My Mother, The Stripper Pt. 11


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"Yes Jim, were still married."

Jim smiled, "and does he mind you dancing and stripping?"

I laughed, "No Jim, Dan doesn't mind at all. In fact he enjoys my new line of work. He's the reason my daughter and I started stripping." I told him of Dan's lodge and our first performance. He seemed interested in how we both had decided to strip

Jim asked me for a table dance, I agreed. With his help onto the table, I danced. As I danced, Jim ran his hand up the back of my leg to my butt, which he promptly squeezed. I guess he had already decided that was the least that I owed him.

When I'd finished, he handed me a twenty and helped me off the table. No sooner than I'd reached the floor, another young man approached me. "Hello Ms. Raye, how are you?"

I smiled; he was a very nice looking younger man. "I'm well, thank you, and you are?"

I asked him.

"I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Coons." Hum Jeremy Coons oh yes! You're Jeremy; you were my student at Sandy Springs Middle School."

Jeremy smiled and said, "Yes Ms. Raye, I'm surprised you'd remember me. I didn't think you would. Would you dance for our table?"

"Sure Jeremy I'd like that." He took my hand and led me to his table. There sat several other good looking younger men, all looking eager to meet me. Jeremy helped me to the tabletop.

For the next couple of minutes I danced. While dancing I tried to see if I could tell who any of the boys were, but sadly I didn't recognize any of them. I knew Jeremy's best friend was Benny. If Benny was there I Didn't recognize him. Twenty years is a long time.

When I finished, Jeremy helped me from the table and handed me a fifty. I tucked it inside my stockings. Now it was time to see who else was here.

I started around the table, "hello I'm Raye. And you are?"

The first gentleman said, "Hello Raye I'm Jared, I didn't go to Sandy Springs until after you were gone. But I'm still pleased to meet you just the same." I shook his hand.

The gentleman next to Jeremy said, "Hello Raye, I'm Robert, Bobby Graber."

"Bobby Graber, I remember you, you were a stinker at Sandy Springs. You had a hard time staying out of trouble didn't you Bobby?" I said while laughing.

Robert laughed too, "Yes Raye, I sure was. I guess that's why I became a lawyer. I love to argue and disagree with everyone." He said while laughing. A lawyer, hum I knew he was a smart boy.

Most of his problems were because he was bored with the class work. Nice to see a smart you man make something of himself.

I turned to the next gentleman, but before I could speak he said, "Hello Ms. Raye, I'm Benny. I'm sure you remember me." He was grinning ear to ear.

"Yes Benny I do, how could I ever forget, you're the only boy that ever grabbed my ass in middle school. Now is as good of time as ever Benny, why DID you grab my ass?"

The entire table laughed. Benny turned bright red, but good naturedly he said, "I grabbed it because it looked so damn good Ms. Raye, Those tight black slacks you used to wear, well I just couldn't help myself Ms. Raye. Thank you for not reporting me though, we all thought you would."

I laughed; I guess I wasn't surprised, I'd heard several of my students comment on my ass. Besides boys will be boys. My own son likes to grab my ass, so why not Benny.

"No worries Benny, I didn't mind. It wasn't like you did it often. Just that once."

Benny laughed, "Well twice Ms. Raye, twice."

I paused, twice hum. "Oh my god, was that you that pinched my ass in the hall that afternoon?"

Benny laughed, "Yes Ms. Raye that was me too. Oh well all I could do was laugh. I'd often wondered who that was. Just boys being boys I guess.

We were still visiting when Janie walked over along with a tall handsome young man. "Mom, do you remember Carter from the trailer park? Well this is Carter." Janie said excitedly.

Sure I remembered Carter. While living in the park Carter was Janie's best friend. They had met when we moved into our second trailer park north of here. Carter's mother was single too. We'd hung out together often back then. His mother Carol was a sweet lady.

Her husband had been wounded in Vietnam; he died several years later due to complications. Carter was a couple years older than Janie, but the two of them were almost inseparable while we lived in the trailer park.

I certainly didn't expect to see Carter tonight. I smiled and gave Carter a big hug, I think I surprised him, me being naked and all. "Hello Carter, it's certainly a pleasant surprise to see you again."

Carter smiled, "it's nice to see the two of you again Ms. Raye. I was thrilled when I heard about the two of you coming tonight. I couldn't believe my luck. It's been years since I last saw Janie." Carter said as he put his arm around Janie. "I think about her all the time."

