My Nephew James and His Friend


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My own efforts on his cock, which was by now embedded deep in my throat seemed to be well received my the owner of this delightful implement as his muffled moans vibrated against my cunts lips. It was now or never, my efforts on his cock and his constant thrusting had resulted in an accumulation of saliva all around my mouth and face and I now used this to coat my finger with and once happy inserted it gently but firmly into his arse, there was a moment when my young nephew seemed to hesitate not sure what was being done to him, but this only lasted a brief second and he went back to eating me and fucking me even harder with his fingers than before, taking this as a sign of pleasure I added a further finger into his anus, the fingers relaxing sufficiently to allow me to probe deeply, until the longer one make contact with his prostrate, I was now very near to my orgasm and could tell that James also was.

I waited for him to withdraw from my throat in preparation of a further thrust but used my free hand to stop him pushing more than the head in realising that if he came whilst embedded deep in my throat it would choke me, he must have appreciated my predicament and his body stopped trying to push his cock further into my mouth. I now licked the head and under the head, that sensitive area just below the head, which becomes exposed when the foreskin is pulled back, and used my hand to almost milk the huge snake just above my head, how I was able to even concentrate on him is beyond me. My body was a mass of erogenous nerve endings and my young nephew seemed to have them all covered, he seemed an exceptional student and I couldn’t wait for the next phase, his cock sunk deep into my tight cunt came to mind. With that thought still in my mind I felt the sudden squirt of thick hot creamy spunk hit the back of my throat and before long my mouth was completely full of my nephews delicious nectar of life, escaping from the sides of my mouth and running down my face and throat into my hair. There was no controlling the beast as it writhed, wriggled, jerked and pulsating as I released it from its capture and it continued spewing cum juice like you would expect a cobra to squirt its venom, my fingers probed his prostrate forcing him to release all his liquid which now completely covered my face and hair.

My young nephew, although perhaps inexperienced was a very thoughtful lover, many men may have at that stage slowed down in their endeavours or even been selfish enough to stop, not James he was now eating, licking and fingering my holes furiously so that I too climaxed, my body completely surrendered itself to a sensation it had only experienced on four previous occasions in my life as I had a multiple orgasm, both my holes clenching tightly round his fingers and then releasing and repeating the process time and time again, my cunt now spraying him with thick clear cunt juice almost as if I was peeing, he forced his wide open mouth over my opening covering my quim entirely trying to capture my very soul as he lapped and sucked my cunt until my body eventually climbed down exhausted. I could take no more and gently pushed him off, only for him to turn round and crawl down to my head end and kiss me passionately allowing me to taste my own sweet juices.

Eventually we moved back on to the bed, my body now wrecked with tiredness, even James now seemed exhausted and we lay in each others arms, The last thing I remember before sleep overcame me was James saying, “You’re the best and hottest aunt in the world, I hope I was good enough for you aunty Mary and you enjoyed some of what we just did to each other as much as I did.” The silly wonderful boy that was so intense so satisfying it was beyond words but before I could reply I drifted off to sleep still being held tightly in his strong muscular arms.

The following morning I awoke at about 10:30 to find James gone from my bed, this worried me, had he realised what we had done was wrong and couldn’t bear to see me, even worse had he phoned my sister and told her what I had done to her young son. All sorts of terrible things flashed through my mind as I got up to run downstairs to try and find him, find out what he had done, who he had told, my mind was in complete turmoil. Just then the door suddenly swung open and a huge gorgeous cock entered the room followed by its owner my funny looking nephew, who apart from a short apron, stood there in his birthday suit, his cock very stiff, holding a breakfast tray in one hand and the Sunday Times in the other, the relief at the sight made me laugh loudly, which was something I hadn’t done in a long time.

“III thththought yyyou mmmight like bbbreakfast in bbbed aunttt MMMary, iis that aallright?”

It was obvious that he was now embarrassed, not sure why I was laughing and unsure of himself hence the return of the stammer, my reaction had obviously alarmed him and he needed reassurance.

