My Only Talent Ch. 41A


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When he got home, they dug into their salad bowls, and talked about their workdays, or at least Carmencita talked about hers.

"You'll never guess who I got as a new patient today!"

Alexander had just taken a big bite so he mumbled and nodded, indicating that she should go on.

"None other than Ambassador Pliskin's son-in-law!"

He almost spit out his Shroomami. Carmencita got a funny look on her face.

"Why the strong reaction, honey?"

He quickly swallowed, clearing his mouth to speak. "Well, his daughter was in the Ambassador's office today. She is going to be doing some consulting for the administration. But I don't know much about her husband."

Carmencita looked suspicious. "Oh, he was in all my journals and lots of the popular press. He woke up after more than two years in a coma, after a devastating automobile accident and fire."

"I've heard of that guy. I didn't realize he was Suzanne's husband."

"She married him after he woke up, but apparently they were dating before he was injured. His name in Mike. He has a long tough road ahead of him. My boss asked me to take him on as a favor to the Ambassador. He was not making much progress with his previous therapist."

Alexander tried not to look guilty. They finished up their bowls and cleaned up the kitchen table. She noticed he had an erection when he stood up.

"Hey, tiger, let's go to bed early, huh?"

He smiled, then spoke his mind without thinking. "How about I pretend to be paralyzed and then you have your way with me?"

She looked at him sideways. Whoops.


Ashley's cameraman texted her to come by immediately after the newscast, and she was at the hotel by 11. He said that Jay Kincaid had come home alone from a dinner at Mo Brady's, and his wife had taken another cab from the steakhouse and had not come home with him. So far, Millie Kincaid had not made it back to the hotel. Ashley sent the cameraman home and resolved to watch all night if she had to.

A few minutes later, a taxi slowly cruised by the front entrance of the hotel and went around to the door near the self-parking area. Ashley started her car and drove around the corner so she could see. She was amazed to see a very tall and garishly dressed woman emerge from the taxi, with six-inch heels, black thigh high boots, and a red sequined miniskirt that set off her bright red hair. It was the most over the top Halloween hooker costume Ashley had ever seen, outdoing even those worn by co-eds at the wildest USC frat parties.

Ashley pulled out her Sony Alpha that was pre-set for low light and fired off a string of shots just as the woman went through the door. She dialed up her bellman informant but got no answer, leaving a message for him to call ASAP whatever the time. She pulled around to a parking spot that allowed her to see both side and front entrances and settled in to watch. She fell asleep about two hours later and stayed out until honking horns from the morning traffic awakened her. Cursing, she looked at the photos from last night. She had several good shots of the woman's back and crazy outfit, but none of her face. Damn.


Elizabeth stretched and yawned. "Wow, I really enjoyed that. Would you two hold on here for just a minute? I'll be right back."

I sat down, temporarily spent, on the couch next to Summer. Elizabeth disappeared into the big kitchen area and we heard some banging of pots and pans, followed by muted popping noises. She returned with a cold can of Spindrift water, and a wooden bowl of popcorn, both of which she handed to me.

"You are now our audience."

She turned to Summer. "I want you up on the coffee table, dear."

She grabbed Summer by the wrist and positioned her on the coffee table in front of me, facing me, and began to remove her clothes. When she had removed her relatively daring red panties, she began to gently caress Summer. Summer jumped at her first touch, and a Suzie impulse spiked out, like a static electricity spark on a cold, dry winter day.

But there was nothing cold or dry about what was about to happen. Summer at first looked like a little girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar. But soon thereafter she was the cookie jar, and Elizabeth was opening the jar by removing the red panties, and obviously preparing to eat the cookies. A thousand expressions rapidly flew across Summer's countenance, and most of them were, I was sure, brand new to her. Surprise, astonishment, embarrassment, amazement, and a dozen others flew by like shuffling cards. Elizabeth took her time, slowly and inexorably touching Summer everywhere it was possible to do so, first with her fingertips, and then with her lips.

Summer's breathing became ragged, and so did Elizabeth's. I was sure that neither of them knew I was there. I certainly knew they were there. Despite Elizabeth's very recent and very effective efforts on my orgasmic behalf, I was standing at full attention, even though I knew it would be sometime before they would pay any further attention to me. I had to content myself with playing a little game of voyeur detective, inferring what I could not see from the facial expressions and slurping noises. I was instantly convinced that Summer would not consider this a crime.

