My Son's Girlfriend: Ch. 01 - Practice

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Son's mom teaches his girlfriend about masturbation.
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Although they had never officially met, Victoria had agreed to pick up Kendra and her luggage midday on Saturday at the airport.

"Hello Ms. Jones," Kendra said, sticking her head into Victoria's waiting car in the airport's arrivals lane, "it's so nice to finally meet Jason's stepmom."

Tori hated the word stepmom. Jason's birth mom had left his father and him before he was even in school, crossing the continent to work her dream job. After marrying his father, she had been his every day mom ever since he had been in grade school while Jenny, his birthmom, flew him out for a visit every other Christmas and for two weeks in the summer. Jason's dad had died his senior year of high school, but he had stayed with her. Two years ago, Jason had chosen to attend an east coast college a few hours from Jenny and had been spending more time with her since. Tori should be happy Jason was reconnecting with his birth mom, but she was mostly envious.

Pushing through the sting of her title, Victoria replied, "Nice to meet you too, you can call me Tori," after all, we're going to be roommates."

Jason had asked Tori if his girlfriend Kendra could stay with her for the summer while he did his summer study abroad, four weeks. Tori didn't know why Kendra wasn't staying with her family, but she was always willing to help her son and had agreed. "Maybe she'd get to see him more with his girlfriend around," Tori hoped.

The two women hit it off immediately. Kendra had the open and bubbly personality which would have others welcome her into any conversation. The 45 minute drive home flew by as Kendra filled in a lot of the details of Jason's recent college life which Tori had missed.

"I've learned more about Jason from you on this trip than he shared with me all last semester," Tori said genuinely, helping Kendra bring her luggage to the second floor of her beach-side apartment.

Dropping her luggage on the floor just inside the apartment Kendra exclaimed, "this place is incredible," then skipping to the glass door accessing the balcony added, "and look at that view!"

The view was spectacular, the sun's rays dancing on the waves. In that backdrop, Tori couldn't help but notice Kendra was a view worth appreciating too. She looked like a young Nordic goddess. Tall and slender with long blond hair and Barbie-like curves. "Jason had found himself a looker," Tori thought.

"You'll be staying in Jason's room," Tori announced, pulling a wheeled luggage bag behind her. By the time Tori gave Kendra the tour of the apartment, its amenities and Kendra unpack and get settled, it was time for dinner.

"Let me take you out to my favorite local eatery," Tori suggested not feeling like cooking tonight.

"That sounds great!," Kendra replied, "I'm starving."

The two women walked out of the apartment and down the beach to an open bar and grill right on the beach. Without thinking Tori ordered two frozen martinis while they looked at the menus.

"I'm not 21," whispered Kendra as soon as the waitress left their table.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," answered Tori, "there's a pretty laid back attitude towards drinking here, do you want me to change your order?"

"I'll be ok," Kendra replied just as the drinks were coming to the table.

Tori couldn't help notice all the young men looking in their direction. She was accustomed to their stares, in fact, it was part of the reason why it was her favorite place to eat. At 35, Tori still had a body that turned heads. She was a bit shorter than average height with an athletic build, thanks to daily runs along the beach and regular trips to the gym. Her dark features and olive complexion did her well in Southern California, toasting her skin to a beautiful bronze. Her recent augmentation surgery and paired with her goto plunging necklines had cemented her MILF status. Tonight, she a few more looks than usual, and given the younger age of the gawkers, Kendra was drawing attention of her own.

They drank more than they ate, a few rounds provided by hopeful suitors. By dark, Tori was just well into the familiar tingle of a good buzz, and Kendra... was drunk. After paying the bill, Tori helped Kendra down the beach back to her, "now their," Tori corrected herself, apartment. Both women had to shed their heels to maintain balance and Tori had to catch Kendra more than once from stumbling.

Once in the apartment, Tori helped Kendra to Jason's bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Kendra looked too uncomfortable for sleeping in skinny jeans and a jacket. After pulling off her jacket Tori thought of how much she hated sleeping in a bra. Rolling Kendra to her side and reaching up the back of Kendra's t-shirt, she unhooked her bra and carefully slipped her out of it without removing her top.

"Jason loves to play with my boobs," Kendra slurred.

