My Mother-In-Law Seduced Me


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"Holy fuck. That was the most intense sex I've ever had."

Amy turned her face slightly towards me, and I could see her smile playfully. "You're telling me. If I'd known it was gonna be this good, I would have seduced you long ago."

I chuckled weakly. "Better late than never, I guess."

We continued to spoon quietly for a bit longer. As much as I enjoyed feeling Amy against me, I began to grow restless, so I squeezed her with a one-armed hug and sighed.

"As nice as this is, I guess it's time to clean up our mess now."

"Yes, you're probably right," Amy agreed half-heartedly.

I let go of Amy and pulled back slightly. Like ripping a bandage off, I withdrew my now-flaccid penis from inside her. I missed her warmth immediately, but the sight of my penis covered in a mixture of lube and semen reminded me of how lucky I'd been to even be here.

"I'll go use the guest bathroom to clean myself up. Master bath is all yours."

"Such a gentleman," Amy teased, as she pulled herself off the bed too.

Rather than leave immediately, though, I surprised Amy by walking over to her and planting a tender kiss on her lips. She melted into me, as I pulled her head gently against mine. When I finally pulled back and gazed into her eyes, I saw fulfillment.

"Thanks. For tonight, and for everything you've ever done for me." I said, stroking her hair affectionately with my hand.

"You are more than welcome, handsome," Amy replied with a smile. "Now, go clean up, and I'll meet you downstairs."

I took care of my business, and then made my way back down to the couch. My discarded clothes were still there, so I pulled them back on as if I'd never removed them in the first place. The TV was still on as well, so I sat down and watched, waiting for Amy to rejoin me.

A few minutes later she did. Despite the intensity of our fling, she'd managed to clean herself up quite well, and there were no signs of her earlier dishevelment.

"How do I look?" Amy said, showing herself off in front of me.

"You look amazing," I said honestly.

"That's cute, but what I meant was does it look like I've just had my soul fucked from my body?"

I laughed. "No, you're good. You look like you've just had a relaxing night on the couch watching TV."

"Good, because that's what we've had," Amy looked at me pointedly as she joined me on the couch. "I trust I don't need to say that this stays between us, right?"

I nodded.

"Good. In all honesty, Carl will probably be happy that I won't be needing him for sex in the near future, but even then, probably better he doesn't know the reason why."

"Susanne, too," I admitted.

Amy shook her head. "I'll never understand how my daughter has such a low drive, especially with a man like you to take advantage of." She gave me a side-eye. "But don't think this means you shouldn't give me grandkids. I still expect you to make that happen."

I laughed. "Of course. I'll give it as much effort as Susanne allows."

"That's all I can ask. But if you ever need to blow off any more steam, you just come to me. I'll make sure you're taken care of." Amy winked slyly.

"Oh, I'll be taking you up on that offer, I'm sure." I said, playfully squeezing Amy's thigh.

Amy winced slightly. "Just maybe not right away. I'm going to be hurting after tonight, I can already tell. The good kind of hurt," she quickly added, seeing my look of concern.

"I'm in no hurry. But you better believe I'll be re-living tonight over and over." I said.

"Me too," Amy admitted. "But let's put a pin in this tonight. Don't want our spouses to arrive home hearing about our amazing fuck."

And so put a pin in it we did.

Susanne and Carl finally arrived back home to find Amy and I sitting on the couch, casually watching TV.

"Well, did you two have a good night out?" Amy asked, as if we'd had a completely uneventful evening.

"Yes, it was nice!" Carl replied. "Susanne was very sweet to plan this for me."

"You're welcome, Dad. Happy Father's Day," she said, giving him a hug before making her way to the open spot between Amy and I on the couch. "What about you guys? Did you have fun?"

I exchanged a meaningful glance with Amy. "Yeah, we did. Just been hanging out here with the TV, but it was fun."

"We had some alcohol to help," Amy said, motioning towards her empty glass and my empty can.

"Good!" Susanne said, beaming. "I'm proud of you guys for being such good sports. But I think I'm about ready for bed. What about you, Ryan?"

"Yeah, I can call it a night," I agreed.

"Me too," Amy echoed.

The four of us headed upstairs. As we said goodnight, I made sure to give Amy an extra tight hug, resisting the urge to give her a kiss as well. Amy gave me a small smile but didn't say anything as we went to our respective rooms. I finished prepping for sleep, turned off the light, and crawled into bed next to Susanne.

