My Sister's Helping Hands

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A sister helps her brother with his sexual needs.
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Up to a point, it had been a fairly standard visit to see my Dad - something I had been doing regularly for the past year or so.

He lived alone as we had lost Mum to a massive stroke fifteen years ago. Mum was only 60 when she passed. It had come as a huge shock to me and my two sisters and was a huge loss for our father.

I hadn't realised quite what a loss it must have been for him in particular until 18 months ago when I lost my own wife to a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. Lesley and I were both 45 at the time and we had never had children. Lesley was my soulmate and we were both highly dependent on each other. It took me about 6 months to get anywhere near coming to terms with her death.

As I did, it struck me how alone my Dad must also feel and I resolved to visit him more regularly than I had over the years. Working as an independent financial advisor, I pretty much controlled the hours I worked so it was fairly easy for me to find the time.

Of my sisters, Sarah is fifty - four years older than me and Debbie is five years younger. Sarah is a senior nurse at a hospital about an hour away. The most shy and introverted of us three, she has never married. For as long as I remember she had never even seemed to have a boyfriend. She worked long shifts and dedicated all her time to her work.

Debbie, on the other hand was bright and outgoing. Now married to Jeff, they had twin boys aged 15. Prior to settling down, Debbie had been a very free spirit seemingly having a new boyfriend every time I saw her. She had studied and qualified as a sports masseuse when younger. She gave up working when the twins arrived, though I know she still gives massages to a few friends from time to time. By coincidence, Debbie and Jeff had recently moved to the same town I was living in.

Between the three of us, I knew that Dad was now getting a visit at least every couple of weeks.

Dad and I have a somewhat reserved relationship. We both love each other very much but we're not the sort of characters who need to demonstrate it all the time. So, while conversation flows fairly easily on my visits, it tends to follow a set pattern. We catch up on family matters, complain about the weather, criticise the U.K. government for whatever policies they have come up with recently and worry about the latest shenanigans from the Russians and Chinese.

I had just taken out teacups out to the kitchen and was just getting prepared to leave for the two-hour drive home when Dad broached a subject we really never talk about.

"So, Chris, how are you managing these days, without Lesley?" he asked somewhat awkwardly.

I was taken aback. "Well, I'm sure you'll understand, Dad, that while I've come to terms with her passing, I don't think I'll ever get used to it" I replied, starting to pull on my jacket.

"You won't, nor should you" he said.

I started to move towards the front door, then turned to say my goodbye.

"But I meant how are you managing... you know... err... with sex" he stammered.

I was so shocked I had to ask myself if I had heard him correctly, but there was no mistake.

"Well Dad.... you know...I...well...I manage" I said, embarrassed.

"No female friend then?" he asked.

"No, Dad. I'm not ready for a relationship. Don't think I'll ever be, really."

You could have knocked me over with a feather when he came back with "Have you thought about paying someone?"

where was this going? Was he really suggesting I should go to a prostitute?

"No way, Dad" I replied. "I'm not interested in finding sex without any personal connection. I'd rather just...well, take things into my own hands, if you see what I mean".

I was now quite keen to get out of the house to put an end to this conversation.

"I understand" he said. "I was the same for years and years. Didn't get any easier though."

By now I had the front door open and was ready to step outside.

But Dad continued, "Then one day when your sister was giving me a massage for my aching bones, I got a bit of a boner. Embarrassing really. She noticed of course and, without saying a thing, she helped me out with a... you know... what do they call it... a happy ending."

I just stood with my mouth wide open, but he wasn't finished.

"She's done it a few times since too," he said. "You could talk to her, perhaps she'd do the same for you."

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say, so I mumbled some sort of thanks and goodbye and almost fled down the drive to my car, leaving him standing in the doorway.

I leapt into the car, slammed the door and roared off down the road with without looking back. My head was spinning. Was Dad making it up? No, it wasn't possible.

Was he getting confused? Old age starting to play with his mind? Dementia setting in? Surely not. Other than for the last few minutes, he had seemed perfectly rational.

Was it some misunderstanding or accident? Probably not, given Dad said it had happened a few times.

