My Wife Sherry

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He learns that his wife has a boyfriend.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/04/2007
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Rob shuffled through the scrap book looking at the photo's taken on his five-year wedding anniversary. His wife Sherry was wearing a tiny black bikini that afternoon at the pool. They were in Hawaii.

She was absolutely gorgeous with her flowing blonde hair that reached down to her waist. She has a figure of a model with a tiny waist and the way her hips flared out topping off her hourglass figure.

Rob flipped the page and starred at a closeup shot of Sherry wearing a cocktail dress. Her boobs hung out of that tiny dress that night. She had all the guys starring and drooling at her. Rob flipped another page and saw the photo's of Sherry posing for him wearing a garter belt and stockings and high heeled shoes.

Sherry said she loved to wear a garter belt because they were so sexy and made her feel romantic and feminine. Sherry would even wear them to work at the office and come home and laugh about the guys drooling over her all day.

She was known as the office tease but would never be unfaithful to him. He trusted her and loved her very much. Rob flipped another page and saw the candid shots of Sherry laying on their bed in her nightie.

She was wearing her favorite colors, green and black. She was smiling at the camera as Rob remembered how they made wild passionate love soon after that photo was taken. That was little more then a year ago. It was the last time they had sex before Sherry packed her bags and moved out west with her mother.

Rob had screwed things up when she caught him screwing that Spanish girl that worked down at the liquor store. It was a one night fling and Rob had brought her home that evening. Sherry had gone on a business trip and wasn't supposed to be back until the next morning. She was coming home to surprise him and that's when he got caught.

Rob remembered how she quickly packed her bags and called her mother and told her what had happen. She took the first plane out the next morning and Rob hadn't seen her since. It wasn't until four months later that she would even speak to him on the phone.

Sherry was living with her mother until recently. She moved to her own apartment near her job about a month ago. Rob spoke to her regularly and until recently she agreed to allow him to come out and visit her.

Sherry's mother was still very angry with him and tried to convince her to file for a divorce but Sherry never followed through. Rob hoped he could talk her into moving back home. He promised he would never cheat on her again. They wanted to have children and Sherry had gone off the pill shortly before all this happened.

Sherry said she still loved him but wanted time to think. She needed her space away from any influence even by her mother. This had Rob worried because Sherry was making good money on her job and grew more independent each day.

Rob finally got Sherry to agree to allow him to come out and visit her. He was flying out that evening. Rob kept turning th pages in the scrape book until he got to their wedding pictures. She was very beautiful in her wedding gown.

He finally put the scrape book away. He couldn't look at the pictures any longer. A few hours later he was leaving the airport in Los Angeles headed for Sherry's apartment. The cab driver pulled into a very nice complex and Rob felt at ease knowing his wife was living in a decent place.

He paid the driver and walked up the sidewalk toward the front door. His heart was racing as he rang the doorbell. The door opened and Sherry was standing with a terry cloth robe wrapped around herself.

"Hi Rob. Come on in and make yourself at home."

Rob kept starring at Sherry as he walked through the door. She looked as stunning as ever. He quickly gave her a huge and kissed her cheek.

"Why don't you make yourself at home while I finish getting dressed? Follow me back here and I'll show you where you can put your things."

Rob followed Sherry to the spare bedroom and smiled at her as he sat his luggage down on the floor. "It's really good to see you again. I really missed you."

Sherry smiled. "It's nice to see you too."

Rob was hoping for a little more enthusiasm from her. He put down his bags and kept starring at Sherry.

"Come on out to the kitchen and I'll show you where everything is at and you can make yourself a drink."

Rob followed his wife out into the kitchen where she pointed to the cabinets and hurried off into the bedroom to get dressed. It felt good being here with her after being separated for a year. Rob opened the cabinet doors until he found the glasses and poured himself a drink.

Rob wandered around the apartment looking things over. Sherry had everything very neat and tidy. She had brought new furniture and seemed to be doing well. He sat down on the sofa and noticed a sports guide laying on the coffee table. Rob found it sort of strange that a couple things had checks next to them like a boxing match and football game. Sherry had never been into sports before.

Rob looked around the room hoping to find maybe a picture or two of himself but their wasn't many things other then a few DVD's sitting on the entertainment center. Rob looked around and saw they were sports DVD's and laughed thinking that Sherry must have turned into a sports nut since he last saw her.

Sherry walked out a few minutes later. "I made a dinner appointment for eight. We have just enough time to get there if we hurry."

They arrived at the restaurant and had dinner. Everything seemed to be going fine until Rob brought up the question he was longing to ask her.

