My Red Headed Goddess

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About the first time with the love of a life time.
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She is my red headed goddess, the sensual and passionate ruler of my heart. Her playful eyes and warm smile never fail to make my heart melt and my knees tremble. They did so almost from the start. She can dissolve me with a glance and yet I am happy every time she does so. Our time together has diminished none of her power over me, I'm very glad that it hasn't. She tells me she still gets butterflies in her stomach from looking at me, I get butterflies in my stomach whenever she tells me that. The first thing I noticed about her was her bright red hair though, seeing it from a slight distance in a lecture hall and finding it hard to tear my eyes away from it. The second her full and marvellous figure, still seeing her from behind. The third her smile. I saw her eyes then to but it wasn't until later that day when I came up with some excuse to sit at her table in the student cafeteria during lunch that I came to be in their focus and noticed their true beauty. I was nervous to the point of shaking but somehow it all started melting away and after I'd made her laugh for the first time with some silly little joke the world just lit up. I wound up sitting next to her on the next lecture, or rather she sat down next to me. The more we met and talked the more inseparable we became. The more we drifted away from the rest of the people on that course. Becoming a clique of two that others must have found it impossible to break up or into.

I remember our first time together, making love with each other for the very first time. It was somewhere around the middle or latter part of spring, merely a few hints of snow left here and there that had not melted yet. We were sitting in a cafe, talking and laughing. Her eyes and smile were putting me in a sort of trance where I was just infinitely happy to be alive. The smiling fool unable to believe his own great fortune in being near such a magnificent creature. Such a goddess in the flesh.

She made some joke that made me laugh, smiling she leaned forward. She put her hand on one of my thighs and then slowly looked up at me, her gaze travelling over my thigh, my groin, up my torso, over my neck and then met mine. She looked straight into my eyes, such a dirty look. Such a raw and unscrupulous look, but still so rich with promise of sensuous rewards only dreamt of before. Time seemed to slow, even stop, as lightning travelled from her eyes to mine, spreading electricity all the way down my spine. I swallowed hard. Then I got up when she did and just followed her. We'd already paid so we just got up and walked away. She took my hand in the doorway, I shuddered a little but stopped as she looked straight into my eyes again. Finding comfort in her eyes, feeling infinite trust.

It was clear what she wanted, where she was taking me. I knew it in my heart, in my heart of hearts. It had been like some sort of mind-reading or telepathy. There were no doubts. I had to follow her, obey and follow her wherever she would take me. I knew I would do whatever she wanted me to, give her whatever she wanted from me, of me. My heart was racing but my mind was unusually clear, all those little thoughts, all the usual nonsense that fills ones inner monologue somehow gone or at least gone silent. In their place was her, she ruled supreme. I barely felt my feet as we walked to her place. It was like I was just drifting after her, like some helium-filled balloon being dragged by a child. Helpless to resist.

We came to the front door of her apartment building, there she kissed me. She pressed me up against the wall and kissed me so deeply that I felt dizzy. Dizzy with love, barely able to breathe for all my excitement. There weren't much people out, the time being somewhere in the middle of the afternoon. After lunch and before people started coming home from school or jobs. I felt so very much alone with her there, standing before the door. Had she asked me to undress right there I would have done it in a second. She unlocked the door and we went in. Now she let her own impatience show and we raced up the four or so flights of stairs up to her apartment. Rather than waiting for the elevator. We reached her door a little out of air. She kissed me lightly before unlocking it, making me feel as if standing on clouds.

Locking the door behind us we came together like two magnets of opposite polarity. Just interlocking fast and hard until not even air stood between us. Our lips fusing like metal under a welder's torch. Pressing ourselves so hard together that we almost became one right there. walking towards her bed we undressed, hopping along on one foot while removing the shoe on the other. Our coats left crumpled on the floor, shirts and pants soon following. Both of us in our underwear when she turned and smiled at me before we both collapsed into her bed. I remember feeling glad that I had gotten my socks off in time before she crept towards me and took my head in her hands for a kiss. Had I not already removed them that kiss would surely have blown my socks off.

