My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 20

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Pat and Violet are exhibited as Pony Girls.
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Part 20 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 12/14/2019
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Pony girls for a day - November - December

At first I thought the shrill noise I was hearing was part of a dream but suddenly I was jolted awake and recognized the incessant ringing of the phone. The damn thing was tucked away on the far side of the night stand beside the bed just out of reach. As I struggled to force my mind awake the bed shook and my husband Steve grumbled "Would you please answer that damn thing?"

Groping blindly for the receiver I noticed that the room was filled with daylight. A quick glance at the clock told me that it was almost nine in the morning which accounted for the sun streaming in through the windows. Steve and I had stayed up with Violet and her husband Adam for another hour or so after Officer Smith had left last night.

I finally managed to snag the receiver and irritably yanked it from the cradle. "Hello" I mumbled.

The disembodied voice on the other end of the line said "Pat? What the hell. Did I wake you up?"

"Who the hell is this? You better identify yourself immediately or I'm hanging up and pulling the plug on this damn thing."

"Whoa! You're just a little grumpy this morning. Don't hang up. This is Officer Smith. You should recognize my voice by now."

"Oh Lord. What the hell do you want and why are you calling at the butt crack of dawn? I was sound asleep and perfectly happy to stay that way."

Officer Smith chuckled. "Pat my dear it is hardly the butt crack of dawn. You all have to get up and get your asses in gear."

With my brain cells still only functioning at half capacity I desperately tried to remember if we had made plans for this first Saturday of Adam and Violet's visit. "No" I thought. We had not made plans for today. "What are you talking about? We didn't plan anything for today."

"Oh shit" Officer Smith exclaimed. "I'm sorry. After I left your house last night I had a call from Master Alex. He's the pony girl trainer in our area. I had spoken to him in hopes of persuading him to show all of us what this pony girl thing is all about. When he and I finally got off the phone it was too late to call you.

"I explained to him that you and Violet are not trainees but that you are curious and wanted to get a look at what was involved. At first he was unwilling and I finally had to agree that he would be allowed to dress you and Violet in pony girl regalia. Once you were all dressed up I would be able to get photos for the calendar.

"His place is about an hour drive from your house and we need to be there by twelve noon. The festivities start at one and the parade begins shortly thereafter."

All of this was new to me. The last time we had talked the pony girl stuff was scheduled for next Saturday. "I thought this was all to take place next Saturday and what is this parade you are talking about?"

"I didn't have any choice. The only way that I could get him to agree was if he could use you and Violet in the parade they are having this afternoon. Each of the pony girl owners in the area dress up their best girls and then parade them down the street in Kippsville. Then the pony girls are led onto a stage where they are judged. The crowd is allowed to take film and photos of the girls as they are displayed for judging. It would be quite a coup for Master Alex if he could win with two novice girls. It's really just like a game of dress up."

Even though I was still half asleep I was more than a little disoriented by this change in plans. I stammered "Well I don't . . . "

I was cut off by Officer Smith who said. "We don't have time to discuss this. I'm on my way to your house. I'll be there around eleven. If you decide not to do this then we'll have to forget any pony girl activities because I will be immediately blacklisted from any further events. I'll see you in a while."

I slowly replaced the receiver then unceremoniously pushed my husband out of the bed. "Getup you lazy lout!" I said as he landed on the floor.

"Damn woman! What the hell is the matter with you? Who was that on the phone?"

"That was Officer Smith. Come on. Get a move on. He'll be here around eleven. I'll go get Adam and Violet moving. When everyone is up we'll meet in the kitchen and I'll explain."

Fifteen minutes later the four of them met in the kitchen to share a cup of coffee and sort things out.

I explained what Officer Smith had told me. "So what do we want to do? Officer Smith said that we did not have to go since the plans had changed. I'm not so sure about the parade thing and allowing anyone at the event to photograph us like that."

I looked at Violet who said "I'm not too worried about being recognized since we don't live in the area. I suppose that it's always a possibility." Violet looked at her husband and saw a gleam in his eyes and knew what he thought but asked "Adam, how do you feel about all of this?"