Suddenly, Elizabeth reached up and spread Summer's buttocks and buried her face in the backside of her pussy. Summer's expression became other worldly. Pleasure on the edge of pain, perhaps. Summer's breathing began to accelerate -- the little engine that could -- come. Suddenly, she did, gasping. Elizabeth pulled back, drew a big breath, and then dove back in. I was amazed. I'm pretty sure both girls were too. Elizabeth brought her off twice more, then rolled over on the floor to catch her breath. Summer did the same, splayed across the coffee table. I just watched them move air.

Mallory trotted over to me, with her leash in her mouth, and her nostrils flaring from all the wild and hormonal scents in the room. I suppose some things must be taken care of no matter what the circumstances. I pulled on my pants, slipped into my shoes and took Mallory out into the back garden. Summer kept some doggie bags in a little pouch attached to the leash, so I was prepared for any canine eventuality.


Ashley followed Jay and Millie Kincaid every day, hoping to record something scandalous. On their final night, another woman entered via the side entrance, late at night as before. She also had on super high heels, but with white boots, and a white leather outfit, with bouffant style blonde hair. Ashley snapped lots of photos, but none captured an identifiable face shot. Looks like golden boy Jay Kincaid has a penchant for working girls. How could she follow them when they left Iowa? She had to get video of Jay with a hooker!


By the time Mallory and I came back in, Summer and Elizabeth were seated together on the leather couch, having what seemed like a very conventional conversation, save for them being starkers naked. They could have been talking about the weather, but they decidedly were not. I couldn't make out their words until I got closer.

"That really was your first time with another woman?"

Summer turned red. "Well, one of my uni roomies kissed me once, but it didn't go very far. You went all the way. All the way! I've never felt anything like that before. What's your secret?"

"It's no secret dear, and it is something I will demand that you learn and apply over the next 24 hours. You simply devote yourself completely to someone else's pleasure. Give them everything you can think of, with all your heart, and enjoy how much you please them!"

"You certainly pleased me. I pledge to my best for you."

"You certainly will. When I ask for something, throw yourself into it without reservation. Be as nasty as you can. I will tell you what I want you to do, and you must do it enthusiastically, instantly and without hesitation. I too am just learning to let myself have what I really want, to ask for it as soon as it occurs to me."

Summer turned to me with an earnest glance. "Do you have something to tell me about Elizabeth, Robbie?"

I looked at them both, then focused on Summer. "She's a lovely young lady, and I'm proud to call her my friend."

"That sounds very familiar. Almost as if by rote."

Elizabeth stretched, smugly. "That is all I would ever want him to say, isn't it? That's all he ever will say, which is perfect. You will be doing some amazing things for me very soon, but that is all I will ever say about you."

Summer looked back and forth between us, then took a very deep, very slow breath. "I'm ready."


Ashley Armstrong literally hated the idea of calling Binky Bleriot, but she really didn't have any choice. Binky was the queen bitch of the KKG house while Ashley was at USC. Binky was too cool for school and let everyone know it. Binky's stepdad was some sort of Hollywood talent agent, and Binky thus name-dropped celebrities like some people shed flakes of dandruff. Not that Binky had dandruff. Binky's hair was always perfect -- she had it done at the studio by one of the hairstylists to the stars that her stepdad knew.

Binky choose a journalism major because it was so totally woke, and you didn't have to take much math. Ashley was not really sure how Binky got into USC. Binky was strictly bottom of the bottom quartile in every class she took, and she paid Ashley to tutor her and write all the papers for the required history and government classes. For a journalism major, Binky was a terrible writer, but she was a popular 'food blogger' which meant she kept a three hour no class gap midday so she could go to a trendy restaurant for lunch each day and post a photo of her plate. Ashley learned she could get a free meal if she arranged her tutoring sessions around noon, so she would ride to lunch in Binky's bright green Nissan Leaf electric, which just so happened to get the best electric vehicle charging only parking space near the sorority house.

