Mything You


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The auditorium was packed with excited convention goers, and the energy they were throwing off was intense. Backstage, Sam had a few bad moments as his mind returned him to this convention center not that long ago when the crowd prevented- no, he had to let that go.

"Game faces, people! You've got your character motivations in mind, and you know their backstory. Reach deep and connect now. On stage in three minutes!" David concluded his pep talk and moved off towards the podium to begin prepping their audience. He'd be telling them the story, getting their attention, and heightening their anticipation.

Sam smiled behind his visor. His role was the easiest to follow as he had no lines to memorize. David realized early on that Sam was no actor, so the visor stayed closed and he was the mute guardian for Taylor's character.

He turned his head and paused to take in how incredibly beautiful she was in the armor he'd made for her. He knew the original armor had been created for Christie, but over the past three months, he'd spent hours customizing it for Taylor's spectacular figure, so it followed the contours of her body perfectly.

David wanted it to look like she'd fought her way through Hell so, while the scales still gleamed insanely bright, there were areas of 'damage' and blood splatter. The result made her look completely badass! Aside from a few artistically placed streaks of blood, Taylor remained untouched by the violence and shone with an inner light.

She turned to face him, and he could see how excited she was. Better than that, he could see her love for him in those amazing green eyes!

Jaz rushed in from the dressing room where she'd had some last minute make-up applied to make her appear to have survived a blood bath. She beamed a smile at Sam and Taylor and trembled with excitement.

Sam was amazed that everything had come together so quickly. He acknowledged it was David's drive that made it work. He had more time to dedicate to his project, now that he'd dumped his boyfriend. He'd said anyone who didn't love his friends or at least liked them, wasn't worthy of love.

He got the nod from the stage manager, so he moved to get into position as the hall lights dimmed. He could feel the anticipation from the audience. He picked up the spear he'd left leaning against the wall and waited for his cue from David's narration. Eventually, he heard the words he was waiting for and stepped out onto the stage, his heavy steps sending booms rolling out over the audience. He gripped the spear and walked across the stage, staring out over the crowd. The stage lights were bouncing off his armor, dazzling the front rows of the audience. He spotted Billy and Philip waving at him, each happily wearing their custom wedding bands, so he nodded to them and moved on, staying in character as he was told to do.

Rick was in a prime location, getting pictures to add to their content repository for the website.

When Sam reached the other side of the stage, he spun the spear in several loops around his body then slammed its butt end into the wood surface with a mighty boom. He stood at parade rest, gripping the shaft in both hands. The crowd went nuts!

They didn't know the fitness regimen that made it possible for him to wield the heavy wooden shaft like it was nothing. Taylor had him on a special diet and exercise routine that hardened and added mass to his muscles, so he no longer looked like a walking skeleton. He'd put on weight, but it was a healthy weight.

When the final echoes of the boom died away, Taylor boldly strode out onto the stage as if she owned the place. Stage lights painted her armored body in a spectacular glow. She was holding her sword one handed and marched to the center of the stage, moving to the front edge to slam the sword point into the wood pad they'd taped down for this. She was breathing deep like she'd been fighting moments before. This had the effect of moving her chest dramatically, which shifted the sparkling armor casting the gleaming lights in various directions and emphasizing her body's proportions. The audience was eating it up and looked like they wanted to eat her up.

He caught a signal from David. It was time to move the show along. He took two strides closer to the front on the stage and thumped his spear shaft against the stage with another boom. He scanned his head back and forth like he was looking for a target.

The audience quieted down, and Taylor gestured for him to be calm. All part of the show.

Taylor began to speak, her voice loud and clear as she described the hell of the Demon war and what lay ahead for them. That was Jasmine's cue, and she rushed on stage to fall on her knees at Taylor's feet.

"What's this?" Taylor's voice boomed out as she glanced to Sam. "You rescued a slave girl?"

Jasmine looked up hopefully at Taylor.

Sam held up a single finger then gestured with his finger and thumb.

"Yes, I see it's just one, and she's small!" Taylor said, and the audience laughed. She gestured for Jaz to stand. Then she looked offstage. "We can't send you back as a tender one like you would just get eaten alive." More laughs and whistles from the ravenous audience who were obviously enthralled by Jasmine's barely there slave outfit over her newly toned muscles. Taylor had her on her exercise regimen as well.

Taylor pointed her sword at Sam. "For not asking for permission, you get first watch!" She smiled down at Jaz. "Come little one. Let's get you cleaned up. Then I'll make a warm bed for you."

