My Only Talent Ch. 25


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A guy who looked like one of those Norwegian cruise ship captains from the movies greeted us and welcomed us aboard, and gave us a brief tour, the primary purpose being to familiarize us with the lifeboats and evacuation drill. There were 10 guest suites on the second deck along with the pool and spa, 2 owner VIP suites on the third deck, and a bridge, communications shack, and some 'other functions' on the top deck, along with the helipad. On the first deck was an entertaining area complete with bandstand and dance floor, bar, a media room, galley, office, storage compartments and the captain's quarters. Below decks were crew quarters, the engine room, mechanical room, fuel tanks, stabilizer rigging, and everything else. The captain was actually from Finland, and spent 25 years in the navy there before taking this gig.

He hurried us all into our suites, which all had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a dressing room, and a living room area, and a covered deck facing the water. We were soon underway. The captain had explained we would cruise to a private area where other craft would stay away, so we could be out on the deck and still be confident of our privacy. Peggy popped a Suzie spike as soon as he said it. Med came on deck and suggested that we get settled in our cabins and then come up to the second deck about 10:30 AM to join everyone for brunch and sunbathing, and Peggy began sending Suzie again.

There was considerable tension between Peggy and Elizabeth. As Elizabeth dutifully unpacked and stowed everything Peggy second guessed her and nagged and complained about everything she did. They had been staying in the lady and hand servant roles all the way from London for appearances with the models, and Peggy had been lording it over her incessantly. The kind of flashing eyes, gritted teeth and excited voices they were both displaying might have been very attractive if they were for another reason. When everything was put away, the process of choosing their clothing began which seemed kind of weird since they knew they would end up sunbathing naked just a few minutes after they arrived on deck. Elizabeth had actually done some planning and devised a set of guidelines for how the two girls should act toward each other on deck and what would portray the most powerful messages to the 'good old boys' who were watching them, and what they might infer that our that behavior was behind closed doors. Apparently what kind of bathing suit you removed and how was a factor, and there were all sorts of messages in who disrobed first and who put suntan lotion on whom. I was happy with one of the simple terrycloth robes from the hook on the back of the door of the suit, but Peggy donned an elaborately sewn cover up that was color coordinated with her bathing suit, which had been architected to highlight her amazing breasts and buttocks. It certainly did the job.

When we emerged out on deck into a mild sea breeze, mild temperatures and full sun, it was obvious that someone else had been doing a little planning and staging too. All of the other 'players' and their mistresses were already out on deck, arranged in such a way that there was only one place left for us to go: right in the middle of everything and up on a little elevated portion of the deck that made us easily visible to all. Elizabeth boldly led the way, motioning for me to take the middle of the three reclining deck chairs, and Peggy to take the one closest and most visible to Adnan and his two bathing beauties. Elizabeth put down a big beach bag looking thing that had suntan lotion, water bottles, towels, a makeup kit, and who knows what else inside, and stood up, boldly facing Adnan and his party. She then very matter-of-factly took off her robe and folded it, stunning me as I realized she was completely naked underneath it. She actually stretched her shoulders a bit and got up on her tiptoes for a moment in a brazen display, shaking her hair as if savoring the wind and sun on her body, smiling at Adnan all the while.

She reached up with both hands to braid her hair, throwing her shoulders back and her breasts forward and out and then they moved hypnotically as she knotted and tied the braid. Although she had appeared to have a merely average body when it was covered with her normally nondescript clothing, it was now glaringly apparent that her body was anything but average. I took it all in, one crazy impression at a time, unable to breathe. First, she was at least as muscular as Suzanne, and perhaps even better proportioned, if that was possible. Suzanne was a tri-athlete: all strength and endurance and determination wrapped in that strangely dark yet somehow light and delicate olive tinted skin. Elizabeth was Taekwondo: all balance, symmetry, and proportion and precise motion wrapped in the finest light parchment. Her supple breathing motions changed the sun's highlights on her skin magically, and her tan was jarring: better than the incredible water skiing Candy, better than any I had ever seen. Just looking at it brought that magic teenage boy memory linked smell of hot cocoa buttered teenage girl to my nose, and a desperate rush of blood elsewhere. The skin of her breasts and pubic area was bright pink contrasting against the shade of very light pecan praline everywhere else, and the magical, perfect brown of her pubic hair. Her nipples were spectacular. I realized she must be incredibly excited, but even if she had not been, her nipples were big and long bullets almost the exact same color of her tan, shining against that pink and previously protected skin and I wanted them, desperately.