Wow, of all the people I'd hoped to see tonight, Carter wouldn't even be on that list. He was a total surprise. For the next several minutes we tried to catch up on what all has happened. Not only in his life, but his mothers and ours too. It was good to see him after all these years.

As the evening drew to a close, I had one more surprise. An elderly man approached me as the club was thinning. Many of the customers had already left. He stood in front of me and smiled. I didn't have a clue of who he was.

After a bit I asked him, "do I know you?"

He laughed loudly. "You should Raye, I was your boss during your tenure at Sandy Springs."

"Mr. Conrad," I asked him. He smiled even broader.

"Yes Raye, I'm William Conrad. It's so good to see you again after all these years."

William Conrad was the principal at Sandy Springs Middle School. He was a good man, I was so lucky to have had him as my boss for my years there. He was a kind Christian man. Probably the nicest boss I've ever had.

"Mr. Conrad, it's so nice to see you again. Sorry about the outfit, I'm pretty sure it won't meet your dress code." William laughed.

"Hopefully you won't mind William, at least for this evening anyways." I said as I drew in for a hug.

Still laughing William said, "No Raye, I don't mind at all. In fact I'm kind of enjoying your choice of outfits tonight, very nice indeed perfect for this occasion."

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. Of all the people I've met tonight, William was my biggest thrill. He was an awesome guy. So very nice.

Janie and I visited with William and Carter a little longer, soon everyone else had left or was leaving and we were all that was left. Except for Nate that is.

After Carter and William left, Janie and I returned to the dressing room. It had been a memorable evening. I had the privilege of seeing previous students and coworkers. And on top of that, Janie saw Carter again, they renewed their old friendship.

On the walk back to the dressing room, Janie stopped off at the restroom in the hall. Just as I reached the dressing room, Nate caught up with me.

"Hey Raye, I'm glad I finally have the time to talk. It's been a busy night here."

I smiled, "yes I noticed Nate."

Nate took my hand, "Raye I have a favor to ask of you."

I paused and noticed Nate was starring at my boobs. Smiling I asked, "and what is that Nate?"

Nate handed me his business card. "Here is my address; if possible I'd like you to stop by tomorrow morning around eleven. Do you think you can make it Raye?"

I looked at Nate again and asked, "I don't know Nate, what did you have in mind?"

Nate chuckled, "for starters Raye, I'd like to fuck you tomorrow morning, if you can make it that is." Well damn, not what I'd expected, but it was about time! Hum.

"Well Nate, I don't think I have anything tomorrow morning. Let me check my schedule when I get home, if I'm free, I'll text you and let you know, ok."

Nate smiled, "sounds great doll, I'll look forward to hearing from you later." Nate kissed me on the lips, squeezed my butt cheeks before walking away.

Well damn, I wanted to screw Nate, but things hadn't gone down the way I thought they might. Even though I know I shouldn't have, I kind of thought I might have gotten the chance to fuck Nate before this night was over, shit.

I guess I'd have to wait until tomorrow morning. If I decided to go that is!

Oh what the fuck, who am I kidding, I'm going to go. Why kid myself, I wanted to fuck Nate badly, and I knew it!

Janie drove, on the way home. We both made over a grand for the night. I texted Nate telling him I'd be there at eleven. Should I tell Janie, hum maybe not. Not until the deed was done anyways. Then I'd probably tell her. Until then she didn't need to know.

After a quick shower, I crawled in bed beside Dan. He was sound asleep. It was morning before I knew it.

The next thing I heard was Janie's moaning and groaning. I guess she decided to take care of Dan again. Oh well who was I to complain. After all I was going to fuck Nate later this morning.

A couple of minutes later, Dan waltzed into our bedroom. "Morning baby doll, how are you this beautiful morning?" He said as he disappeared into the shower.

Before he was finished, Janie walked in with two cups of coffee. She handed me one and took Dan's into the bathroom. I guess it isn't every mother that gets the pleasure of her daughter always fucking her husband, hum.

I sat up and took a sip of coffee, there, much better. Janie returned with another cup and slid in bed beside me. As Dan walked out of the bathroom he paused and laughed. "Oh what a lucky man I am." He said as looked at the two of us side by side boobs exposed drinking our coffee.

He chuckled again as he finished getting dressed. I got up, kissed him and got into the shower. After all, I had plans for the morning. I'd have to leave by ten to get there on time; eleven I believe was the time.

