My Only Talent Ch. 42


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I went into the bathroom and got the little chair that Lara used to sit in front of her makeup mirror and moved it over just in front of the trapeze. I grabbed Nora and motioned her toward the chair. "You, professor, get out of those clothes and sit in the chair." When she did, I took another set of restraints and strapped her in, securing her ankles and wrist to the legs of the chair. She was not expecting that. I felt burning anger through our link.

"I thought you were excited by the idea of humiliation. So, you are going to experience some firsthand, Professor!"

I got some wooden clothespins out of Lara's toy box and begin to clip them to her nipples. She gasped and twisted in her restraints, which made the trapeze jump around and made the clothespins tug and pull, exciting her even more. I felt Nora's strong excitement in response. This had potential! I put a couple of pins on Nora. Her Suzie burned.

I took the little Singaporean bamboo canes out of the toy box, and Lara shuddered at the sight of them. I chose the long tease. I caressed her with the canes, rather than struck her. I knew she needed strong stimulation and pain to trigger her first release and relaxation, and I was going to make her climb the mountain one slow step at a time before she reached the peak. One of the canes had a little plastic spoon shaped tip, and I used it like stiff little tongue, barely touching the perfect pink skin of her inner thighs. After a long gentle touch traveling from near her knee to just under her pussy, I raised the cane up about a foot from her and tensed my arm as if about to strike. Her body tensed in anticipation and I pulled my punch just before it hit her and instead delivered another slow caress. It drove her wild.

She began to surge up against the ropes to try to meet the cane before I could stop its motion. She was doing intense isometric exercise against the ropes, and that plus her frustration produced the labored breathing I was hoping for. When she was least expecting it, I gave her one very strong strike at mid-thigh. Lara gasped loudly and then let out a long and surprisingly contented sigh. I heard nothing of her Suzie, but I knew her and her needs very well by now. A dark pink welt appeared on her lovely light pink skin tone. Then I heard Nora's Suzie speak up. She was jealous of the attention that I was giving Lara.

I repeated the tease, strike, tease cycle a dozen times. Lara was in an altered state. She didn't know when to try to anticipate a strike and when she was going to get a caress. She began to murmur, "please, Master, please" and I made no response. I turned, stomping to make my steps heard, and walked away from her. She tensed and held her breath. Just as I was about to exit through the bedroom door, I turned like a tennis backhand and struck her butt cheeks very strongly, ten times each. She almost came. Almost. "Please, please, Master?"

I used my warm tongue to gently lick all the welts on her thighs and buttocks, tracing each like I was capturing their pattern on tracing paper. It drove her wild. The evaporation cooled her hot skin. Her pussy dripped and she shook the trapeze like she was twerking. I watched for her to relax slightly, and then I suddenly struck again, ten hot and hard ones right next to her pussy. She came like a string of firecrackers going off. Now I couldn't resist her anymore!

I twisted the trapeze and jammed by cock into her pussy, holding a position that put our joining about a foot from Nora's face, tied as she was to the little chair. Nora's nostrils flared at the sights and smells. Twenty plunges into Lara just as hard as I could make them made her come again. It made me frantic, too. I pushed against the trapeze, swinging it up and away, and then caught it again when it swung back down, putting my arms on it like a chin-up bar on a playground and thrusting my tongue into Lara's steamy snatch. It was a gourmet treat. I did three sets of ten presses, pushing away and then pulling her in as strongly as I could to maximize the depth my tongue could reach. It was good exercise, and I repeated it three more times, ending in another noisy orgasm for my lovely Lara.

On the last swing of our big beautiful pendulum, I changed sides and repeated the exercise, focusing my tongue on Lara's lovely ass. She responded wonderfully. When I finally plunged my cock into her perfect pucker, I could look through the triangle formed by the horizontal trapeze bar and the vee of Lara's legs to see Nora looking right at me. I blew her a showy kiss, and then made quite a show of coming forcefully in Lara's butt, with lots of grunting from Lara and me. Nora's expression remained unreadable as I swung the trapeze around and pushed it away from me, shoving Lara's overflowing ass right into Nora's face. I could see one of her eyes staring right at me as she noisily sucked Lara clean. It's great to be home again, but the girls must leave tomorrow!