Her calmness and cool demeanor somehow made her that much hotter to look at. I realized I had to breathe soon or I would pass out. Elizabeth bent over, reaching into the bag for something, and I realized that her ass was just as wonderful as her nipples, the tan lines highlighting its shape perfectly. She had retrieved a bottle of suntan lotion from the bag, and she calmly twisted off the cap and began to apply it to herself, concentrating on those perfect pink areas first, never taking her gaze from Adnan's. It was like one of those female masturbation videos that my roommate Kevin was so fond of watching on the internet, but this was live and only three feet away complete with smell and with a woman so real and vibrant that she literally took my breath away. When she put another dollop of lotion on her hands, and began to apply it to her thighs, three things happened. I finally took a ragged breath, Peggy did to, and then a very loud and clear Suzie signal popped up from Peggy. She was rabidly exited, but it had her same crystal clear tone. Perhaps it was not attraction to Elizabeth, but excitement because she was putting herself in Elizabeth's place, imagining what it would be like to have every eye on the deck laser focused on her own thighs?

Elizabeth calmly put the lotion back in her bag, turned to Peggy and me, and said clearly "May I make you two plates from the brunch buffet?"

Peggy didn't miss a beat. "Yes, thank you dear. After you put lotion on both of us, you may make up a little plate for yourself if you wish." One of the models groaned at the slight, and so did I.

Elizabeth paid it no mind. She walked, an amazing ensemble of supple and perfect muscles in smooth and hypnotic motion emphasized even more by the fact that she was still wearing her high heels, over to the little buffet line set up under the overhang and made up a brunch plate for me, perfectly chosen with eggs, toast, melon and a Danish pastry, and walked it back over to me, leaning so far over to serve it that I felt I could almost take her nipples in my mouth. She walked back and made one for Peggy, and then took it over to her, giving the onlookers another amazing show as she dipped to serve it. Then I heard a wave of male desire signals, and two female signals from the two fashion models, signaling frantic Suzie desire for Elizabeth, but nothing emanated from the other mistresses.

Peggy handed her plate back haughtily. "A few more strawberries, dear." Another groan, then another wonderful electric Elizabeth walking show as she sashayed over to the buffet line and back.

Elizabeth then beckoned me to stand and take off my robe, which I did as if hypnotized. She bent over again and got the lotion, and then put it all over me, in the most sensual and wonderful way I could imagine. She pushed me gently and I sat back down, on a wonderful cloud of pheromones.

Then a surprising Suzie signal emerged from her: funky and warbled and at the same time clear and clean, multiple notes like a symphony with every instrument singing out. She stood next to Peggy, and Peggy stood up slowly from her chair. Elizabeth took off Peggy's robe and folded it, and the audience got a load of the amazing green and blue cantilevered breast display system with accessory bathing suit for the first time. Elizabeth kneeled submissively and began applying lotion to Peggy's ankles, working her way up, covering every inch that was not shielded by the suit.

Peggy, holding the gaze of the nearest set of onlookers, slowly slipped off her top. Elizabeth put some lotion on her hands, and some on mine, and I applied it to one spectacular breast while she did the other. I saw several men involuntarily move their fingers, mimicking our motions. Then Peggy took off the bottom of her suit. I did one leg and butt while Elizabeth did the other. No one else moved. Then Peggy bent over, displaying her incredible backside for everyone, calmly adjusting the angle of the back of the chair to one side of me, and then sitting in it, spreading her legs slightly, putting her hands behind her head primly and leaning back, the very picture of lust and beauty, perfectly combined. Elizabeth calmly stood and went back to the buffet, made up a little plate, and sat back down on her chair on the other side of me, and began munching some carrots, her oiled nipples glistening in the sun. This yachting thing could catch on.