“That’s a capital idea James, thank you and thank you for last night it was wonderful, your wonderful by far my favourite nephew and I see your friend could possibly be interested in some more exercise today, has any one told you what a wonderful cock you have, most women I know would just love to hold and kiss it and do lots of other things with it.”

My comments brought a smile to his face and his confidence was now fully recovered, “Thanks aunt Mary, I would like some more exercise very very much.” The stammer was once more gone, it obviously only came when he was unsure about something and from what he had told me yesterday only when a woman was involved in the conversation, I would have to try and cure him of it as with his good looks and wonderful body topped with a cock like his there was no reason why he should get himself into such a state.

“We have some things to do before we can exercise James, I need to go into town to buy a few things and you need to finish the gardening, so if you leave me now I can get ready and meet you back here at 2 o’clock, make sure you have something to eat before then as I will not be making lunch, okay?”

“Yes aunt Mary, I’ll start on the garden straight away.”

“Oh and James don’t over exert yourself as you will need lots of energy later on today, if your going to manage to do all the other little things I need you to do in the bedroom.” That was said with as much innuendo as I could express leaving him with little doubt that the little things I had in mind included his large friend now up and raring to go in between his muscled thighs.

I quickly bathed, taking care to remove any pubic hair from my vagina until it was completely bald and silky smooth, then I moved to the shower and cleaned the inside of my cunt and cleaned my arse inside and out with a special attachment, I towelled my self dry and proceeded to put on my make up, slowly and carefully, plucked my eyebrows, put on some foundation, light blue eye shadow, mascara and light pink lipstick. I looked in the mirror and was very pleased with the results; I then proceeded to paint my hand and toenails in a matching colour to my lipstick. Then I choose something sexy to wear, that James might appreciate and would be easy to take off. I choose a robe style short dress and didn’t do any of the internal buttons up, so that just untying the belt at my waist would allow the whole thing to open, I decided it would keep me feeling particularly sexy if no undergarments were added to my clothing, after all they would only show through the thin fabric and so choosing a pair of high heel open sandals I took one last look in the full length mirror and, without wishing to blow my own trumpet, thought I looked very fuckable for a lady of my years.

I drove into town feeling very frisky, my mind full of all the good uses I was going to put my nephew’s generous equipment to and my pussy already lubricating in anticipation. I found a parking spot in a side road and walked to the shops in the main road, as I neared my goal there were various calls and wolf whistles from a group of builders, who were, or should have been is more appropriate, renovating an office block. Their calls of, “Love some of that.”, “Would you do me the honour of sitting on my face darling?” and “If you’ve had the rest what about trying the best.” Added to my sexual thoughts. My imagination shot into play as an image of me stuck in the middle, with a cock thrusting in and out of every orifice and a long fat shaft in each hand, while being showered with huge dollops of rich thick creamy white male cock juice all over my naked body with more rich soothing cream bathing my insides came to mind.

Finally I arrived in Boots and picked up several items and quickly paid the young man at the counter in cash, his eyes obviously undressing me and probably imaging what I was going to use the KY jelly for. Leaving the store I could feel his eyes staring at my arse and trying to decide whether I had any knickers on or not, it didn’t dawn on me until I left the shop and looked back in as I passed to see his face beaming that as I left the sun must have shone right at me and made the material of the dress completely transparent. Instead of being shocked with myself, I found that I was rather pleased that the young man had found me sexy enough to take an interest and I had in turn given him something to brighten up his day and tell his friends.

Next stop was a fairly new boutique that I had not visited before, but having decided that I was in need of some new clothes I decided now was as good as any. So I marched in and strolled along the rails picking up several items, a young attractive well dressed woman of about 25, who had been watching me intently from the moment she first noticed me, walked up to me, she had a wonderful figure, every curve clearly defined, her short tight dress hugging her body like a second skin, no tell tale signs of any panty lines, her breasts were on the larger size for her built, but were obviously very firm for their size as they hardly moved under her dress, as she walked straight up to me, although she obviously wasn’t wearing a bra. She had a pretty face, round with a small thin nose and wonderful large full lips, coated in a dark rusty shade lipstick, her eyes were an icy clear blue and she had fine thin eyebrows and long dark eyelashes, her hair was naturally blonde I decided, as I couldn’t see any sign of give away different shade roots, she beamed in a radiant smile that seemed to brighten up her whole face, “Would you like some help?” she enquired in a pleasant manner with a beaming smile showing her pretty pearl white teeth.

