My Son Gets the Hots for Me! Ch. 01


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"You don't mind seeing people with no clothes on?" I asked, "You want me to carry on?"

"Yeah Mum, yeah," he confirmed eagerly, "Come on - let's find out why they're naked."

Fair comment - after all, this was a holiday resort, so I returned to the photos.

And they were all of nude people; singles, pairs and groups all enjoying themselves in the grounds of the resort; in the entertainment centre...and in the chalets too.

Chris grabbed the mouse from me and quickly clicked elsewhere - and brought up the site's front page.

"NEW FOR 2015 We're All Nudists Now!" it said in big letters before explaining that their clothing-optional phase of the past few years had been such a success that they'd now gone for complete nudity.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, grabbing for the mouse, "Oh God - let me cancel that, quick!"

"No, no Mum, no way!" exclaimed Chris excitedly, his hand covering the mouse, "Fantastic!"

I froze and then slowly turned my chair round to face Chris, once again coming almost face to face with his groin. And once again there was his big cock, seemingly quite rigid now, almost reaching to his waistband. I managed to tear my eyes away, feeling something that I never expected to feel; a squirming, almost sucking sensation down between my legs. Instinctively my hand moved to cover and to hold my pussy, before I quickly whipped it away in shame.

Then Chris sank to his knees before me, his eyes bright and happy.

"I don't mind Mum," he said, taking hold of my hands, "I think it'll be great fun - and you've always said that you'd like to get your kit off, so now's your chance!"

He actually looked so young and sincere and loving that all I could do was to squeeze his hands too.

"I feel so stupid!" I said, my face feeling hot, "That place was a normal resort when we last went there. I just didn't think."

"Times change," said Chris wisely, "Anyway, let's give it a go! If you can then so can I. Anyway it might be fun to see what it's like to take your clothes off in public."

"Honestly - you'll try it?" I asked, somewhat incredulously, "You don't mind the idea?"

"I'll give it a go. I guess we could always go there and then spend the days somewhere else, with our clothes on, if we have to," he said, "But let's see how we get on."

I squeezed his hands firmly, then put one hand on his cheek and smoothed his skin.

"Oh Chris, you're so understanding," I said, feeling much more relaxed now, "What would I do without you?"

I wasn't after an answer; instead I rose to go and get a top-up of my wine, immediately feeling as I moved that my knickers were almost dripping wet and were chilled against my nether region.

"Ooooh," I moaned quietly, "How on earth did that happen?"

"What happen?" asked Chris.

"Nothing, it's nothing..." I answered, hardly about to tell him the truth!

Time passed and very soon the weather warmed, summer arrived and June was upon us, all of a rush, it seemed. Suddenly we only had hours left before we had to leave and suddenly we were very busy packing and loading the car with our luggage. No way was I going there without any clothes; I'd still need some in case we left the site so we each had a holdall full - but not a lot more.

It was going to be a four or five hour drive so I took the wheel, with intent to let Chris drive once we got to the motorway - and off we went, the cat safely with a neighbour, the house well and truly secured.

British roads are seldom clear of road works and so it proved, but we still made good time and almost before I knew it we were met by signposts guiding us to our destination.

"Welcome to Sandy Cove - the Premier Nudist Resort of Britain" it proclaimed boldly, the words sending hot shivers through me.

Soon we were parking up at the office, registering our arrival and collecting our keys and a map of the resort - and then we were there, pulling up in our space beside our 'nest'.

Almost immediately there were other people around - all stark naked.

"Oh God," I exclaimed, "Its happening!"

"What's up Mum?" asked Chris as he pulled our luggage from the car; then "Wow!"

Together we stood in silence as we took in the sight of so many naked bodies - of all ages, it seemed. I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I felt immediately soothed to see that a fair few of the women looked in far worse shape than I was, thank heavens.

"Bit of a shock, isn't it?" said Chris as he lugged the bags to our front door, "Going to take a bit of getting used to, I reckon."

Almost unable to find suitable words I nearly pushed him indoors and shut the door behind us - and I don't know why I did that. Was I protecting Chris from all the nakedness or had my own shyness overcome me?

I shook my head before visually exploring the 'nest' and at least the place took my mind off the outside world. It was lovely; so well laid out, so nicely appointed, so pleasingly decorated - there was even a big display of flowers in one corner.