Could Debbie really be giving Dad hand jobs? It seemed so unlikely but, if she was, could Dad be right and might she be willing to do the same for me? I did quite often find myself feeling incredibly horny and, while masturbation provided some temporary relief, if was hardly satisfying.

But this was Debbie, my little sister, I was thinking about.

I won't deny that I had been interested in the development of her body as a youngster. I mean, what boy hasn't perved on his teenage sister at some stage. Debbie was a pretty girl who grew into a highly attractive young lady over a 12 month period when I was 21. My hormones meant I couldn't fail to notice how her body was developing, particularly her spectacular tits. She quickly grew a pair of C-cup boobs which looked much larger on her slim frame. She also knew how to flaunt them, which soon came to the notice of just about every boy in town. It also provided me with jerk-off material whenever I managed to see her in a bikini or even, on very lucky days in just a bra. Once she left school she stopped wearing a bra, claiming her boobs were self-supporting. My ambition for a couple of years back then had been to get a view and down her shirt but it never happened. Instead, I had to be satisfied with seeing her nipples pressed up against the material.

For days, questions about what Dad had said swam in my head. In all likelihood it was nonsense but there was the possibility that it was true and that was enough to give be a guilty boner.

Then, out of the blue, Debbie called me. Jeff was away on business and they had just had a new washing machine delivered. The delivery men had simply left it on her doorstep, claiming Covid restrictions meant they could not bring it indoors, which was patent nonsense. They were probably just running late and didn't want the hassle of carrying it through to the kitchen. Debbie would be complaining to the supplier but in the meantime the machine was sitting outside and she didn't know what to do.

Without thinking, I said I would be there in 20 minutes to sort it out and immediately regretted it. I hadn't given myself the time to work out what I was going to say to her. I got into my car thinking I'd just play it by ear.

I was soon at Debbie's house and, twenty minutes later, had manhandled the washer through into the kitchen. I offered to stay and connect it up but Debbie said Jeff was planning to do that at the weekend.

Debbie had made some coffee while I struggled with the heavy machine so we sat at the kitchen table to drink it.

We chatted about Jeff, the twins and their plans for the Summer. Then, because Debbie knew I had visited Dad recently, she asked me how he was. This was my chance to bring the tricky issue up and maybe get some clarity.

"He was fine overall," I said. "But then, as I was leaving he started telling me about.... how can I put this...the helping hand you've been giving him recently".

"Oh my God!" Debbie interrupted. "He told you? He swore he wouldn't tell anyone".

She pushed her chair back from the table, stood up and started pacing about the kitchen. Her face was bright red.

"Christ! Has he told anyone else. I just wanted to make things better for him. For fuck's sake, you can't mention this to Jeff. Please Chris! He wouldn't understand. He'd go berserk".

Debbie was now clearly in full panic mode. Any thoughts I had of her doing something similar for me flew out of the window. I just had to calm and reassure her.

I stood up and grabbed her, hugging her to me.

"Debbie, calm down. Relax! I promise you he hasn't mentioned it to anyone else and I'm sure he never will. Forget I even brought it up. It's none of my, or anyone else's, business. If you're comfortable with it, it's fine with me. No-one else needs to know".

Debbie's breathing began to slow and, after a moment or so, she recovered her composure.

"Thanks Chris. It's no big deal for me but I know Jeff wouldn't understand".

I thought that was probably an understatement but decided to keep quiet. Releasing Debbie, I turned back to the table and winced as a muscle spasm ran up my back. I must have strained something moving the damned washing machine through the house. Debbie noticed immediately and asked what was wrong.

"Just a little tightness in my back" I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's my fault, isn't it. Come and lie down and let me take a look at it for you. I can do a bit of work on it", she offered.

I was happy to accept, both because I could really feel something in my back and also, to be honest, because I was wondering if anything might happen.

She led me to the spare bedroom where she has a massage table set up and covered in a clean white sheet.

I lay diwn on my stomach while she lifted my shirt and pressed against various points on my back, establishing where the pain was.