Tori imagined that her son did in fact like playing with her boobs, most men enjoyed a good set of tits and was at least partially behind her reasoning to enhance her own breasts. Reaching down, she unbuttoned and unzipped Kendra's pants.

Kendra raised her hips allowing Tori to peel the tight jeans off and slip them down her legs.

"I don't let Jason in my pants, but it's ok cause you're a girl," the drunk girl shared.

That was a surprise to Tori. Jason and Kendra had just completed their sophomore year of college. In high school she'd already slept with a few boyfriends. She thought that nowadays, most kids were sexually active in junior high.

Carefully, Tori covered her guest with blankets, turned out the light and walked out of the room before finding a glass of wine and plopping down into her favorite chair and to read a few chapters of her new erotic novel before retiring for the night.

Tori always slept in on Sundays. Around 10 she couldn't lie in bed any longer so got up, slipped out of her panties and sleep shirt and into running clothes. Running down the beach boardwalk was one of her favorite activities, both for the endorphins released by the exercise, but also the appreciative looks she earned from those she met who were treated to the smallest, tightest shorts she could squeeze into and her new melon tits, bouncing in a sports bra that nearly resembled lingerie.

Entering her apartment, Tori slipped off her shoes, pulled the sports bra off her sweaty chest, shimmied out of her shorts and walked down the hall towards her bedroom. It wasn't until she passed the open door to Jason's bedroom and saw Kendra, "still asleep, thank goodness," Tori thought, that she realized some of her usual routines, like stipping naked in the living room after a run, will need to be modified.

Freshly clean from the shower, Tori dried her hair, tossed the towel in the hamper, walked out of her bathroom and nearly out of her bedroom, again stark naked. Usually, Tori liked to air dry nude in her apartment, another one of those routines she needed to modify. Tori grabbed her black, silk robe and threw it on as she walked down the hall.

A few minutes later she was sitting in her favorite chair with a hot mug of tea and reading the next chapter in her romance novel. The plot was really heating up and centered around a young woman's first lesbian experience. Tori would describe herself as hetero-sexual, but some of her fantasies included other women and this story was making her really hot. Tori had left the front of her robe untied and unconsciously had trailed her hand down her stomach to the warmth between her legs. As the book's heroine engulfed her college professor's fat, stiff nipple then kissed down between the older woman's legs, Tori began gently teasing herself, slowly massaging her pussy. As the story intensified, so did Tori's self exploration. Tori set the book down, leaned back, closed her eyes and gave herself her full attention. In her mind she became the college professor being tasted by her young student. Her orgasm was starting to slowly build and in her mind the strange woman between her legs took on the face and features of the Nordic goddess sleeping in her son's bedroom. Tori knew the fantasy unfolding in her mind was taboo, but the hint of quilt vanished in a fog of growing pleasure. There was no stopping now. The orgasm took Tori with shudders of pleasure and soft whimpers of ecstasy.

Another routine I need to modify, thought Tori emerging from her pleasurable fog.

Kendra slept until the middle of the afternoon and then only to emerge from Jason's bedroom still impacted by the previous night's drinking. She stumbled into the kitchen still wearing her small cotton panties and t-shirt that Tori had left her in last night.

"Pretty bad hangover," Tori questioned Kendra.

"Terrible," replied Kendra.

"There's Asprin in the cupboard by the fridge," Tori cried in a soft voice.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet, Kendra needed it to be. They ate a small supper in and spent the evening lounging around.

"I leave for work around 7," Tori shared with Kendra. "I'll be back around 5. My phone number is on the fridge if you need anything when I'm gone and there is a spare key hanging by the front door if you go out."

"Thanks," replied Kendra. "I think I'll spend some time on the beach tomorrow."

That first week went by quickly. Kendra did a lot of sleeping in and spent the afternoons on the beach while Tori was at work. Most evenings after work Tori would bring Kendra to local restaurants in different parts of the area, providing a good overview of the areas major attractions.

Friday after work, Tori came home to see Kendra wearing a sundress and sandals. It was pretty conservative and concealed some of her best assets, but not her beauty.

"Let's go out," she exclaimed with the excitement only possible from a college girl.

"OK, but let me change," Tori answered, "I know just the place."

Tori donned her favorite party night dress, almost too short and showing sporting great cleavage and half her breasts. A big sneeze would have popped out her nipples.