I heard Chris go outside again and wanted to go and fetch him back but a few moments later and he came back in with the rest of our luggage. I breathed a sigh of relief then found myself almost in a happy daze as I toured the small home because everything was just as I'd have wanted it...until I came to the bedroom. Because there before me was a big wardrobe, a wide dressing table, two chairs...and a large double bed.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, "Oh no - it can't be!"

"What can't be Mum?" asked Chris from somewhere behind me and then he was at my shoulder, one hand on my waist.

"Ooooh - that's interesting!" he said, causing me to turn sharply and look at him.

He'd reddened considerably and his eyes were wide open but he managed to speak again.

"Which side are you sleeping then?" he asked, ignoring my words of alarm as he tested the bed for springiness, his broad back rippling as he leaned forward.

"Ahhhh, we're going to sleep together..." I managed to say, my mouth having trouble forming words, "Oh God."

"Hey - no worries!" said Chris as he turned back to me, "I promise I'll stay on my side - you can have the window side, ok."

And with that he dumped the bags at the foot of the bed and walked out of the room past me, my eyes and body frozen in place.

A few moments later and I heard him exclaim again, from another room now.

"Champagne," he said, "They've left us a bottle of champagne in the fridge - and some cans - we'll be ok Mum."

As if that would sort out our troubles...

Suddenly I realised that I couldn't just stand there all day and with a shake of my head I left the bedroom, shutting the door as if to close out that aspect of our week together and joined Chris in the small kitchen. We were doing a certain amount of self-catering while we were here, partially to save money and partially just because we could; sometimes, we'd decided, it would be nicer to dine 'at home'.

Chris had already brought in the large box of groceries and there were also three bottles of wine in there too, one of which he was now opening.

"Not the champagne?" I asked, keeping the subject well off the bedroom.

Chris shook his head. "Later perhaps; we'll use that for a 'special' occasion."

Before I knew it I had a glass in my hand and was raising a toast with Chris.

"Here's to an interesting week!" he said, causing me to frown.

"Well, a good week then," he said and I managed a weak smile as we chinked our drinks together.

But it was now almost six o'clock and after our journey what we really needed was a meal and a rest, so I pushed aside my worries, unpacked the groceries and before long we had a meal before us; a meal that disappeared in a very short time.

"That's better," I exclaimed, "Needed what's next?"

"Let's see if we can make sense of their rules," said Chris as he picked up a small leaflet and began reading, before he held it out to me and put his finger on a paragraph of the text.

"Clothing is optional when in your 'nests' but please try to abide by resort regulations and remove all clothing when outside. Shoes are optional. All staff will be naked too and can be identified by their sprayed-on names."

"I wonder if their names are in places to suit their duties," mused Chris, "You know - their names on their tummies for catering; on their backs for, let's think, ground duties and I wonder where the names of those who clean the toilets would be!"

He laughed lightly and I joined him as the idea became images - before I stood up and took the empty plates to the kitchen.

"So when are we going to get undressed Mum," asked Chris from the doorway, "We ought to practice a bit before we go out and join the rest, shouldn't we?"

"Guess so," I replied, butterflies now fluttering all around my tummy and groin, "We'll do that when we go to bed, eh?"

"Not before?" he replied, "Might as well do it now. No sense in waiting, is there?"

"Suppose not," I said, the butterflies now even more active, "Suppose we've got to do it sometime now we're here."

This wasn't going as I'd planned it in my mind - in there I was the one in charge, the one who knew what to do; the one who called the shots, so to speak, but now I felt like a little puppy or a small child. It was I who had hankered (to myself) after going on a nudist or naturist holiday but it seemed that it was Chris who was now the most eager to get stripped off. Or perhaps it was he who was most eager to see me undressed!!

I let all the air in my lungs out in one long release as I felt things slipping from my control; then I pulled myself together, realising suddenly that it was not I who I should be prevaricating but Chris. He was my son and shouldn't really see his mother stripping off.

But inside me, deep inside me, there was a wicked dream. Sometimes, when I was alone in my bed, I'd fanaticize about taking my clothes off for Chris and exposing myself to him. In there, in my dreams I'd seduce him with my naked body; arouse him with my sexy fingers and fuck him with my horny pussy. It was one of my erotic fantasies that I sometimes used to get me off in my very private moments...and now those wicked thoughts were surfacing again.

Chris had inevitably never mentioned any such ideas...well, not to me anyway.

