My Mother, The Stripper Pt. 07


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I answered, "I agree, as long as he has agreed to be a guest and act accordingly, and Janie knows of his presents ahead of time, There shouldn't be any issues. I'll tell Janie as soon as she comes home, her and Bethany went to the mall, they should be back soon."

"Sounds like a plan Babe later," Dan hung up.

As I sat back in my chair, I contemplated on a way to let the news out to Janie gently. I don't think it will be an issue, after all, Janie was very happy, and enjoyed her new field of employment and lifestyle. None of us were ashamed of what we were doing, and we all were pretty darn good at it too.

A little after three, the girls walked into our bedroom. Bethany was excited about her Idea. She had purchased an entirely new outfit, a very conservative outfit at that! A pinstripe business suit, she said she purchased at Goodwill.

She mentioned something about being tied up bound and gagged, and her mother using a pair of scissors, and cutting and removing her clothes, one at a time, oh brother...leave it to Bethany!

As soon as Bethany finished talking, I took Janie's hand, "hey sweetie, sit down." I said. Looking a little apprehensive, Janie sat on the edge of our bed.

"What's wrong mom," she ask.

Well, there was no easy way, but here goes, "Dan called me Janie" I said, "Your husband Jim, called Dan. Jim is in town and wants to see you tonight." Janie didn't say a word. "Dan told him about the lodge tonight, and what we all have been doing, and what we would be doing tonight. Jim ask if he could come along." I paused, not really sure how she felt, or would react.

Janie smiled, "good mom, I'm glad Dan told him, and I'm glad Jim is coming tonight. I don't mind at all. In fact, I'm glad, he can watch me doing what I enjoy doing tonight. Good for him, He should count his lucky stars that he was able to have this," she said as she waved her hands across the front of her body. "He was a lucky man, he should see what he's losing!" Janie said while nodding her head in disgust.

"Now Janie," I said, "Jim is really sorry, he said it was all his fault, and he didn't deserve you after ignoring you like he has. I'll bet he'll be happy to see you tonight."

Janie relaxed somewhat and smiled, "You're right mom, Jim along with every man there should be happy to see us, we're all beautiful women! It shouldn't only be Jim that feels privileged." She was right, they're all lucky!

You know, I never thought about Jim seeing the rest of us before, myself, Traci and Bethany. I know he's seen me partially naked before. But never as a stripper. And he's certainly never seen Traci or Bethany. This could be interesting.

I smiled at Janie, "you're right, they are all extremely lucky!" I gave her a big hug.

Bethany chimed in, "you mean Jim will be there tonight to watch us, oh boy this will be the best night ever!" She joined in our group hug.

"Maybe we can have a threesome later tonight Janie." Bethany said with a big grin.

"Maybe," Janie said, "just maybe, we'll see."

I guess Bethany might of had a crush on Jim too!

As the evening grew nearer, I started to think about Bethany's Idea, being bound and stripped. Seems exciting, but I'm just not sure how well it will be received. I guess we'll see.

A little after seven, Traci showed up. Bethany had a special outfit she wanted Traci to wear while undressing her. It looked a little like an executioner's outfit, all black. With a black mask as well, interesting to say the least.

We were suppose to be at the lodge a little after eight. We had a short drive to the lodge, under a half hour. Both Traci and I drove. We arrived on time. When we entered the lodge, we walked through the lobby towards the dressing room at the back corner of the stage. I noticed there weren't nearly as many men as there were the last time we were there, we had to run two shifts that evening.

There were still close to a hundred men, that would make for a nice crowd. Traci seemed a little more nervous tonight, then she had her first night. She'll get used to it!

Mark met us halfway through the main hall. "Well hello there ladies, I'm glad to see all of you tonight."

I introduced Traci to Mark, Traci smiled, I think she liked Mark. We followed him towards the dressing room, he opened the door, and led us in.

After he left, Traci said, "that's one fine looking man Raye, is he married?"

I laughed then said, "who cares!" As if being married would make a difference.

We started to discuss our order. I thought we should start with a standard stripper show first, followed by Bethany's skit. Then followed by the two remaining strippers. I'll go first, then Bethany, Traci then Janie. I hadn't thought about it before, but I guess that will give Jim time for anticipation, or looking forward to seeing his wife perform.

I knew a few of the men there, other than that, we'd have to see who else showed up. Bethany had spoken to Dan and Drew Dan's son, about assisting her. She would have to be carried onto the stage, being that she was already tied and bound to the chair.

