My Neighbor's Daughter WHEW


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"Bill, push it up inside of me as far as you can, this feels terrific."

I moved my hands down to her hips and pulled them down hard as I threw my crotch high driving my cock even further in her.

"Oh God, I am going to explode. Don't stop PLEASE."

In a minute all I could hear from her was a low wheeze as she clenched her teeth together as her orgasm overcame her.

"Billlll, I am bursting" she screeched as she squished her pussy all over my crotch.

As soon as I felt she was through with her orgasm I pushed her off of me and climbed on top of her as she lay on the bed with her pretty blue eyes looking up at me. I reached down and lifted her legs and soon had one perched on either of my shoulders as I drove my cock deep and fast and hard inside of her. She had had her orgasm but I hadn't.

It didn't take long before she was almost screaming, "Yes, Yes do it to me."

I surely did and it was only a minute later that I was filing the condom with my load and she had reached up and pulled my mouth down on hers as she planted a huge kiss on me with her tongue halfway down my throat.

Holy shit, this girl can fuck and I knew that I was finished for some serious recovery time.

"Bill, I didn't know what you were going to do with me as you pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me. But when you lifted my legs and put them up on your shoulders I sure guessed right. I LOVE it that way."

"Great, the next time we are having sex I'll do it that way as soon as I am finished fucking your ass."

"Remember the Chef's knife buster."

Damn, I think this girl is serious about that. I better be satisfied with her hands, mouth and pussy.

"Honey, let's just take it easy and rest a while. I don't know about you but I'm exhausted."

We lay like that for a half hour or so when I suggested that we go in and shower together. She started playing with my cock when we were under the shower but there wasn't any way it was going to rise that quickly after all we had been through a half hour ago.

When we dried off I led her back to the bed and figured that with the way she was playing with my cock in the shower she was probably ready for something else.

I pushed her back on the bed and lowered myself with my face ready to drop into her crotch. As soon as I did and had my tongue doing its thing her moaning started. I lifted her legs as high as I could and removed my face from her pussy and then lowered my face so that my tongue was directly in line with the puckered lips of her asshole. I leaned forward and buried my tongue as deep as I could get it in her ass while I had one hand buried in her pussy and the other up on her chest massaging her tits.

"Oh God Bill, I'm going to burst again."

It didn't take long before she had one hand on either side of my head while she was pulling my face even tighter to her ass. She was going to have a gigantic orgasm and I could feel the juices start pouring out of her pussy as she let out a low scream.

"Bill, Bill, Bill that was unbelievable. I never thought you'd put your mouth up my butt."

I smiled but answered, "Didn't you realize how well I was scrubbing your butt when we were in the shower?"

She just laughed.

"Bill, I have something to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"This is fairly sensitive but here goes. My mom has just had the offer of a great job but it's down in the Southwest and she'll have to move. She has offered to take me with her but I don't want to leave this area and particularly now after what you and I just did. She'll help me out with the rental on a small apartment but what would you say to having me move in with you?"

"WOW, you called it right when you said it was sensitive. What do you think she would say if she knew you were going to move in with a guy?"

"Well to tell the truth I have been sort of letting her think that there was something going on between us so it wouldn't come as a big surprise to her."

"You devil. Have you decided to tell her that we have been screwing our brains out?

"No, I thought I could leave that for you"


"For me, why the hell would I tell a mother that?"

"I'm just kidding."

"Well, let's get real practical. Right now you and I have had some great sex and perhaps because of that feel strongly for each other. What would happen if you moved in with me and sometime down the road you met another guy with whom you'd feel strongly about? What would the guy say when he found out that you were rooming with another guy? AND what would happen if I met another gal who I felt strong about and she found out that I had been rooming with, and most likely screwing, another gal as pretty as you?"

"I think that I have a better idea. Our relationship has just developed over the last few weeks and not that it isn't going to last but rather than take a chance that it won't I think it would be best if you let your mom pay for a small apartment that you could live in while you and I could see if our relationship was going to get stronger or would fade out in a relatively brief time. I don't really think it will but if it does there wouldn't be any problems like the ones I just went over. You could keep some clothes here and just keep the rest of your stuff in the apartment while we sort things out and see if our relationship is going to last."

"That sounds great ----let's fuck" She smirked.


Things went along fine for the next several weeks when there was another knock at my door and this time it was Kate's mother Sally. Oh shit.

I let her in and she said "Hi Bill. It's been a long time since we saw each other."

"Yes it has. What have you been doing with yourself?" I asked

"Oh nothing much but my company has just offered me a new position in Phoenix that's going to require me to move."

