My Slut Diary: the Lap Dance

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She can't get enough cum, or Big Black Cocks.
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Adventures from My Slut Diary: the Lap Dance

She can't get enough cum, or Big Black Cocks. All parties involved in this experience/story were over the age of eighteen years of age at the time. Please check the previous stories for the full experience.


Well as I said in the first few stories I have posted, after going through our storage unit the wife and I had I ran across two large shoe boxes. One was full of her journals she named "My Slut Diary", the other full of numbered video tapes. This is her actual accounting of her experiences.


My Slut Diary: the Lap Dance

This is a "He Said.. She Said" Experience as when I found my ex-wife Diaries I was able to read her side of this later. First I'll tell you how I saw it from my view.


In our old apartment building we had an older man that was across the hall who lived alone. He was a 40 year old pretty tall, about 6' 6", well built black man. We talked to him a lot as he was pretty nice and friendly, me especially because we talked Football and he used to play semi-pro ball. Occasionally he would come over to talk or watch a movie or TV since he didn't have cable. Dude was a Dallas fan so we didn't really watch Football together though.

We had been talking outside because he walked up when I was routinely cleaning out my car. I do that when lucky enough to get the spot right in front of our building, cause we were on the ground floor in the front so I could run a extension cord out an vacuum it out.

He and I talked about a lot of things and I specifically pointed out a movie I had just saw by Tarantino called Death Proof. Part of a double feature with Planet Terror. I had been a fan of the main character forever in Death Proof though.

My ex pulled up, parked, got out looking hot as usually in her business clothes. Stop by us to say hello quick and mention she couldn't wait to get out of these clothes. Troy complemented her while checking her out. She came into the conversation when I was talking about the movie, and did one of those grabbing his arm and squeezing it moves to accentuate how she wanted him to come over later to watch it because she hadn't seen it yet. He said it would need to be after 10pm if that was good, he had paperwork from his job to take over. She smiled back and said no problem she stayed up late every night, but pointed out I may not make it though the movie starting that late because I always pooped out because I left for work much earlier in the mornings then she did.

She went into the building and Troy checked out her ass briefly as she walked in. I did also to be honest. He said he'd knock later, but he better get some food and get started on his paperwork. I finished up grabbed the vacuum then when back inside.

She already was changed into one of my t-shirts, which was long on her, and it looked like nothing under it. I mentioned she looked ready for bed already.

"No, I'm gonna do a little work out while you make dinner silly." then smiling at me she pulled up the shirt to reveal her skin tight spandex shorts and sports bra that barely held back her boobs.

"Good thing you have my shirt on cause you know I'd always wanna attack you when you got those on." I laughed and headed to the kitchen.

"Break out a bottle of wine with dinner tonight cause today was a rough day and I need to unwind some after working out out the stress." she sighed at me then headed to the bedroom.

Dinner was uneventful, just something light, some oversized salads with her having three whole glasses of the bottle wine I opened. She went over her day while we ate, then I went over my day at work also as usual. Time went by fast as she did the usual dinner clean up and I chilled on the couch. Next thing I know there was that knock on the door. I completely blacked out about Troy coming over for the movie.

"Hey. We're still on to hang out and watch that movie right?" asked Troy when I opened the doors let him in.

"Sure." I said but you felt pretty beat already tonight. By the time the movies were over I'd get barely five hours sleep before having to get ready for work again.

"You want a beer Troy." I asked motioning for him to relax on the loveseat we had next to the big couch to make a nice comfortable "L" shaped set up in the living room.

"That would be great I could use one for sure." he said. "I didn't get the chance to pick any up lately or I would have brought over, but I did have a bottle of wine I brought." then handed me the wine bottle. I didn't even notice he had it in his hand when he walked in I was so tired.

"Another dead soldier.." the wifey happily skipped out of the kitchen with the empty wine bottle, still in her workout clothes with my shirt over them, to hand me the bottle. "Just in time Troy." and she grabbed the new wine bottle from me. "Here get rid of this empty and I'll get Troy his beer." she gleefully smiled at me.