When I think about Bethany being bound and gaged, it gave me goosebumps, oh my! I'm going to take a wild guess, and say that most of the guys will love it! I wasn't sure, I guess we'll see.

I had just finished putting on my poodle skirt when Mark knocked on the door, "you ready in there?" he ask.

I opened the door, and said, "I'm ready Mark, let's do this."

"Oh my, I love your outfit Raye, very retro, nice touch." Mark looked at my boobs, "Oh my god Raye, is that a bullet bra you're wearing?" He ask as he grinned.

I smiled and said, "sure is, you like it?" Mark nodded. We both walked towards the front of the stage. For tonight, I'd chosen some fifties music, I started with 'Rock Around The Clock' then I'll follow with Peggy Sue and for the last, Blue Moon.

I walked to the center of the stage, Mark introduced me, the curtain opened. The room was full, I'm guessing close to a hundred men were there, sitting and waiting patiently. The music began.

As I started to dance, I noticed Dan and Jim. They were sitting at the middle table in the back of the room. And to my surprise, beside Dan, sat the young fella we'd met at the lingerie store. Oh my god, I couldn't believe my eyes! Well, ready or not, he was about to see me totally naked. I couldn't help but giggle.

My poodle skirt was perfect for stripping. As I danced and spun, my poodle skirt flew up, exposing my plain white panties. I decided to wear Bobby sox instead of stockings, and saddle shoes instead of heels, they both went better with the outfit.

I could tell, I was going to get a workout with the music I'd chosen for tonight. As warm as It was, I'll be glad to shed some of this clothing.

I removed my skirt, then my blouse. There, that helped, much cooler now. Shortly after Peggy Sue started playing, I slowly removed my panties, I loved the bullet bra, the guys did too! I'd save that for last. I looked at Dan, then at both of the fella's next to him, They all had big smiles on their faces. Everyone was having a good time and enjoying the show.

Blue moon was playing, as I removed my bullet bra, applause, and whistles, most of the other men were finally warming up. Even Jim gave me a thumbs up. It's all about having a good time and enjoying ourselves!

By the end of the song, I was totally exhausted, and sweating, I hate to sweat. I was glad for the break. As the curtain closed, puffing and panting, I headed towards the dressing room. I loved the outfit and the music, next time, I'll have to slow down a bit, I though to myself.

When I opened the door, Janie handed me a towel, "Damn mom, you put on quite a show out there tonight. That's the wildest I've ever seen you dance!" She said with a giggle.

"Before I do that again, I may want to practice the dance first." I said as I plopped onto the chair. Just then Dan and Drew walked in, Bethany was already tied to the chair, hands behind her back, and her feet tied to the chair legs. She had a ball gag in her mouth, Damn, I thought, I hate those things. Dan and I had tried that once...only once, never again!

I noticed that Traci was dressed in black satin, resembling an executioner. She had her mask and whip, holy crap. Along with a black bag. Dan and Drew picked Bethany up, chair and all and carried her into the center of the stage. I wanted to watch this, so with towel in hand, I walked to the corner of the stage, where I've watched from before. Mark introduced Bethany, the curtains opened.

Traci walked out, and cracked her whip once, then again loudly. Traci has always owned a whip, and she was good at using it too, making it crack loudly! Bethany had fear in her eyes, she was a great actress. She was always one of the stars when her drama club put on plays in high school.

Traci cracked the whip again. She opened the bag and removed a pair of Scissors. Bethany's eyes grew even larger, she wiggled and tried to squeal, making as much noise as possible, while wearing a ball gag. The first thing Traci cut was Bethany's Skirt. She cut it straight up the middle to her tummy, and laid the skirt wide open, Bethany's legs looked great tied to the chair legs and exposed. Bethany cried in fear, it wasn't going to matter.

Next, Traci cut the jacket of Bethany's business suit, removing it in large pieces. Bethany continued to show fear and struggle, I was beginning to wonder if she was acting, or if her fear was real! As soon as the jacket had been removed, Traci started cutting the buttons off of Bethany's blouse, one at a time. Bethany again tried to scream, she wiggled, and shook her head. When Traci had removed all of the buttons, she continued by cutting the blouse into pieces and removing them.

I peeked out at the audience, everyone, and I mean everyone was watching intently. I think her Idea was received well, The men seemed to love the show!