"Do you really need to ask? I want video and photos of you dressed up as a pony girl but the thought of you exposed that way in public? Shit hot! I think that would be a fantastic turn on. Steve? What about you?"

"You know it's strange but I think it would humiliate and embarrass Pat more than anything else that she has ever done. There are pictures and video out there now showing her servicing blacks and others but that is all done in private. This would be different wouldn't it Pat?"

"Steve you already know it would. I can't explain it. I clearly enjoy being exposed, being filmed and photographed, yet dressing up like a pony girl and actually going out in public is just a little disturbing for some reason."

"I thought so." Steve looked at the others. "Well it looks to me like the vote is three to one so Pat, I guess you're simply going to have to go along or ruin it for the rest of us."

When the doorbell rang just before eleven everyone was almost ready to go. Steve opened the door and invited Officer Smith inside. "We're almost ready" Steve said.

"Thank goodness. I was afraid that you might have changed your mind. Pat didn't seem too enthused."

"You're right about that. She was reluctant when she heard about the parade. I'm not sure that I understand after all of the photos and video of her that is circulating but it disturbs her."

Officer Smith was clearly relieved. "I really want to see the ladies out in public like that."

Steve nodded. "So do I. It's going to be awesome watching them parade their prime asses in public. With all that we have done she has always been reluctant to appear in public. It tears her up to be humiliated like that. It's hard to understand why it bothers her so much but I'm really looking forward to it."

Since Officer Smith had brought his Cadillac Escalade that could accommodate nine passengers they all piled into it for the trip to meet Master Alex.

It was about a forty-five minute drive to Kippsville. When they arrived Officer Smith pulled up and parked beside what must have been an old garage on the edge of town. A large wooden door had been opened to expose an open bay.

As they got out of the car a man who must have been Master Alex walked up and shook hands with Officer Smith. They talked for a moment after which Officer Smith turned and introduced Pat and Violet as his pony girls for the day. Master Alex looked at the two women and motioned for each of them to turn around so that he could get a better look at them.

As I slowly turned for inspection I got the chance to get a good look at Master Alex. He was an older man. It seemed likely that he was in his fifties. He was tall and good looking with a moustache and a full head of hair.

"And who are these gentlemen?" Master Alex asked.

"This is Steve who it Patricia's husband and the second gentleman is Adam, Violet's husband." They all shook hands.

"Gentlemen I am going to display your wives nude and dressed up as pony girls in front of hundreds of people. Those people will not touch but they will be free to photograph or take video of the proceedings. I will not tolerate any interference from either of you. Your wives are my property until the event is over. Does either of you have a problem with that?"

Both men indicated their agreement. Master Alex then turned to Pat and Violet and asked "Do you ladies accept my terms?"

Violet nodded immediately but I started voice my concerns about the public exposure and the parade, "Well I . . . "

"Madam these terms are non-negotiable" Master Alex interrupted. "If you agree with my terms I want the two of you completely nude now. There isn't any time to debate the situation. What's it going to be?"

I looked around the room. Straw had been spread on the floor and there was a large variety of straps and other paraphernalia hanging on all of the walls. There were already several spectators standing around watching the proceedings. A steady stream of others walked past the door. Many of them paused to take in the scene and then moved on.

Uncertain still I turned to Violet and saw that she had already stepped out of her shoes and seemed more than willing to go along with the scenario.

I shuddered when I thought of going out in public essentially naked but it did not seem right to ruin things for everyone else. So I reluctantly reached up and began to unbutton my blouse. Violet immediately followed suit and the two of us began to disrobe standing in the middle of the room surrounded by onlookers.

As soon as he saw that his two new pony girls were going to comply with his orders Master Alex began to gather items and place them on a table located near the center of the room.

It only took a few moments for the two of us to disrobe. Violet and I stood waiting impatiently for Master Alex as we were ogled by the onlookers. They immediately surrounded us and were obviously enjoying our discomfort and nudity. As usual special attention was given to my tattoos.