We took Lara down and gently washed her in the shower. "I love you Lara. You are mine, and mine alone." She smiled contentedly and lay back languidly on the bed in her terrycloth robe. Then she said "Robbie, don't forget you promised Nora some very special attention! I am going to rest while you take care of her. Be careful, she is pregnant."

Nora laid on the bed next to Lara. Her Suzie reached out and grabbed me. "I don't want gentle, Robbie. I want to be fucked like an animal. I have never been so horny in my life. I want pizza night in my ass, Robbie!" I did my best.

We cuddled and slept in a big tangle, then awoke in the stark morning light to realize it was time to vacate the apartment, which Lara had already sublet, in favor of the renters about to move in. Lara was very well organized, especially compared to Kevin's dorm room disaster, and it only took about two hours to pack everything up and seal the boxes, attach the Fedex labels she had pre-printed, and drop them at the Fedex/Kinko's on Congress. After another quick trip to the airport to drop both girls at their gates, I was alone again, naturally. I estimate the plane was at about 6,000 ft AGL when Nora's Suzie signal disappeared. It was the last one I would hear for some time.


I went through the motions like an automaton and began my first day of classes for my fall semester at ESU. The food at the UDP house was good, but my room was just as noisy as Jester. I saw several girls that piqued my interest, but according to their signals, they were not interested in me. One smiled markedly at me, and I thought she might like me, but without the confirming Suzie I was paralyzed with uncertainty. Some Master, eh? The classes were interesting on an intellectual level, and I devoted myself to my weekday study routine. I was avoiding the issue of what I would do on the weekends, and I had not done my dating homework to prepare for the coming weekend. Sorry, Dad.

I hoped to get some clarity at my first fall session with Dr. Asa Weltschmerz, M.D., PhD, etc. Originally Lara's psychotherapist and now my scientific and personal advisor and one of the only people to know all the gory details about My Only Talent. After I gave him a summary of my Summer, I told him about my concerns that my talent was intermittent, or maybe disappearing entirely. He asked a few clarifying questions, then laughed. That made me mad! I guess he noticed my agitation.

"Mother Nature always bats last, Robbie. She almost always wins the game!" he began.

"What the heck does that mean?"

"Well I don't fully subscribe to all the aspects of the Darwinian theory of evolution, as the modern observed mutation rates don't line up with the capacity of DNA information storage vis-a-vis our estimates of the age of the earth, much less the incredible complexity of the nervous system, but it can explain some developments. Your talent, for example, was probably propagated and grew in gene frequency in the population because it conveyed some differential survival advantage."

I didn't quite follow the first part, so I focused on My Only Talent. "You mean that our family 'receiver' allowed us to find more receptive females and have more offspring?"

"To the first order, or perhaps also to form more stable relationships, and better tribal bonds which led to better food, better health, better infant mortality, etc. resulting in better survival rates overall. I am forming a theory, but tell me, before Nora got pregnant, you could hear the signals from both Lara and Nora, as well as from other women, is that correct?"

"Yes, but I always got more information from Nora, at least I did after she stopped trying to suppress her signals."

"Nora seems to have some version of your talent, too?"

"Yes, but when we first met, she was afraid to show it, lest someone like me use the signals to manipulate her somehow. What's your theory?"

He looked very thoughtful, almost troubled. "Well, when one proposes a theory, one must also propose an experiment that might test it. My theory allows me to make a prediction about the outcome, but I am not sure you would want to conduct the required experiment, or even if you could do so, or if one of the subjects of the experiment would cooperate."

"What would I have to do?"