Despite all this Binky somehow passed all her classes, got a degree, and got the best job of anyone that graduated in Ashley's J school class -- the Dallas regional stringer for a national chain of TV stations. She got invited to all the right parties, and could get interviews with all the right stars, so she did celebrity reporting and added some 'investigative' stories, mostly about consumer rip-offs and medical malpractice cases, especially those involving plastic surgery. Binky had a cameraman, a producer, and a researcher -- a lot more resources than Ashley did. Ashley didn't think Binky would steal all the credit if she shared her suspicions and story idea -- because Binky would die if people found out someone else wrote her school papers.

So Binky was on the Kincaid case -- setting off her researcher to prepare a backgrounder on Jay, and dig up dirt on Millie; having her cameraman scout locations they frequented and follow them when he could, and having her producer come up with ideas to spectacularly reveal and enflame the inevitable scandal on the air.


Elizabeth remained silent and just leaned back on the couch and spread her legs, with a very pointed look at Summer. Summer gulped. I sat back to watch. Summer got off the couch and got down on her knees in front of Elizabeth, with an expression on her face like she was not sure what was about to happen. I pretty much knew. Summer started slowly, tentatively and then rapidly accelerated her ministrations.

Elizabeth smirked at me, then her eyes rolled up a bit as Summer found one of her sweet spots and bore in like a dog on a hunt, or pawg on a cunt, or whatever. Elizabeth's expression changed almost to one of alarm, then relaxation, then amazement. Summer had natural talent, I knew, and now someone besides me, and with very different anatomical features, was experiencing it.

Both girls breathing became faster and louder. Elizabeth almost looked like she was in pain, but then made a little yipping cry, closed her eyes, and threw her head back. She grunted and then sobbed a little. Summer made a noise somewhat like a villain laughing evilly in an old melodrama, but it was muffled and distorted by the fact that her mouth was buried in Elizabeth's bush.

Summer pushed her chin in even farther, and Elizabeth spread her legs even wider and pushed her hips forward toward the front of the couch. Looks like they both wanted more. The dance changed to Elizabeth thrusting her hips forward and Summer pushing her chin and then tongue toward Elizabeth. The both had the rhythm. One didn't need a Suzie receiver to discern the excitement in the room, the smells were quite enough. Elizabeth cried out a third time.

Elizabeth seemed to relax for a moment just to catch her breath. But Summer was in the zone, and she was trying for some extra credit, to please her teacher. Summer grabbed Elizabeth's left leg and moved it up and over and across, turning her around so that she was facing the couch, and then Summer proceeded to devour Elizabeth's amazing ass. I had to bite a knuckle to keep from laughing. As requested, Summer was certainly doing it enthusiastically and without hesitation, in fact, she hadn't even been told to. From the noises Elizabeth was making, I felt certain she was not going to tell her to stop. When Summer added two fingers into Elizabeth's sopping snatch, the noises they were making were like someone speaking in tongues. I was hoping they'd move on the snake handling next. My snake, please.


Binky got back the reports on Jay and Millie. Binky totally hated Millie. Not only was her historic Texas family even more famous and more liberal than Binky's California clan, but they had more money, and by marrying Jay, Millie would have ten times as much money as Binky. But what really frosted Binky was the fact that Millie was much better looking.

Binky was going to find a way to bring that bitch down! If Jay Kincaid's budding political career was ruined, so much the better. Binky was a journalist! She had a right to the truth and a duty to her readers to publish it. She knew what the truth was. Jay and Millie Kincaid were evil, probably child molesters or worse. She was going to get the goods on them! She would dig in and follow them and do whatever it took to get the evidence.

She reorganized her schedule around surveilling them. She followed all their social media accounts. She called a hacker she knew who could get into their devices and track their movements, and perhaps see what dating apps they had been on in school. Maybe they had a video doorbell or home monitor she could get into. That would be sweet. She also was going to call a 'sex worker' that she had interviewed a few weeks ago and ask her about those clothespins and the blood on the sheets that Ashley Armstrong mentioned. She could smell the Pulitzer prize already.


Elizabeth finally asked for a break, and Summer relented, sitting on the floor and gasping for air, but looking longingly at Elizabeth's backside. I understood completely. Elizabeth tottered into the kitchen again and returned with three more cans of cold Spindrift, and another big wooden bowl filled with black grapes. Perfect.