"Thanks Troy." she skipped back to the kitchen waving the new bottle. "I'm gonna pour me another big glass of this too." she laughed.

I went out the door to the hall then out the back building door to toss the bottle in the recycle bin. I thought she is probably drunk already and doesn't really need another glass of wine. I hope she can control herself tonight. We had just been through a rough patch after all the extra sexual adventures that had been going on. Some shit had hit the fan with all the crazy impromptu escapades she gets herself into. So we agreed we needed to work on just us for a while. Which had been going really well actually.

I came back in to see her giggling with another full glass of wine talking to Troy who was pounding down that beer she gave him. She was barely able to stand up straight and leaning over with him sitting on the loveseat.

"Troy said anytime we need him on Sundays for Softball he's definitely up for it again." she said enthusiastically as I walked back in the door.

"That's great, and I appreciate you filling in last week with people out of town." I said as I walked over to the big couch to plop down. "Everybody is back this week, but next week you come down with us and I'll get you into the games." I continued thankful he helped out last week. He pounded three home runs in our weekly double header. I was freakin' ecstatic to find out this dude still had the ability to play at 40, and wanted after last week to get him to join my team.

"It felt great to get back to doing some sports it had been a while. Sorry I was a little rusty." he said.

"Holy Schipppt!! You were great!" as wifey handed me a beer and as she did went to wave at Troy like a "come on now" gesture slapping him on the knee as she literally fell on the couch next to me on my side closer to him on the loveseat. That was when I noticed Troy was wearing his softball couches shorts with of his old softball teams jerseys. He had a wife beater tee under it, one of his many baseball caps on, and I thought that's cool he just might be cool with playing full time on my team.

"OK.. let's get this movie started before you pass out." she said giggling as she kissed me on the cheek leaning over on me.

"Yeah I'm a little dead tonight sorry." I said with the remote and clicked over to the DVR part of our cable.

"Don't worry honey if you get tired Troy will keep me company. You saw this already anyways." as she swigged down the last of what was on her wine glass.

"I hope I can get through it myself." as Troy polished off his beer leaned down into his seat to relax.

We watched and movie came up to the part when the chick at the bar gives Kurt Russell a lap dance. The wifey was all excited, as she likes him also, and kept exclaiming she would do a much better job with a dance on him laughing.

"I would have him so hot he couldn't keep his hands off me." she laughed.

"I never had a dance like that" Troy watched intently. "Never had a "lap" dance either."

"That sounds like a challenge to me." as she leaned over towards Troy and drunkenly rubbed his extended out knee. "I'll give you a private one later." she giggled and leaned back over in close to my neck to nibble on my ear. "If it's OK with you." she whispered in my ear softly. Like I had a real choice in the matter with her drunk like this.

I don't think she realized how loud her whisper was as I could tell Troy still heard her. So what could I really say.

"Well Troy might be a little embarrassed with the whole thing yanno." I said trying to make light of her drunken exclamation of how she could do much better than the girl in her he movie.

"I'm game if y'all are." Troy grinned over at us.

"It's settled then!" she jumped up. Pushed aside the coffee table and excitedly brought over a dining room chair. "You sit right here." as she patted the seat to the chair.

"Here let me help you over." she smiled as she took his hand pulling him up from the loveseat.

I thought here we go as she sat him down went over to the TV to turn it off. Then when over to the stereo to put on some music, and picked out a sound very appropriate for a lap dance. Made me think that she had obviously done this before. Not for me though that was for sure.

"Now you have to keep your hand here on your legs." she giggled taking his hand placing them on his thighs. "Unless I tell you otherwise." she grinned back seductively over her shoulder at him while she walked across the room with her back to him.

"If you're a good boy you'll get yours later." she looked over at me then and smiled.

It was a pretty hot scene was leading up to. Troy sat there leaned his head back quickly and reached up to make sure he didn't lose his baseball cap.

