My Other Mother Ch. 05


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"My turn," she announced, handing me the bottle. She stuck out her arms, smiling and looking at my face as I worked the lotion in.

A minute later, she was lying on her front, arms under a folded towel as I untied her bikini top like she wanted and began applying the sun block to her back, neck and shoulders. After that, I showed no more hesitation at her inner thighs than she did on mine, getting another giggle for it in return. I finished her legs and laid down on my front beside her, each of us looking at the other.

"Happy birthday, sweetie pie."

I couldn't help grinning from ear to ear and said, "Thanks, Mum, this really is fun. You were right; I'm having a great time."

"I knew you would. So am I."

"I know and it's nice to see."

We beheld one another contentedly for a minute before she spoke in a bit of a slow, lazy tone.

"Know what?"

"Hm?" I asked, feeling just a little sleepy from Mum's magic potion and the glorious warmth on my back.

"You remember last night when you said you were falling in love with me?"

" ... Yes."

"Well... a little while after things started to go bad between your father and I, when I was almost convinced he was having an affair... Well, I obviously changed towards him. I mean, we'd both changed towards each other by then, but I mean when I confronted him about it. I wasn't satisfied with his explanations about the time he was spending away and the growing disinterest he had in his home life, so there was no way I was going to put out for him while there was that kind of doubt, right?"

"Mm hm."

"And that was where it was kinda left for a long while. I couldn't prove anything with him being away all the time unless I hired a private investigator or something, and then where would that lead? A broken home for my son? He spent more and more time away, if you'll remember, buying you expensive things like that stupid Hummer when he was home to make up for screwing around on your mother, you too in a way... Well, we were sort of his kept family. He wasn't really even a part of us, other than by guilt, and all I could really do... I just tuned him out."

"I remember when he got 'busier'," I said.

"Yeah. ... Well, that's why. The big wheel had no more time for lil old us. And for me, that left you. Didn't it? You may also remember how I started paying more attention to you."


"I suddenly realized one depressive day that you were all I really had. So, I took greater interest... allowed myself to be distracted by you. To make you the successful man I stood behind. It's who I am and I found it very easy to devote myself to you in that way, much easier than your father when I met him because, of course, you're my son and I raised you. Plus, you'd do whatever I told you," she added with a smile.

"That's when I began taking a closer interest in your studies, decided you should take Jujitsu, then join the swim team and all the rest of it, including the discipline, luckily for my then budding super villain. It's also why I got involved with those birdbrains in the PTA. You may remember how I changed back then? How I became more strict with you?"

"Yes. I knew you and Dad weren't getting along, so I figured you were just mad."

" ... Of course not. No, I would never take that out on you, I'm so sorry you thought that."

"It's okay. After I got used to it, I figured you just..."


"Well, I don't want to say it."

"Go ahead, it's alright."

" ... I kinda figured you were just turning into a resentful... bitch. Sorry, but you said..."

"Its fine, I'm not surprised. ... I'm sorry about my dedication, but I had no other use. Do you know what I mean?"

"I think so."

"It was like he just wasted all my efforts over the years like they meant nothing, and then there you were, the only payoff I had left. And I wasn't always tripping out on you. We had a lot of fun together, too."

"Yeah. I still remember the time you took me to the Museum."

"That was fun. But... you know what I liked the most?"


"All those nights you spent in with me. When you were, um... grounded," she said with a tricky smile.

"Okay, what are you getting at?"

"Well, grounding you didn't work any better than having to deal with me, did it? Jeez, you even got in trouble at school while you were grounded."

"So, what are you saying?"

"You'd come home from school, eat, do your homework and go out with your friends. I never got to spend time with you and it's not like I had anybody else to spend time with, so I took advantage."

" ... You're kidding."

"Fraid not, hon. But look at all the great times we had. We played board games, watched lots of movies together with popcorn and had some really great talks. Admit it, you had fun."

"Yes, but you're unbelievable!" I laughed. "That's why you never carried a grudge!"

"Yeap," she drawled, "I tricked you real good."