As soon as he noticed what was going on Master Alex came forward and dispersed the group. "If you all want to be in here and watch that's fine but you need to keep your distance. I need room to work and if you continue to crowd me I'll have to ask you to leave and close the doors."

"Alright ladies come over here and bend over this table. Violet and I complied. As we rested our elbows on the table we looked at each other in confusion, not sure what was coming next.

Master Alex turned to the two husbands tossed something to Adam. Adam deftly caught the object and looked down to see that Master Alex had tossed him a bottle of lube. He looked up quizzically and Master Alex asked "Which one is your wife?"

Adam pointed to Violet. "Okay!" Master Alex said. "I want you to lube the ass of the other one and then fuck her in the ass. Make sure to cum inside her ass."

Turning to Steve he said "You fuck his wife the same way. Make sure to fill her with cum. They are both going to get butt plugs and it will be easier for them if you have loosened them up first. Besides, fucking another man's wife in the ass is always fun." He walked away chuckling.

I looked back as I felt the lube running down between the cheeks of my ass. I was startled when Adam liberally slathered his cock with lube and then stepped up guiding his stiff rod into my ass. This was not unwelcome but it wasn't what I had expected.

The crowd moved closer and I noticed several flashes going off as the onlookers crowded around for a better look and recorded the scene.

I had to laugh out loud as I looked over at Violet as her lips formed a round "O" when Steve's cock found a home in her ass hole. After that neither of us had a moment to think as each of us had a hard cock continually pounding our asses. I felt Adam increasing his pace which was quickly followed by the feeling of his cum filling my ass.

As soon as Adam pulled his cock from my now distended ass hole Master Alex shoved a large butt plug in. Attached to the base of the butt plug was a long pony tail. Moving smoothly over to Violet he filled her ass with a butt plug just as my husband pulled out. Violet's butt plug had hair of a slightly different color than the one in my ass.

Violet had started to stand up after the plug was inserted but Master Alex ordered her to "Stay where you are until I tell you to move."

As the two of us remained bent over the table with our legs slightly spread with a large butt plug inserted in our asses and a tail hanging down Master Alex motioned for the husbands to examine his work.

I felt completely humiliated as I remained bent over. After my husband had inspected the plug in my ass, actually tugging on it a few times, Master Alex invited the spectators over to take any photos or video that they wanted. While this was happening Master Alex said "Pat I want you to turn your head and look back over your shoulder. Violet I want you to do the same. Let's make sure that these gentlemen get good shots of your faces too."

Complying with my instructions I looked back over my shoulder into several lenses and the faces of the leering men. Violet saw much the same. There was much jockeying for position as each of the intrepid photographers tried to get the best picture of the obscenely displayed wide spread asses.

After a few moments Master Alex moved the men back. He guided me to a position next the table and motioned for Violet to stand next to me.

He selected what looked like some sort of belt and placed it around my waist fastening it in back. There were a number of metal loops around the belt to which, I assumed, a variety of things could be attached. After also fastening a similar belt on Violet he turned back to the table.

This time he went to Violet first. As I looked I saw that this new item was a belt too but an entirely different kind. There were two metal rings about three inches in diameter. These rings or hoops were fastened together be a short leather piece. Another longer leather strap was also attached to each hoop. There was a buckle on one of them and holes punched in the other.

I watched as Master Alex grasped one of Violet's breasts and began to work it through the hoop. Although the hoop was small there was enough room for Master Alex to pull her breast through the hoop. The result was almost like her breasts had been tied. When both of her breasts had been forced through the hoops the belts were fastened behind her.

After watching Master Alex with Violet I felt that I knew what to expect now but was surprised when Master Alex approached me with a device that was similar but significantly different. This one had the hoops and straps like the one that Violet wore but there was an additional and smaller hoop attached to each of the larger hoops.