They both sat silently on the couch for a while, then exchanged glances and giggled like schoolgirls.

"I'm really glad you invited us over, Elizabeth. I'm having a really good time. Your home and your pussy are lovely." More giggles.

"You are welcome to both, dear!"

We polished off the grapes, the girls finished the popcorn I had not, and we all drained our waters. Elizabeth stood, arms akimbo, and motioned me towards her.

"Robbie, would you please sit here on the couch. I've just had an idea."

I sat, stretching my legs out in front of me. My erection had only subsided a fraction, and Elizabeth's gentile fingertip touch soon restored it fully. She matter-of-factly moved over me and sat on it, sinking it all the way into her wet and ready pussy in a single smooth move. Her weight was fully on my thighs. She put her legs just inside mine, and then spread them, like she was using Saskia's outer thigh machine back at Belmont Hall at ESU. Legs fully spread, she put two fingers of one hand between her legs and used them to spread her vulva, exposing her inner lips and clitoris to Summer's gaze. She then made the kind of exaggerated kissing sound that my grandmother often used to call the dogs to supper.

Summer did look a bit like an eager puppy as she dove off the couch and put her lips just where Elizabeth's fingers had created a space. Elizabeth began to move too, and I did my best to summon my inner John Henry and be a pile drivin' man. Summer's attentions were sloppily enthusiastic, covering both of us with wet kisses. Elizabeth began to narrate my thrusts and Summer's efforts, modulated by quick exhalations and grunts.

"Ohhhhh, yes! Unhhhhh, yeah! Ewwwww, fuck!" Then she made a noise that sounded a little bit like someone yodeling, and I felt her clamp down on me like a pair of pliers. Wonderful, warm, strong, pink pliers. I managed not to come, and Elizabeth stopped moving.

Then she began a rocking motion again, releasing me for the downstroke and gripping me briefly at the bottom of her motion. It felt like her pussy had fingers and fine motor control.

Summer just watched for a second, and then Elizabeth spoke, snapping her out of it. "Suck on his balls, slut, and make him come. I want to feel it shoot!"

Damn. Summer muttered "dirty, dirty" under her breath and began to tongue my balls. Wow. Then she turned her head the other way, ducked under a little, and ran her tongue along a line between my scrotum and my rectum. Can't take that for long.

Now I was the one making funny noises, modulated on a per squirt basis: Ohh! Uhh! Ohh! Uhh! Oh. Uh. ahhhhhhhhhh.

Elizabeth giggled again and squeezed the rest out of me. Then she leaned over, and made eye contact with Summer, then cleared her throat. Summer looked up, dazed and confused. Elizabeth pushed herself up enough to release my dick, and then kneeled slightly again, moving closer to Summer.

She giggled again. "Attention Sainsbury shoppers! I need a very wet clean up on aisle one! Taste the Difference!"

Summer's eyes glazed over and she froze. Elizabeth reached out and put a hand on the back on her head and pulled her toward her very personal aisle one. Summer took a deep breath, and muttered, "Dirty, deeply, darkly, desperately, dirty!" and dove in.

Summer made slurping and sucking noises, and Elizabeth just cooed and then said "That's it. That's what I wanted. Get it all nasty girl."

I believe she did. I believe she was. I believe they both were. England's finest!

When I could finally stand, Mallory had to go out again.


Binky's sex worker contact told her about several things to do with clothespins that she had never heard of before. But it made her a little hot in a kinky sort of way. If she could get video of the Kincaids doing that stuff it would be golden. She visited a couple of the websites that her contact told her about, just for research of course. They had a strange effect on her. Maybe she would pick up some clothespins on the way home. Where does one get clothespins, anyway? Not Neiman's! Ross? Target?

Her team was frustrated because following the Kincaids was almost impossible. They spent a lot of time at the Warner Ranch, at the end of a private road and behind a closed gate, where nobody else could get in. Come September, they would go back to Austin so Jay could attend classes at ESU. Austin. Maybe that was the ticket? Tap into the sorority gossip mill and find out about what the Kincaids were really like. First stop: the Kappa house on University Boulevard.