My Only Talent Ch. 31


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Suzanne, for her part, arched her back, pushing her still very erect nipples up and spreading her legs slightly, totally aware of Lou's gaze on her. "You're looking at what you've been missing, aren't you, Lou Baby?"

Lou turned bright red, which was not easy given her dark complexion and even darker tan. Kevin was staring just as obviously, and owing to his much lesser tan, he looked even redder. Finally, Kevin said, "We'll go down to the lounge for five minutes to let you get dressed, then we'll be back."

"Tell Joisey Al hi for me!" Suzanne crooned.


Monday morning, I threw myself back into my workouts and classwork, happy to not think too much about our latest 'swap fest' at Strelsa and Günter's place, even though it was mercifully and very prematurely terminated, thanks, I was sure, to my mutant antenna array. Tough luck buddy. Heh, heh. My weekdays were becoming highly routine, and I was embracing it like a security blanket. The academic work was voluminous, so I was following my father's work plan religiously, and still just barely keeping up with the classwork.

Suzanne was apparently having back channel negotiations with Strelsa about next Sunday, but she wouldn't talk about it. She also was not having much success in her talks with Big Liz and Little Marilyn concerning recruiting Ralph as another big and 'trusted cock'. When I asked her about it she would mutter and dissemble, simply saying she was 'working on it.' It seemed to me more like it was working on her.

Saskia's robotic training and conditioning routines were settling in for me, and my responses were becoming automatic. Rather than a number of reps, the new plan was to go for a certain 'burn' from fatigue, then do a few more, and then the biofeedback tone would sound in my ear, telling me that the robotics thought I had fatigued the muscles enough to break down the right number of fibers, and to rest before the next set. My muscle memory and kinesthetic sense was beginning to tell me when I had reached the maximum effect just before the little beep in my ear. Given my motivation from Lara and Suzanne's reactions to my newly improved chest, not to mention wanting to look as good as or better than Günter, I was trying to push it a few beats past the beep every time.

The scheduling for the amazing waterskiing Candy was going much better: she was committed to this coming (I hoped) weekend's Friday and Saturday nights, and we all planned to accelerate and compress her training and make those to be her last sessions, since Spring Break was looming close. None of us wanted to postpone or otherwise modify the schedule with Nora, since we had all been looking forward to it for literally months. I would get the first three days of Spring Break to take her to the Alamo and a tour of San Antonio and environs, followed by a three day girls only 'pussy party' at Lara's place. They had absolutely refused my request for streaming video coverage of this little extravaganza, so I was planning a quick up and back car trip back to Prosperous to visit Mom and Dad during those three days while they drove each other wild. At least I could enjoy driving my car.

The first couple of days before SXSW, before the official ESU Spring Break began, would provide the perfect opportunity for pranking Professor Red 'Rock' Tappert and more importantly, his hot wife Veronica. My plan for that was gelling wonderfully.

Thanks to some connections between my UDP brothers and the Texas Cowboys campus organization, we had a ranch all set for the stage upon which our little play would take place. We couldn't use Bevo or his actual ranch abode, but we found a suitable cattle ranch even closer to town, and with some very impressive Longhorns and facilities to provide "B roll" as Keven put it. I had enlisted him as production designer, using the Tapperts as the focal point as if they were the camera, and presenting them with the most exciting (for Veronica) and disturbing (for little Professor Prick) sights and sounds possible. He was really pissed that we were not going to shoot any video, and that he and Lou Baby would not be allowed to observe the festivities. There was a real un-gelded Longhorn bull standing stud there, which believe me is much more impressive (and dangerous) than our relatively docile and often highly medicated steer mascot. We had some real working cowboys there to carefully manage the bull, who hopefully would perform very impressively for the Tappert's benefit, before my UDP cast of brothers (with a few helpful females) preformed for Veronica's direct stimulation.

After that, I could concentrate on enjoying the platinum tresses and numerous other charms of the lovely Miss Nora "Elizabeth Eaton Square" Upton all by myself for three days. I would probably never feel the same about San Antonio again. I would have to find ways to distract myself during my subsequent three day visit back home while the girls played with each other.