Janie also had to get ready; she was meeting Bethany at eleven too. That made it easier for me. I wouldn't have to explain myself to her.

A little after ten, I was out the door. All I was wearing was my bra panties and my full length fall coat. I mean what the hell, why wear a bunch of clothes that I was going to be removing anyways.

When I arrived at the address Nate had provided, I rang the doorbell. A very pretty young woman answered. "Good morning, you must be Raye." She said with a big grin.

"Ah yes I'm Raye, who are you? Is Nate here?" I asked somewhat confused.

She laughed, "Hello Raye please come in, I'm Haley I'm Nate's Roommate. He just stepped out; he'll be back in a minute. May I take your coat Raye?"

Hum, "well Haley you could, but then I wouldn't be wearing anything." I said as I opened my coat and exposed my undergarments.

Haley laughed, "Yes indeed. Please come in and sit down Raye."

As I took a seat, Haley went on, "Nate and the others will be back soon, I promise.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll also go and get ready." She left the room.

Ok, now I'm no pro but WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE! Haley, Nate and the others! I mean What The Fuck! I felt like leaving. What was Nate thinking?

At that very moment, Nate opened the door, Nate walked in along with Jim Miller and two other gentleman I didn't know. I'm sure I looked confused as hell.

Nate stopped and laughed. "Hello Raye, I'm so glad you could make it. I needed to go to the store for supplies. While there, I ran into Jim. I told him you were coming by this morning and asked him if he would like to join us. You don't mind do you Raye?"

Hum, Nate Haley and now Jim hum! What about the other two gentlemen. You want them to join too? What the fuck?.

Nate looked at me smiled and said. I'm sorry Raye, I thought Janie probably told you about me. I'm into group fucks and gangbangs Raye, you're the main course for this morning if you don't mind Raye.

Well shit, not what I'd expected. But I did want to fuck Nate. And I guess Jim wouldn't be bad either...oh what the hell, why not, I thought to myself.

Just then Haley walked into the room, she was wearing heels and a bodysuit that was accessible from well from everywhere actually. Boobs pussy butt, all had easy access slits.

I stood up and removed my coat. All of the guys smiled. "Great Raye, I'm glad you're open to new and exciting things. Do you mind if I record us while we fuck?"

I thought for a moment, Janie had warned me about this, "No Nate I don't mind as long as you don't post it on the internet, I don't mind at all as long as it's for your own personal enjoyment Nate."

"Thanks Raye, I promise, just me and a few of my closest friends. Now Raye, please come with me." I followed him to a back bedroom, he opened the door. Inside there was a sex swing and a fuck bench with restraints. Bondage furniture, wow I never would have guessed.

Janie was right, Nate just liked to fuck! I looked at Nate and shook my head. Never in a million years would I have guessed this. Nate asked me which one I'd prefer, after some hesitation I chose the swing.

I've used one before, and it wasn't bad. Before he fastened the straps on my wrists then my ankles, I removed my bra and panties.

This was wild. I was about to be fucked in a sex swing. Who would have thought?

As soon as I was securely fastened Haley walked in. She smiled as she told me she was my safety escape. Not a bad idea I guess. Just to be safe.

I noticed the cameras near the ceiling; Nate took a remote and started the recording. Then he removed his slacks, his cock was already at half mast. Haley walked over and grabbed his cock. A few rubs later and Nate was ready.

After Haley put his condom on, Nate slid his nice hard cock firmly inside me. All he had to do was stand there. Using my legs for leverage he thrust himself again and again deep inside me. It was starting to feel nice.

He watched as my boobs giggled to and fro. They followed his rhythm. He smiled as he continued fucking me. He was really getting a thrill out of it. I could see it in his eyes.

I didn't expect to climax, as this was all about Nate, just as Janie had warned.

A minute later, Nate climaxed. He moaned and groaned loudly, his chest heaving as he unloaded into his condom. When he was finished, Haley removed the condom. Nate walked over and kissed my cheek. "Thanks Raye, that was awesome. Would you like Jim next, or you want me to surprise you."

I grinned; send in the younger of the two other gentlemen. I'm going to make Jim wait." I said devilishly. Nate nodded.

The younger of the two men was a nice looking younger man, later I learned his name was Michael. Michael came in and undressed. Haley got him ready just as she had Nate, condom and all.

Michael was slower than Nate; he seemed at ease taking his sweet time. He had a nice cock about average in size. But his Rhythm was smooth and even, and he was very handsome making it even more pleasurable for me. Ah yes, that's nice.