She was wearing some matching lace bra and panties, both a light pink. In retrospect I wonder if she had planned it as she looked particularly stunning in those undergarments. we lied there kissing as our hands travelled over each others skins and bodies. Suddenly just lying there close together with naked skin under our fingertips was almost enough. Just touching her bare naked back lightly for the very first time was such an amazing feeling, such exquisite pleasure. Her sensitive fingertips tracing my skin ever so gently was even more pleasurable. She was driving me insane with the merest touch of her fingers as her lips devoured me completely.

She paused and smiled at me, rolling me over on my back. There I was, almost naked except for a pair of boxers in this woman's bed. Is it any wonder that my staff felt like a piece of steel already? She sat down atop my groin, her lace panties against my cotton boxers. Her covered crotch rubbing against the throbbing stiff piece of metallic flesh in my boxers. It was almost unbearable. She rose until she was sitting upright, smiling down upon me. Upon her willing prey and voluntary sacrifice. Moving her hands behind her back she unhooked her bra, gently letting it fall off of her in front and uncover her chest. She threw that lucky piece of fabric and metal away with such carefree ease, exposing me to the two finest hills I've ever seen. Letting me meet the nipples that I have since then become intimately acquainted with almost more than my own.

She smiled at me, knowing that she had done something that pleased me immensely and excited me even more. Smiling she put her hands on my shoulders and leaned down for a kiss. Her nipples already firm as they gently touched my chest. My hands finding discovering the pleasure of travelling all along her sides and up and down her spine unhindered by any bra-strap. When she finally rose up again I followed her. My feet and lower legs were hanging over the side of the bed so I simply put my feet down on the floor. I just had to kiss those breasts of her, those ample hills of earthly delight. Being that close to her was intoxicating, smelling her skin as I pressed my mouth and face against her bosom made my head spin. I kissed and nibbled like it was what I had been waiting to do all my life, like it was the task I had been born to do. Gently luring one of her nipples into my mouth with my tongue I suckled it. Her hands holding on to my neck and caressing it as she moaned the sweetest moan I've ever heard, then or after. I held on to her, without ever wanting to let go.

She had to pull at my shoulders in the end to make me let go of her. But the look she gave me when she had said it all. Telling me she was said to have to tear me away from such delight but that she would make it up to me and then some. She kissed me and I made no effort at resistance as she pushed me back down onto the bed. Landing with her on top of me, the happiest burden I've ever had. She started kissing her way down my neck, moving her whole body down my legs at the same time. She kissed her way ever so gently across my chest, giving each nipple a kiss. She kissed her way down over my belly, until her lips and hands were level with the edge of my boxers. Now was the first time that she spoke since we had left the cafe, she told me to move upwards in the bed, taking a firm hold on my boxers. That way we cooperated in undressing me.

She pulled at them as I moved upwards on my elbows. By the time I could lay my feet on the bed I pulled my legs up and helped her take my boxers off completely. Lying there as naked as the day I was born in front of her. Nervous, shuddering a little. But not afraid and definitely not ashamed. The way she looked at me, hungrily, made me proud of being able to tempt her so. She moved her fingers over my legs, slowly letting them drift here and there as she herself slowly lied down next to me. Eventually her fingers came closer and closer to my member which was standing at full attention against my belly. I shuddered my whole body when she first let a finger or two touch it, sliding as lightly as a feather over and along it. She looked entranced by it, like it's form had some magical property that only she could see. I had to close my eyes each time she touched it. Electrical currents travelling up and down my body, from my member to my spine and from my spine outwards to all of my skin and then all the way back again. Making my toes curl. Gripping the covers tightly with my hands.