Linked arm in arm Taylor led Jaz off stage. The crowd went nuts. After a pause, Sam followed slowly, thumping his spear against the stage with each grim step.

They gradually turned the lights down and cranked the spotlights up, pointing at him. Light flared and bounced everywhere as he crossed the stage. With a final loud thump, the spots cut out, and Sam ducked backstage. The audience was seeing spots when the overheads slowly came back on.

Then the applause exploded, and the people were on their feet clapping and cheering.

After a pause, Sam marched back out onto the stage without his helmet and bowed. The volume went up.

When Jaz pranced out on stage, the volume ratcheted up by a factor of twenty. Her eyes went wide as she looked to Sam with an excited smile.

Then Taylor joined them, and the noise became deafening. It felt like a wall of sound pressing on them.

David joined them, and they took a group bow. David's expression was priceless. He looked both overwhelmed and excited, and Sam pulled him into a hug. He hugged Jaz and Taylor too, the latter looking like she wanted to jump his bones right there on stage.

The show organizers were delighted, but they were also eager to free up the room for the next event, so Sam and his group were waved off of the stage. They collected their gear and headed out through the back access hallway to avoid walking through the crowds.

One of the organizers called out to catch their attention, so they waited for him to arrive with someone at his elbow.

Their expressions froze as they got closer, and the identity of the bearded guest suddenly registered.

The famous Hollywood producer-director grinned at the group of young people before him. "That was brilliant! Really great show!" His smile froze as he peered closer at the intricate etching on the armor plates. "Oh my god! That armor just gets more beautiful the closer you get!" He grinned broadly. "And so do the ladies!"

Taylor and Jasmine were a little star struck but managed to thank him.

"I didn't see your name on the list of celebrities attending the Fan Expo," Sam said curiously, not at all phased by the man's fame.

"Yeah, I'm just in town visiting my sister and my nephew is a follower of this lady's website." He pointed his thumb at Taylor. "He told me she was going to be here, so I tagged along. Glad I did! Have you thought about taking your characters to a larger screen?"

Sam pulled David forward with an arm around his shoulder. "You'll need to speak with David here. The story is his. Taylor and Jasmine bring it to life. I just dress them."

The director fixed an eye on Sam. "Somehow I think you're more than that."

Taylor and Jasmine wrapped their arms around Sam as David looked back at him with a fond smile.

"He most certainly is more. He's the soul of our merry band of misfits," David replied.

The Director handed David a business card. "Call me tomorrow and let's talk business."

David nodded and pocketed the card. Everyone shook hands, then the organizer led his VIP guest away.

Taylor looked like she might scream with glee. Sam held up his hands. "Let's all take a breath. It's early days and too soon to get too excited. That was a lot of fun, and I think it went very well. David's story really hooked them, and you two knocked it out of the park! You had them eating out of your hand! This backstage visit is an excellent sign that we're doing something right!"

Taylor shook her head and screamed excitedly anyway. He chuckled as he pulled her into a hug then kissed her. She was hungry for more and kissed him harder, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. When she pulled back, Sam was wobbling on his feet.

Jaz was watching her with hungry eyes too. Taylor hooked a finger through the loop on the slave collar and roughly pulled her close to kiss her fiercely, her other hand cupping the back of Jasmin's head. The petite woman made needful little sounds

David watched this with wide eyes. Then looked to Sam who seemed to have come back to earth. "So, uh, this is a thing?"

Sam smiled at the passionate kiss Taylor was sharing with Jasmine. He looked at David. "Yes, it's a thing."

"And you're-"

"Not standing in its way," Sam finished. "I love Taylor. Jasmine loves Taylor. She loves us. We'll see where it takes us."

David nodded and seemed to file that away. "Ok, don't forget you have a table to autograph Rick's photos between four and six PM." He glanced at the ladies who seemed to be moving into a less intense kissing phase. "When they're done, you should go out and mingle with the people. Let them see you and get pictures with you. Rick will be waiting. Build your social media exposure. Stay in character, if you can."

"Thanks, David! For everything!" Sam said and hugged him.

"Hey! Your armor is cold!" David scolded gently, but he had a smile on his face as he waved and headed down the hall.

When Sam turned back to look at the ladies, Taylor and Jaz were smiling mischievously. "What?" he asked cautiously.

"Have you put any more thought into that rental property Shelina found for us?" Taylor asked as Jaz clung to her arm.

"It means a longer commute for all of us," he said.

