My Sexy Wife Jennifer Ch. 02

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Pablo pushes Jen's boundaries further.
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/17/2017
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When morning arrived, Jen jumped out of bed, giddy with excitement. Her trip to Brazil started as another boring business trip accompanying her husband, but had taken an unimaginable turn. The trip was now the most exciting ever. Jen was still full of electricity from the fucking Pablo and John had given her last night. Jen was still in disbelief how good Pablo's giant cock felt inside her. She had no plans for the day, so she decided to ring Pablo to see if he would show her around town again. He said he would and to meet him in the lobby in an hour. So, Jen jumped in the shower to get ready.

They met in the lobby and took a taxi down to another retail district with shops and restaurants. They strolled past a number of shops looking in the windows. They continued conversing for a while and Pablo suddenly stopped walking. Jen turned to look back at him to see why he had stopped.

Pablo asked Jen, "Please show me your panties so I may see the color today." Today, Jen wore a short zip up jacket and fluttery skirt. She expected, and hoped, Pablo would continue their naughty game and make her flash him throughout the day. So, she picked an outfit that would make it easier to do so. Jen looked around and didn't see many people on the street so she turned and faced Pablo and quickly flipped up the front of her skirt flashing him.

She asked, "Want to see the back too?"

"Yes," he replied. Jen turned her back to Pablo and flipped up the back of her skirt like she did the front. They continued down the sidewalk until they came across the lingerie store they had been in the day before. Pablo motioned for them to go inside.

"Here again?" Jen inquired. Pablo nodded yes. They entered the store and looked around. The store was significantly more crowded today. There were at least half a dozen couples in the store and ten or more women by themselves. They combed through the racks and Pablo grabbed several things for Jen to try. They went back to the dressing rooms and she started modeling the outfits for him one by one.

As Jen finished trying one outfit, Pablo handed her another. The latest number that Pablo gave her was a thong teddy made of lace and sheer. Jen slipped it on. The teddy was cut really high on the hips. The front only had two very thin straps going down her boobs that met just below her stomach. The front straps were only two inches wide, barely wide enough to cover each of her nipples. And on top of that, the straps were sheer so you could see almost all of her nipples right through them anyway. The section covering her pussy mound was also very narrow and sheer as well. This piece was definitely on the slutty end of the spectrum of lingerie.

Jen called out to Pablo, "No way, this is too slutty and doesn't cover anything."

Pablo said, "Please let me see."

"No, " Jen replied knowing there were way more people in the store today. She had no question that someone would see her if she came out of the dressing room that wasn't hidden enough from the rest of the store.

"Jennifer, please come out," Pablo said firmly. Jen was still under Pablo's spell like she had been the day before. She felt like a kid that would be grounded for two months if she didn't comply. So, reluctantly she slowly came out of the dressing room. Pablo motioned for Jen to spin around and she did as instructed. She started to walk back into the dressing room and Pablo stopped her.

"Jennifer wait," he said.

Jen stopped and pleaded with him, "Pablo, let me go. People can see me." Pablo turned and caught the attention of two gentlemen that were standing just outside the entry to the dressing area waiting for their wives or girlfriends in the dressing rooms.

"What do you guys think?" Pablo asked the two men. "Doesn't she look sexy?" The two guys had been polite and previously had tried not to be creepy and stare into the dressing area, but now they were given a free pass to check out Jen. Pablo continued, "Jen, turn again so they can see." Now horrified that the men were staring at her in this slutty outfit that didn't leave much to the imagination, Jen complied with Pablo's request and spun around.

The men replied, "Yes, that's hot." "She looks sexy for sure." Jen blushed and then ran back into the dressing room to change. She got dressed and Pablo took her to the cash register to check out. They bought several sets of lingerie, including a very sexy cup-less bra and thong set that Jen was thankful she didn't have to model for the other men in the store. Being slightly mad at Pablo, she didn't say anything until they left the store.

Once outside, Jen whacked Pablo on the arm and exclaimed, "I can't believe you." They continued walking some more and decided to stop for lunch.

After the waiter took their order, Pablo asked, "Did you like showing off the lingerie to me."

