Mistress. I believe it will be invaluable to me."

"I have enjoyed it more than I expected," Mistress said. "You're bright, imaginative, inventive and extremely sexy. I might have to consider more female subs in the future. I've been looking over the questionnaire some more and it's given me ideas for my own slaves as well as those things you should still be exposed to." I was about to ask what but she put a finger to my lips. "It will be better if it's a surprise." I nodded. "I'll see you at supper, then."

"Yes, Mistress. Might I ask where I can set up my computer and ask for the wi-fi password?"

"The bedroom down the hall has a desk. You can use it. The password is 'Jeremiah was a Bullfrog', all one word, Only the J and B capitalized."

Kissing her again, I said, "Thank you, Mistress." She patted my ass as I left.

I spent the next three hours writing down everything I remembered since the Munch. Not just the experiences themselves, but how I felt about it at the time and how I felt about it now. I made notes on things I needed to research further or I hadn't fully understood. I started to type up the notes from all my conversations with submissives. Eventually, I planned to compare my own experiences with those I'd spoken to. I assumed there would be differences based upon personalities, history and the dominants we were exposed to, but I hoped to find commonalities as well.

By the time I was called to dinner, I had made a substantial dent in my notes. A multitude of questions were swirling around in my mind. Upon entering the dining room, I was happy to see Ranger and Cool Hand Luke would be joining Mistress and I for supper. My experiences with both had been pleasant and I enjoyed their company. Ranger in particular seemed to have an ironic sense of humor. My chair was opposite Mistress with Ranger and Luke on either side. The cook had prepared something that looked and smelled like Chinese food with rice, lots of vegetables and either chicken or pork or both.

"Since we're all together for dinner tonight," Mistress said, "why don't you say Grace, Lucas."

He reached out his hands, taking mine and Mistress and I reached for Ranger's on the other side. Ranger and Mistress completed the circle.

"Dear Lord, Thank You for the bounty You have bestowed on us today; the wonderful food set before us and the ones who prepared it for us. Thank You for the company we find ourselves sharing Your table with and Your Grace in allowing us to find each other and the Love we find in one another. We thank You for the bodies You've given us, the health we enjoy, the beauty of the world You created for us. Please grant us Your peace and understanding, the ability to see the worth of all people and find it within ourselves to spread Your love and inner peace to all we meet, through Christ, our Lord, your Son and our Savior, Amen."

We echoed the Amen. "Luke, that was beautiful," I said. "Are you religious?"

"Lucas studied for the ministry," Mistress said. "He was looking for a way to serve the Lord. He has since found another way to serve."

We all laughed, knowing in what way he served, but I was intrigued. This was even more interesting than Ranger's story. I would have to find out more when the opportunity arose. We started to eat and the food was as good as it looked, an unusual mixture of spicy and sweet; sweet initially as it touched the tongue, but a lingering heat after you swallowed.

"This is delicious," I said. "The cook has outdone herself."

"I'll tell her you said so," Mistress said, "Beth, you've been busy all afternoon. Why don't you tell us what you've been doing?"

"Well, so many new things have happened the last few days and I wanted to document them for my research, not only the experiences themselves, but also the way I thought about them at the time and upon reflection; how I feel about them now. I also made note of things I didn't understand or which require more research. And I've started categorizing and documenting my conversations with other subs. I'm looking for ways in which they overlap and ways in which they differ. I think the commonalities will lead to a better understanding of the dominant/submissive phenomenon. So far, I haven't run into much in the way of commonalities such as careers, poor self worth, abandonment issues, or parental similarities."

"What about your own background, Beth?" Ranger asked.

"Well, my parents were normal as I remember them. I'm sure I didn't know a lot about them, especially their sex life, as I was fourteen when they died in a car accident and we hadn't discussed much about sex before then. I just started meeting boys at the mall and movies, not what you'd consider dating yet. Dad was ex-military, Marine Corps," I said just before Ranger asked. "He did tell me before he died about boys and how they would be interested in me and sex. He recommended I learn to perform blow jobs, as it would keep boys from pushing for more and I couldn't get pregnant from doing so. I barely knew what blow jobs were at the time and thought it was disgusting; this was still two years before my first prom and a year before boys started taking me out. I remembered his advice when boys started pushing me for sex and it probably kept me out of worse situations in high school.