"What's Kate going to do?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"That's what I am up here about. I was wondering if you would consider renting out your spare bedroom to her. I could get her a small apartment but I'd worry sick about her and with you I'd know that you would try to get in her pants but other than that she'd be safe."

I roared.

"How about if I got in her mother's pants again and let Kate just go for the time being?"

Now it was her turn to roar.

"We've had our time in the sun Bill. Better to let that just go for 'old times'

She just laughed and said "Well, will you at least think about it and let me know in a few days?"

"Oh hell Sally, I can give you my answer right now. Kate would be more than welcome to move in here and it won't cost you a cent AND I promise not to try and get in her pants. Now I am not going to make any promises as to what she'll try to do with my pants." I laughed.

"All kidding aside Sally. Kate will be more than welcome here."

"You always were a nice guy." She said and came over to give me a small kiss on the cheek.

As soon as she got near me I reached out and pulled her to me and gave her a huge kiss with my tongue halfway down her throat.

"Oh shit, I was afraid of something like this. All I think about at night is that huge cock of yours and wish it was in me."

I let her step back and said, "Sally those were the days of 'old times.' Maybe another time we can go back for a repeat performance."

"You always were a gentleman Bill. Maybe sometime in the future."

"Yep but in the meantime tell Kate she is welcome to move in but she's going to have to come up and move a bunch of the junk in that room around. There are some lockers in the basement of this place we can use to store some of my excess junk AND she's going to have to do her share of keeping the place clean."

"Done and if she fails to keep her part of the bargain you have my permission to fan her ass."

Little did she know that a few weeks earlier I had my tongue a mile up Kate's ass.

She turned to leave and then turned back to face me and put one arm around my neck as she kissed me and pulled us together. Her other hand was busy pulling down my zipper. When she had it all the way down she dropped to her knees and took my soft cock in her mouth and soon had it as hard as a rock. She is the only woman I ever knew who can take a good bit of my cock in her mouth with the head of it hitting the back of her throat. With the movement of her mouth and tongue I was soon filling the back of her mouth with a huge load of come. Thank God Kate didn't walk in and see this.

As she was finally getting ready to leave she simply said, "Thanks for what you're doing for Kate." I nodded OK but didn't really know what she was referring to. Was it letting her move in with me or was it for the sex I was introducing her to? I guess I'll never know.

She left with what sounded to be an unspoken promise that I could get back with her almost any time I wanted to.

My suggestion to Kate about her getting her own apartment but living with me fell by the wayside after the commitment I had just made to her mother. Ah well, we'll make the best of it.


Kate has a job as a secretary in a medical office and I'm a self-employed commercial artist so we have all kinds of opportunities to get some free time to enjoy each other on mini vacations. She had gotten a prescription for birth control pills and once she moved in it was a ritual at our breakfast table for her to take a pill.

It was sometime during her first week in my place that I told her I was going to introduce her to another way for having sex. She had used her mouth to get me hard and I told her to lie on her stomach and then get up on her hands and knees and I was going to fuck her from the rear.

"Kate, you can put your chest down on the bed as long as your hips are up in the air." As soon as she was in the right position I got up behind her and had my cock an inch from her pussy when she let out a screech and pulled away from me a little saying,

"If you are stupid enough to put that thing anywhere near my ass you'll be able to visit it at the nearest hospital in a few hours."

"Oh shut the hell up" as I slid it in her pussy in one smooth motion and she let out a big screech saying, "Yes, yes, fuck me."

And I obeyed her completely. I was holding on to her hips pulling them back to me so that I could drive my rock hard cock in to the bottom and then began some serious thrusting. I could feel her throwing her pussy back at me every time I threw my cock forward and she let out a small grunt each time she did.

"Oh God Bill, don't you dare stop. I am going to explode."

She had reached around her hip and was lightly caressing my balls with one hand as I was fucking her and that did it for me. We almost had our orgasms at the exact same time.

"Damn Kate, you're not a bad piece of ass. I think I'll keep you around for a while." and we both laughed.

"Bill, I liked it that way but the problem with it is that we can't kiss while we're doing it."

"Ah shit, we can't have everything."

Things went along just great in the next year. We took a mini vacation out to the Pacific Northwest and loved it but the vacation to end all vacations was a two week special to Paris!!!

Seeing all of the world famous sights took our breath away but Kate topped them all when we went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower after sunset. As could be imagined you can see for miles and we loved it. There was only one other couple up at the top most landing when we got there and they left soon after our arrival. It was pitch black and I felt a strange movement in my jeans. It was Kate's hand and she soon had my cock out and even faster had it rock hard. She dropped to her knees and you guessed it ...gave me a blow job at the top of the Eiffel Tower. That can't be topped.

