My Uncle Comes on Sundays Pt. 01


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So the day of his next visit -- the Sunday 4 weeks after the previous lunch -- dawned and after showering, I stood at my full-length mirror, looking at my naked body, contemplating how I should present myself to my uncle today. I lay awake late last night, on my own, doing a lot of soul-searching. As mercenary as it makes me sound, I was beginning to think more like my boyfriend. My uncle had come into a huge amount of money and couldn't possibly spend it all. He has shown an almost obsessive interest in me in recent years. Why shouldn't I combine those two aspects and work them to my advantage? I was very agreeable with the end target, having more money ... it was just the process of getting to the end result that worried me.

I decided to abandon Jerry's stupid and embarrassing 'no panties' routine. My new way of thinking was to keep my pussy completely covered ... that was where my pleasure passage lay hidden and I was determined not to let my uncle have any expectation that he might one day find himself in there.

Now that my rent was fully covered, I found myself with some spare cash from my part-time job so I had slipped into a lingerie store and bought a thong and a cheeky, sexy black and maroon bra. My breasts may be a little on the small side, but they are perky and this bra -- with only half-cups - made what I have sit up very appealingly. I determined that my uncle would get no further than on his last visit, preferably less. Nevertheless, I chose to wear the new items, covering them with a neat black skirt and a grey tee-shirt that unfortunately was a size too small, but the only clean one there.

My pre-visit thoughts were conflicted. To maintain his intention to pay my rent, I knew I should continue to give my uncle some small encouragement, but only in such a way that I could control. Yet after years of trying to avoid him at family gatherings, I found myself now having to overlook his downside. He was so much older than me, a craggy face that could never remotely be described as handsome so I couldn't see myself ever out in public with him. Then there was the heavy nasal breathing I have previously described and those calloused fingers that grated rather than caressed when they slid across my smooth bare skin and sensitive nipples.

In spite of having already got through one visit from him, I sat nervously waiting for his knock on my door this Sunday morning. At 11.30, I heard it. I intentionally paused, letting him wait for a moment, then walked slowly to the door and opened it wide. "Hi Uncle Harry," I greeted, forcing a welcoming smile.

"Hello Jennifer, oh don't you look lovely today," he stepped forward toward me. I saw the craggy face, the leery eyes, his big nose, the chapped lips as his face closed in on mine and he kissed me quite wetly.

No flowers this time. Maybe he expected he could get whatever he wanted without that small added expense this time around. That subject - getting what he wanted -- was at the forefront of my mind through a sleepless night. I could assume his expectations would have skyrocketed now that I was accepting his help to pay my rent, but I was determined that I would go no further than last time. His monthly visits would certainly not get any easier from here on in.

I poured him a beer and myself a glass of wine and we sat in opposite chairs again, just like last time. It amused me to see his eyes dart down to scope out the gap between my knees when I slowly parted them, and then for him to realise that my pussy was covered this time. At least that forced him to look at my face more when we talked, even though he still had a tendency to drop his eyes to my chest. That new bra must have made my breasts look a touch more curvy in the too-small tee shirt.

I served up lunch without incident and, to my surprise, my uncle was on his best behaviour. He had not alluded to his masturbating in front of me or my not wearing panties from last time and, in fact, he didn't even talk any suggestive sex stuff. But almost like a repeat of his ritual from last visit, at the end of the meal, he got up and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

I guess I should have been expecting it, but again, on his return, he snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and grasping my breasts, one in each palm. "Oh, you're wearing a bra," he exclaimed, indicating he hadn't realised it while he had been ogling the shape of my breasts in my tee shirt.

"Yes I am ... why?"

"Oh, nothing really, just surprised after last time."

"Things can't always be the same, Uncle Harry."

"Yes, you also disappointed me by wearing some panties too this time."

"Oh, how do you know that?"

"Oh come on girl, don't play that naïve stuff with me, I know you enjoy flashing me. Last time, you spread your legs so much that I swear your pussy lips winked at me."

Interesting how he turned that around to me being the initiator.

"So Jennifer, how about we go lie down on your bed?"

"What for, I'm perfectly comfortable sitting here at the table?"

"Not as comfortable as we would be lying down."

"No Uncle Harry, that wouldn't be very appropriate."

"What about a kiss then?"

"NO! Why should I kiss you, you're not my boyfriend, you're my uncle. Nieces don't kiss their uncles the way you'd like me to."

"How do you know how I want to kiss you?"

'Because you want to kiss me the way you tried when you arrived."

"So what's wrong with a bit of tongue?"

"It felt like a lot of tongue, Uncle Harry."

"There's nothing wrong with that, are you trying to tell me you don't like that?"

"I'm only saying that I know the sort of stuff you want, and it all starts with the letters s-e-x."

He let go of my breasts to my surprise, moving back to his chair, but then dragged it around so he was seated almost alongside me, leaning in close too. "Come on Squirrel, I'll kiss you good, just a little one? I bet you'll like it, I'm a good kisser."

"Uncle Harry, I don't want you to get the wrong ideas after what happened last time you were here."