Satisfied, she told me she thought a deep tissue massage would help, instructing me to get undressed while she went to change as she didn't want to get massage oil on her clothes.

A few minutes later, I was naked, face down on the table when she returned with her hair tied in a loose bun and wearing a short white smock which, despite my discomfort, I couldn't help notice was quite tightly buttoned over her prominent tits. Despite having the twins, Debbie had certainly retained her attractive bust.

She made me point my face into the hole in the massage table and positioned my arms along my sides.

Over the next twenty minutes she went to work on me, starting at my shoulders and slowly working down to the small of my back and up again, occasionally stopping to put more oil on her hands.

It was actually the first time she had ever given me a massage and I have to say, I was impressed. Her strong fingers dug into my muscles, gradually releasing the tightness I had been feeling.

"While we're here, I'm going to give you the full treatment" she said, moving to the foot of the table.

Suddenly, my hopes were raised as I wondered what she meant, exactly by "full treatment".

Debbie spread some oil on my legs, then went to work on my feet, using her thumbs to manipulate the soles, heels and toes. Then she slowly moved up one leg - from the ankle, over the calf and up the thigh to the base of my buttock. While she was working the top of my thigh, I felt the fingers of one hand just brush my ball-sack. It may well have been accidental but it made me flinch just a little.

One leg completed, Debbie moved back down the table to start the same process on the other. I took the opportunity to move my feet apart a little, giving her more access to my inner thigh.

This time she seemed to spend more time on the top of the leg and her hand brushed my scrotum several times. It still may have been accidental, but the increasing possibility that it was not sent signals to my dick and made it start to swell a little.

Finished with the legs, Debbie asked how I was feeling.

"So much better. That was great", I said.

"We're not finished yet", she replied and as she walked from the base of the table towards the top, she ran her hand the length of my leg, lightly scratching with her fingernails along the inside of my thigh, across my balls and up onto my ass-cheeks.

There was no mistaking that as an accident and it sent the blood rushing to my now stiffening cock.

"Roll over, Chris and let me do your front and arms".

"Err, can you give me a moment or two first", I asked, still a little uncertain as to how to approach taking things any further and suddenly feeling just a little shy.

"Come on, we're both adults" she said. "We haven't got all day. Turn over".

Reluctantly, I twisted myself round onto my back, putting my, now almost fully erect, penis on display.

"Mmmm. Nice!" was the only comment Debbie made as she moved round behind my head, placing a folded towel under my neck and draping a cool flannel across my forehead and eyes.

Her oiled hands started to stroke across the top of my chest, gently working her fingers into the depressions above and below my clavicle. From there she moved down to my pecs, spreading the oil with the flat of her hands across my chest and circling my nipples. I wasn't sure but this felt to me more like caressing than massaging.

Eventually her hands moved back to my shoulders and, gripping one arm with each oily hand, she slowly slid them down to my wrists, then back up to my biceps. As she moved her hands up and down, Debbie was clearly having to lean right over my head to reach my wrists.

Despite the flannel across my eyes, I became increasingly aware of movement just above my face. Then I felt something soft brush past my cheek. It gently bumped against my nose as it swung back. I tilted my head up, just a fraction so that it made more contact the next time. My suspicion was confirmed, it was definitely a nipple. Debbie must have removed the smock she was wearing and her lovely tits were now swaying to and fro above my face.

With a small adjustment to the position of my head, I managed to align my lips with the path of the nipple passing overhead and caught it with my tongue a couple of times. Immediately the movement ceased and instead Debbie pressed the soft teat down onto my lips. I sucked it into my mouth and suckled, running my tongue around it.

Debbie pulled that breast away from me and quickly replaced it with the other, which I gave the same treatment. As I gently sucked on it, I felt Debbie's hand close around the shaft of my stiff cock and squeeze rhythmically just two or three times.

She then released my throbbing dick and took a step back, pulling her nipple away from my mouth.

Bending down so that her lips were right up against my ear she whispered, "If you want things to escalate, you have to take the lead".