"Get Lara pregnant immediately, so that she and Nora would both be carrying your child at the same time! My prediction is that you could then hear both of their signals again, but no signals from anyone else. Further, that when they both had delivered and neither was with your child, you would be able to hear all the other signals again. "

"Why would it evolve that way?"

"Originally, the talent allowed your family to find mates and better form stable long-term relationships. But then I speculate that it also evolved further to make you more aware of and protective of your offspring. Thus, it follows that it would prevent from you hearing other prospective mate's signals until you are, so to speak, 'in the market' for having another child!"

That somehow resonated deep inside me. It also explained why I could tell so much about the child Nora was carrying and why I was so worried when I wasn't near her. I assume back in pre-history when my talent arose, parents did not routinely travel thousands of miles nor live apart for any significant time. If we conducted Asa's proposed experiment, and Lara got pregnant too, would it drive me twice as crazy to be away from them both?

"Gee, doc given the long-distance nature of our relationships, I'm not sure I could even ask Lara to be part of that, or if she would want to."

"Oh, she would agree immediately! Having children with you is her major life goal right now. But there are other practical considerations. Are you planning to be there when Nora is due?"

"Yes. I am trying to set up an internship for next spring and summer so I can be up in Massachusetts with Nora. Professor Tappert has a identified a startup up there that I could work for. So maybe it would be possible to conduct the experiment. So I could be there for Lara, too."

He made a funny noise. "Tell me something else, Robbie. Are you planning to pursue and bed other women this semester? What do Nora and Lara think of that?"

"Until Nora got pregnant, she was planning to have some 'other relationships' in the short term at B school but then end up with me in the long run. Now she says she can only think about the baby and won't risk sex with anyone else. Lara says she only wants to be with me. They both say I should date this semester if I want to. There are even two girls they know about that they have sort of 'pre-approved' for me to be with. But since I don't hear the signals, I have lost my self-confidence about approaching girls."

He laughed again. "Mother Nature wins again! Protecting that baby is her only priority, not your pleasure."

"There is something else, doc. Without the signals, I can't tell if a girl is digging me or what I want sexually, or if it turns her off. I am always worried that she will freak out and run away if I go for what I really want."

"Just like a normal guy, eh? Worried about how a girl perceives you? How she reacts to you? That they will reject you? Perhaps you should try another approach this semester? It could expand your knowledge and emotional skill set a lot. It would let you see how the other half lives so to speak."

I was stumped. "What approach is that?"


Rock Tappert was only teaching one class for Fall Semester, so he had lots of time for research and publishing what he had already worked on. He wanted to make Robbie Roberts publish a paper on the potential applications one of their recently issued joint patents for the learning experience. Rock also wanted to see (and film) Robbie doing his wife Veronica. Robbie seemed to have quite an insight into what women wanted, and he loved to see Veronica get a new thrill, and to collect the rewards she always bestowed on Rock after she got such a thrill.

Next semester, Robbie would be off for another work assignment, and he wanted to be up East to be with his girlfriend, so this semester was the best chance to make his next movie. Rock really wanted Robbie to work on his new device startup, which was using silicon semiconductor films 'doped' with ytterbium and rhodium to make some new detectors, perhaps to detect quantum entanglement. Robbie seemed inexplicably nervous about that one, and strongly preferred another that was much earlier stage, currently doing mathematical modeling of signal modulation rather than developing actual new hardware.

Rock would make it contingent upon Robbie doing what Veronica wanted, if Robbie was to get what he wanted. Everybody wins, right?


I decided to try Asa's 'new approach' to dating. I didn't really have much choice. If I met a woman that I really liked, but couldn't hear signals from, I would wait to see if she approached me. If she didn't, nothing would happen. If she did, I would accept her initial invitation, and then I would follow my dad's advice for me, even without My Only Talent, to just pay attention to her, listen to her, and be honest about what I wanted.