The following month went along pretty much as usual but when I got back from the office that night she had a long face.

"What's up Babe?"

"Don't you know what day this is?" she asked.

"Sure, it's Friday."

"I don't mean that smart ass. I mean is this a special day or not?"

I guess I had a real dumb look on my face when she burst out in tears saying,

"Oh you asshole, it's my birthday. We have been going out together about one year."

"OH, let's go out to our favorite restaurant and I'll treat you to anything you want on the menu."

She mumbled a bit but was soon ready and off we went.

When we got to the place I told the Maître de that we wanted to be seated in the nice dining room in the back. He just nodded and ushered us back. When he opened the door to it there were a few people there with their backs to us but as soon as we entered they along with a large group off to one side turned and yelled, "Happy Birthday Kate."

There must have been close to forty friends and co-workers there and Kate was dumbfounded. I just stood back as she had center stage. She finally located me and yelled. "You piece of shit. You acted as if you had forgotten." I just shrugged and gave her a huge smile.

The crowd roared and gave her a huge round of applause.

Dinner went over great and the wine was superb. When it was time for coffee I stood and clinked my glass to get the rooms' attention and when things quieted down I said, "It would have been easy to understand how I might have forgotten such a special day for I did have another thing on my mind."

She gave me a big smile and asked in a kind of stage whisper, "Oh what football game is on the TV tonight?" and the crowd gave the expected round of laughter.

"No sweet thing, it is far more important than that." I was standing and reached down and took her hand and asked her to stand alongside of me. I walked her around to the front of the table pulling her with me and when I had her facing me with a huge puzzled look on her face dropped to one knee and asked, 'Honey, will you marry me?" and held out an engagement ring.

The crowd gasped and then broke out in a huge round of applause and I looked up at her and nodded with a questioning look on my face, "Will you?"

She dropped to her knees in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the largest kiss she ever did and when she pulled away with tears pouring down her cheeks asked, "Does that answer your question?"

We both stood and I led her to the center of the room and a small band started and we had a great slow waltz. She looked up at me and said,

"God, you'll never know how much I love you and this was the sweetest thing any guy has ever done." I was looking over her shoulder and spotted her mother at the edge of the dance floor and she gave me a thumbs up with a huge smile plastered all over her face.

When our waltz was over I said that I ought to go over and ask you mother for a dance. I never did ask her if I could have your hand in marriage.

"Sally how about a dance with your future son-in- law?"

By the time we got out to the dance floor there must have been ten or more couples out there and she leaned close and said,

"I guess this means the end of sex for us."

"I'm afraid so and I'm sure going to miss ramming this monster up your ass." as I pushed my cock hard against her with a loud laugh.

She laughed saying, "That's one thing I won't miss"

The rest of the night went perfectly and Kate and I left while there were still some of our guests enjoying themselves.

The wedding went off perfectly and one year later we were celebrating our one year anniversary at the very same restaurant with most of the same crowd with another dozen or so new friends and coworkers. When dinner was over Kate stood and clinked her glass to get the crowd's attention. When things quieted down she began.

"A lot of you will remember that a little over a year ago I was surprised beyond belief when this klutz, pointing down at me, surprised me and the room when he asked me to marry him right here." and she pointed down at the floor in front of her.

"Now it's my turn.... Are you going to paint the spare bedroom blue or pink" she asked with a huge smile looking at me.

"Whaatt are you saying. Are you pregnant?" I stuttered

She just smiled big without saying a word.

She finally answered with, "You have a little over eight months to decide on a color" and the crowd went nuts cheering.

I grabbed her almost squeezing the life out of her before I remembered her condition saying, "Damn, let's go home while we can still fuck,"

"Hold on buster, let me tell the crowd what you just said."

"You wouldn't embarrass me that way or would you?" I asked sort of sheepishly.

She just smiled.

I finally asked how she could be pregnant if she had been taking the birth control pills the way she was supposed to. She said that had puzzled her too but she finally figured that if I remembered there was one weekend when she had forgotten to get her prescription refilled and we still had sex anyway. That did it.


The next year went along great. Little Danny is the love of our lives and I wouldn't be surprised if he was going to have company sometime in the next year. I'll keep you posted.

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gordo12gordo12about 11 years ago

Sorry but the premise the story is based on just doesn't work. 25 year old guy and 21 year old girl.

Yeah he's really going to give her some tapes when she wants to learn about sex.

I stopped reading at that point.

papagrizpapagrizover 12 years ago

In my opinion you are a very good writer and I will definitely be looking for future submissions from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Keep on writing stories like this...

You've got all my five thumbs up...

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