They spent most of the night into the early morning hours drinking at a bar with loud music and lots of dancing. Kendra did better with her drinking, finding and maintaining just the right buzz. Both women got attention, but Tori got the kind that made her wet between her legs. A few younger guys offered to take her home, and most nights she would have gladly joined them to help them fulfill their MILF fantasy, but like a responsible host and to provide a good example, she refused their tempting offers.

Ubering back to the apartment around 3am, they both stumbled to their respective bedrooms and quickly fell asleep.

Tori woke with the sun high in the sky to the sound of the guest shower running. Crawling out of bed, she shuffled down the hall from her master bedroom toward the kitchen. Passing the open doorway of the guest bathroom, she stared in. Although the glass shower door was fogged and dotted with droplets of water, Tori could see the fuzzed naked body of Kendra inside, soapy bubbles cascading over a young tight body. She only watched for a moment before continuing past, but noticed a guilty wetness between her legs as she walked on.

By the time Kendra finished her shower, Tori had taken her familiar seat in the living room with tea and a novel.

"New erotic novel," questioned Kendra when she entered the room.

Tori glanced up from her reading at Kendra and froze in disbelief. Kendra stood there wearing only her sleeping shirt, thin and badly worn. She likely selected it from Jason's drawer because it was so worn and comfortable. Tori observed Kendra had not bothered to towel off, because the already worn t-shirt material was wet and clinging to her skin.

"Just started it," Tori stuttered, "hasn't gotten good yet."

The two continued their conversation, rehashing the previous evenings activities. All the while Tori was staring at the sexy young woman standing before her. The nearly sheer fabric did little to conceal Kendra's young breasts. They were well sized, "softball or grapefruit" Tori guessed, and based on her fair complexion, probably tipped with light pink, and at the present time hard, nipples. Years of washing had shrunk the shirt clinging to Kendra's breasts and from her seat, Tori couldn't help notice the young woman's small pussy just peeking out from under it.

Tori felt her own nipples hardening with arousal beneath the thin silk fabric of her robe. When she saw Kendra's eyes drift to her chest perceiving the same, tiny shots of electricity tickled a growing warmth between her legs. Shifting in her seat Tori felt the slickened lips of her own pussy slide across one another.

Guilt pushed its way into Tori's thoughts, battling the forbidden images of herself kissing, fondling, sucking, fingering and licking her own son's girlfriend and receiving the same pleasures in return. Tori hoped her face would not betray her desires and make Kendra uncomfortable. This was erotic torture for Tori, Kendra so innocently seductive, yet forbidden standing before her.

"Can we go shopping today," Kendra inquired, rousing Tori from her debaucherous fantasies. "I'd like you to help me pick out some clothes that give me the kind of attention you got last night."

"You looked pretty good," Tori argued. "You got a lot of attention from the guys, maybe too much for a girl in a serious relationship."

"Maybe," continued Kendra, "but you looked smoking hot."

Tori couldn't help thinking she was feeling hot right now, envious of her son.

"Sure," was all Tori could muster in response.

Kendra retreated to her bedroom to change and Tori did the same, closing and locking the door behind her. Before dressing, Tori laid face down on her master bed and rubbed herself to a quick release, imagining her son's girlfriend dressing in the next room.

Shopping with Kendra quickly did little to stiffel Tori's growing craving for her. Kendra insisted on Tori's presence in the changing rooms. "It just saves time," Kendra had said. The outfits they had selected were the kinds that didn't require bras so between each outfit, Kendra stood in only her baby blue, cotton panties. Tori felt oddly proud as her eyes drank in Kendra's small, always erect pink nipples, much like she had imagined them to be. In one of the smaller changing rooms, Tori had sat on the bench giving her heeled feet a rest from standing. Kendra was pulling off a tight fitting nightclub dress, arms high over her head when she tripped forward into Tori's lap and mashing a fleshy breast into the woman's face.

"Sorry," Kendra said laughing, "I think I'm stuck."

Tori clumsily helped Kendra back to her feet. It took all of Tori's self control to not open her mouth and engulf the stiff pink nipple pressed against her lips. But she allowed her fantasy to do what she could not. Imagined sucking their stiffness into her mouth, toying them with her tongue, playfully biting, sliding a hand inside those blue cotton panties, slipping a finger into that young tight pussy. Then, Tori reminded herself over and over that Kendra was her son's girlfriend. She loved him and couldn't do anything to betray him just to calm the lust between her legs.

