My Stars Ch. 01


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"I'd boost my memory if I were you," said Helena. "You'll likely want to know what you've modified before, so you don't wind up repeating things you found unappealing."

Jordan found that to be a good suggestion and did just that.

"Not too much though, my dear," said the queen. "Else everything you enjoy will become old-hat in a short amount of time. Pace yourself, you've got an eternity ahead of you."

"Okay," she said after a few modifications. "I think I'm done."

"Are you sure you wish to remains so demure, my love?" said the woman, her eyes flashing back to Jordan's spiritual side.

"Oh," said the girl with trepidation. Her stars for courage and confidence were both dim, she increased them both a tad, but was nervous about raising them too high all at once.

"Two things about glamour," insisted Helena once she finished. "First, always set your age limit as high as possible. That will assure you live as long as the world you're attached to... theoretically. Secondly - enchantment should be high. It allows you to influence mortals and has the added effect of making their memories of you fuzzy. They'll forget and make excuses for the strange things we do, in that you'll find protection."

"Protection?" she asked worriedly.

"Oh, aye," she said. "From the dwarves. They'll want to capture or kill a princess like you. You'll need to be on your toes."

"I will?" asked Jordan anxiously.

"The price of power," said the creature. "Everyone will want to take it from you."

"Take it?" said Jordan.

"Aye, raw salt will weaken you and iron forged in a low heat will suppress your magics, a weapon made of this cold iron will slay you outright and your qualities will pass to the closest fey at the moment of your death," said Helena dourly.

"Are dwarves fey?" Jordan asked as it seemed really sort of pertinent.

"Dwarves?" she cried in dismay. "Part of our world? Nay. They just share our blood, our origins and our magic, but they are no kin of ours!"

"But could they steal my powers if they kill me?"

"Oh, aye," said her guide suddenly nonchalant. "That they could easily do that and they would - in a heartbeat."

Jordan grew depressed. To distract herself she adjusted and studied her glamour stars. One said 'time travel' and she was amazed.

"Can we travel through time?" she asked Helena.

"Of course you can go back and forth in time!" said the woman as if it should be obvious. "Time is a rule. Rules are made by dwarves for mortals. You're immortal, so you can do what you want. Unless you don't want to go back and forth in time, then that's a decision, and decisions are the only rules that truly matter!"

"Wow," Jordan said, looking at the others. She settled on increasing her perception, lifespan and enchantment. Hopefully she'd be able to notice things out of the ordinary and use her enchantment to avoid any trouble she saw coming. "Can you explain more about enchantment, Helena?"

"We use our powers to play with mortals," she began. "Humans are the spawn of dwarves and ourselves from long ago, you see. We can peer inside their hearts and mind. Read those hidden desires they bury down, hiding from even themselves and we liberate them to the point where they may indulge in their true natures."

"That's kind of beautiful," breathed Jordan, as she thought of all the psychological things people could be healed from and learn to live with. Making them more like her.

"Or we just force them to do what we want because it's fun," added Helena with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Jordan thought on that and furrowed her brow, "Couldn't there be a dark side to that kind of control?"

"Oh, aye," said the fey queen lightly. "A terrible, horribly dark one, but come now. That's enough for one day, back to your squalid hovel we go!"

They returned and Jordan looked around at her small dorm room again, "How do I get back to the Night-Orchard?"

"Desire it, dear. But you can only go there once per day, between the sunrises of the place you last entered it. While you're there, time stands still here, awaiting your return. Any changes you make will nay affect reality until the next dusk, so take your time and be wise in your choices. Oh, and you can only stay in the orchard for eight hours before you must return."

"Okay," said Jordan with a deep exhale.

"Would you like to have intercourse now?" asked Helena with a pleasant smile and Jordan gagged on her own saliva at the unexpected suggestion.

"Aren't you... didn't you say you were my mother?" gasped the girl.

"Aye, so?"

"That would be incest," blurted Jordan.

"Incest," said the fey with a scowl. "A dwarven term. More of their meddling in the affairs of others. We Fey are mercurial, I'm not the same thing I was when I conceived you. Heavens, I'm not even the same thing I was when I birthed you! Such matters are for mortals, not wonders such as we."

"Really?" asked Jordan.

"Would I lie?" said the creature.

"Would you?" Jordan asked her.

"I'd lie 'with' you, princess," she said sultrily.

"How could you be my mother with that?" asked Jordan fearfully and Helena glanced down at her now rock hard, twelve inch penis.

"This," she said pointing to the large cock. "These things are like jewelry, you'll learn to change your form as you like in time. Once you understand your stars better. Do you not like it?"

Her question was asked as she shoved the phallus right into Jordan's face. The girl licked her lips, that old sensation brewing up within her.

"If you don't, then look over there," said Helena pointing away.

Jordan glanced at her mini-fridge and when she looked back the penis was gone, replaced by a small and sweet pussy that peeked out temptingly from between the fey's shapely legs.

"I can be whatever you want," Helena said innocently. "Should I look more like your lover there."

Jordan glanced to her picture of Christ on the wall, "That's Jesus."

"Good taste," said the creature. "I'd shag him too."