Still slightly mad at Pablo for putting her on display, Jen replied, "Yes. I guess so."

"Did you like the other men seeing you?" he asked. Jen thought long and hard about this question. Despite being mad at Pablo for doing it, she realized it did excite her to have the other men looking at her.

Jen softly replied, "Yes."

"Did it excite you?" Pablo continued.

Jen again replied, "Yes."

After lunch, Jen and Pablo continued walking past the stores until they reached the end of the block. They turned the corner and Pablo motioned for them to go into the next store.

Jen asked, "What is this place?"

Pablo responded, "A toy store." Jen was puzzled since the storefront had paint over all the windows and she wondered why Pablo would want to go look at toys. When they walked inside, Jen realized he did not mean a children's toy store. It was an adult toy store. The store had every kind of adult toy imaginable from a wall full of vibrators, wands, rabbits and dildos, to another wall of slutty lingerie and the other full of all kinds of bedroom bondage gear.

They wandered around the shop for a while browsing at all the different kind of toys. Pablo reached up and grabbed one of the vibrators hanging on the wall and handed it to Jen. It was a fairly standard cylindrical vibrator about seven inches long. It was shiny silver and fairly big in circumference.

As he handed it to Jen he said, "This one." Jen took the vibrator from him and examined it closer. It looked rather large to Jen. She thought to herself, of course Pablo would pick a big thick one, just like his huge cock. They took the vibrator up to the counter, checked out and left the store.

After leaving the sex shop and walking a few blocks, Pablo said, "My cousin owns another bar close by. Please let's stop for a drink."

Having liked the bar they went to last night, Jen replied, "Ok, sure." They continued to chat as they walked toward the bar. Jen was busy chatting so didn't really notice the place as they were walking in the door other than she caught that the place didn't have any windows. At first she thought it was odd, but had been to many steakhouses without windows so dismissed it.

As they entered, she noticed the music was rather loud. It seemed unusual for the middle of the day. There was a clerk with a cash register right by the door. The clerk waived to Pablo and motioned for them to go on in. She obviously knew Pablo. It was very dark inside, so it took a few seconds for Jen's eyes to adjust to the dark after being in the bright sunlight. Once adjusted, Jen quickly realized this was not a steakhouse, but rather a gentlemen's strip club.

She said, "Pablo, I don't want to hang out at a strip club."

"Jennifer, please come and lets sit down for a bit," Pablo replied. She knew there was no point in arguing so followed him into the club. As they walked through she noticed the place was half empty, which did not appear out of the ordinary given it was the middle of the day. But, there must still have been at least 20 guys in there. Some sitting alone, some in small groups at tables scattered throughout and a few around the main stage. Jen did take note that she was the only female patron in the club, and that several of the guys were staring at her as she walked past them.

They took two seats at a counter attached to the side of the main stage. A young girl was up on stage dancing topless just wearing a small G-string. Occasionally a man would walk up to the stage with a dollar bill and put it in under the strap of her G-string. The waitress came over with a couple drinks. This girl knew Pablo as well and had already brought drinks without even ordering. She set them down and said, "On the house of course." They sipped their cocktails and watched two more girls on the stage.

When Jen had finished her drink, she said "Pablo, I finished my drink. Let's go."

Pablo replied, "Jennifer, watch the young woman on stage. Study how she moves. It is a very sensual ballet between her and the connection she has with the gentlemen who walk up to her and compliment her with the dollar bills." Jen looked up at the woman and started studying her movement. Jen had been to a strip club before, but certainly never thought of it as a ballet. Pablo definitely had a way with words that changed how she looked at things. She began to appreciate the movement, the dance and the interaction with the men putting dollar bills in her G-string.

"You see now?" Pablo remarked.

Jen replied, "I guess so. I can see what you are saying."

Pablo got up and said, "Please excuse me, I will be right back."

A slight sense of fear fell over Jen as she replied, "Don't leave me here alone!" But Pablo continued to walk away toward the DJ booth. Jen watched him intently. He went in the DJ booth and started talking to the DJ. Obviously, he knew everyone in the place since it was his cousin's club. Pablo came out of the DJ booth a few minutes later and motioned to the waitress. She went over two him and he leaned over and said something in her ear. Pablo returned and sat back next to Jen as she said, "What was that about?" Before he could answer, the waitress came back with four shot glasses filled with tequila.