“Yes please, I haven’t shopped on my own for a while and would appreciate someone else’s input on what they think of something I’ve chosen once it’s on.”

“There are several dressing rooms at the side over there,” she pointed, to an area where several women had congregated, “but you seem to have several items there, there is also a changing room just at the back of the shop, for regular clients, but we could use that one if you wish.”

I nodded and she led the way to the far end of the shop and a small corridor, which led to the secluded changing room. To my surprise she followed me into the small room, which was empty apart from a set of four hooks for hanging clothes and an armless wooden chair with a cushioned seat “Here, let me help you with that.” She said and before I had time to protest the bow on the belt round my waist, which formed part of my dress, had been pulled and my dress partly opened, she pushed the sides of my dress further apart. She looked at me from head to toe and seemed pleased with what she saw, which kind of puzzled me, “You have a very nice body.” Said Julie, I found out later that was her name, “Lets see exactly what we have here.” and before I could respond the dress was flung completely open and the young lady was devouring my body with her eyes which now appeared to sparkle in the artificial light of the changing room, my body was already in high readiness for my anticipated afternoon of no holds bared sex with my nephew, so my nipples were slightly distended and the lips of my freshly cleaned cunt were slightly apart in my cunts preparation for the afternoon. I had never been with another woman, although I had often wondered what it would be like, and had she not been so quick with all that she had so far done to me I am sure that I would have run out of the shop like a bat out of hell.

Julie took full advantage of my hesitation and cupping a breast in each hand quickly begun kissing and licking my exposed nipples, the gentleness yet firmness with which she handled my breasts excited me and when her mouth abandoned them, her soft womanly fingers gently pinched and rolled the now fully aroused and erect cherries at the tip of each breast. I found the stimulation exciting, with the added thrill of the wickedness of breaking another taboo the combination of which seemed to keep me frozen on the spot. Her soft sweet tasting lips were now pressed against my own in a kiss, without realising what I was doing my mouth seemed to automatically return her kiss, her mouth opened and my tongue reacting and pushing forward into this beautiful young woman’s mouth.

I eventually made to pull away but her hands, now on either side of my head, holding me in place as her sweet tasting mouth sucked at my tongue, taking my breadth away. I was now enjoying her gently kissing and found myself actively participating. Once she realised that she had me where she wanted, one of her delicate hands slipped between our bodies and cupped my sex in its palm and moved across it gently squeezing as it moved from one end to the other, her palm pressing on my lower abdomen and as it moved across my smooth vagina the pressure sent a tinkling sensation to my clitoris which by then had escaped the confines of its fleshy thin skin. “You have a lovely cunt, so very smooth and hot, the lips are so big and soft, is it always this wet and ready?” Julie asked as she now inserted two of her small fingers up to their hilt into my sexpot and very slowly and gently fucked me with them. I was lost for words, finally I replied, “It hasn’t been this ready for a while, its probably making up for lost time.” I laughed at my own comment and she joined me, “Well I for one am very glad it has taken that decision, as soon as you walked in the room it seemed to fill with your sexuality, your pussy is so juicy and hot, have you ever tasted or been with another woman?” She asked teasingly, while increasing the tempo of her hand movements on both my nipple and cunt. I felt myself blush at the question and surprised myself at my own reply, ”No, its something I have always wanted to do but haven’t so far, although I have tasted my own juices.” Julie’s reply excited me, “Well madam, we aim to please here and your cunny is most definitely in need of some oral stimulation that only another woman knows how to apply.”