"No," said Jordan trying to find the willpower she'd added to her stars. "It's wrong."

"I saw a desire star labelled 'incest' that glowed oh, so brightly in the pool, girl," said the fey moving closer to touch her skin with her nails. "And your increased discipline does nay arrive until tonight."

"You're not even human," said Jordan shuddering at her closeness and seeking any kind of reason for them to stop.

Helena brushed her lips against hers, "Neither are you, my naughty, little changling."

A prehensile tall entwine Jordan's leg and she gave a small squeaked as it ensnared her, "Scary, very scary."

Helena kissed her neck and her talons gently raked the girl's flesh. The tail seemed to climb up her thighs and Jordan focused on her breathing, trying to stay calm.

"I've never been with anyone," she said. "Let alone the queen of the fey. Can we go... uh... slower?"

"Life is a force," whispered Helena, her voice seemed to echo around inside Jordan's head, as if it were the thoughts of her mother permeating her her whole being. "Sex is the primal energy of life, and we are the embodiments of that energy."

Jordan's arousal took over and she kissed the creature on the mouth. Their lips mashing together roughly, tongues duelling.

Helena's thoughts vibrated her whole form, making Jordan feel alive and empowered with possibilities.

"Make me whatever you are," she begged and the creature licked her neck hungrily, as an animal would its supper.

Helena threw her to the bed and pushed her legs apart. Her teeth scraped the inside of her thighs and her long tongue snaked into her virgin sex.

"Make me!" pleaded the coed and the fey woman lapped up her essence like a fine wine.

Jordan shouted with passion, not caring who heard as her mother touched near her stuffed asshole and the almost forgotten buttplug.

"It's not a trap," exclaimed Jordan, yearning for the creature to use the black dildo on her. "It's a sex toy."

"I know," said Helena devilishly. "It's just Yerbert has such a love for assplay and I really can't say no to him. He's such a darling."

Jordan bit her lip as the woman sodomized her with the plug, her strong claws easily pulling it out and shoving it back in.

She came and the fey drank all of her, greedily taking every drop.

"Let me taste you!" snarled Jordan, moving as quickly as she could to the other's gold-trimmed pussy. She locked her lips on Helena and what she lacked in experience she tried frantically to make up for in effort.

The queen chuckled in a delighted way, a sing-song chime of melodious laughter. It spurred Jordan on as she searched tirelessly for more and more of her mother's ambrosia.

Helena screamed and grabbed the sides of her head. Jordan paused to see if she had done something wrong only to witness the strange woman explode into a burst of brilliant light.

The girl was blinded for a moment, seeing sunspots and flashes of dazzling colours that she had never witnessed before.

A second later sinuous arms and a warm, soft body pressed against her. Kisses were applied to the back of her neck and her mother cooed into her ear, "You're my daughter alright, little what's-your-name."

"Jordan," the girl answered sort of hurt she hadn't known it or asked her name before that moment.

"Ew," said Helena, pulling her to the mattress to spoon her from behind. "You can choose a better name too. Once you're ready, dear."

They lay still for a short time until Jordan came up with more questions.

"Why don't I look like you?" she asked. "You're so tall and beautiful. While I'm so..."

"Dumpy," finished the creature. "It's your goblin phase, my sweet. All fey adopt it. Cowardly and unnoticed. It's like camouflage, protecting our young from our enemies until they are ready to undergo the metamorphosis of the stars. Some of us never leave the goblin phase, choosing to mess with dwarves and mortals alike. Stealing car keys, making socks go missing, hiding remotes. Sowing discontent amid the ranks of the stuffed-shirts. It's noble work, if uninspired."

"So I won't always have crooked teeth and this weird pallor to my skin?"

"Nay as of sunset, my sweet."

"And my acne?"

"Gone," assured the queen. "Along with your rock-troll bottom and animalistic body odour. Though I'll miss the latter."

"What am I supposed to do?" asked Jordan, uncertain of what would be expected of her.

"Live," said Helena getting up. "Survive."

"Am I supposed to inspire the world?" she wondered. "Save the innocent."

"Oh, the sun is setting," her mother grabbed her hand and moved her to stand before the mirror above her dresser.

As she watched a mist formed in the room about them and Jordan's image began to grow dim, almost seeming a superimposed picture over another, much more gorgeous one that was materializing from the fog.

The ground grew farther away and she could feel her skin tightening all over. Her boobs swelled and rose into a better position, she turned and watched as her waste and hips slimmed, her belly fat evaporated and her butt shrunk to a delectable shape, like an upside-down heart.

"It's magic," said the girl in a less nasal and much stronger voice. "It was all true."

She marvelled at her now luxurious, strawberry-blonde hair and touched her tiny, hard nipples and beautiful breasts. "I am a fey."

Helena smiled at her and widened her eyes, "You have so much fun ahead of you."

Jordan looked at her mother and spoke the only question she had left to ask, "So, what are the responsibilities of being a fey princess, mother?"

Helena just smiled brightly, winking one twinkling eye before vanishing into the mist as quickly as she'd come. Leaving her reborn daughter to figure out the answers for herself.

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