I realized that even when I was with Suzanne, and least after we had been together a few times, that just letting myself go had worked great for her too. Likewise, for Peggy, and Candy just going with my own flow got them off too. Not true with Janet Arroz, though. I would have to be very careful about the how I introduced some of the things I wanted, and that made me nervous. I also was already frustrated and impatient. What it no girls asked me at all? What if I ran into another Melanie? This dating thing is tougher than I ever realized.

You can't win if you don't play the game, I guess. I will work hard on school, and just hope that someone takes an interest in me and takes the initiative. And I will have to be very careful at how I proceed after that. It's like going back to high school, I guess. At least there are 25,000 or so female students at ESU. There's got to be one that would take a shine to me, right?

The first weekend, nothing. I ran a lot, facetimed with Lara and Nora, and heard all about the minutia of Nora's pregnancy and their first week at a new school. But I never got tired of hearing about my growing boy. It was weird. But that's life. I suppose I should spend some time reflecting on the people I have met so far at ESU, and what I want to happen next.

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wish_thinkerwish_thinkerabout 2 years ago

Finally he is not able to simply "jump" a girl and immediately haves sex. But time

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 3 years ago

It’s only fair that Lara gets a baby as well. Useually fair doesn’t come into these matters but Lara has been utterly and deeply in love with Robbie for a year. Lara is also devoted to him like no other, even Nora. Lara even told Suzanne a lady that she loved, to fuck off unless she got back with Robbie. Lara also phoned Robbie minutes after Suzanne left them all because she knew that he would need support and also knew how to deliver it, even though Lara herself was hurting just as much or more.

She deserves a baby for all that. However Lara and Robbie should have a baby now because they love each other and they can. Daddy is rich and can afford a live in baby sitter whatever you call them.

Shame the two babies wouldn’t grow up together though for quite a while. Shame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Despite what your pastor said, evolution does actually explain the complexities of the nervous system.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very well done!

I found myself on edge for a lot of this chapter.

I waffled between disappointment at his lack of honest communication and recognition that he hasn't really 'lived normally' and, I hope, will grow from this experience.

We all want Robbie to be the best possible mate for those two exceptional women and father for however many children they give him.

My paternal instincts strongly agree with the loss of his 'talent' whilst he is waiting to be a daddy. The timing is a mess though!

I do wish he'd taken the time to talk with his family, it seems like the only real problem I have with him is his failure to think about anyone but himself lately. It's really disappointing, and yet totally reasonable given his age and his recent experiences - he's humiliated that he has 'lost his powers' and realizing just how much he's come to rely upon them. Still, I think his dad could give him insights if he'd only pull his head out.

I suspect you have a lot more going on, and building up, but you can't deny that you've dropped quite the bomb on us so the other 'lesser' story arcs are firmly in the back row.

That said, I'm finding myself liking Suzanne less and less as she develops her predatory, self-focused nature. It seems like such a turn-around from the girl who gave up three lovers to go be with her paralyzed fiance, even going so far as to marry him despite his long-term prognosis of impotency. Perhaps she's just frustrated, but it seems more like the inner 'spoiled, greedy child' is coming out. Maybe her time being so thoroughly sexed awoke a hunger she hadn't realized she had, but the thoughts of manipulating Dwight/Alexander reek of a much darker heart :(

I wish my VPN would let me make an account, but just know that I follow your work avidly and really appreciate the work that you put into your plots.

Thanks so much for continuing the many threads of this tale, it is one of my favorite stories ever.


Bigpat55Bigpat55over 4 years ago
cant wait for 43

great installment, just was hoping for some juice on what Sue and her coming to her senses on whether to go to robbie or atleast pounce on the dweeb and his new bride. i could see the change in his talent going dormant outside of his mate, makes perfect sense, gotta go knock up Larra now, chalk up some frequent flyer miles and bow chicka wow wow so he can hear Larra signal after he plants the flag as it were. :)

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