"Well, why didn't you just ask me to stay in and keep you company sometimes? I would have."

"Maybe, but you wouldn't have wanted to. You'd have done it because you felt sorry for me or something and I'd have seen the understandable disappointment in your eyes. Teenage boys don't want to hang out with their mothers, they want to go out and howl with their pack, so... It was better to ground you, let you whine for a little before telling you to shut up and go to your room. Then you'd come out later and by the end of the night you'd have accepted it, we'd be getting along and I'd have you for a week or two. Or a month. (giggle) Or two."

" ... I should be mad, you know," I laughed.

"I would be. I'd want to tie me up and do naughty things to me for that."

"Careful what you wish for, Mummy."

"Oooooohh!" she jeered, laughing.

"But, how does all this relate to me falling in love with you?"

"I'm getting to that. (ahem) That break-and-enter fiasco your stupid friends went to the slammer for?"


"When the pigs showed up and interviewed you?"

" ... Yes."

"And when you and I had that little talk after they left?"

"I'll never forget that part."

"Neither will I. You see... Well, first of all, I was quite impressed at your ability to lie to them. They believed every word and pigs aren't stupid, despite how they sometimes act. Were it not for the fact that you never lie to me, I'd have been quite disturbed at that, but you showed loyalty to your friends with a kind of talent that... Well, I'll get into that later. What happened after they left is what I want to discuss right now. Hand me our cups there, hon?"

I gave her the styrofoam cups from my duffle where she'd stowed them before our swim and she continued while filling them again from the thermos in front of her.

"You have to understand that the real reason I was upset was because your penchant for getting into trouble seemed to be getting more and more serious and I was near the end of my rope where disciplining you was concerned. I was afraid you were going to end up in the slammer or worse and I... went a little far with you that night. I mean, you didn't even do anything wrong and I know you knew I was out of line. You were angry. For the first time, you were angry with my treatment of you and that's when I realized I'd gone too far. But..."

She paused here to dig out a cigarette and light it before going on, exhaling and looking not at me, but the abrupt, shady tree line at the edge of the sand five feet in front of her.

"I also realized right then, just in the time it takes to blink an eye, that you would never raise a hand against me. You delighted in provoking and even attacking authority in your teachers, casually and easily lied to the pigs, but you always respected me. Only me. Even your father never got the respect you gave me and I knew you'd never betray or hurt me, no matter what."

She took another drag from her cigarette, exhaled and looked at me once again with a funny expression and said, "I also, in that proverbial blink of the eye, had a sudden and completely unexpected... curiosity of how it would be if I did take things far enough that you'd take me in hand... restrain me. And without thinking about it... I hit you again. Harder. Then again, even harder as I got this mental image of you holding me with my arms behind my back... legs spread. ... I hit you again even harder and that's when I snapped out of it."

Heaving a deep breath to let out as a sigh, she gave me a small, apologetic smile as I only listened.

"I was pretty freaked out. I sent you to your room and you were glad to go. Then I paced around a lot, wondering 'what the hell?' I was so horny and it was so wrong. I couldn't get that image of you holding me down, tearing the back of my pants open and just... taking me... out of my mind, even though I was raging at myself at having just abused you and for thinking of you like that. I decided to deal with the root cause and I soon found myself in my own room with my hands down my pants. Of course, once I was done with myself, I was ashamed. It didn't help my feelings about having abused you and I felt like I was at a new low. I mean, I'd just masturbated while fantasizing about being forcefully taken by my own son, and after the hormones that made it seem acceptable at the time were gone...

"Somehow, I managed to get through the next couple of days. I didn't think of it in such a way as it would turn me on, only as something that had to be dealt with, so by the time we were getting along again, I'd just convinced myself that it had nothing to do with you and that I was just horny because I'd gone without for so long, and the thought of being taken just happened to pop up the way it did, so on, so forth. I acted like nothing happened, you seemed to accept that and move on completely unaware, so I just moved on too. Even when the fantasies came back, I just made you... faceless. It was the act, not the person doing it to me, you understand?"