"Honey. I'd love to have you come back home with me. I promised you that nothing would ever happen again. You know how much I love you and how we talked about having a family and everything."

Sherry quietly sipped her drink as she listened to her husband plead with her. Rob reached out to hold her hand with tears in his eyes.

"Listen. Rob. I need more time to think about it. You know I was hurt with what you did to me. I just can't get over it that soon."

"Honey. It's been a whole year and I did everything you asked. All I'm asking is that you give me one more chance."

Sherry pulled her hand back and crossed her arms. "Listen . . . Rob . . . I don't know how to tell you this but . . . I've been seeing someone."

Rob's heart sank down to his stomach. He was upset and almost ready to cry.

"Listen to me. I told you I needed more time to think."

"Sherry. How can you be seeing another man? I came all the way out here hoping that you would be happy to see me and you tell me this?"

"Rob. Listen to me! I told you that I would meet with you but I didn't make any promises to come back. You hurt me really badly and I just can't get over that image of you on top of that whore!"

Rob had tears in his eyes. "Sherry. How could you go out looking for another man when your still legally married to me?"

"Listen. Rob. I'm not going to argue with you. I didn't go out looking for anyone. He's my boss and we've been working together for almost a year now. It's not like I picked up a strange man off the street and decided to have a relationship with him."

"So. That explains the sports magazine and DVD's in your living room. I suppose now your going to tell me that you've been screwing him too!".

"Rob. That's none of your business. I've had enough arguing already. I didn't expect you to come here with this type of attitude. I'll have to ask you to stay at a hotel if your going to keep acting this way."

Rob put his hands on his face and wiped his hair back. "OK. I'm sorry I acted that way but I'm upset. You know how much I love you and I didn't expect to come here and find out your dating someone."

Sherry gave him a long deep stare. "I didn't expect to come home and find you in bed with another women either."

Rob shook his head and put his hand into the air. "OK. I get the message. Where do we go from here?"

Sherry sipped on her drink. "I don't know, Rob. I can't answer that question right now. I have too many things on my mind. I can't tell you anything right now other then this is the way it is right now and your going to have to deal with it like I did."

That dinner didn't go as expected with Rob. They returned back to Sherry's apartment and sat and drank while talking about old times. There were a few laughs and Sherry cried when Rob mentioned the photo album.

"Do you know it will be our seventh wedding anniversary next week?"

Sherry had tears in her eyes as she replied by shaking her head. Rob was curious to know about this guy Sherry was seeing. Maybe the timing was off but he wanted to find out what he could.

"What's this guys name you been seeing, or should I say working for?"

Sherry wiped her eyes and sniffled. "His name is John."

It dawned on Rob when he saw Sherry rubbing her eyes that she wasn't wearing her wedding rings. Maybe Rob was being a smart ass but he began to quiz her again.

"I see you're not wearing your wedding rings?"

"There in my drawer, put away."

"What did you tell this guy? Does he know you're married?"

"Rob. He knows I'm separated. I told him about you."

"Oh. I see. You told him you caught me screwing another woman? Is that it? He thinks I'm a real jerk or something?"

"Rob. I told him the truth, OK? He hasn't even met you so I don't know what he thinks of you. Listen. I have to get up early in the morning and be there for an important meeting. I'll be home around noon so you can just make yourself some breakfast and wait until I get home."

Sherry got up and said good night. Rob slowly walked to the guest room and shut the door. He could hear Sherry in the shower. He wanted so badly to go in there and make love to her but he didn't want to stretch his luck on the first night and fell asleep.

Sherry was gone by the time Rob woke up the next morning. He didn't even hear her leave. He found a note on the kitchen counter which told him where he could find the coffee and food. He made himself a cup of coffee and started walking around the apartment.

Rob wondered into Sherry's bedroom and peeked inside the closet. She had all her dresses lined up neatly and her heels were lined up along the floor. He began peeking in a few drawers and saw her lingerie drawer.

Sherry had bought a few new things. Her favorite colored teddy's and Rob saw a few garter belts in a neat little pile. Sherry loved wearing garter belts for him when they went out. She thought they were old fashion and sexy.

Rob closed the drawer and turned around and spotted a pair of men's slippers next to the dresser. Rob leaned over and picked them up. They were a size 15! Wow! Those were large shoes. Rob began wondering about this guy Sherry was seeing. Apparently he must have been staying here.

The shoes made Rob even more curious about this guy and took another peek inside the closet again. Rob looked on the opposite end this time and noticed a few shirts and pants hanging in the corner. He removed one of the shirts and saw the tag which was printed. It said, triple X in a large.