"Why not Squirrel? You know, I'm a very generous man sweetie, and I'm happy to be paying your rent for you, but you can't expect me to do that month after month only to have you reject me. My generosity comes at a price and you have to understand that ... if you don't already. It's not like you're a kid any more, you are a big grown up adult woman ... and what a woman. We both have needs ... adult needs that are so easy to satisfy. I want you so badly, but I'm sure you know that, and you know there's a debt to be covered. So, you better make up your mind in a hurry ... what will it be, how much are you going to give me this time because it has to be more?"

'It has to be more,' I absorbed his words as I stared blankly back at him, reluctant to offer up any part of my body. If he wanted me, he was going to have to work at it, taking a piece at a time, and it was my prerogative to stop him when I considered he was going too far.

He reached forward with both hands and rolled his fingers over my compact breasts, still encased in the tee and the bra beneath. Then those hands reached down to grasp the bottom of my tee shirt. I wanted to resist, wanted to tell him where to stick his lust but I couldn't stop him. As distasteful as I found this old man, my conscience told me I owed him something for paying my rent.

Not that I helped though, other than to raise my arms so he could lift the garment up over my head in one fluid movement. I watched his eyes bug out as he gazed upon my compact breasts nicely encased in the new sexy black and maroon lace half-cup bra that pushed my small perky breasts up into two more rounded globes than normal.

"There, that's much better. Great tits Squirrel, oh I'm so gonna love getting in amongst these."

His face came forward and I cringed as his lips landed on the exposed upper slopes and began slurping and sucking on first one, then across to the other.

As my uncle began to claim possession of the smooth skin of my chest, I felt his hands fumbling around between the cups. Then he tried to pull the low-cut top of each cup down but he failed at that too. Finally, his hands slipped around my back, his fingers fumbling and pulling.

"I used to be good at this," he mumbled amongst the wet kisses he was planting on the upper slopes of my boobs. I didn't want to assist but fearing he might tear or rip my nice new bra, I eventually slipped my hands around the back, pushing his fingers out of the way, undoing the catch, finally contributing in a small way to his lips reaching my nipples.

I eased the bra cups forward off my breasts and he pulled his face back for a moment to gape and stare at my hard nipples, now blatantly displayed for his approval and clearly but resignedly made available by me for him to take possession. His lips closed over one of those hard nubs and he began to sloppily suckle on it like a baby. I had allowed him to raise the stakes ... old man lips suckling on my hard nipples, his wet tongue in support, licking and swiping. Even though in my head I knew it was my old uncle doing what only Jerry should, it began to feel powerfully good, far better than when he was kissing the upper slopes.

From when I first became aware of my uncle's apparent lust for me, I never expected that anything sexual he might try to do could ever feel good, ever be stimulating but as I sat here awkwardly in this upright chair, with the old man's face mashed against my chest, his lips suckling my nipples, I actually felt little waves of pleasure in my body ... almost good. But I knew I could never admit that to him, even as his lips switched sides, making my other hardened nipple feel equally good.

I didn't know what to do with my hands. My body's temptation was to close them over the back of his head to hold him there, to ensure his lips maintained the good feelings, but I was reluctant to give any sign that I might be enjoying his sexual overtures. So I let my hands fall onto my lap. At least down there, I could use them to protect against any attempt to slip up under my skirt.

That plan worked well for a while, but then with his lips unrelenting on his suckling of my nipples, I felt one of his hands take a hold of one of mine, dragging it to his lap to fold my fingers over the trouser bulge that indicated an erection hidden within. 'Oh no,' I thought, 'he wants more of what I did last time, he obviously wants to cum just like last month. I couldn't bring myself to finish him then, has anything changed, can I actually wank him at the pace he needs to cum?'

His lips left my nipples for only a moment, long enough to command, "Take it out Jennifer, do me, you have to do it this time." Then his lips latched on again, somehow even intensifying the feelings on my nipples to a new level after the short lapse.

My hand fidgeted around in his lap, feeling the hard rigidity of his cock still buried away in his pants. 'Can I do this?' I asked myself, knowing what he was expecting of me. I couldn't cross that line last time, forcing him to take over and finish himself off.

I was amazed that the old man's lips actually were feeling good ... asking myself if I should maybe wank him properly, did I owe him this much ... for the rent payments and the way my nipples were tingling. Convincing myself I should, I brought my other hand across, lowering his fly zip, reaching a hand in to forage around in his underwear, find the opening and drag his hard cock out.

Uncle Harry made a mumbling sound of content, although muffled by having his lips wrapped around one of my nipples. I guessed he was liking my soft young fingers folding around his old shaft. There was copious moisture oozing from the tip. I used some to wet my fingers and immediately began stroking his cock the way he had urged me to last month. Good, firm strokes with special emphasis on the underside.

His breathing became heavier, his devouring of my nipples seemed to intensify even more, if that was possible and I even felt a gentle pulsing in my pussy region. This Sunday, I was much more into it than last time when I wasn't mentally prepared. I set a good pace for wanking him right from the start, responding in kind to my uncle for the way his suckling of my breasts was making me feel.

