Nasty New Year


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"You want me to do a lap dance for you when we get back?"

"That would be exciting." Craig cupped her firm buttock on his hand. "I promise to give you a tip."

Ondrah squealed and skipped ahead of him and when she looked back at him Craig saw her eyes shift to the side and widen.

Instinct kicked in and he turned ready for action.

The movement startled the four guys silently moving around to circle them. In the blink of an eye Craig assessed the danger in order. To his right a big guy was moving slowly, confident his size would be enough. Next to him the most dangerous man was the small nervous guy with a knife. Sticking close to the big guy as a shield he was the one Craig needed to keep an eye on. Next to him was the mouth piece who grinned, ready to use his words. Lastly on Craig's left a guy who looked like he knew how to fight, but who was more interested in Ondrah at that moment. Wanting to take control of the rhythm of the encounter Craig stepped close to the mouth and spoke first, unnerving him.

"Hey, you guys got a light?"

"Huh?" Mouth piece hadn't expected that.

Nervous guy lifted his knife giving Craig all the excuse he needed. Twisting he used the kinetic energy of expertly practised movement and punched Mouthpiece in the solar plexus so hard the man fell onto his butt trying to gasp but failing. With his weight now on his right foot Craig lifted his left and spun backward, the unexpected direction, and kicked the knife from Nervous' hand before someone got hurt.

Using his momentum Craig planted the swinging left foot and connected a fist to Big Guy's nose. The thick fellow cupped his face and bellowed, stepping away, leaving Nervous exposed. Craig stepped toward Nervous and started a punching sequence that pummelled the small man with a swift series of shots starting at the ears, then hitting the eyes, chin then nose. Craig's hands moved so fast the twitchy kid only blocked one shot and took the rest in full, falling backward nearly unconscious.

Turning to the fighter Craig saw him moving toward Ondrah who stood eyes wide, hands defensively in front of her, weight balanced between both feet. As the creep reached for her she took his wrist and pulled him toward her rising knee which she planted in his groin adding his own momentum to the blow. Releasing his wrist she brought her right elbow down on the back of his hunched neck, adding strength by clenching both hands together. He dropped and she stepped on his back to jump toward Craig.

The older man had already pivoted back to the Big Guy who was recovering. Craig hit him with a series of kicks, one to the knee, one to the short ribs, one to the neck, all hitting as the man toppled from the knee hit.

Ondrah stomped on the Fighter's ankle. The sound of snapping bone filled the air a fraction of a second before the scream. The next sound was the leather slap of Craig's foot wrapping around the Mouthpiece's face as the dazed man struggled to his feet.

All four attackers were on the ground groaning, cursing and clutching wounded body parts. Ondrah screamed a triumphant, primal shriek at them and the men scrambled painfully to their feet fleeing from the enraged banshee. Turning to Craig he saw a disorienting series of emotions cross her face. Rage gave way to intense worry.

"Are you okay?" she panicked, beginning to check him for wounds.

"I'm fine. No one touched me."

Then her face melted into relief.

"Are you okay?" He inquire back, looking her over.

"Fuck Yeah!" Now she looked ebullient. "That was fucking crazy! Holy Shit!"

Then she looked at him with more raw unbridled lust than he had ever seen on any face.

"Fuck me. Right now!

Agreeing with her sentiment Craig pulled the aroused teen down an alley and behind a low retaining wall on a hillside. No-one from the street would see them, but anyone could walk down there, and the windows above could see if anyone looked. Let them, they were about to get a show.

Ondrah pulled her skirt up and tucked the hem in her waistband exposing her bald pussy framed by the black of her garters. Craig pulled open her shirt exposing her bare breasts over the op of her bustier. The girl rubbed her pussy readying herself while the big man pulled his hardening cock from his pants. Rubbing the tip along the groove of her sex Craig teased them both as they shifted from Fight or Flight response to Fight & Fuck.

When he finally slipped into her hot embrace they were both kissing and groping each other frantically, the adrenaline from the altercation transforming into lust. Ondrah lifted one stockinged leg over Craig burly shoulder and thrust her pussy out for him to pillage shamelessly. The soldier drove into her, battle lust burning in him, the risk to life impelling him to embrace existence passionately.

They fucked mindlessly for a time, just experiencing being alive and whole after a dangerous encounter. Slippery friction, groping hands and kissing mouths were all they knew for a while. Gasping into each other's mouths they moved together, cherishing the feel of the other's body brimming with life, ecstatic to be alive.