Rob laughed as he took the shirt of the hanger and tried it on over his clothes. It hung on him like a sack. The arms were much longer then his. This guy must be either big or fat. Rob put it back on the hanger and checked out the pants which were a forty-two-inch waist size.

Rob thought to himself. "I can't wait to see what this guy looks like!"

Rob walked into her bathroom and started snooping around the medicine cabinet. His heart sank when he spotted a packet of birth control pills on the shelf. He picked it up and checked inside. Half of the pills were gone.

Rob thought. "Maybe she was getting ready for my visit!"

He closed the little packet and checked the prescription label which stated that it had been refilled three times. Rob's heart was beating so fast he could feel it. Sherry had stopped taking birth control pills about three months before she left. They were trying to start a family.

Rob began feeling anger inside as he thought about Sherry screwing this guy. What exactly was going on? Did she ask him to come here just to rub it into his face?

Rob put everything back the way he found them and walked around the bedroom again. He kept peeking inside the drawers and finally found a couple pairs of boxer shorts. There was an extra tooth brush and men's deodorant on a shelf in the bathroom. He just walked back out into the kitchen and drank more coffee.

Sherry returned at noon as she promised. Rob decided he would say anything about the items he found in her bedroom, nor about the birth control pills.

"So. What do we have planned for today?"

"Rob. Listen. I had something planned with John, long before you made plans to travel out here. Your going to have to spend the evening alone tonight but we can have dinner tomorrow evening."

Rob was disappointed and swallowed hard and made a short reply. "OK."

Rob had a lot on his mind but he kept it all inside. He didn't want to push Sherry away from him so he just followed the flow that afternoon as they sat and talked about her family. It was getting late and Sherry got into the shower and began getting ready for her date that evening.

Rob sat watching television and kept watching his watch. He finally got up and walked into her bedroom. Sherry was just snapping her bra and he could see her large breasts reflecting in the mirror. She was wearing a garter belt with stockings and wore a black thong. She twisted the bra around and slipped her arms into the straps as Rob walked up behind her.

Rob slowly slipped his arms around her waist and lifted his hands until they were cupping her large breasts.

"Rob. I don't have much time! I have to finish getting dressed!"

She wiggled free from his grip and grabbed her dress off the bed. She smelled so good with her perfume. Her thong was so sexy and just barely covered her pussy mound. It appeared as if she was completely shaven down there.

"You look so gorgeous!"

"Thank you, Rob."

Sherry slipped into the green dress and began tugging it down over her hips. Rob walked behind her and helped her tuck the material down as she wiggled her hips. She was starring into the mirror and adjusted the dress around her large boobs. It was extremely revealing, allowing most of her breasts to be exposed and cradled inside that bra.

Sherry sat on the bed as she slipped into her heels. Rob began getting an erection as her garter strap and thigh lay exposed when she held up her leg to fasten the strap on her heel.

"You always wore those things when we went out together."

Sherry kept working on the heels until she stood up and Rob pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the lips.

"Rob. I don't have much time. I have to put on my makeup. Why don't you go and see what's on TV while I finish getting ready?"

Sherry walked into the bathroom as Rob started to leave the room. He stopped for a second and turned around and saw her opening the packet of birth control pills. He watched as she placed on in her mouth and poured a small glass of water to swallow it down.

He turned and walked out of the room knowing that she was prepared for whatever might happen on her date with John tonight.

Rob sat quietly on the sofa and waited until Sherry finally appeared out of the bedroom. Her perfume filled the room as she walked in and stood in front of the sofa.

"Rob. I'm not sure what time I'll be back home. Would you like me to introduce you to John?"

Rob leaned back on the sofa and shook his head, no. "No. I don't think so."

"Well. I don't think it would be very polite not to say something to him when he arrives to pick me up so maybe you should stay in your room until we leave."


Rob got up off the sofa and walked toward the bedroom.

"Rob. Aren't you going to say good night?"

Rob turned around and sarcastically replied. "Good night and have a wonderful time!"

Rob was laying on the bed for about twenty minutes when he heard Sherry laughing. He heard this guy's voice out in the front room and was tempted to take a peek. He waited a couple minutes and finally decided he would go out and meet this guy.

Rob opened the door and walked out but they were gone. He looked out the window but only seen the car door shut and watched the headlights turn on and the car backed out of the parking spot. Rob tried to get a peek at the guy but the windows were tinted.

He slowly walked back into his room and plopped down on the bed with his arms tucked behind his head. Rob had a hunch that Sherry was just out to teach him a lesson. It didn't take long before he fell asleep.

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