With that she took me by the hand and led me to the chair situated just behind me, as I moved she pulled the dress off my body so that I was now completely naked and placed it on one of the hangers, “Sit.” she instructed with authority in her young voice. I did as she bid and sat down, she kneeled in front of me and gently prised open my legs, exposing my beautiful bare tight pussy, as she referred to it, to her gaze. I felt self conscious and made an effort, at by now false modesty, to hide my sex from her by placing my hands on my lap. Julie smiled, “Now your not going to get much action if you insist on covering it like that are you? We’ll make a deal if you don’t like what I do to you just ask me to stop and I promise that I will, okay?” I nodded my head, my cunt was on fire in anticipation, I don’t know about other women, but I love being eaten and although it had been something that had always appealed to me and something Harry seemed to be happy for me to try I could not bring myself to go with another woman while he had been my sexual partner as it had always seemed an ungrateful thing to do when he always tried to fully satisfy my needs in that department and come to think of it in all other departments too.

I slowly removed my hands as Julie, now on her knees in front of me, pushed my legs as far back as she could at the same time pulling me forward on the chair so that my cunt protruded slightly from the edge of the chair. Julie moved her head closer to my opening and I could now feel her warm breadth as her mouth moved slowly nearer to its goal, she gently blew hot air onto the now thick cunt lips engorged with the fast flowing blood pumping through my veins. Her tongue made a quick foray as the tip licked the left lip, followed through with a gently kiss from her soft lips. The sensual, slow way her mouth approached the responsibility as though it was something so delicate that a sudden jolt might destroy it forever was a complete turn on in itself as I gazed down on her and our eyes briefly locked. She now sucked on my inflated cunt lips, one then the other, gently unhurriedly, no urgency in her movements, my cunt was now boiling over, my sap was truly running and I knew I would need a pair of knickers if my juices continued to flow like this. Her mouth now completely covered my quim and she gently sucked at my juices, swallowing and moaning in what seemed gratitude at the constant supply.

Her tongue now fully entered my tunnel and I could feel her running her tongue along the sides walls, her tongue although soft had the texture of a coarse velvet that only the very sensitive inner flesh could sense, she continued her chosen task with relish and my own whimpers and occasional moans were clear evidence to both of us of my pleasure. She now slowly drew her tongue out of my deep tight hole and explored the top of my bald pussy until she located my throbbing clit, the initial touch of her gently tongue tip sent a shiver through my body like a small surge of electricity, she now brought down one of the hands that had been so busy gently rolling, pinching and pulling my hard erect nipples, and gently begun pushing finger after finger into my hungry cunt, while maintaining the tongue lashing she was now administrating to my clit, which was pulsating like an electric beacon, she finally had four fingers inserted deep within me, I am sure, had this not been our first time together she would have inserted the whole of her small hand, something that suddenly appealed to me, as it was, my cunt had a wonderful sensation of feeling full as she now thrust in and out like one of the fat candles I fucked myself with.

The squelching, as her hand thrust in and out, confirming in no uncertain terms just how much cunt juice was seeping from my body which was now writhing in pleasure, so much so that she must have found it difficult to keep her mouth connected with my cunt. Julie obviously sensed my imminent climax and her tongue stopped its caressing of my pleasure button, only to be replace by her other hand, the fingers of which very slowly and intermittently passed across my clit keeping me on a constant sexual edge but not enough to allow me to cum.

Her tongue now licked the insides of my exposed thighs sending shivers of pleasure through my tingling body, her head ducked down under her arms and she begun sliding her tongue along the groove to my anus. She licked at the small brown entrance and I felt it respond for her as it trembled, the entrance opening and puckering voluntarily for her as if begging to be filled, my body trembled at the anticipation of my climax, which I knew once it was allowed to happen would be massive. Julie now removed her wonderful gifted mouth and tongue from my anal door and using her hand to open wide the upper part of my cunny, sucked my clit into her mouth like an oyster, her lips holding it in place for her tongue to run over it time and time again at speed. While her four fingers busily plunged in, relentlessly, as deep as they would go and then pulled back out of my trembling sodden fuck hole, her other hands fingers busily stroke the entry to my anus, until two of her delicate fingers finally violated the entry and passed the sphincter in a mighty thrust.