Traci continued, next she cut Bethany's bra down the middle, removing it one cup at a time. Her full puffy nipples completely exposed. Traci ran the blade of the scissors across both of Bethany's nipples, making them even puffier from the feel of the cold steel!

I caught myself shivering, my nipples were hardening, all from just watching Bethany!

Finally Traci cut both sides of Bethany's panties removing them, and along with pieces of her bra, threw them all into the audience. Several of the men scrambled for souvenir's, everyone applauded. Traci finished by untying Bethany's feet, she helped Bethany up, her hands were still bound behind her.

She tried to scream one final time, then with Traci following, Bethany, wearing only her thigh highs and heels, ran from stage, until she was totally out of sight.

Everyone stood up and continued to applaud. They applauded until Bethany, minus the ball gag, returned and bowed. She was a hit, the fella's loved Bethany, and they loved her skit! God she looked great The tiny girl was incredibly sensual! I was excited by just watching her performance.

The men were eager for more, you could hear them from the dressing room. Bethany had lit a fire!

Next was Traci, this would be her first appearance here at the lodge. I'm sure it will go well. When Mark introduced Traci, he introduced her as my younger sister, and Bethany's Mother. I'm sure that surprised a number of the men. Who doesn't love a surprise.

Traci was still in her black executioners outfit, she had removed the mask, I'm glad she did, she's a beautiful woman! As she started to dance, I looked out at Dan. Jim and the young man were still sitting beside him, watching Traci intently, I'm sure Jim has never seen Traci naked before. But he would tonight, just as he had Bethany.

Before Traci had started to undress, I returned to the dressing room. I wanted to watch Traci, but I was just too tired. I needed to sit down for a spell. Soon I'd have to go back out, and entertain the guys again. I needed to rest. Besides I kind of wanted to see Jim's expression as Janie performed.

After a while, Traci walked in the door, she paused, and smiled. "God, what a rush! Having Dan, Jim, Drew and everyone else, all watching me while I undressed. Oh my god, what a rush. What a turn on, God, I could have fucked every one of them!"

Surprised, Bethany said, "Mom really, come on now," she said as she shook her head.

Traci, still smiling said, "don't you feel like that Bethany, I mean, doesn't it make you excited, dancing and undressing in front of all of those wonderful men."

Bethany smiled and agreed, she enjoyed it too, just as we all did.

Mark knocked on the door, "Janie, are you ready?" He ask.

"Sure Mark," Janie said as she opened the door. I folded my chair and followed them out the door, I could sit at the stage side instead of standing. I definitely wanted to see Jim's reaction to watching his wife undress, in front of all of these men.

I listened as Mark introduced Janie. He had a few nice things to say about Janie, this being her third appearance, just as he had for me. She turned and winked at me, I think she was getting excited. The curtain opened, she began to dance.

It was strange, I believe Jim was even more nervous then Janie. I'm not sure if he was upset, or just plain excited about watching his wife dance and undress in front of all of the other men in attendance. Either way, it was happening. Janie had chosen to wear her sundress tonight. Tan stockings and her favorite Kelly green underwear, Dan's favorite too! I don't know what Jim's favorite color of underwear is.

Janie was already dancing, she looked very smooth sexy and gorgeous as she slowly removed her sundress, and tossed it gently to the side. I watched as a big smile came over Dan's face, he loved Janie's panties! Half way through the second song, Janie was totally naked, and dancing wonderfully. She was strutting her stuff.

She looked beautiful. As the music came to an end everyone was standing and applauding. Even Jim seemed pleased with his wife's performance. I thought he'd have to be proud of her.

When the curtain started to close, I stood up and walked out to greet her. Janie was all smiles, she enjoyed dancing and undressing. We all loved and hungered for the attention. Just as Traci had said earlier, It's a major turn on, knowing all of their eyes are on you.

We both walked to the dressing room, after a short break, we would have to work the floor. I think we were all looking forward to that. The tips have always been good here at the lodge. There was money to be made, and men to be loved! Traci along with Janie, myself and Bethany were all ready and willing to please!

I was excited, I wondered who I would be fucking tonight. Mark, Ron, Jim maybe the young man from the lingerie store, who knew. It's exciting to anticipate. We all had returned to the dressing room to freshen up. For some reason tonight, The lodge seemed warmer then usual. Oh well, I'm sure we'll all forget about that soon enough.

Mark knocked on the door, Traci opened the door and smiled at Mark. "You ladies ready," Mark ask. "I know the guys are, they are looking forward to spending some intimate time with you lovely ladies."

