My Only Talent Ch. 36


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With all the windows screened Dwight couldn't see what direction they were climbing out. Based on his internal inertial navigation sense, they were turning North.

She handed him some printed manuals. "Review that stuff while I get an update on our target, and then we'll talk about your mission goals."

Dwight was surprised to find operations and service manuals on a line of cardiac pacemakers, with some supplemental data on the encryption algorithms used for the monitoring and control links. This was a very new and expensive system that monitored and modulated the patient's heart in real time, and reported everything back to a medical database via the cloud. The next document was an internal manual on the technical operations of a big British telecom company. Another was an incredibly detailed map of a ritzy high-rise apartment building near Canary Wharf in London, and finally, a big agency report on the Russian embassy in London.

Dwight would need a long flight to absorb all this new stuff. Could this plane make it London direct from SFO?


Lara had used some Japanese phrase to describe the instruments she was now using on Nora. She said it meant something like 'little body dancers'. Nora at first thought of them as 'guitar picks', but then they became 'pussy picks' and then 'clit picks'! Lara was playing Nora's pussy like a steel guitar, but she would never get to the end of a song! Nora kept getting horny and hornier with no end in sight. It was somewhere between awful torture and delicious anticipation. It would be delicious if she finally got off, but it was torture until then.

Nora turned and strained on the trapeze, but she was so fully restrained it was only isometric exercise, which was frustrating in its own way. Lara would wrap a different color of silk thread around her hands, and switch to a different variety of pick attached to her fingers and then work on Nora again. They looked like little Kabuki dancers, and through her sensual fog, Nora had noticed a repetitive pattern to their application. Lara would circle her snatch again and again, getting closer and closer to her clit but never actually touching it. Nora had to force herself not to beg for it. The touches would get more and more forceful, bordering on painful, and then anther color thread and dancer would repeat the cycle.

Finally, Lara dramatically donned two wide pink scarves, one on each wrist, and took out a set of the biggest and bluntest of the picks, which seemed to be bamboo painted with little plastic 'spoons' on the ends with pink designs that looked like high-end nail parlor art. She put three picks on each hand, and then she paused with them hovering over Nora's pussy, and said breathlessly, "You may not come without permission!"

Nora was encouraged that she was talking about coming at all! She was getting desperate to have her clit touched, and strongly and deliberately and smoothly rather than teased and pricked and worked around. All this flitting and fluttering was also giving her a burning desire for some penetration: hard and deep please! She supposed Robbie would supply that when he arrived.

In the back of her mind, she knew Lara was trying to distract them from the Suzanne issue. They all felt a painful hole in their lives, and she wasn't looking forward to getting it all out on the table, but she knew they had to do it.

Suddenly the curled lacquer ends of the wooden picks began to brush her outer lips, teasing them open like an anthropologist gently brushing soil back from a potentially valuable find. They teased, but encouragingly progressed to moving them back further and further. Nora knew that her alabaster skin was red and inflamed looking, and had been for some time.

Lara moved on to her inner lips, which was even more encouraging. She treasured every touch, and felt them get engorged and heavy. Lara then began gently teasing just inside her pussy, using the curve of the little spoons to open and distend it slightly. She felt her wetness expand and flow. Just a little further inside! Just some pressure on her clit was what she needed. But then Lara laughed gently, and put the picks down! On no!

"Just hang loose there for a minute, my lovely. I have to go put a couple of our culinary creations in the oven, then I might drop back by!"

Nora bucked in the clutches of the trapeze, but there was nothing else she could do. The air conditioning came on, and she could feel the gentle breeze on her damp pussy like a blue norther on the plains. Damn but she was worked up!

She heard Lara moving things about in the kitchen, and knew she would probably delay deliberately just to tease her. By the time she heard Lara's high heels tap tapping back across the floor, she was desperate. Lara sat down primly and patiently, put the finger dancers back on, and repeated the entire sequence again. Nora was insane by this time, frantic.

Lara laughed. "My hands are getting a little tired, so I guess you may come now." Lara grabbed the bar of the trapeze and swung Nora towards her, and began to lick Nora's already dripping pussy gently. Nora came almost immediately like a string of firecrackers going off. It felt so good.