Jen remarked, "Whoa, you are going to get me drunk!" Pablo and Jen each did a shot. It burned going down and was quite warm as it hit Jen's stomach. Then Pablo slid the other glass over toward Jen and they did another.

"Wow, that was strong," Jen remarked.

Jen had just started to feel the warmth of the second shot run through her and Pablo remarked, "Jennifer, I want you to strip for me now."

Jennifer laughed and said, "Haha. That's funny. Ya right. Maybe later if you are lucky."

Pablo replied, "No, Jennifer, please strip for me on the stage." Jen's face turned ghost white with panic. She realized he wasn't kidding.

"No, Pablo, I can't do that," she exclaimed. "There must be two dozen guys in here that will see me."

"Please Jennifer, I would like to see you strip on the stage," Pablo said.

Jen pleaded, "Pablo, please don't make me do this. I really can't. I don't know how. I don't want all these men to see me." Jen was terrified. Nothing was making her comply with Pablo's requests, but his charismatic control over her made her unable to disobey. She wasn't in control of her own actions when he made his requests. She felt as if she had no choice, even though there really was no consequence of disobeying, other than possibly Pablo withholding his huge cock from Jen. She couldn't get enough of Pablo's cock, but that didn't fully explain her compulsory obedience.

"Please Jennifer, you will be up after this song ends." Jen's heart raced. A few second later the song came to an end and the dancer left the stage to a round of applause. Jen's heart dropped into her stomach as she felt almost sick with fear.

The DJ came on the microphone and said in his showman's voice, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome first-timer and newcomer to the stage, the lovely and talented Jennifer!" A half-hearted applause came from the audience. Jen's heart was beating faster and faster. She felt almost like she could faint. Pablo took Jen's hand and stood up and pulled her up from her chair. Now she was even more nervous as everyone in the club was looking at her.

"Please Pablo," she pleaded one last time.

Pablo replied, "Jennifer, please go. It's your turn," as he gently nudged her toward the stairs at the side of the stage. Jen started slowly walking and gingerly climbed the stairs up on to the stage. The music started but Jen was frozen like a deer in headlights. She was barely moving, just nervously shifting her weight from side to side.

"I don't know what to do," she mouthed to Pablo.

The DJ came back on the microphone and called out, "Come on guy's, you can do better than that welcome. Let's give her some encouragement." This time there was a more enthusiastic round of applause coming from the crowd along with a few whistles and hollers.

As the applause rang out, Pablo motioned to Jen making a circling movement with his hand. The applause actually helped calm her down slightly. She did as Pablo motioned and slowly spun around and she calmed a little more. Jen started to sway side to side to the music. Then she added her arms to her swaying. She was coming together piece by piece. Before long, she was actually dancing to the music. She started to move around the stage a bit and felt more comfortable getting into the groove of the song. Jen was still incredibly nervous and self-conscious. It was hard to see with the lights shining in her face as she looked out across the club, but she could see at least the shadows of the 20 plus guys staring back at her on stage.

Jen looked over at Pablo and he made a motion with his hand along the middle of his shirt from his neck down to his waist. She understood that he wanted her to unzip her jacket and take it off. That didn't seem too scary so she did as he instructed and slowly unzipped her jacket and slid it off her shoulders and let it fall on the stage. Jen thought being seen in her bra wasn't much different than being in a bikini top at the beach. A few more whistles came from the crowd as she revealed her bra. That gave her a little more confidence and she continued dancing around the stage.

Then Pablo put his hands on his hips and made a downward motion. She knew that meant to take her skirt off. That was a whole different animal. Being there in her bra and little thong panties was nothing like being at the beach. She shook her head no in resistance but Pablo made the motion again. Feeling compelled, she took a deep breath, unzipped the side of her skirt and slowly pushed it down her hips and dropped it to the stage. When she did that, she heard some applause and more whistles and hollers.