She spun around quickly, and I was amazed she didn't fall over from that. Then fell down to her knees quickly, pretty much like the chick in the movie, and she crawled over to right in front of him. She locked her eyes on his and started to rub her hands up his legs. Just her first touch shook him some you could tell. She stopped at the edge of his shorts though, and then pushed his hands off his thighs. She then pushed his legs apart as she leveraged herself to stand up between his legs. All the while getting as close as possible with her body but not actually touching him.

It was incredible sexy as she brushed her cheek on his at the end of that leaning over on the side away from me to whisper something in his ear I couldn't hear though.

"Are you taking note of this." she laughed leaning across him and as she did she brushed her clothed tits across his face knocking his hat off.

That definitely had its desired effect for her as I could see his crotch starting to bulge out. His cock was getting very hard really fast, and from what it looked like it was gonna be gigantic when he got fully erect.

She flipped around and I was no longer in the equation of what was going on. She then sat her ass right down on his lap rubbing back and forth.

"After all this is a 'lap' dance." she giggled as she ground her ass into his growing cock. "This is gonna get in the way." she exclaimed pulling off my t-shirt she was wearing to get down to her skin tight work out clothes. She dramatically threw it over the top of the loveseat. Then spun around hopping into his lap facing him. He instinctively grasped her hips so she wouldn't bounce of him. Her armed went around his neck and clasped her hand to steady her grinding her crotch into his.

You could see she was just grinding into his hard cock with her pussy. He was pushing her down to get better friction on his monster bulge. She was completely into it trying to get maximum play onto her pussy. She pulled his face into her breasts, and held it there against those boobs straining to be released from the sports bra like top.

Slithering off him she then proceeded to walk around back of him slowly and seductively running her hands all over her own breasts, down her belly, and over her crotch. He never took his eyes off her until she came around behind him, and then started to run her hands all over him. His shoulders, then down his front unbuttoning his jersey to be completely open. Now you could see his cock was gigantic in those shorts, and she leaned down and actually purred into his ear. While doing that she stroked both her hands over that enormous bulge to make it tent up even higher than before. She gave it a long hard squeeze before heading back around front of him. Spreading his thighs wide then backing her ass right up onto that tent in his shorts. She rubbed her ass all over it, then got one of his legs in between hers and ground her pussy right into his legs. She left that leg wet, then after a minutes moved back onto his tent to rub her ass on his cock tent again before soaking his other leg with her pussy juices.

She was soaked right through those spandex shorts she had on. Then she bent over completely between his legs and got up on her tip toes and backed her ass just an inch from his face. She reached between her legs with one hand and balance herself with the other and just blatantly rubbed her clit through the skin tight shorts. She mockingly jabbed her fingers at her covered but soaked pussy pretending to be finger fucking her hole.

"How's this for a first "lap" dance?" she grinned back as she slowly slid back to the floor and crawled away to where she started at.

Troy's poor cock was hard, my poor cock was rock hard, and her pussy had soaked through her shorts and got the poor man soaked all over his legs and that tented crotch. She crawled all the way to the hallway smiling to go to our bedroom.

"I'll be in here waiting to give you yours next." and looked over at me. Then disappeared into the bedroom.

Troy was shocked, and even I was shocked. This was a first for her in front of me.

"Well, I think I'll pack it in for the night." as he tried to cover up that massive tented bulge in his shorts by buttoning up his jersey. 'I gonna need to go home and stroke one or two out now." and he laughed slightly.

"Uhmmm I understand completely dude." as I sat dumbfounded. "I think I'm gonna go get inside to get mine now." and I laughed as I got up to readjust my own hard cock.

"You are taking entirely too long!" as she bounced out blushing now in her shorty robe. Then she came over and gave me a peck on the cheek. "You go inside while I say goodnight to Troy and I'll let him out." she smiled over at the still shocked Troy standing in front of the chair he had been on.

Well I was guessing here is the first chance to try out my new video camera system I put together. I had done it after we had that blow out when those promises were made that she would cool it for a while so we could work on the "us" her and I discussed. I had a camera in the living room in the top cabinet of the entertainment center that covered most of the room up until the kitchen. The only problem was I hadn't yet worked out the sound completely, so you couldn't hear what anyone was saying. I rushed back to turn on the bedroom TV and the AUX part I hooked it up to.