But Lara did not stop. Gentle turned to strong and she came again and again. Then suction was applied and Nora slipped into delirium. Waves of orgasm passed through her, but still Lara did not let up. She sealed her mouth to her pussy and sucked harder, and tongued her clit wildly. Nora rocked with another storm of orgasms.

Finally, Lara seemed to be trying to suck her clit right off its little stalk, and she saw white lights and passed out.

When she awoke Lara was holding her in the bed, and gently touching her hair. "You winked out on me there Upman. I'll let you gather your strength at dinner, and then I'll help Robbie administer the coup de grace!"

Nora smiled. Dessert was her favorite!


Mei Ling showed up at the UDP port a few days later, with some circular boxes wrapped with pink bows. Ralph, Husky and I were all there, but Cisco was too. I felt sheepish, but Cisco hung back and just watched her approach us, like he knew the plan.

I noticed the boxes had a little logo that said "Wolf's Houston". Husky opened his box first, and he just about freaked. "A Stetson silver belly, white 100X felt!" I didn't know that much about western hats, but from his tone I inferred it was a good one. He slipped it on. "Perfect fit, too!" He smiled contently.

Mei Ling smiled impishly. "You boys were a perfect fit for me! I got your hat sizes from the frat pres. Everyone knows the good guys wear white hats."

I looked at mine at noticed a burnt orange outside cloth band with a silver and gold Longhorn ornament. Very cool.

Ralph tried his on, and it looked weird on him.

I looked inside mine and noticed something amazing. It had a custom liner. A very special one. It was a combination of white silk, red halter top, and black leather hot pants material. Wow. Instant hard on. One of my girlfriend hall of fame moments memorialized in top shelf custom hat. I remembered Mei Ling had put a lot of effort into the little party favor dolls to commemorate Veronica Tappert's prank rodeo, but she had really outdone herself on this one. I slipped my new hat on and smiled at her.

"Oh, Robbie, you look good in that hat! Some guys don't but you do."

She held up one more hat box. "Well, I've got to drop by ZZZ for a moment." She leaned around us and waved to Cisco. "See you at 9, my love!" And she was back out the door.

I couldn't help but take off the hat and sniff the lining. Yep. Very authentic. Sprong!


Dwight's internal clock said he had been reading for almost three hours, but he had gotten through a first pass at everything. It seemed to him that the pacemaker was very sophisticated medically, and it had plenty of fallbacks and failure mode workarounds, but it's encryption protocols were elementary. Like UAVs ten years ago. And it had been further compromised so it could work with lots of different telephone system protocols.

He got up and did his little stretching routine, which reminded him of Suzanne Pliskin, which had a predictable but embarrassing effect, given his current work environment.

His taskmaster "Jones" laughed. She was in her fifties but looked to be in excellent condition, and she was staring unabashedly at Dwight's obvious bulge. "It's good to see a man who so obviously enjoys his work!" PC she was not.

Dwight blushed. He had been away from Carmencita for too long, and he was on edge as a result.

He said nothing, and his new temporary boss continued. "What do you think your mission is?"

Dwight made some quick inferences based on what he just read and his own skill set. He was one of the most skilled hackers in the agency and was also trained to kill and disappear, although he was nowhere near the top ten in that specialty. There were lots of more skilled assassins, but none with his technical chops, nor his acting and disguise skills, nor his breadth of training and experience. "Give someone a heart attack over the British phone system, and make it look like it was the Russians?"

She smiled again. "Not a bad guess, but let's wait until we pick up your shooters to brief you further."

She slid open the two window covers nearest her, and Dwight saw that they were descending. Lots of green trees, and a clearing of reddish brown soil in the distance. The aircraft turned on a downwind leg and Dwight spotted a paved runway with no painted direction numerals. There were huge staging areas around the runway, and about a dozen grey Air Force C-130's, the new "J" version? Pope Field?

They landed and taxied to a plain building on a ramp on the side of the runway opposite all the C-130's and near the control tower. Two young and fit guys in street clothes carrying two big duffel bags each came out of the building and boarded the aircraft, which had only remained stationary for about two minutes' total.