The awkward position was insufficient for Craig, he needed to be more aggressive, his body thrumming with violence. Disengaging he whirled her around and took her from behind, pressing her against the wall, her hands on the cement, arms straight as he battered he from behind. Gripping her slim hips he pulled her back onto his cock as he thrust forward, slamming his hips against her buttocks, wedging his long cock deep inside her sopping vagina.

Each time he drove into her clenching depths Ondrah mewled pathetically, the impact forcing her closer and closer to climactic release. Each time Craig jammed his prick all the way in Ondrah squirmed and ground his tip against the deepest recess of her vagina, whimpering her ecstasy so he knew how good his cock felt.

Unable to believe his luck Craig fucked his petite cousin with zeal, thrilled by the fight they'd just fought together. Impressed with her instincts and the relish she took in winning, the celebratory sex was aggressive and satisfying. Driving into her yielding heat, hearing her song of desire, seeing her sordid delight in his use of her incited Craig to hedonistic abandon.

When Ondrah began to climax she wondered with depraved curiosity if her mother had fucked Craig after he fought for her. Did Katherine cum the way she was, merely at the memory of him leaping and kicking those assholes. Ondrah felt repeated spasms of rapture as she received Craig's delectable cock deep inside.

"Take me! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she raved, orgasmic filth spilling from her grateful mouth. "I'm yours! Anything you want! Use me!" Ondrah needed to abase herself before him, the fantastic orgasm he was pummelling from her demanded it.

Sliding down the wall she fell to her hands and knees as Craig continued hammering her from behind savagely. Falling to the filthy asphalt she whimpered and implored him to keep fucking her as her mind shredded with degenerate thoughts.

"Your pussy. Its your pussy. Fuck it! Fuck it!" Did her mother talk like this? Had she given herself so willingly to him after their fight? Ondrah's filthy imagination conjured images of Craig fucking her mother and Katherine begging him to fill her with cum like a shameless slut. Had it happened?

"Give me that cum! I need it! Fill me up!"

The sound of Ondrah's panted entreaties turned him on profoundly. Craig loved the way she behaved, so willing to debase herself for his pleasure. It worked, the way she urged him to cum worked and he soon spilled himself into her depths overwhelmed by her hunger for him. The way she gripped him with her inner muscles sent delirious waves of euphoria through his cock and straight to his brain. The salacious squeeze prolonging his climax.

The siren's ended the escapade abruptly.

A cop car raced down the alley right past them and Craig saw the driver's tense face looking straight ahead as Craig knelt with his shrinking cock nestled inside his shuddering cousin.

"We should go." H murmured, his voice shaky after his orgasm.

Ondrah tried to look at him but her eyes were unfocused and looking in slightly different directions. It should have been funny if he weren't delirious from his own climax. When she took his cock into her wet mouth he feebly protested. Ondrah slurped him deep, running her tongue all around his shaft while her right hand delved between her legs.

Filling her face with cock Ondrah plunged her fingers deep and felt around for his sperm. As she wriggled her fingers around inside she felt the slippery ooze of his cum and trembled with another tiny climax. Smearing sperm around her vulva she suckled his cock and had several tiny orgasm in the ally, fantasizing about doing this for him forever.

The police car returned going the other way down the street beyond the buildings they hid behind.

"As good as that feels, it really is time to go." He pulled away and put his penis back n his pants.

The girl looked dazed and reluctant to rise. Helping her up Craig pulled her skirt down and covered her sex, though she continued stuffing her fingers far up inside. Pulling her shirt hem Craig tucked it back behind her bustier and pulled it over her hard nipples.

Ondrah was decent but still masturbating as he took her other arm and guided her down the ally. When they stepped out onto the street heading for his car she finally stopped touching herself but the naughty girl began licking her fingers clean. In the car on the way back to the hotel she once again lay in his lap and placed his semi-hard cock in her mouth. Suckling him gently she didn't try and get him fully hard and Craig enjoyed the warm embrace without the need to be stimulated by more.

In the parking lot she seemed reluctant to move. Murmuring around his knob she spoke, kissing his tip as her lips moved.

"I meant what I said. This is your pussy now. I belong to you. I'm gone man. I will do anything you say, go where you want. You fucked me into submission."

"You haven't applied to any schools yet?"

She shook her head no, her mouth full.