"True, but look at the space it gives us for the crafting room, storage, and living quarters -- three full bathrooms!" she gushed.

"It's expensi-"

"But less than our three rents combined!"

Sam looked to Jaz and saw her mischievous smile. When she bit her lip, his resistance collapsed, and he could see her delight in knowing her effect on him. "Ok, fine! I'll tell Shelina we'll take it."

The crash of armor plate slamming together filled the hall as Taylor leapt into Sam's arms.

"Careful! We still have the rest of the day to get through!" Sam complained as he set Taylor down and examined their armor. Nothing was damaged this time. He sighed in relief and gave the pretty and contrite blonde a stern look. "Let's go rub elbows with the fans." He put his helmet hack on and followed them down the hall to put on a show. They pushed through the doors and entered the main hall.

It was extremely crowded. Probably the same capacity as it'd been on that day. Squeezing himself through the packed aisles was raising the hairs on his arms, and his breath was coming in gulps. He was grateful he was wearing the helmet as Taylor wouldn't be able to see his sick panic.

Then he felt a small hand take his. He looked down and saw Jasmine was next to him, holding his hand. From her sympathetic expression, he could tell she knew he was struggling. She was there for him. He nodded to her and gently squeezed her hand as he felt himself begin to relax. His breathing settled down, and he rolled his tense shoulder muscles. The pressure was easing.

They continued through the aisles and finally made it to the doors leading to the cosplay area.

Just outside the main hall was a large open area before the escalators leading down to street level. This was the unofficial meeting area for anyone who arrived in costume. This was where you went to see and be seen.

Their arrival drew a lot of attention, and Taylor was eating it up. She grinned back at Sam, and he nodded to her.


Chapter 7

Sam laid the bouquet of wildflowers on the gravestone. Each time he glanced at the dates carved into the surface, he felt a sense of outrage at the cruel abbreviation of Christie's promising life. She had so much to offer and never got the chance. He stopped looking.

He stood and cast his eyes down to the flowers at the base of the grey monument. He knew Christie wasn't there. This was just a prop in a ceremony. It was all symbolic but the grief counselor he'd spoken to back when it happened- no, when Christie died, told him that people needed rituals and symbol in their lives to make sense of when unexplainable shit happens. It was just a way to find closure. He sighed and began.

"Hi, Christie. This is the first time I've been here. Sorry it took me so long, but I've been messed up for a while. I'm getting better." He felt stupid talking to the stone, but he pushed on and took a deep breath. "If you can hear me, I wanted you to know I'm sorry you died in such a tragic way. It shouldn't have happened, but it did, and it's past, so I can't do anything about it. I blamed myself for so long, but that wasn't healthy or reasonable. I finally got my head on straight. It took all of our friends, and a new one to make that happen but... I'm getting better."

He looked out over the rolling hills with all of the stones marking the memory of someone lost. Symbols. He continued. "I want you to know you'll always be in my heart. Losing you almost killed me, but love saved me again."

He thought of the two women waiting for him back at their new home. That thought filled his heart with joy. As his new neighborhood was on the other side of the city, he knew how unlikely it was that he'd ever come back this way. No, this was the last time. Still, the counselor said it was necessary, so he thought he'd better do it before he left.

He touched the cold stone. "I'm saying goodbye. I hope wherever you are, if you are somewhere, it's a good place as you deserve it." That felt right.

He turned to go then looked back as there was only one thing left to say.

"I miss you."

Surprisingly, he did feel a little lighter as he walked through the cemetery pathways towards the main gate. He'd catch a taxi home from there.

Sam thought about the strange and exciting new direction his life was taking. He was a little nervous about it, but he knew he had the support of his friends and the love of the women at home.

He wouldn't be alone on his journey, and he couldn't ask for more.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

To suffer survivor's guilt and then find another to help accept and move on is a blessing. Moving rapidly and forward (to Hollywood?) Is a great morale boost

KerrionKerrion5 months ago

I think this was an excellent story. I just feel from the characters that it was rushed to keep it short. All the time spent on the sadness and Sam's connection with Christie, but his connection to Taylor is literally overnight. The story would have been better served I think if that connection took longer and was part of his healing.


FrenchTomcatFrenchTomcat7 months ago

Nice story!

Is Jasmine a nod to AspernEssling's Jazz in Gamers? Different personalities so it doesn't feel like an issue at all :)

RanDog025RanDog0258 months ago

Great story, no matter how many times I read it! 5 BIG FUCKING STARS!

tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

Fun, thank you.

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