I couldn't stand it in the end. With a feat of willpower and great concentration I managed to pull her up towards me, into a kiss. Distracting her from my member by melting on her lips like some piece of chocolate with a death wish. Pulling her tightly towards me. Deciding to take the lead I placed her on her back and started kissing my way down her beautiful neck. Kissing my way down over her chest I got lost amongst her breasts. Giggling she pushed my head downwards. Kissing her belly, licking her navel. Just because I had to. I helped her lift up her beautiful rotund bottom so I could pull off her soft panties. Her back fell onto the bed again as I moved them up and off of her legs. She told me where to toss them but I had to focus to do so. For a while I felt like I was holding something precious in my hands as they had been so close to her, rubbing against her skin all day.

I kissed her feet, her ankles, as I leaned down towards her. She really has and had magnificent legs and to miss this opportunity to worship them was something I just couldn't. I kissed my way all down to the middle of her thighs. Lying there between her legs that was when she pulled me up for another kiss. Barely letting me catch a glimpse of her furry animal. I begged her to let me see it and she relented, letting me once more kiss my way down her torso to her newly freed crotch. Kissing my way down one side and out on to the thigh. Lying there in between her spread out thighs I looked at that lovely part of my lover. I told her it was beautiful, that she was beautiful, her smile was my reward. As I touched it lightly she trembled, she told me to be careful. I kissed the skin on either side of it, licking the borders between her groin and thighs. I lied there with her legs now up on my shoulders and my bead in between them, gazing up at her now and then as she played with my hair. As softly as I could I planted a kiss upon those swelling lips. The border between them was opening just a little and her inside seemed moist and warm. The tip of my tongue wanted in of it's own accord.

I had barely begun tasting her before she pulled me up again, into a deep kiss with such intense desire that there was no arguing with her about who was taking the lead. Her volcano of lust almost burned my lips. Soon I was on my back with her sitting on top of me, rummaging around in her nightstand until she found a condom-wrapper. She tore it open, less expertly and more like she could barely control herself. Feeling her put the condom on me made me dig my fingers into the bed and arch my back. But that was nothing compared to what she did next. She waited for me to catch my breath and when I looked back up at her she gently took my member in her hand and with her other hand spreading her sweet lower lips dripping with moisture she mounted me. My fingers tried poking holes through the mattress. My whole upper body was shaking when I looked up at her again. She looked so sweet, like she was taking it slow in order to not overwhelm me at once and to let me get as much pleasure as I could out of it. She smiled at me, wiping one of her hands first she then caressed my cheek. I took her hand and kissed it.

She rested her hands gently on my chest, playing with my nipples, as she started to ride me. Flicking my hard nipples playfully to bring me back each time I became overwhelmed and arched my back. She was starting to breath more heavily. Gently and slowly riding me just a little faster and then just a little more. She took my right hand and lifted it to her mouth, gently she suckled my right index-finger. Licking it in a way that made me drool. Then she placed it, slowly, atop her love-bud. Making me rub her just the right way. Somehow it felt like that finger was connected straight up into that part of my brain which was exploding with delight as she rode me and sending some of that energy back into her. My arm shuddering. My hips and pelvis had started their own agenda almost immediately after she started riding me. Thrusting up into her and matching her every move. After a while she was riding me with her eyes closed, soon after I couldn't open mine due to the fireworks going off inside of my brain.

She was riding me harder and harder, like she had no other choice. I didn't know if I wanted to come right away or keep going for the rest of my life. Her pace was getting more frantic, both of us breathing harder and harder, moaning more and more. But in the end I think both of us wanted to slow down a little. She leaned down for a kiss almost collapsing on my chest. Panting a little I suggest that we spoon instead. She smiled and caressed my cheek before kissing me again, more slowly this time and longer. We just laid there kissing for a while, as if that was all there was in the universe. Kissing and each other.