They stowed their gear in balanced fashion, half in the rear and half in the front of the aircraft, and secured to little pop up tie downs in the floor and cabin walls.

Ms. Jones gestured for them to take a seat at the conference table. By the time they sat down, the aircraft was rolling out again. "I'm Miss Jones, your briefer."

She pointed at Dwight. "This is Ben Franklin, your team leader." Dwight tried to look competent. "You two are here because you grew up in London and have cross trained with SOG. I will lay out the parameters of the mission, and you three will plan it and carry it out."

She gave them each a little zippered notebook. "This is everything you need to take with you."

She spent ten minutes going over their target, and why he needed to have a severe heart attack, but not die. How it had to be traced to the Russians eventually, but at first look like an accident, and then look like someone else had arranged it. Then she told them why.

Dwight almost wished she hadn't. He was a naturally curious type, but this was a "need to know" list he would rather not be on. Then he realized the most likely reason he had been chosen: it must be list he was already on.


I knocked at the door to Lara's apartment, like I had dozens of times before, but it felt different. Suzanne would not be there, at least in person.

Lara opened the door in her 'hot Texan' outfit - skin tight jeans with a sheer but starched white cotton "Ritter Shirt" with shiny burnt orange snaps. Nora was just emerging from the bedroom, still drying her hair and wearing only purple panties and a thin grey tee shirt. They both looked wonderful. I enjoyed their subtle aromas for a few seconds, then I smelled dinner cooking, and my mood improved even more. Two hugs and kisses made me feel even better.

"We're having a bit of a cooking contest tonight, Robbie." Lara began. "I'm making traditional Southwestern and Tex-Mex courses, and Nora is alternating with some fancy French cuisine."

"I'm sure I will love them all."

We sat at the little kitchen table. Nora served us each a small plate with two bite size appetizers: one a little puff pastry, surrounding a center made up of several kinds of mushrooms and cheese; the other was a big mushroom cap stuffed with onions, more cheeses, and some other crunchy stuff I couldn't identify. They both melted in my mouth. Lara made appreciative noises. Nora smiled.

Lara must have made note of my devotion to cabrito, because she then served us some fat little tortas: miniature puffy taco sandwiches with cabrito, a vinegar and lime based habanero avocado pico, queso blanco, and some chopped cilantro. They were perfect.

Nora countered with incredible onion soup, which Lara followed with little mini queso flameada, with hot fresh tortillas and sliced pickled jalapenos on the side.

A glass of Perrier water cleared our pallets a bit, and then the main courses were served.

Nora served tender coq au vin with green beans almandine. It was fantastic.

Lara outdid herself with grilled Red Snapper Encarcelado stuffed with a sweeter but still hot habanero pico, plus tomatillos, jicama, and little baby shrimp. Unbelievable.

But desserts were their favorite, and they rocked it. Nora served what she called Rhubarb Clafouti, which somehow combined a pan cake, a custard, and a sweet omelet, which was laced with tart rhubarb and dusted with powdered sugar. I could almost feel my Suzie signal powers morph and expand as I chewed.

Lara groaned in pleasure. "Nora has produced the perfect dessert!" She then gave Nora a very hot look. "I think she may also be the perfect dessert for this evening." Nora blushed hotly, and I felt her Suzie signal reach out and grab my brain.

Lara then took the cover off her little fryer and produced piping hot little churros, dusted with cinnamon and drizzled with dark chocolate sauce. They topped off my glucose tank, and put me in an altered state.

Perhaps it was a mix of the rich food, exotic spices, the sugar hit, and the company, but I felt like I had opened and whole new chapter in my "Book of Suzie Signals". It had now been almost a full year since my 18th birthday, and my Dad's advice that I would get better at reading the signals as I spent time with more women had certainly been correct. I was not being immodest to say that I had spent some time with some incredible women, in incredible ways, over the last year. Not the least of which were here with me tonight, but with perhaps the most incredible one sorely missing.

Lara's comment about Nora caused me to reach out the read her Suzie. It told an amazing story.