At first I was a little bewildered but then I understood. I watched as Master Alex worked the first hoop down over my breast just like he had done with Violet but then he continued to feed my breast through the smaller hoop further constricting it. When he was done my breasts, which were already pert, stood up like soldiers at attention. He removed my nipple jewelry and handed it to Steve.

Next he brought out two longer leather straps which he attached to the belt around my waist about three inches apart. He drew each strap between my legs. He placed one strap between my thigh and my pussy lips on one side and one on the other side effectively pinching my pussy lips between the straps. Then he drew each strap up between the cheeks of my ass drew one up on either side of the butt plug and fastened them to the belt behind me.

I squirmed around a little bit as I tried to get the straps into a more comfortable position. Despite my best efforts the straps continued to rub on either side of my pussy. I was pretty sure that my discomfort was a planned effect. Failing in the effort to get comfortable I watched as Master Alex approached Violet with only one strap.

This time when he ran the strap between Violet's legs he took the time to part Violet's pussy lips and wedge the strap firmly against her clit. As the strap was tightened Violet began to wriggle around. I couldn't help but smile as I thought I was probably better off with my double straps than Violet was.

Violet and I watched as Master Alex turned again to the table. This time he selected a type of leather helmet that he placed on Violet's head. It had an elegant violet plume on top. For me he selected a similar one what had a red plume. I noticed that some of the helmets hid much of the pony girl's face but it seemed like he wanted us to be easily recognizable to the onlookers.

The next thing I knew Master Alex was asking "What size shoe do you wear? We can't have you running around on the street barefoot. I have a selection of black patent leather boots. I'll see if I have one in your size."

"I wear a size seven or a size seven and a half." Pat replied.

He returned a few moments later with the boots. "You're in luck. I had a pair in size eight. Please raise your foot and I'll help you on with them."

After getting the boots on me he turned to Violet. "And you?" he asked.

Violet's answer was "Six and a half."

"We're doing well today. I had your size too." He helped Violet get the boots on and then held up a pair of padded leather wrist cuffs. Each cuff had a small metal ring securely attached to it. Violet held out her arms and Master Alex placed one on each wrist.

When he was finished he continued to hold her right wrist and walked behind her. She heard a click as some sort of device was fastened to the ring. "Give me your other hand." Without thinking Violet moved her other hand behind her. She felt her wrists pulled together and something was used to connect them.

I watched as Master Alex selected some sort of leather sheath. When he returned to Violet he worked the sheath between her arms and her back. Then he pulled the two sides of the sheath together around her arms and clipped them together from top to bottom. As a result Violet's arms were pulled back and bound tightly together forcing her to stand straight and causing her tits to be thrust forward. Although it looked uncomfortable I had to admit that it enhanced Violets tits and made them look fabulous.

Turning to me Master Alex said now it's your turn. Without a murmur of complaint I held out my wrists for the cuffs. It only took moments before I found myself restrained just as Violet had been. When I looked down I could not help thinking "My tits look better."

"We're almost done" Master Alex said. He headed for the table and returned with two collars. Attached to each one was a leash. As he attached one around the neck of each girl he told them "Since you two are just playing at this I am not going to make you pull a cart. I'll simply use the leash. I expect you to walk on either side of me. We will walk down to the end of Main Street and there you will be placed on a stage for the judges to view.

"Of course any of the spectators will also be allowed to take photos and video throughout the whole process. I hope that you aren't shy. Then we will return to this end of Main Street and all of the entrants will be lined up for the awards.

"The parade has already begun so we have to move along. I have one more thing for each of you."

He stepped up to Violet and took a spring loaded clamp and attached it to one of her nipples. I watched intently as Violet flinched from the immediate pain. A small bell hung from the end of the clip and jingled as she moved trying to get used to the pain. He attached another one to her other nipple.

I had seen what he had done to Violet and was expecting the same thing. I was surprised when he took out a much different device. It was something that I had never seen before. It was made from one long wire that was curved in a series of circles that got smaller and farther away from the bottom with each turn. It was about an inch and a half long and an inch wide at the bottom.