She slowly got off me and onto her side, her grand derriere towards me. I couldn't help but caress it for a while, even kissing it, before placing one of my legs in between hers. After some aiming I managed to slowly slide into her, savouring every centimetre. Kissing her as soon as I'd arrived. Our legs intertwined. I took one of her full breasts in my hand, feeling the nipple against my palm and just weighing the treasure I was holding gently. Kissing her lovely and sensitive neck. thrusting in that position took some getting used to, but once I could her moans convinced me I was doing it right. It took every effort I could muster to keep doing it in a relaxed pace. I wanted to prolong it for both of us, to just lie there and be her lover for as long as possible. Licking a few fingers I moved them to her love-bud. Her shuddering reaction told me I was doing something right. I don't know how long we lied there, all I know is it was great. Pressing myself close to her body and rubbing my chest against her back as I thrust into her. She has such a lovely neck for kissing, for nibbling on.

She told me to go faster and I obliged, having held back for so long. A little faster soon became a little faster still, my body taking over as my brain was falling apart. She kissed me, twisting her neck to the breaking point. As she did my brain was becoming the home of that four-letter word beginning with F and almost noting else. Grinding on more and more. Then she surprised me by pushing me back. For a moment I thought and dreaded that I'd done something wrong, that I had hurt her in some way. But then she climbed on top of me and resumed her rule. It was a reinvigorated Valkyrie that was taking over, an amazon of the most powerful kind. The second she had me inside of her she started riding me hard and fast. Milking my member by bouncing up and down on it almost faster than my pelvis could respond. my arm was shaking as I reached out to touch her love-bud, she almost screamed with pleasure when I did. Moaning so loudly that I quite suspect that her neighbours heard it. She was holding on to my shoulders more and more, squeezing them like all her inner turmoil and tension was transferred to her hands as it quite often does. I was arching my back more and more by then, barely able to keep my eyes open for any longer period of time. my back so sweaty that the covers followed it every time it rose from the bed.

She slowed down just a little to twist each of my nipples, the pain didn't matter to me. Soon she was riding me again even harder and I could feel my every muscle getting tense, my legs getting rigid. The fingers on my left arm burying themselves deep into the covers, into the bed. Holding on for dear life as if I was afraid I would somehow slide off the bed in any instant. A quick kiss from her burning lips only brought me further along, that and the feel of her nipples on my skin. She must have leaned back and moved her hands because suddenly I felt one of her hands trailing the inside of my thighs and I felt like I was going to shake myself into a million, a trillion little pieces. Like some hyperactive molecule that shakes itself apart and dissolves. I was right on the edge and I knew it, I forced my eyelids open and the sight of her breasts bouncing as she rode me almost made me come right there. Mere millimetres from coming as she was riding me, pounding my groin like some industrial jackhammer and all I could do was to hold on and try to match her rhythm. To try to keep up.

She was bouncing and shaking on top of me, her lovely interior pulsating around my rigid member. Biting my lip so hard I almost worried that it might bleed. The closer I came I felt ready to scream. Holding back just a little hoping that she would come soon to, deadly afraid of ruining it for her. Even my jaw was clenching. I felt something, just a little. The first minuscule droplet perhaps and I knew that this was it. Just a little more, a little further. Holding back just a tiny bit before the floodgates burst rather than opened. Exploding into tiny bits as the wave crashed over and through my body, sweeping away all resistance. My pelvis held contracted for just a second before it only to release and push everything out. My whole body going from stiff to loose. She told me afterwards that I screamed in ecstasy, I have no reason not to believe her as I can't remember myself. Wave after wave blew my mind wiping the slate clean for a moment. She kept riding me like some she-devil, some female demon intent on destroying me. As I was coming down I was still hard and twitching from each remaining pulse brought forth by her intensive ride. Those parts of my body that still had any energy left tensing up and then relaxing with each pulse, leaving me feeling more and more like some wet puddle on the floor. She did scream, I'm sure of it. As she shook on top of me and I could feel her grotto suckling, milking and squeezing my staff out of every last bit of my essence. By then I could look again and seeing her come blew my mind a second time, giving me something best described as a spiritual orgasm. Overwhelming me with the beauty of her desire and lust. In that moment she was a goddess, there's no doubt in my mind about it. Each time she comes I notice something I haven't before and each time it blows my mind. In some ways I live for that moment, for seeing her come again and again. It's like a light shines through from inside of her.