When we all three had finished our plates, Elizabeth rose again and cleared them, almost primly. She walked back to Peggy, took out the lotion, and said "let's double check things, I don't want you to get burned!" and proceeded to apply more lotion to Peggy's nipples in a very tender and attentive way. Both girls sent generic, very excited Suzie, then both put on their sunglasses, leaned back, and relaxed completely. If this was their plan to get our audience excited, it had sure worked!

Conversations began to return to normal around us. Alexis Quandry motioned me over, and when I could walk, I went over and met his two girlfriends, and then he came over and I introduced him to Peggy and Elizabeth. It began to look like the cultural norm here was for men in bathing suits to walk around and ogle the naked women who stayed put on the deck chairs. I walked around and met all the women. After all, who am I to ignore important cultural norms and customs? And every mannerly gentleman dutifully came by to be introduced to Peggy and Elizabeth. I did notice again that none of the mistresses sent any Suzie at all, just my two girls and Alexis's two models. Were the others that cold and professional?

Elizabeth seemed to be turning her head and adjusting her sunglasses a lot. Peggy was just lying there sending hot Suzie. They put their heads together and spoke for a few seconds, and then Peggy looked up and crooked a finger for me to come over to them. When I arrived, she said "We need to talk." Uh oh! Now we all three had our heads together.

Elizabeth spoke. "We need to talk and this windy and exposed open air deck is the place we are least likely to be overheard or recorded. First the good news: our intelligence gathering has gone well. I have already gleaned more information than expected: observing many things of value, and I have overheard even more. So our little effort here has been a success already. I have also overheard several conversations about Robbie and the two of us, and the general consensus being 'if he is doing those two, then he is our kind of guy'. But now the bad news: our suite is full of cameras and microphones, and they may be watching and listening to everything that we do there. So we have a decision to make. We can just quit where we stand now. I have already gathered some very valuable intelligence."

Peggy whispered. "Does that help Abelard get more business?"

"Probably not, nor does it do Robbie's insurance buddies any good, either."

Peggy sent a massive burst of Suzie, as did Elizabeth. Peggy said "What should we do now?"

I knew it was up to me to step up to the plate for God and country. "Both of you go back to our suite. Peggy, show Elizabeth how to put her hair up in two pigtails the way I like it, then both of you kneel naked at the foot of the big bed. I will be there in a few minutes. From now on you will both do exactly what I say, without question or hesitation. Do you understand me?" Peggy had that wonderful look she got when I tied her across the Thunder chair, and Elizabeth's eyes were dancing like I had never seen them before. A tight smiled crossed her lips as they rose and went back to our suite.

I put my robe on and walked over to Adnan, thanked him for this wonderful morning and afternoon hospitability, and told him we were going to rest in our suite for a while before dinner. He smiled graciously and bid me adieu, and then waved to Med. I headed down to our suite. I suppose I had my work cut out for me. When I got to there, both girls were on their knees at the foot of the bed, holding hands.


Suzanne had been building up to her session with Professor Haubenfelter for some time. Her success with the judge had been heartening, but F.I. was another matter entirely. He had a housekeeper that had to be scheduled around, so they had planned this session for her day off. Suzanne had required the professor to order several things from some very specialized catalogs, so that he would have them available at his apartment for her use when she arrived. It also allowed some time for the impact of the things he had ordered and how they might be used to percolate through his brain and heighten his expectations. She had to give him some credit for courage, in that he didn't run for the hills when he saw the list of implements she had demanded. Robbie would have.