"And ummm... I also convinced myself that my growing jealousy of Staci was only how I felf about her not being good enough for you. Is this freaking you out?"

" ... No, I wouldn't say that. You've sure got my attention, though."

"I'll bet. So anyway, we go right back to normal for a while and I was even starting to forget about my odd little hiccup... and that's when I find that set of pics on your computer. The ones I mentioned before where the woman is tied up?"

" ... Oh, boy."

"Yeah, that's... Well, I kinda made light of it when I brought it up with you, but... Oh, Steven, that made me think things. And I had to wonder. ... I sat right at your desk and masturbated to those pictures and other things going through my mind. It's strange how it hit me so hard and fast, right out of the blue like when I was abusing you. It's like... I'm looking through your pics and all is normal, then these shots come up and it's as if I've been somehow scooped up by the front of a passing freight train, still alive and on some short, rushing journey beyond my control that I never planned on or... Well, that was something else I had to deal with. Except that time, I had to take it a lot more seriously."

She stopped speaking, took a drag and looked at the woods again.

After a moment I ventured, "So... You're saying you had feelings for me like I have for you now?"

"To be honest, I was still trying to work that out when your father went on permanent vacation. When we got here, after I had to sort of... get my feet under me, I soon worked it out. I tried to ignore those feelings for your sake, even though I knew I wanted... you. But, when I'm around you, especially after what we went through together back home, that all seems to go out the window. Having you in that bed with your hard cock against me prompted these little rationalizations to satisfy, at least in some small part, my needs. Then along came Joe, things changed and... Well, I was happy to hear you tell me you love me that way last night. It made it a lot easier for me to accept that I feel the same about you, especially when you're not around and I'm stressing about having screwed you up for life. I wanted to return the sentiment, but I wanted you to know these things first, so you'd be aware of where I'm coming from. I love you too, sweetie pie."

We smiled at one another and joined hands, just lying there, sipping our drinks, she smoking for a little while before I came across with something that I hoped might help her to feel better about something.

"Don't worry about losing it with me that night, Mum. It's okay. Geez, you had no idea what was going on until after the cops left, after you could get it out of me. It's totally understandable you'd be freaked out, especially after all the trouble at school."

Mum's smile grew wider at this, her eyes closing a little the way a cat's does when it's loving your presence and attention.

"One other thing," she said after some moments, her smile fading just a little. "I'm... Look, I'll just come out and say it. I'm happy all this happened. With your father taking off, us losing everything and having to move, I mean. From the minute I started scooping the plaster off the floor of our room and into a suitcase, I began to feel better and now I wouldn't have things go any other way. I'm so much happier now and I have no worries about our future at all. Things will be better than they were, you'll see."

"I believe you."

"That's because you believe in me. That's why it's so possible for us, and Steven, I believe in you, too. I've been... assessing you lately. Please don't take that the wrong way, but I had to know your uh, capabilities. I've done a lot of thinking about the person you are, from your insidious little plots at school to your ability to tell bald faced lies to the pigs without batting an eye. Most important is your loyalty to me, like mine is to you, but what all this means is that when I told you that we'd be good together, I meant that on levels you're not yet aware of. I have a lot to teach you, but you and I will go better together than me and Sheila did. You're my son and this is the 'ole block' that you were chipped from, not your stupid father. The right misery sister, Hm?" she finished with a smile.

I was a bit speechless at the end of her dialogue. I felt appreciated, loved and important. Not just important, but integral.

After some seconds, I managed, "You know what, Mum?"

"What, hon?"

" ... You're a waaay better girlfriend than Staci ever was."


Neither Mum nor I brought up any heavy conversation for the rest of the day. She cut me off after my second magic potion, telling me I could have some more when we got home, but that I had to be sober enough to drive us there first.

We ate our subs, I had some pop and we went in swimming several more times, me never getting accustomed to the quick freeze effect of the bay's water, but enjoying it once I got in with Mum just the same. We got good tans while Mum fretted about bikini lines, finally making me fret when she removed her bikini top while on her back with the duffle bags piled at her side to cut off the view from the rest of the beach.