His hand touched my knees, pressing them to part and I let them, seeming to be at a beyond caring stage. That hand slid quickly up between my thighs and they parted wider, allowing him access to my pussy lips, barely covered by the soft material of my thong, even though my brain was screaming 'NO!' Would he try to get his fingers inside the thong, insinuate one or two up inside my body? As confused as I was by the euphoric feelings on my nipples, I new I shouldn't let him go that far?

He didn't push me, the tips of his fingers stroked my clit and my labial slit through the material ... that was feeling good anyway. I began to hump my hips in time with his strokes, lifting the rate of my hand along his cock shaft while his lips kept slurping on my nipples.

Kaboom! To my amazement, I came ... who would have believed it? Sitting up there in an upright hard chair, my whole pussy throbbed and pulsed as a beautiful orgasm rolled through my body. Within seconds, my uncle tore his lips off the nipple they had been working on, gasping loudly, "Oh yes Squirrel, just like that ... oh yes, faster, yes, oh I'm gonna cum."

My hand that was pumping his cock shaft tried to point it away, but the first blast hit my bare knees, between which his arm disappeared up between my thighs. My naked breasts felt the cooler air of the room, now deserted by his lips as he sat back upright, gasping out the sensations he was feeling from a powerful cumming. His second spurt sprayed under the table.

As my orgasm subsided, the guilt kicked in. I couldn't believe that I had allowed us to proceed so far ... I say us because as much as I might try to deny reality, I had been complicit. I had conspired in his lips getting to my breasts by unsnapping my bra and I had not resisted when his fingers pushed up under my skirt to rub against my needy pussy. Finally, I had masturbated him just as he wanted last time ... wanking it at the right pace for him to cum.

As I gathered my thoughts and began reviewing what had happened in my apartment this Sunday afternoon, I did revel in the wonderful euphoric feelings of my having cum on the end of his caressing fingers, aided by his lips and tongue arousing my nipples. I never dreamed that my dirty old uncle could create that reaction in my body.

I had become caught up in the wild frenzy of joint orgasms, but now in what is usually a pleasant afterglow between lovers, I could only feel awkward as I looked at the old man beside me. Despite the pleasures we had mutually enjoyed, I again looked on him as a leery old lecher sitting beside me, my hand still gripping his dripping cock.

His breathing was still heavy and I began to worry about whether his heart could cope with this amount of physical activity. I felt his arm still tightly squeezed up between my clamped together thighs, his fingers resting at my thong-covered pussy.

He spoke at last, "Can we go to bed now?"

"No Uncle Harry, that's all for today."

"I was afraid you would say that."

"Wasn't that enough?"

"It was good Squirrel, you were really good. Thank you!"

"That's ok!" I couldn't think of anything more sensible to say at this awkward moment.

"It's good that you came too."

"I never expected that to happen Uncle Harry."

"You must have liked it all."

I forced a warm smile, "Yes I did."

He withdrew his fingers from my pussy, pulled his arm out from between my thighs and I released what was left of his erection, some of his creamy discharge lingering on my palm.

He lifted up out of his chair and looked down at me, still seated ... I was bare to the waist, my breasts still exposed to his gaze. Strangely, I didn't rush to cover up.

"That was a nice looking bra, did you buy that especially for me?"

I wasn't about to concede that I could be that involved with him, "I needed a new bra, my boyfriend likes these colours."

I had a strange thought ... he didn't get to see the new thong that I also bought. Not that that this is a bad thing, the more I keep him away from down there, the better.

"I guess I should clean up and head home. Thanks for everything today, Jennifer."

"Thanks for paying the rent, Uncle Harry," my summation an attempt to justify what had happened here.

Within minutes he was gone and I sat alone in my apartment, feeling sexually better than I could ever expect after a visit from my uncle. Who would have believed I could cum? But I shouldn't have let things get this far. I will have to stay more in control next time he visits, never let it go this far again.

To be continued in Part 2

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LiteraryLustLiteraryLustover 4 years ago
Very Good!

I can’t wait for part 2 as I love these types of stories! The pace is perfect in the anticipation of them going further.

tmpforumtmpforumabout 6 years ago
Great seduction/corruption story

Great story. I expected nothing less than good from The Big Bopper and this story lives up to the expectations. I am not much into incest/taboo, but I like a lot seduction/corruption of young girls expecially when done with little tricks, non-violent coercion, and -over all- with the reluctant pleasure of the seduced one. Unfortunately, the first person narration is seldom adopted (see all the cuckold-themed stories told from husband perspective instead of the wife!).

I hope for chapter 2. The challenge will be to keep the reluctance, to make her find justification for her actions while she is into it, etc. So continue the story until the narration allows this, after that it is better not to ruin it and conclude.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Keep writing the next chapter!

I was wishing chapter 2 were already finished! The suspense over her thinking about him not getting to see her new thong is a tease or a cliff-hanger. Can't wait for chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

my panties are soaked after reading this story. I’m excited for more

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