When Michael finished, he asked who I wanted next. I told him to send me Jim. Finally after all thee years, Jim was finally going to fuck me. Lucky Jim!

Jim entered the room with a nervous look on his face. I smiled at him, "Hey Jim."

I said as I tried to produce small talk "How's it going?" I giggled this time.

Still Jim looked serious. I just couldn't be serious, in a sex swing...naked and spread eagle, how could I be serious...I mean seriously. Lol.

Jim was trying to concentrate, he removed his slacks. I'm pretty sure this wasn't anywhere in his thoughts of what he was going to do today. Only at the store did he find out that he had a chance of fucking me today. Again Lucky Jim.

When he was naked, Haley started playing with his cock. After a bit, it started responding. With a partial erection Haley slipped the condom over the top of his penis.

Jim took a firm grasp of my legs, but before inserting his dong he started playing with my tits. Immediately my nipples became firm and hard. Jim enjoyed my nipples. I guess he's had a lot of time to think about them, so why not.

For a least five minutes Jim played with my nipples. Then he rubbed my thighs and legs. By now his cock was fully erect. It was longer than I'd expected, but not very fat. He finally entered me.

He was very slow and deliberate at the beginning, slow and steady strokes. He told me I was beautiful, I thanked him for the compliment. He watched each time that his cock entered my pussy.

He seemed to enjoy the visual aspect of fucking me more then the physical aspect. He would look at my boobs then my pussy, boobs pussy. His face strained, his chest heaved as he climaxed. Moaning loudly Jim came over and over.

After he finished he stood and stared. Staring at my pussy then my boobs. Finally he looked me in the eyes and said, "Your husband is a lucky man Raye, a very lucky man.

Oh what I would have given to be that man. You're a gorgeous woman Raye, beautiful for a woman of any age let alone sixty. After last night, I never thought I'd see you again. But after today, I hope and pray I'll be lucky enough to have you again sometime soon.

Thanks Raye.

Tears filled my eyes, even if I hadn't seen Jim in twenty years that was a very nice thing to say. I winked at him and asked him to come over. He walked beside me and I gave him a big kiss on the lips. I was glad and felt privileged to have just fucked Jim.

If it hadn't been for Dan, who knows what would have happened between me and Jim?

Shortly after Jim left the room. I looked at Haley; she had tears in her eyes too. She started crying.

"That was so sweet Raye, it made me cry. She walked over and hugged me. We started talking. I asked Haley about her relationship with Nate.

Haley said she had been with Nate since their divorce. She said that Nate always used the money issue as the reason for his divorce, and that's what he had told us. But Haley admitted early on in their marriage, Nate had started getting kinky with his sexual adventures.

Haley said his ex told her that Nate had promised money, and lots of it if she would do his bidding. Like bondage, movies and fucking other men and women.

Haley said after awhile his ex finally agreed. After doing Nate's bidding for a period and not receiving the money Nate had promised, she started using his credit cards.

She used his credit cards to collect the money that she thought was owed her. That's when all the trouble began. Hum, I know there are always two sides to every story. Nate's story was different from what his ex was.

Then we talked about their relationship. Haley said when she first met Nate she was a stripper. At first Nate just wanted her to do the things his ex had been doing. Later on he asked her to start doing X rated films and Movies.

After a couple of attempts Nate had one of them published, then a second. Haley said they were about to finish making their third movie together, and they both felt that this one would be the best yet.

She said there was excellent money in acting and the production of X rated movies, hum, I've never really thought about it before.

As Haley walked towards the door, it opened and in walked my last gentleman of the morning. The only man I hadn't been with yet. He looked at Haley smiled and said in a very business like manner, "would you mind helping Ms. Raye, I want her moved to the fuck bench if you wouldn't mind Haley."

Haley nodded; she walked over and unfastened the restraints from my wrists then my ankles. Damn, I hadn't realized how stiff I was getting in the same position for so long!

I followed Haley's lead. She guided me from the stepstool to the bench. On my hands and knees with my ass at his desired height, he walked in front of me and said.

"Hello Raye, I'm so very pleased to meet you, my name is Derek, I'll be your next lover this morning. He unzipped his pants and removed them. Derek was an older man, very distinguished looking.

Just like the others, Haley came over and helped him with his condom. By the time it was on, Derek was erect. He kissed my neck and disappeared behind me.