Traci, still smiling turned and said, "are ya'll ready ladies, lets go and make em happy." We all giggled and followed her out the door across the stage and onto the main room floor.

Most of the men were still there, anxiously waiting, after all, we were already naked. Traci headed towards Marks table. Janie headed towards Kyle's, Bethany headed towards Roger and his son Troy's table. That left me, I headed straight towards Ron Dan and Jim. Why not, I told myself, they are all fair game, including the new guy.

I walked up to Ron, and spread his legs and started dancing. He loved to feel and rub my thighs. I was still wearing my bobby sox and saddle shoes, standard clothing for the fifties. Nothing else, they were very comfortable unlike my high heels. I guess that was why I wore myself out dancing so much.

As I turned around, Ron grabbed my ass, I turned back and said, "shame on you Ron, you're a very naughty boy!" He just laughed while slipping me some money. I kissed him, and moved on to Kyle, he was my next victim.

As I smiled at Kyle, for the first time I noticed, the young man from the lingerie shop was no longer there. Hum, I wonder where he went? Oh well, his loss.

After Kyle came Dan then Drew, and then Jim, ah yes, Jim. I spread his legs wide, I put my arms around his neck and rubbed my boobs in and over his face and entire head. He didn't seem to be surprised, I guess after watching me earlier, he knew what to expect.

As I danced, I teased him with my pussy. Almost shoving it in his face, he turned bright red, I just laughed and kept right on dancing. After I had put my butt in his face, he handed me some money, I kissed his cheek, took his hand, and started back towards the dressing room. I had decided to fuck Jim, whether he was ready or not! I'm sure he was surprised, but he came along anyways. I'm not sure he knew what was about to happen.

When we arrived at the dressing room, I cleared off the table and leaned back spreading my legs, I looked at Jim and said, "well Jim, what are you waiting for, take me, come on and take your mother in law." Jim was nervous, He looked at my pussy then at me.

Nervously he said, "you mean now mom, here?" He ask. I nodded. There was a pause...

Jim finally seemed to understand, He was about to fuck his mother in law. Jim smiled as he dropped his pants. His cock was already hard, extremely hard! I guess it must have been a while. Quickly, he shoved his cock hard and deep into my vagina. No sooner than he was in, He started to fuck me, and fuck me hard he did!

Holding my thighs, he drove his cock again and again, deep into my pussy. I was glad that he only lasted a minute, any longer and he would have bruised me. As he climaxed, I pulled his face firmly into my boobs. He started sucking on my nipple as his cock exploded wildly into my pussy. Wow, that was an extremely intense fuck...Damn!

I held him firmly against my chest. After he completely unloaded, he lifted his head, looked at me and started to back out.

I smiled at him as I handed him a towel, "Damn Cowboy, that was some fine fuckin you just did, that was damn fine Jim!"

Jim smiled broadly, "Thanks mom, I really needed that. You took the edge off for me. I'll be able to enjoy the rest of the evening." He said while pulling up his pants.

I laughed, "you may want to leave those down Jim, I think Bethany still has plans for you later tonight." He looked up while smiling, I guess the thought of being with Bethany was appealing, I'm sure Jim's had a fantasy or two about Bethany, that's only natural.

As I slid off the table, I continued to clean myself up. I headed for the door, before it was open, Jim slid some money into my palm. I stopped and put it with the rest I had brought into the room. We walked out together and headed towards the restrooms. We both needed a break.

When I came out of the restroom, I noticed that Bethany had Troy and was making a beeline towards the dressing room. I was right, she did have a crush on Troy. I had thought so, you go girl!

I returned to the main hall, I noticed that Traci was the only dancer there. Janie and Kyle were gone too. I walked towards Roger, before I arrived, Janie and Kyle had returned. I could relax now, I was afraid that Jim would return before Janie. Not that it should have mattered, but I was worried about Jim's reaction while watching Janie walk in with Kyle. Nothing to worry about now. Janie returned first.

I walked up to Roger. and spread his legs and started to dance. I noticed Janie was dancing for Dan now. Smiling, I rubbed my boobs in Roger's face, he really enjoyed that. I continued to dance and tease Roger. When I saw Bethany return with Troy, I winked at Roger and took him by the hand. It was now Roger's turn. Hand in hand, we walked towards the dressing room. I opened the door, shut and locked it behind us.