When I entered the linguistics classroom Tuesday, a little earlier than usual, I spotted a seat next to Lynn Da and decided to chat her p a little before our afternoon meeting to finish our 'little debate' to be presented in class.

"Hey, Lynn Da! How are you?"

"Okay, Robbie. What did you do over the weekend?"

"Nothing remarkable." Nothing that I wanted to remark about, that was for sure. "Did you have any dates this weekend?"

"Well, my fiancé co-taught my Sunday school class with me, so technically that's a date I guess. Friday I did my student teaching all day and helped with the church drop off day care at night. Saturday I worked on a Habitat house all day and did my regular evening tutoring sessions in East Austin. Have I told you about my fiancé?"

No, but I had the distinct impression that she was about to.

"We have a very compatible life plan! Bob is an education major too - he wants to be a principal and then superintendent. He will graduate this semester, start his first teaching job, and then pick up a Master's in public policy while I finish my undergrad. His goal is to be the superintendent of one of the top ten largest school districts in the US. I am an elementary education major. I am going to get certified for STEM, art, and special ed classes, so I will be readily employable at any district as he gets promoted and moves around for new and better jobs."

I couldn't help but ask. "Are you two compatible in other ways?"

Class started so she didn't have to answer. The lecture was once again very thought provoking. Maybe getting the new guy for Linguistics was not so bad, after all. I would withhold judgement until after I saw his first exam. Note to self - see if Millie can get me any Bi Phi Linguistics old exam files, as UDT's inventory is pretty light in that area. As soon as class was dismissed, Lynn Da took off like a greyhound, albeit one with perfect pink skin and a much nicer figure.

"Gotta go meet my boy Bob! See you this afternoon at my dorm."

Husky Varna fell into step with me as we exited the classroom. "Shot you down too, huh buddy? Did she tell you all about her amazing fiancé?"

"Yeah. More than I wanted to know."

"I figure when they tell you about their boyfriend they want to let you know you should never, ever try to ask them out again. It's a shame. I sure would have liked to spend some time learning about that perfect skin of hers. She said she found me attractive, but she was totally committed to her fiancé. When she then told me it was going to be at least two years before they got hitched, I got my hopes up for some fun time in the sack before she tied the knot. I hinted pretty strongly at that idea. Do you know what she said?"

"No, but you've just given me an idea of my own."

"She said that if she went to bed with all the guys she wanted to, she would never get anything else done! What's your idea?"

"I was thinking that the two of us could throw her a very special little two on one bachelorette party. Very time efficient, no entanglements, and mums the word to her best boy Bob. "

"That's a very nice plan. I understand that you do all right with the ladies yourself, Robbie."

"Well, I have met some wonderful young ladies that I am proud call my friends."

"No shit. I heard about the UDP Halloween party, and the addicted to Austin party. Some of the hottest video on TMZ ever, even if it was too far back to see much detail. "

"I would think a soon to be starting Longhorn linebacker would get plenty of offers, too?"

"Yeah, but screwing drunk and stupid sorority girls is no way to go through life, Robbie. Half of them smoke, which grosses me out, and if you go to sleep, they post an embarrassing picture of you on Instagram or Facebook, and say they are your new steady girlfriend. Coach says nothing good happens after midnight unless you are already in bed by ten, and if you haven't closed the deal by then you should go home alone and try again the next night. There are just a lot of them that I don't even want to close the deal with."

I thought a moment, then had still another idea. "You should come to some one of our UDP mixers. We get lots of classy independent girls, and girls from what I consider the more intelligent sororities like the Bi Phi's and KKG. You will meet a better class of girls, at least. But early next week, we have a special event, sort of like a small private version of the Addicted to Austin party, but a little more rustic and risqué."

"More risqué? It sounds like just what I need, but I have to worry about bad PR and coach throwing me off the team."

"Well this is very private event, and you would have to wear a mask that would hide your identify completely."

"Like the one you wore in the music video from the party?"

"Not quite as showy and elaborate as that, but just as concealing. You would also have to wear chaps."

"I grew up on a ranch in west Texas, Robbie. I wore chaps all the time, but I only have one pair here in Austin. Why would that be any big deal?"