She was good and just was saying something to him which she later said she was sorry if she got carried away, but never has been able to shy away from a challenge when drinking. Which is very true. I watched him go out the door after they talked a minute or two then she headed back so I quickly turned the TV back to cable.

I was so turned on. She was so horny she just jumped on me and said "I need to suck your cock so bad right now." Then pulled my shorts off and got on her knees between my legs on the side of the bed and sucked the life out of me. I didn't last five minutes before I blew my load in her mouth and she swallowed every drop. I was drained. I laid back, and she said she was going to go take a shower because she was sweaty from that "dance", and would be right back.

The last thing I remember before nodding off was hearing the water running in the shower. I woke back up when I heard what I thought was knocking at the bedroom door, but it was actually the front door. She wasn't in the bedroom and that door was mostly closed but open only a slight crack. I quickly flipped the channel back on the TV which was still on to AUX again.

I saw her answer the door and it was Troy. I very quietly got out of bed to go over to the cracked door to hear what they were saying. He was still standing in the hall, as I could see the TV from the door.

"I think I left my hat here." he grinned down at her.

"Well come on in and we'll see where it went to." she smiled and said in her robe with her hair still wet from the shower.

"I was way too hot after all the excitement and needed to cool off in the shower some." she said as she slid past him after he had walked in back to where the chair still sat in the middle of the living room the center of all the action tonight.

She bent over to lean across the coffee table where it was pushed over to and behind it was his hat that she grabbed. Not before she gave him a perfect view of her naked ass and exposed pussy from behind. She turned around to hand it to him and her robe swung open flashing her breasts to him and exposing her very nicely trimmed mound.

"Ohh well now that's not fair." as she didn't bother to close her robe. "You just got to see what I was rubbing all over you tonight.." she handed him the hat them reached for his crotch with her hands. ".. but I haven't gotten to see this big cock you were rubbing on my pussy before." then dropped to her knees in front of him.

"Fair is fair Troy you know." as she unbuttoned those shorts and pulled them down. Out sprang his cock, not even fully erect, and she was hit in the nose with a thick nine inches of big black cock.

"Don't worry hubby passed out after I sucked his cock a few minutes after you left before." she said as she grabbed his hardening black monster with both her hands.

"It's bigger then it felt against my pussy before." as she licked the long underside of his shaft. "These poor babies feel so full." as she squeezed his balls with one hand now.

"We need to empty them into my mouth." she said just before she plunged a few inches of his hard into her mouth. Sucking greedily. Sucking heartily. Coating his big black cock with her spit making it shine as it dripped down the rest of his long shaft.

"It's gonna be a real big load baby," he groaned out grabbing her roughly by the hair to pull her mouth off his cock. He stroke his cock super fast with the other hand as he held her mouth just inches away.

"Yesss, ohh please.."she pleaded with her mouth open wide. She worked her pussy now with both hands, rubbing off that clit, and stroking her fingers in and out of her hot wet hole. She kept trying to reach out with her tongue but his cock was just a little too far to reach.

"Ohh god.. cumming so hard. So hot.. this is so hot.." she mumbled as she quivered and quaked in his grasp.

"Fuck!!" he groaned and held his cock out by the base. It was like it was in slow motion as her opened mouth was just out beyond the massive swollen cock head. Her tongue extended as he released the base of his cock and fired the first thick stream of cream into that hungry mouth.

"Ohh yesss." she muttered out and swallowed that huge wad that flew into her mouth on her outstretched tongue. Then an even larger spurt flew out hitting her on the nose up to her forehead. She went limp in his grasp, and was shaking as she opened back her mouth tho accept the next thick stream. It was so massive that it splattered her lips going into her mouth.

"Ohhh my god." she murmured swallowing again as she started to slump down. "So much cum for me." as he sprayed her heaving chest. Her nipples looked as hard and bigger as I had ever seen them as his seed dripped off them.