"Still stuck," Kendra said.

"Sorry," Tori answered wondering how long she had been staring at the nearly nude young woman trapped with a dress and arms over her head.

"Thanks," Kendra said after Tori had freed her from the dress then added, "Good think you were in here with me, or I'd have been wandering the store like that."

Both women laughed.

Kendra finally decided on one of the outfits. Understanding that college students don't have a lot of flexible money, Tori offered to pay for three herself.

"Thanks so much," Kendra said in appreciation, "and not just for the dresses, for everything. You've been so good to me."

"I need a trim," Tori announced as they walked past the Mall Salon. Meet me in a half hour?"

"Sure," agreed Kendra then bounced off down the row of stores.

Kendra was waiting for Tori a half hour later and had added a pink Victoria's Secret to her collection.

"Shopping at my store?" teased Tori.

Kendra giggled, "I needed some things for under those dresses."

Driving home, Tori was reminiscing about their day together. Her relationship with Kendra was much more college friends than mother-in-law. A sentiment that seemed to match Kendras view of their relationship, because walking into the apartment she exclaimed, "Let's go out again tonight."

Reluctantly Tori answered, "Maybe tonight you should go out on your own. I have some work to catch up on before next week." Tori knew the work was part of it, but she didn't think she could resist her urges for Kendra after today and under the influence of alcohol.

Kendra pushed out her lip pouting, but Tori maintained her resolve.

"Fine, but you'll at least need to help me pick an outfit," Kendra demanded.

"I can do that," Tori relented.

Kendra dropped her shopping bags on the floor and peeled off her t-shirt and bra then shimmied out of her pants. Tori found herself yearning to get into the sky-blue panties of the young woman standing before her.

"Which should I try on first?" Kendra asked.

Tori watched Kendra try on each of the three dresses and together they settled on a very short backless, silver sequin dress with a string halter top. The top hung loose on Kendra's chest and offered considerable side boob, but the fitted material hugged her shapely ass like it was painted on.

"I can see your panties," Tori teased.

"Yeah," Kendra squealed, "I almost forgot."

Tori didn't take her eyes off of Kendra as she hiked up her dress, pulled down her cotton panties and let them fall to the floor. It was only for a second, but Tori was rewarded with an incredible view of a small, hairless pussy that she saved for future fantasies.

"I'll try these," Kendra said, pulling something from the pink bag then displaying a black thong made of transparent material.

Tori nodded.

After donning the new panties, Kendra modeled the outfit for full effect.

"Jason is a lucky guy," Tori commented..

"Do you think this dress is too short?" asked Kendra, bending down facing away from Tori.

"I'd try to avoid doing that tonight," teased Tori, eyes taking in the view. Most of Kendra's panties were buried between her young, tone, milky ass cheeks except for the small sheer black triangle that clung to the lips of her small, "and wet?" questioned Tori looking more closely at the material, pussy.

Kendra locked eyes with Tori, still bending and Tori flushed with embarrassment.

"I think that will have the desired effect," teased Kendra returning to a standing position.

An hour later the apartment door closed behind Kendra. Tori immediately went to her bedroom and retrieved a small ottoman like contraption from the bottom of her walk-in closet. A moment later she was naked, lowering herself onto the large, vibrating, natural-colored dildo sticking up in the middle of her "sex rocker" hoping it would satiate her forbidden desires. Tonight, there was no need for the lube from her nightstand drawer as it slid easily into the opening of her soaking pussy. Once seated, she glided back and forth on the rocker, the dildo fucking her in rhythm with her own steady pace. The combination of the rocker and her own hand fucked her to three orgasms before Tori finally stopped thinking about Kendra, cleaned up the chair and slid it back into the closet. Still naked, Tori slid beneath the covers and drifted off to sleep.

The slamming of a door woke Tori from her slumber. Then came the sound of a shower and sobbing. Tori strained her sleepy eyes to look at the clock which read 4:30. At first she tried to go back to sleep, but her compassion for the sobbing woman in her apartment urged her to attend to her needs. Pulling on her robe she headed towards the soft night light coming from the bathroom.