I shuddered inside as the fantasy flitted through my mind but I dismissed it quickly. Now was not the time for such thoughts...and not the time to back out either I thought, as I joined him in the lounge.

"Come on then, let's do it," I said, daring Chris to follow my example and as I spoke I quickly undid the few buttons on my blouse and shrugged out of it, shaking my generous bra-encased boobs at him as I did so, feeling my nipples rub against the thin gauzy material.

"Wow Mum!" said Chris, "Fuckin' hell - ooooh sorry; didn't mean to swear, but wow!"

His eyes were glued to my breasts; I could almost feel his presence against me - even though he was a fair few feet from me.

"You like? Am I ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, so far," said Chris quietly, his words almost too quiet to hear, "Your boobs - oh God, they' look bloody gorgeous!"

I felt myself blush; and I hadn't even taken my bra off yet - not to mention my skirt or panties but somehow I pulled myself back to reality and managed to speak.

"Come on Chris - what about you - come on, get 'em off," I said - and then, as I scanned him, my eyes focussed on his trousers...and there once more was his lengthy penis, quite obviously hard and very erect.

"Oh God," I moaned, "Oh no - you can't, you can't."

"Can't what?" asked Chris as he lifted his t-shirt up and over his head, "I've already done it."

"No, I mean the rest of your clothes," I moaned, "Don't take your trousers off Chris, please."

Instantly I realised that I had no idea why I'd said that - was I scared of seeing his erection exposed and in the flesh? And equally instantly Chris was back...

"Don't see why I can't," he said then as his hands moved to his belt, "Ooooh ahhhh - oh God, no I can't can I?"

He'd let his eyes fall and was now evidently aware of his erection. I guessed that he'd been too focussed on my body to notice his own reactions but now that reaction was all too evident.

But then I realised that his erection was an automated reaction; one that would subside once he got used to seeing all the naked flesh everywhere and I smiled at him.

"It's alright Chris, come on, get them off - you can't help your penis being like it is," I said, as I fiddled with my waistband, "It'll go down eventually - anyway, when you go outside you can't really walk around with that thing sticking up can you, so you need to get acclimatised. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know that, but I'm just worried," he replied, his hands fluttering by his sides, "What if it won't go down?"

"It will," I said, "Come on, be brave!"

I sucked in my breath as I said that, wondering if it was really me who needed to be brave, because I too was suddenly shy about revealing my lower half and about seeing his erection.

But Chris was the one with mental problems now, not me, as another consideration arose.

"Yeah but Mum, what's gonna happen if I touch you - you know, rub against you by accident," he said, his hand on his zip, "If it stays like it is I might just do something - like shoot off!"

I felt my eyebrows lift from the eroticism of those words - and suddenly I actually wanted that to happen - I suddenly wanted to see him squirting his stuff.

"Huh - that's not likely, is it? Or is it?" I said, concerned now as Chris nodded.

"Yeah, it's happened before," he said, "I can't help it!"

Instantly I began to wonder exactly when and where that had happened, my mind fervently wishing I'd known, but instead I answered in a more motherly manner.

"Well, just keep it under control then. Mind you, I don't suppose it would be the first time a bloke's shot off by mistake," I said blasély; "You youngsters are always trigger-happy, aren't you."

I turned my back on him as I undid my clasp and then allowed my skirt to slide down to my feet upon which I stepped out of it and dropped it on a chair and as I did that I heard the sound of Chris's zip and a susurration of material as his trousers slid down.

"Oh Mum!" I heard Chris say, his voice strained and a bit squeaky, "Oooh yeahhhh!"

I looked over my shoulder and Chris's eyes were firmly locked on my ass, my tight little butt that was probably clearly visible through my skimpy knickers.

"You like that?" I asked, somewhat bemused by his interest and shaking my ass from side to side, "Do I look ok?"

"More than ok," moaned Chris, "You look lovely Mum."

I felt inside that he was being quite economic with his words as his eyes betrayed his interest in my body but I also knew that he was a typical teenager; turned on by the sight on anything even vaguely sexual. I ignored him and got back to the task in hand.

And now we were getting close to the ultimate reveal. Both of us were in our underwear; mine allowing the shape and colour of my nipples and my trimmed pubes to show through; Chris's underwear less revealing but displaying the rigid outline of his penis to me. I felt the heat rising in me as I stuck my thumbs inside my panties.

"You ready?" I asked, "On the count of three..."