She had done a lot of planning, both for sexual tension purposes and for ways to open the professor's eyes to the scientific errors he had made. This session would require a very different wardrobe than what she had used for Cindy and for the Judge, and as much as she liked the diaphanous body suit, she would have to save that for Lara, and maybe Nora, and perhaps even Robbie, if she felt like it. She found a perfect mask online that would hide her identity completely, plus give her a few nice memories, and a leather and Velcro suit that allowed her to strip very selectively to motivate the professor to reach the right stages in his planned progression, and a couple of accessory strap-ons and hand helds that could have only one possible purpose. She also had specified some very sturdy and extreme metal restraints, which would not only render the professor totally helpless, but place him in the ideal position required for his humiliation and hopefully ultimate rehabilitation. Viewing the complete list she had given him to order, there was no way he could fail to deduce what was in store for him, yet he had explicitly confirmed to her that he had ordered everything on the list and that it was ready and waiting for her to arrive.

She made the same initial arrangements as she had with the Judge, except she made no attempt to blindfold the professor. In fact, his visual senses would be a major pathway to allow him to reach some much altered states. She entered his apartment to find him naked and initially restrained as ordered. She was fully covered up, yet posed a striking figure in the tall black leather boots, black leather skin tight body suit, and electric blue leather hood, with her hair up in a big single ponytail, fingering a big black Cat o' nine tails. Although he must have anticipated such an entrance, the professor was clearly taken aback, making a noisy intake of breath, then emitting a low groan, and suddenly displaying an erection.

Her first impression was that he was in much better physical condition than she would have expected, the second was how pale and blond he was, and the third was how small his cock was, despite it being so obviously erect. She had always heard that the vast majority of cocks varied in length somewhere between 4 and 6 inches when erect, and that in terms of the mechanical aspects of intercourse were concerned, they could all satisfy a woman pretty well. Robbie seemed to be within that range, although she thought his was thicker than average, and he could certainly satisfy her like she never dreamed possible, damn him. The professor was certainly on the short side of the bell curve, and thick was not the word that occurred to her.

She personally was fascinated with the visual aspect of much larger than average cocks, having never experienced one, and was convinced that she would be greatly stimulated by such a sight at very close range, and mechanically quite stimulated too. She realized that Robbie was made very uncomfortable when she mentioned such a thing, even though her thinking was strictly for novelty value, not a method for choosing a long term or even short term partner: it was more of a one or two times for a thrill kind of thing. Her cheeks still burned with heat when she recalled the memory of watching that giant cock attached to Robbie's friend Ralph, wrapped in two layers of condoms, poised to penetrate Millie in Lara's apartment. She found Ralph's personality very trying, and would never even want to have dinner with him, much less a relationship, and Millie had said afterwards that it was bigger, but not better. Marilyn had also told her that despite his massive size, he needed a lot of feedback and encouragement to be able to satisfy her, although Big Liz had been overjoyed with him from the start. Suzanne realized she just wanted to try Ralph once, and even if it proved incredibly satisfying, she would probably never want to have him again, although she might still be tempted look for a nicer guy who also had a big dick, as statistically unlikely as that was. She found herself very curious about Günter, who seemed like a much nicer guy, and whom Strelsa had described as 'very large down there' and whom she might have a chance to see and experience in the near future.

She forced herself to turn her attention back to the Professor. She walked around, giving him a chance to see her strut, and then popped him hard on the buttocks. "You are only allowed to say certain things to me. You may say 'Yes, Mistress' or 'No Mistress', or in response to a direct question you may supply a brief answer, followed by 'Mistress'. Any other response will be severely punished. You will answer me immediately and with no hesitation, instantly saying the first thing that comes into your mind. Lies or misrepresentation will be punished, truth will be rewarded. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"How old are you?"

"Forty seven years old, Mistress!"

"How old where you when you got your PhD?"

"Twenty, Mistress!"

How old were you when you got tenure?"

"Thirty, Mistress!"

"How long is your cock when erect?"

"15 centimeters, Mistress."

She gave him 15 lashes, and then waited.

"12 centimeters, Mistress."

She gave him 24 lashes, and waited.

He sobbed. "10 centimeters, Mistress!"

"Very good! She took off her black leggings, revealing her amazing thighs to him. He gasped.

"What would you call the work that you became famous for? Your 'signature economic theory' as they call it?"