Nora was craving penetration, from me and only me! That was a welcome contrast to my most recent experience with Mei Ling. I also realized, in one of those Eureka moments, that I could never consider setting up a scene for Nora or Lara the way I had for Suzanne. The very thought of anyone else's sperm getting anywhere near Nora's eggs was an existential threat. I simply could not allow it to happen. My subconscious did not trust any methods of birth control, except perhaps the prophylactic beheading of any prospective sperm supplier other than me. I realized that such a threat scenario could produce a Suzie blast many times more powerful than my almost unconscious interruption of Günter's chance at Suzanne, or my stunning of ponytail boy in the British airplane with Elizabeth.

Was that because my ability to generate a blast was getting stronger, or that my feelings for Nora were so much stronger? And what about Lara? That felt different. Lara was mine, and I wasn't about to let any other guys anywhere near her, but it was determination and motivation, not a spinal imperative the way it was with Nora. What did that mean?

I locked into Nora, and felt her love and desire for me directly. I felt Lara's devotion to her too, as some kind of harmonizing Suzie signal. These two were my world, and they were welcome to it.


Dwight needn't have worried about making a hop all the way to London, because after they took off from North Carolina, they traveled only a little more than an hour, then landed at someplace else he recognized: the little airstrip south of Fort Meade. One not so fit looking young guy with a backpack, and a very fit looking woman with a Pelican case came out of the nearby hangar and boarded, while the line truck topped of the plane with Jet A.

Soon they were in the air again. Jones briefed the new arrivals, who were apparently the techie complement to the two shooters. But they were not privy to the information from the first briefing. Basically, there were to do whatever Dwight, who they knew as "Ben Franklin" told them to do, without question or hesitation. And of course, later, it never happened and none of them were ever there. Dwight gave them the pacemaker manuals and telephone stuff to study, and then went to sleep. His body was still on California time, and if London was the destination, he could use a little nap on the way.

If he could sleep, because some worrying questions occurred to him. He could do the hack himself, so why the extra techies? And why did they need the shooters at all? What were they not telling him?


Lara was incredible that night. Apparently, she had been tuning up Nora all day, prepping her for my entrance, so to speak. She was excited about being in control of that process, and joyously sympathetic to the fucking she expected Nora to get. As was our tradition, I cleared all the dishes and loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned up all the surfaces in the kitchen.

By the time I got back to the living room, Lara was doing a phase two tune-up on Nora - kissing her shoulders and gently brushing her breasts, while whispering in her ear. Both of their Suzie signals trilled and harmonized, and burned their hypnotic patterns into my brain.

Lara was seated behind Nora on the couch, cuddling and caressing her. I kneeled on the carpet just in front of them and took in the show. Lara began kissing Nora's neck and slowly pulling off her tee shirt, while dramatically 'rittering' her own white Ritter shirt one shiny burnt orange button at a time. Soon Lara's hands were dipping into the front of Nora's panties, and each motion sent a little Suzie crescendo my way. Music to my, er, receiver!

Lara whispered in Nora's ear again, and Nora lifted her hips, allowing Lara to slip off those now pungent purple panties. The sight of Nora's platinum bush triggered an avalanche in both my brains. The brain between my legs exhibited its favorite choice from a very limited set of behaviors, and I got hard.

My limbic system went into overdrive, trying to absorb all the messages from my Suzie array. Nora missed me. Lara missed me. Hooray! Nora wanted me inside her. Lara wanted me inside Nora. Lara wanted me inside Lara. Life is good. Nora had no egg in place ready to be fertilized. Practically speaking, that was good, right? Why did it make me sad? Not just a little regretful, but profoundly sorrowful.

Lara hooked her right arm under Nora's left knee and spread her legs apart, and used her legs to push Nora's pelvis forward. She hooked the other leg the same way and lewdly displayed Nora's platinum pubes very effectively. For the first time, I was sure she felt my emotions through our Suzie connection. Her face showed shock and surprise. She now knew for sure that I really wanted to get her pregnant. She was truly embarrassed that there was no egg in place! She felt she had failed me, and had not done her duty. If that's not excessively heteronormative, I don't know what is!

I sent her a blast message. I love you, and I'll knock you up as soon as it's practical. What the heck? Where did that come from?