"After my parents died, I was raised by my Aunt Helen, my Godmother. She was single, and always remained so. She was not averse to sex. She would sometimes have men spend the night, but she was fiercely independent and never wanted the compromises of marriage. She died two years ago. My second boyfriend was the first to take me to the Prom. His was the first cock I sucked and it was on prom night. I didn't have intercourse until my freshman year in college, and until I met Mistress, had seven full sexual partners, all boyfriends. Since then, Mistress, Diego, Ranger, Master Lamar, and Master Gregory, with a couple more thrown in for cock sucking, I've almost doubled my sexual experience including my first anal, first Hispanic, first black, first exhibitionism, first public masturbation, first cunt, first deep throat, first multiple partners, both MMF and FFM. Life has been much more adventurous the past few days."

"But you've enjoyed it?" Luke asked.

"I'd say at least 30 of the orgasms I've had have been the most intense of my life."

"Perhaps you are intended to be a submissive," Mistress said. "You've fallen into it rather easily."

"I would never have believed so, Mistress," I replied. "It goes against most of what I've grown up believing. I'm still scared to death I might get chosen for the cruise, but excited too. Right now, I'm an oxymoron, or a contradiction in terms; an independent submissive. Perhaps it's you that's made it easy for me. Maybe I would have fought it harder if it were a man to start. It was only because you were a woman it was easy. I don't know. It's part of what I'm still trying to figure out."

"By the way," Mistress said, "Luke will be joining us in bed tonight. Unless they are being punished, my slaves tend to get cranky if I seem to be favoring one over the other. If you're too tired or sore to partake in reindeer games, you could sleep in the bedroom where you set up your computer."

I looked at Cool Hand Luke and could read the pleading in his eyes, the desire to do what Ranger had done. I swear he might have had his fingers crossed under the table. "Cool Hand Luke should at least get to see how well my cock sucking skills have improved since I attempted to deep throat him on Saturday. We'll have to see how it goes from there." I saw a mouthed "Thank you" that did not escape the attention of either Mistress or Ranger. She smiled at me.

"Excellent. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time."

"I have a question or two for you, Mistress."

"I make no promises as to answers, but ask away."

"When I was at The Woodshed, they had a section devoted to electronic fucking machines including something called a Symbiotic or something."

"A Sybian?" Mistress asked.

"That's it. Dina, a submissive showing me around, was quite enamored of the device. She used it whenever her Master allowed. Have you ever used one and what was it like?"

"I have and it's very nice."

"Do you have one?"

"No. It's perhaps less useful for male slaves than female. For myself, I have something I consider superior to or equal to the Sybian. For your exercise tomorrow, go to the lake to swim. Have Diego take a rifle and go with you. Ride horses up there. Tell him you wish to use the special saddle."

"Should I reward Diego for his assistance, Mistress?" I asked.

"You will always reward Diego for his help. Tomorrow, you should see if you can fully suck Diego's cock. It will be a good test of your new skills for you."

"Yes, Mistress, the special saddle." Both Luke and Ranger snickered and I wondered what they knew I did not. I said nothing more.

"Perhaps another bath would ease any lingering soreness, Beth? The tub is big enough for all three of us."

"It sounds delightful, Mistress."

"I'll run the bath around 8:30. It will give you a little more time to work on your notes."

"Yes, Mistress."

I excused myself and went back to work, setting my alarm so I wouldn't be tardy.


When my alarm went off, I joined Mistress and Lucas in the bath. I kissed both of them after sinking into the warm water and bubbles.

"I want to hear about your studying for the ministry," I told Luke.

"I wanted to help people, bring them closer to God, so they would have the relationship I have with Him. Gradually, I came to realize organized religions did more to break people apart than bring them together. Baptists were better than Catholics, who were better than Lutherans, who are better than Jews, who are better than Mormons and so on. So many religions place themselves on a pedestal. It's pomp and circumstance. Jesus didn't raise himself above others, he lowered himself to serve. During the last supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, he didn't expect them to wash his. He was the Son of God, but he lowered himself to serve others. Was he the first submissive, living to serve others. I chose to seek Him in my own way, without resorting to organized religion."