Both of us regretted leaving, but the time went by until it got late and we had to have the van gassed and returned, along with Bob's thermos and whatever else we brought that he may have owned.

Also, while neither of us mentioned it, I was sure she was as well aware of our impending appointment with Joe Blanchard that evening as I was.

Part 2

The television was off and I waited on the bed in my black jeans and T-shirt as Mum answered the door wearing a somewhat short, beige coloured summer dress with a rich floral print, shoulder straps and a mid thigh hemline. It was nowhere near snug enough to hug her curves, but the narrow waist definitely accentuated them and the moderate amount of cleavage visible. Sheer white stockings covered her legs and her hair and makeup were freshly done.

She opened the door and Joe entered, followed by his dumpster slut.

"Hey, what's this?" Mum demanded, her tone and facial expression anything but impressed.

"Relax, just a friend of mine," Joe said. "Roxanne, this is Kathleen and Steven."

Roxanne's eyes roamed over us both, her nervous expression not quite willing to meet our eyes.

Ignoring the introduction, Mum angrily pointed out, "You weren't supposed to tell anyone!"

"That's your problem, tits. Anyway, it's just Roxy. She won't tell, will ya-"

"I don't give a good god-dam if she's Sister Theresa's illegitimate daughter, you weren't supposed to tell anyone! And don't call me 'tits'!"

" ... Well, I did tell," he said, his body language showing that he wasn't that concerned about it.

Mum stared at him hard. I couldn't see the expression, but he looked away, suddenly uncertain.

"Nobody else, Joe. I mean it, or the deal's off."

"You break this deal and that's when I start telling people."

"Not without exposing your own complicity. By the time I tell the media how you exploited us, you won't come out looking any better."

"Your word against mine," he countered.

"That works both ways."

Another short silence ensued as they again stared at each other, Mum breaking it.

"Nobody else, Joe."

" ... Nobody else... Kathleen."

"That goes for you too," she told Roxanne in no uncertain terms. "You're just as complicit now, don't think you have nothing to lose, no matter what he tells you."

She looked at Mum nervously, even a bit curiously, but she nodded her understanding.

See, for Mum, it was the principal of the thing. First he tried to exploit her, even succeeded if one wanted to look at it that way, then he betrayed his deal with her. By the time we left, none of this would even mean anything or have any impact on our future whatsoever, but I had a feeling that the story would surely go far differently for Joe once we were away and untouchable, perhaps Roxanne now as well. Mum made a point of telling her she was complicit.

She closed the door and watched them as they each took a seat at the table, Joe in Mum's place as before, Roxanne in mine.

"Are- are you really his mother?" Roxanne asked.

I noticed she looked better than the last time I saw her, as though she'd made an effort with herself for this. She actually looked pretty good and I had to wonder as Mum did why she'd have anything to do with someone like Joe because, apparently, it was more than just a rent thing.

Mum looked at the brunette as she sat there in a red, short sleeved, low necked poncho type shirt with tight blue jeans and replied, "Yes, I am. If you want to see ID, you can both go straight to hell."

"We don't need to see ID," Joe assured. "Why not just sit down? No big deal, it's just like it was before. I tell you what to do and you do it."

"Can I tell them, too?" Roxanne asked, leering at us in turn, her anticipation obvious.

"Yup," he affirmed. "I'll tell 'em to if I have to. That's how it works. Right Kathleen?"

" ... Right, Joe," she agreed with a flat, arctic tone, not adding the "For now," that I clearly heard in her tone. She didn't like the second person there to witness us and he was pushing it, trying to gain hand.

"Well..." Roxanne thoughtfully decided, "Let's have them start off a bit slow, since I missed that last time."

"You heard her, let's see you two make out like last time, eh?"

Mum sat beside me and we slowly took each other in our arms, glancing at them as we quietly went about doing what we were told. I found it a bit easier to get started this time, despite Roxanne's presence, but I was still pretty glad Mum gave me more of her magic potion when we got back as she'd promised. Besides, I loved kissing and making out with my mother. It was so nice and with two people watching, strangely exciting at the same time.