Chris nodded, his own face glowing redly; his lips tight.

"Ok Mum, I'm with you," he replied tersely...

"One...two...three," I intoned, "Now - drop them!"

And with that I pushed my panties right down and stepped daintily out of them; then stood up straight and looked to see how Chris was getting on.

"Ohhhh Chris," I moaned unintentionally, "Wow - look at you!"

He stood there like Adonis, his sculpted muscles well defined; his chest broad and strong; his waist narrow...but unlike the marble Adonis, who displayed a dainty phallus, Chris's penis was incredible!

It stood up, pointing almost straight at the ceiling, a lengthy broad stem topped by a generous crown. He'd never been circumcised and now his fine erection looked far too desirable and sexy and even as he stood there his foreskin began to slowly move. With open mouth I watched as his foreskin slipped back and exposed his knob, a knob that seemed to glow like his face.

I felt another wave of heat envelop my own face, a heat that seemed to stem from deep inside my abdomen.

"Gosh Chris, I never knew you looked so good," I sighed, my voice unable to rise above a whisper, "Where on earth have you been hiding?"

"At home of course Mum," Chris replied simply, "You know I go to the gym and you feed me well so I just sort of...grew."

"I'll say you did," I replied, my eyes trying hard not to focus on his penis, "I'm proud of you."

"What about you Mum," Chris said in return, "You've looked after yourself too haven't you?"

"I've tried," I said, "I look ok then - I'll be ok to go outside?"

"You'll get all the men hard like me!" he chuckled, "Makes me kind of wish you weren't my Mum..."

I laughed - but inside I suddenly felt something else - his words had a definite double meaning - one definition of which implied that he wished I wasn't his Mum so he could get sexy with me.

I broke off my thoughts to get us back on track.

"Hey, we've done it now so come on - we can't just stand here like this," I said, "We haven't even unpacked properly yet."

My movements across the room felt as if I was walking on air now I was naked; I felt so free and uninhibited - it was wonderful. I ignored Chris and his body and went into the bedroom where soon the contents of my bag were on the bed - our bed, I realised.

I set about putting things into drawers just as Chris came in, still preceded by his erection, but manfully he ignored it as well and soon we'd both made ourselves at home but it was at this point that things started to go wrong - or was it right.

Having finished I headed towards the bedroom door and I'd just come round the end of the bed when Chris turned and walked straight into me. It was a complete accident but we both grunted as air was pushed from our lungs and both of us clung to the other to steady ourselves. And suddenly I found myself face to face with my handsome son, his chest squashing my boobs, his erection stabbing hard against my belly.

Instinctively I put my hand down between us - perhaps to protect my core from his penis but instead my fingers met his erection and just curled around his shaft. I just couldn't help it; my fingers were on auto-pilot as I squeezed his cock.

Chris sucked in air rapidly then moaned.

"Ooooh Mum don't, don't do that," he moaned, "Ahhhhh - oh Mum, oh no, it's too late!"

"What's too late?" I asked.

Seconds later and I was answered as Chris shuddered all over, went rigid and began jerking his hips. Moments later, before either of us could even move I felt his spunk spraying over my hand and up my body in quick hot pulses.

"Oooh Mum, no, no..." he moaned, his penis thrusting against me, "Can't help it! Oh Mum - I can't stop!"

Repulsed and horrified for a moment as I was, somehow my hand held his cock tighter; somehow my hand began moving on his penis, helping him to unload his sperm, helping him to pump his cum against my body. It was already too late to take offence; to push him away and anyway, there inside me something was telling me to enjoy the moment.

"It's all right Chris, let it go," I said calmly, my hand moving up and down his cock, "Let it all go!"

For what felt like long minutes we just stood there, Chris still shuddering occasionally, me feeling the warm wetness of his spunk as it squirted out on my hand and onto my tummy, until I realised that he'd finished cumming, then slowly I released him and moved away a bit. And I also realised that I was wet elsewhere too, wet inside, my vagina spasming, clutching...and oozing.

Having edged away I looked down to see that his white cum had sprayed well up above my navel and now my whole abdomen and my pubic hair - even my thighs - were splattered with blobs and streaks of spunk. Chris was coated too while strands of sticky cum connected us, a small web of wet emissions. Even his penis, which at last wasn't pointing at the ceiling, was well smeared - and so was my hand. I was utterly lost for words for a moment...