"I know a program you would be perfect for. It's the place I went. Its a special program, for unique people."

"Where?" she whispered around his tip.

"It's a government program. Very secretive. If you went there you'd never be able to tell anyone."

Ondrah sat up and looked her cousin in the eye. Understanding dawned on her, he was suggesting she do the same job he did. The job that took him all over the world, kept him from the family for years at a time and of which he never spoke.

"You think I could do... what you do?"

"Absolutely, no doubt."

"Would I ever get to see you?"

"It could certainly be arranged." The sly way he said it indicated he had no worries about gettng access to her.

"You want me to do it?" she asked vulnerably, letting him understand she would do what he told her to.

"Yes. I'm certain you would be great."

"Then show me where to sign up."

Craig walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight after a quick scan to ensure they were not being observed. Then he walked to his room. On the way he heard laughter from Katherine's suite. Knocking he found a gathering of a few of the middle-aged family members. After a brief update about their night Katherine pulled him onto the balcony to talk. Drunkenly leaning against him she spoke facing the beach.

"I'm so happy you and Ondrah have been hitting it off. You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"I'm glad. She's a pistol, that one. Got a bright future ahead of her."

"Too smart for her own good sometimes."

"No such thing." He scoffed..

Katherine looked at him for a time and he let her study him blandly. Then abruptly his cousin kissed him deeply on the mouth.

"I loved you Craig." she confessed.

"I know. I always appreciated it very much."

Katherine laughed. "So polite." Pain in her eyes belied the laugh.

"Happy New Year Craig." She redirected.

"Happy New Year."

"Do you remember the last New Years we were together?"

"Vividly." He held her eyes contact as she assessed him.


"That was a night to remember."

"I was drunk."

"You were wonderful." Craig brushed a loose lock of hair from her cheek. "I cherish that night."

"Me too." Turning her mouth to his hand she kissed his palm. "Ondrah was born in September. she's yours Craig."

Paralyzed by her words Craig felt too much to react, and Katherine continued. "I had no idea when I would eve see you again and I was too ashamed to admit I'd slept with my cousin." She whispered low so only he could hear. "I never told anyone about us, but seeing you together its so obvious. I've been terrified everyone in the family would know. I'm glad she dyes her hair now, its exactly the same as yours, and her eyes! How does no-one else see it?"

Every depraved thing he and Ondrah had done over the last three days swirled around his mind as he maintained a still demeanour, listening calmly to her words while inside he reeled in a lustful, horrified, depraved storm of feelings.

"Wow! This is a lot..." He managed.

"I apologize for keeping this from you. I love you and didn't want to hurt you..."

"No, I understand. I'm sorry you had to carry this weight all alone..." Craig hugged her in part to cover the colour draining from his face. He had been fucking his own daughter for days.

"I'm so glad you aren't mad."

Was he mad?

"Do you plan on telling her?" Craig asked terrified of the answer.

"No idea. I wanted to see you together first."

Well there have been plenty of opportunities for that, he thought.

"I think I'd like to tell her, now that its obvious you get along." Katherine looked out to the night sky. "I'm just worried she will judge me too harshly for sleeping with my own cousin."

"Don't worry about that." He assured her. "You can't control her reaction, only your own."

Katherine nodded. "Would you want to be there?"

"If you think that would help, or course."

"I honestly have no idea."

They sat in silence for a time, Craig unable to stop himself from reliving each sordid act, but re-contextualizing it as him doing those things to his own daughter. A massive erection grew in his pants, straining to indulge some more in those forbidden delights.

Just then Dale joined them on the balcony.

"Hey you two." he put an arm around a distracted Katherine. "What are you two talking about"

"Ondrah." Craig supplied. "I have been doing some casual tests and I think she would qualify for a program I know of for specialized training."

"Really?" Katherine asked, bewildered by the switch in conversation.

"Yeah. We're constantly on the look out for qualified young people. There is a test she could do to determine her fit, but I truly believe she would pass with flying colours." He grinned wickedly. "It runs in the family."

Trained to hide his true feelings he told the mother of his daughter what he could about the program, hiding his erection and the fact that he was attempting to recruit their daughter into a spy network run by the government.

Life got so complicated sometimes. But maybe as father and daughter they could make the world make a little more sense.

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RedMockersRedMockersover 1 year ago

Great story. I figured it out on page 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is there a prequel I'm missing? It seems like I'm starting in the middle of a story with no background.

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