"Did you really have an okay time with my mom?" Susanne whispered in the darkness.

"I did. Turns out your mom's more fun than I'd thought." I said truthfully. Exactly how much fun though, I didn't elaborate on.

"Good. I'm glad you guys got along. I really do appreciate you agreeing to this." Susanne said, giving me one last kiss before she flipped over to her side. "I love you."

"I love you too," I responded, and I meant it.

It took me a bit to fall asleep. I replayed the events of that night in my head, but rather than feel ashamed, I felt satisfaction. No question that my time with Amy was incredibly hot, but even beyond that, I felt like maybe it had been a good thing that Amy and I had slept together. After all, we were closer now than we'd ever been, and Amy was right—Susanne did love us getting along so well.

I had cheated on my wife, yes, but somehow it felt different knowing that it was my mother-in-law that I'd been unfaithful with, rather than some other woman. Maybe it was because Amy reminded me so much of Susanne or maybe it was because I knew that Amy wanted nothing but the best for Susanne and me.

Whatever the case, went I drifted off, I felt no guilt at all.

If this were one of my fantasies, Amy and I would have had hot and heavy sex multiple times that weekend. But even if we'd wanted to, we never got the chance. We were never alone, and although we had small passing moments to flirt and exchange appreciative looks, there was never an opportunity for more.

Over the next several months, Susanne and I visited Amy and Carl multiple times. Amy and I did manage to have sex on a few more occasions, but they were quickies and not as intense as our first encounter. Still, even these quickies cemented my sense of connection with Amy, and I began to see her as not just a mother-in-law or even a sexual partner, but a trusted older friend.

Perhaps most shockingly, both of our marriages did improve after our indiscretions. I think both of us had built up this hidden frustration with our spouses—Amy much more so than me—and when we had a chance to release it, we were able to see them without bitterness clouding our vision. Amy stopped bickering with Carl, and I began to appreciate Susanne more now that I didn't hold her low sex drive against her.

Amy's prediction about Susanne and Carl being happy with the results of our flings—even if they wouldn't be happy with the methods—was proving true. I don't know what the future will hold, of course, but so far sleeping with my mother-in-law has turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made.

As a final note, I did eventually see a dermatologist who confirmed that my spots were nothing to worry about—even the one on my hip that had bothered Amy. When I passed the good news on to her, she'd just smiled and said that her exam had still been worth it.

I had to agree.

Author's parting commentary: I realize this 'happy' ending may be upsetting or seen as unrealistic. But in life, sometimes 'bad' actions get rewarded and work out in unexpectedly positive ways. I'm not a moralistic writer; I'm not going to punish characters to preserve a sense of cosmic justice. If bad consequences fit the story, great. But if not, I won't force it in—even if I do think the characters may deserve it.

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LunaDoggyLunaDoggy3 months ago

A superb story that you've told in a totally realistic manner. Utterly believable and therefore enjoyable. Well done, 5 stars for sure from me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story, their morals were acknowledged but needs prevailed. Hope you do write a part two.


FeltfixerFeltfixer5 months ago

Nice story.

Great MIL character

cuckoldmotleycuckoldmotley8 months ago

Good story and happy with the happy ending. i'm sure Ryan will give Amy grandkids. A pregnant Suzanne will give Ryan more chances to cuckold Carl with his MIL.

JoeDonJoeDon11 months ago

i loved the tension of the skin exam. amy was pushing ryan step by step and not too quickly. the touching his skin kept up the excitement and then grabbing his cock was *chef's kiss*. afterward, the awkwardness of thinking he'd lost his opportunity and resolving to chase amy upstairs -- what a great moment. I really appreciated Ryan's passiveness and inward-focused / introverted nature. made him relatable for me. i love that he almost totally overlooked that amy, being a perceptive and capable woman would totally have picked up on his flirting and intentions. maybe he was thinking she had a stronger sense of fidelity to her husband and wouldn't have addressed it if she had noticed the flirting? idk. also great job with the during-sex dialogue. short, snappy and rude dirty talk came across more believable than other writers often do. overall this story really captures the allure of mother-in-law fantasy. it's got the taboo with a relative and mother figure combined with an adult perspective that side-steps the return-to-childhood that mother-son fantasies tend to get mired in. great job. A+

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