There was nothing I wanted more at that moment. So, when she took a couple of steps to stand on my right-hand side, I dropped my arm from the table, caught her left leg just below the knee and slowly ran my hand up the inside of her thigh from behind. This confirmed my suspicion that her smock had been discarded as my fingers moved unhindered all the way up. As they got close to the top, I felt her part her legs a little and my fingers found the crotch of her panties. I began to rub them back and forth across the cotton material, feeling the plump softness of her pussy and the warmth of her early arousal.

At the same time, I felt her fingers lightly travelling up and down my stomach between my sternum and my navel.

I desperately wanted her hands back on my cock which was aching from the anticipation of its first female touch for more than 18 months. I moved my hand up to her hip, hooked my fingers into the elasticated waist and tugged her panties down. I got them down over her thighs and they dropped to the floor. I moved my hand back to its previous location and began to massage between her legs.

Debbie responded by taking hold of my dick again and running her thumb across the head, which was by now producing quite a bit of pre-cum. She also bent forward and parted her legs further, giving me much better access. My fingers ran up and down her pussy lips and I found them getting quite wet. I was delighted to find that her whole pubic area was hairless and smooth.

Turning my hand over, I managed to press my middle finger deep into her hot honey-hole. It was wet and slippery as I started finger fucking her, soon adding a second finger to the mix.

The two fingers had just started pumping in and out of her well lubricated snatch when I felt the bulbous head of my rigid dick engulfed in the warm wetness of Debbie's mouth. I moaned as her tongue swiftly went to work, swirling around the sensitive glans and tickling the frenulum.

This was amazing but, unfortunately, the awkward angle of my arm was making it impossible for me to continue thrusting my fingers into Debbie's pussy and I was forced to withdraw my hand.

Debbie instantly pulled her mouth off of my cock and I was worried for a moment that it was all over. Then I felt her climb up onto the table with me. I pulled away the flannel that was still draped across my eyes to be greeted by the sight of Debbie's ass and pussy hovering just above my face as she straddled me in a sixty-nine position.

So much for me having to lead any escalation! Her head descended and she took me into her mouth once more. This time she did not stop at the head but continued her way down until her lips were almost at the base of my solid shaft and six inches of my cock were pushing into her throat.

I grabbed hold of her ass cheeks, spreading her pussy lips apart with my thumbs and ran my tongue from her clit up towards her ass, before delving deep into the hot and sticky entrance to her vagina.

It wasn't long before I was lapping at Debbie's pussy like a thirsty dog and she was bobbing her head up and down my dick like a piston.

As my first sexual encounter in such a long time, it very soon had me approaching my climax. I paused my tongue work for a moment to warn Debbie.

"Fuck! Gonna cum soon".

"No!", she screamed. "Not yet!"

Stopping the blow job, she grabbed my dick and firmly squeezed the head, sending my impending eruption scuttling back into my balls.

Debbie shuffled herself down the table until she was kneeling over my legs. Grabbing my dick, she positioned the head at her pussy hole and sank straight down with a huge sigh. Once she had bottomed out and I was fully impaled she started pumping up and down.

I was impressed by her flexibility and her strength as she picked up the pace.

Most of the time she was working only the first three or four inches of my cock but then, occasionally she would slam all the way down, taking my full length.

The view I had of her pussy lips gripping the shaft of my lubricated dick as it slid in and out was magnificent. It wasn't long before I knew I was about to orgasm.

The action must have been working for her too because, just as I felt I was at the point of no return, her pussy muscles started a series of strong contractions and Debbie sat down hard, pushing her ass down as far as possible into my pubic area. Her pulses pushed me over the edge and I pumped several ropes of my semen deep inside her as she sat gasping and panting.

After a minute or two to recover, Debbie raised her ass, lifted a leg, twisted to dismount me and dropped down beside the table. As she did so, a short stream of semen and her own juices dropped from her vagina and landed on my stomach.

Debbie pulled the towel from behind my head, wiped herself between the legs and dropped the towel onto my chest for me to use.

"We'd better get cleaned up before the kids get home from school", she said, as if we'd shared no more than a gym work-out session.

"Jesus Debbie, that was fucking amazing. Thank you", I said.