This caused Jen to blush a bit, but at the same time boosted her confidence further. She continued dancing around the stage and was feeling more and more comfortable. Jen even tried a few of the moves she saw the other dancers do and put her hand on the pole in the middle of the stage and twirled around it with her arm extended. She thought that was kind of fun, so she did it again.

As she came back around, she noticed a man standing on the other side of the stage with a dollar bill folded in half length-ways in his hand. She got nervous again and looked over at Pablo. He motioned for her to go over to the man. So, Jen did as she had seen the other dancers do and danced her way over to the man. When she got there, she looked down at him and he looked back up at her and smiled. She gave a bashful smile back. The man held out his hand with the dollar in it. Jen hesitated for a minute, then crouched down to one knee with her side to the man like she had seen the other dancers do and pulled on the side string of her thong. The man slipped the dollar bill under the string of her thong and Jen stood back up. The man walked off back to his table and Jen continued dancing.

Jen couldn't believe the boost of confidence that dollar bill gave her. It had hardly any meaning monetarily, but the symbol of the man paying a token to her to see her dance was invigorating. Then she noticed another man appeared standing at the front of the stage. Jen danced over to him and repeated what she had done with the first guy, but with her other hip this time. The man slipped the dollar bill under her thong and then returned into the darkness by his table.

Jen was starting to enjoy herself. She liked moving to the music. One by one, men would come up to the stage and give her dollar bills. The first song had ended but the DJ blended another song in so the music continued without interruption. Before long, she felt like she had more than ten dollars hanging at her sides under the straps of her thong. It wasn't a lot of money, but the fact that at least ten different guys had shown their approval really boosted her confidence.

Then Pablo stood up from where they were sitting. Jen notice he had a dollar in his hand. She smiled and thought that was sweet, so she danced over to him like she had done the others. He placed the dollar under the strap of her thong.

As Jen started to stand back up, Pablo looked up at Jen and said, "Jennifer, please take off your bra now." She froze for a moment looking back at him without responding. He continued looking up at her and said, "Go ahead. Please." Jen became panicked again. She had become comfortable up there dancing around in her underwear, but this was taking things yet further and to a whole different level. Feeling she was compelled to comply, she walked to the middle of the stage and turned her back to the crowd. She reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra. She straightened her arms at her sides as the bra straps fell off her shoulders and the bra slipped down her arms falling on the stage. As soon as her bra cleared her hands she quickly wrapped her arms across her body covering her large 34 DD boobs as much as she could. A few whistles came from the crowd, but this time it didn't help any.

Jen looked over at Pablo and he made a circle motion with his hand. She complied with his instruction and turned and faced the crowd, but kept her arms tightly wrapped around her. This drew another round of whistles and a holler from the crowd. But again, it had no effect on Jen. She looked back over at Pablo and he made an up and down motion with his index finger like he was tapping something. Jen looked back forward out at the crowd and slowly relaxed her arms. Her arms gently unwrapped until they released her big, beautiful, natural 34 DD breasts. Jen had nothing to be bashful about, as her boobs were truly spectacular. But never-the-less, she was still quite uncomfortable baring herself up on the stage.

Once Jen's breasts were revealed to the crowd, a hearty round of applause and cheers erupted. She was surprised by the response. It shouldn't have been a surprise as she had by far the most beautiful tits any man in the bar had ever seen, putting to shame the fake boobs of all the dancers that worked at the bar. The cheers sent an electrifying feeling through Jen. This time she really enjoyed the response from the crowd.

She noticed another man standing at the side of the stage with a dollar bill. She walked over to him and he held out his hand as the others had done, so she repeated the routine and bent down and pulled the strap of her thong. As the man slid his dollar in, he said "You have the most beautiful tits I have ever seen. They are gorgeous."

Jen blushed a little and said, "Thank you." She stood up and snapped back into things and started slowly dancing again. Now that her goods had been put on display and there was nothing else to fear, she really started getting into it, moving to the music. Her favorite was twirling around the pole; a little stripper cliché', but she thought it was really fun and free feeling. She noticed another man standing at the front of the stage so she worked her way over there.