"Well, you would be wearing a mask and chaps, and maybe some boots, but that's all. That's the way all the UDP guys will be dressed."

"This is not some kind of creepy Alpha Gamma style slide party is it?"

"No, no. There is one woman that the whole event is planned for - we are acting out some of her fantasies in front of her husband for her thrills and his too. And the two women you saw me with in that music video will be there, along with some of their friends you might like to meet. And there will be absolutely no video of this little event. "

"As long as it doesn't conflict with practice, I'm in. Give me as much notice as you can."


Suzanne called me Thursday afternoon right after linguistics class, with some bad (from her perspective) news.

"Günter is permanently out of the swap fest business, Robbie. He said his little problem Sunday, which of course has never happened to him before, was a sign from God that he should be with Strelsa and Strelsa only from now on. And my plan to work a deal with Big Liz and Little Marilyn to have Ralph join us is stalled. They want some things that I just can't agree to."

I tried to disguise my glee. I suppose Günter's issues were a sign from God, if you grant that God made little green apples, and also made me and gave me my only talent.

"Gosh I'm sorry, Suzanne. I guess Günter is really freaked out. What's the problem with Ralph?"

"It's not Ralph. It's Big Liz and Little Marilyn. They don't want to swap partners and do threesomes like I arranged with Strelsa. They are willing to let Ralph be with me along with you, but they don't want to be there with us."

I paused to consider. "What's the problem with that?"

"Because what they want in return is that they each get to spend a whole night all alone one on one with you. Without me or Ralph being around."

Oh My! I guess I was assuming I would get both Liz and Marilyn at the same time, but this might be even better. Certainly it was just as good.

"I am willing to do that, if it means helping you get what you want." Big of me, I thought.

"Oh I am sure you would, you prick! But I am not willing to let them work their wiles on you all night long like that without me being around."

Bingo. "Suzanne! You can't be jealous, can you?"

"Shut up, Robbie."

I realized that made me feel better, and more wanted, too. I also suddenly realized that the aspect of the Strelsa and Günter swap thing that bothered me the most was that Suzanne had arranged it all, and presented it to me as a fiat accompli. It made me crazy to be expected to be a passive and powerless spectator while the other guy got Suzanne just the way she wanted it. Maybe that's why I reacted so strongly. What if I looked at this stuff another way?

I decided to have a little talk with Liz and Marilyn myself, on the down low.


I didn't actually see Kevin again until the next night at dinner. I told him that the debate Lynn Da and I did was chosen to be presented to the whole Linguistics class, and he offered to edit up our raw footage into a tight little 5 minute video. He was taking a production class and needed the projects to list on his class project resume and turn in before Spring Break. His Star Trek parody was finished, and his professor had told him to keep it under wraps and edit up a trailer that could he would pitch to film festivals and distributors on Kevin's behalf. It was that good. Orinda was about to become a star.

Kevin was obviously excited about all this, but then he looked nervous.

"I wanted to ask you about last Sunday night."

"Suzanne was being a little provocative, wasn't she?"

"She certainly provoked Lou. She was shivering while we waited in the lounge, and then she attacked me as soon as you left to take Suzanne home."

"Suzanne joked about making Lou go down on her."

"She wouldn't have to make her, she would just have to stand still and let her. She is virtually obsessed with it." He looked even more nervous. "Robbie, do you remember when we talked last semester about us double teaming Lou?"

Oh boy, here it comes. "Yeah. But I thought you were a little more serious about her as a long term relationship? So we kind of dropped it."

"I am serious about her, but I still need to know if this is just a phase she is going through, or a permanent predilection. Besides talking about Suzanne, she is now talking about wanting two guys at once."

What was this, a fucking epidemic? "So is Suzanne. It makes me nervous."

We said no more about it then, and went back up to the room and hit the books, caught up in the rush to catch up with optimistically scheduled lesson plans before Spring Break began. Kevin had mostly audio and video projects to get 'in the can' and turned in before the last day of classes, rather than exams like I had to prepare for. But we both were feeling the pressure, and we would both be exhausted and brain drained when the break began. I would keep my head down and nose to the grind stone for the rest of the week, and decided I would welcome the weekend to let off some steam before the final short week of exams.