"What an interesting story," I said, "but how do you reconcile the sex you engage in with a religious life?"

"Yes, Lucas. How do you reconcile sex, our sex life particularly, with your love of God?" Mistress asked. "I'd like to know as well." As she asked, she was running her hand up his leg and fondling his cock.

"When God created Adam and Eve, they knew nothing of good or evil. They went naked as the beasts in the fields. They procreated as they would. Until they ate the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they knew no sin. As time goes on, man has created more and more laws, more and more rules. None of those existed in Eden. There was only one law, not to eat of the Fruit. All other rules were created by men. God gave us all bodies and the means to enjoy pleasure. Why did he do so if we are not to enjoy ourselves?

"Though most Christians would deny it on a stack of bibles, Mary Magdalene was a prostitute and Jesus might have lain with her. In addition to being the Son of God, Jesus was also the Son of Man. Is it unreasonable to think he also enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh? The book and movie, 'The DaVinci Code', postulated Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene. Some other obscure scholars believe he may have as well and the early church suppressed the evidence. I don't know if any of it's true, but I do know this. Jesus had only two commandments, to Love God with all your heart and mind and soul, and to love your fellow man as you love yourself. I choose to believe it means I should have sex with them if it's mutually agreeable to both. Who am I hurting if I do?"

"I love the way you think, Cool Hand Luke. Who are we hurting if we choose to have sex with one another in whatever way gives us pleasure? No one," I said.

"Speaking of which," Mistress said, "Lucas may be ready to love your mouth right now. His cock seems quite large and firm."

Reaching under the water, I found what Mistress said to be true. His cock was nice and firm and ready to be sucked. "Mistress," I said, "I am happy to show Luke my new skills, but I must ask; when he's ready to share his offering with us, would you like the first drink, or shall I?"

"We could always share," Mistress said. "I'm sure there's enough for two if we don't get too piggish. I wouldn't want it said that I'm not a good hostess."

I tugged on his cock until he rose from the water. "Fine with me," I said and swallowed his manhood. We shared him many times that night. Turns out I wasn't as sore as I imagined after all.



When I woke up the following morning, Luke was serving Mistress with his tongue and doing well from her contented moans. He was kneeling on the bed as he serviced her. I pushed his legs apart and wriggled between them to capture his dangling cock in my mouth. Despite our endeavors the previous evening, Luke still had enough sap in him to rise to the occasion. As he grew closer to release, he started thrusting into my mouth. It was an awkward angle, my forehead being in the way of any serious thrusting, but what he couldn't make in depth, I attempted to compensate for with an active tongue. I believe Mistress climaxed a moment before he did. I could hear her moans behind me, but Luke was not far behind. We had done our best to drain him last night, but he did recover enough to give me something, and what I received, I shared with Mistress when I kissed her.

"I'm going to take up your offer of a ride and swim, Mistress," I said wiping a small bit of cum from my lips.

"Remember to ask Diego for the special saddle."

Luke snickered again, still engaged in cleaning his Mistress of the evidence of her pleasure. I really had to know why the men giggled every time it was mentioned. I suppose I would soon find out.

After showering and eating breakfast, I went out to the stables. Diego was cleaning the stables again as I assumed he did every day.

"Diego, La Señora has given me permission to go to the lake to go swimming. She asked you bring a rifle and come with in case there's an alligator. We're going to ride. Mistress asked I receive the special saddle."

"Si, señorita. Let me get someone else to finish the stables, then I will saddle the horses."

"Gracias, Diego."

He left and returned a short time later with another fellow who took over Diego's responsibilities. Diego went into one stall and saddled the horse there, leading it out and tying it to one of the rings scattered about the stable. This saddle didn't look all that special, so maybe he'd saddled his mount first. He went into another stall and I heard him preparing another. When he led it out, I finally knew what was meant by a special saddle and why Ranger and Luke laughed every time they heard it.