Candy turned out to be a little dickens, in several ways. She showed up as instructed at Lara's apartment at 7 PM Friday night. Lara seemed to have a special fascination with Candy, and she had convinced us that she should take the lead in Candy's training. She even bought a new outfit: a skin tight neon purple leather and spandex contraption that practically glowed in the dark. It was topped with a tall purple leather helmet with Lara's blonde hair popping out the top in ponytail with an iron flail at the end of it. It dispensed with the zippers built into her other suit, having a wide open band from the top of the thigh to just below her navel which glaringly exposed her curly blond pubic hair, and a push up under-wire arrangement that pushed her amazing breasts up and out and made them seem even bigger than they really were. The little iron nipple clips that matched the hair flail were quite a touch.

Candy went beyond her instructions. When I opened the door in response to her ring, she stood in the hallway naked as a jaybird, having put all her clothes in the backpack she was holding in her hand. Luckily none of Lara's neighbors was in the hallway at the time. Candy strutted in wearing only her incredible tan and a pair of black spike heels, which Lara immediately made her take off.

Lara led her to the bedroom and ensnared her in the trapeze, legs out wide and arms up and immobilized. She clipped her nipples with two nasty looking little chrome alligator clips, her labia with big wooden clothespins, and roughly inserted a large and mean looking black butt plug in her behind. Suzanne emerged from the bathroom oiled up like a body builder, her hair up in a big ponytail like Lara's, and wearing only a big black strap on dildo that looked like a mate to the butt plug.

Candy shuddered and twisted a bit on the trapeze. Lara climbed up above her and wrapped her knees in the rope holding the trapeze, grabbed two big handfuls of Candy's dirty blonde hair, and proceeded to give Candy a 30 minute tutorial in how to eat blonde bombshell pussy properly. Candy had significant natural talent in that arena, but Lara gave her some very specific instructions, which she expected to be followed to the letter. Her little quirks of desire were lessons Suzanne I had already learned, and from the sounds of it, Candy was enjoying her lessons as much as we did.

Soon Lara's pussy smell began to waft out from the trapeze, and she cooed and shook with a nice orgasm. I always get a tremendous feeling of peace and well-being when Lara comes, like all is right with the world. Lara hiked herself up a few inches on the ropes, and adjusted the angle of her body a bit, and then directed Candy's mouth to her ass. Candy sighed continently. The Suzanne hung herself under Candy on the trapeze bar and began to kiss Candy's ass fervently, all around the butt plug. Candy sighed even more contentedly. Then Suzanne pulled out a little remote control, and with an evil grin started the electric motor built into the Bluetooth Butt Plug. Candy gave out a little yelp, muffled as it was by Lara's blonde muff.

It occurred to me that Lara's mouth was tragically underutilized. After some previous gymnastic gyrations had made me worry about them, Lara had assured me that the supporting bolts for the trapeze were epoxied into the concrete floor of the apartment above and were rated for at least 3,000 lbs. each. I discovered another collateral benefit of Saskia's program to build my upper body as I easily hauled myself up the ropes hand over hand and arrived above Lara's lovely face. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed Candy's ministrations, but when my cock touched her lips she opened her eyes and smiled at me, then teasingly bounced my dick on the end of her tongue. Another wave of peace and contentedness washed over me.

We soon discovered that Candy shared a trait with our previous favorite trainee, Millie. She could not only come from the pain, she actually achieved a stronger orgasm from pain than from pleasure. It seemed to surprise Candy herself, but Lara was completely astounded. When Lara used Suzanne's favorite riding crop to spank the inside of Candy's thighs, she could make her come with five moderate blows, or two really hard ones. After the two hard blows, Candy would come, groaning and twisting, luxuriating in the feelings they engendered.

After several instances of this, complete with an astounding series of 'spank, spank, squirt' scenes, Lara got a funny look on her face, climbed down off of Candy's face, and went over to her closet and reached up onto the shelf and pulled out a box that had never been opened, slicing the paper wrapping with her long nails. I saw on the box that it was from a mail order shop called Judicial Caning of Hong Kong. Lara removed two long canes from the box, and took them out of their plastic shrink wrap.