Nat / alie Ch. 03: Shopping for Two


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I turned around and looked in the mirror. I had to stop from letting my jaw drop. These were definitely panties Nat would like to see. I hate that I had chose to stop covering up, because these things were too light in color and too thin!

The woman stepped back some, giving me a bit of space. She walked back some more, and then went, "Well, will you like my opinion on these as well?"

"What about a top?" I asked, not really sure what she was asking.

"I agree with your girlfriend. Less on you the better, you have cute boobs that shouldn't be under wraps. She'll love you in just those, as you said yourself," she explained.

"You think?" I asked, blushing more, this time partially from the compliment. I still tightly clasped my arms to my breasts though.

"Definitely. Let's see how they look as you walk along, and then we can head you off to home with her. I can tell you're definitely ready to get intimate with her," she said this all with a nervous smile, her face red. How red her face was had nothing on how red my face was! I didn't know what was going at all, I was wondering just what kind of stuff Nat had been doing! I was supposed to just walk out there? She also noticed my arousal, and that seemed so unfair, considering it was Nat who had gotten turned on! I was so very embarrassed.

"Walk... what do you mean?" I asked. I again had wanted to tell her no, to somehow explain she had the wrong person. Yet I've found in the past that explaining how Nat and I work is a bit of a risk. It usually freaks people out or makes them worry, and I still wanted to avoid that.

"Just walk out here and take a few steps both ways so I can see if she'll like it, though I think I already know the answer to that," she again complimented.

I really wasn't sure how I was supposed to do anything. I'm not Nat, I'm not some sort of show off. I felt glued to my spot, unable to choose what to do. I was sure if Nat had any choice, she'd have squatted down on the floor and probably play with herself in front of her! Then again, I don't think even Nat was that brazen.

Since I didn't know what to do, I decided to risk something. "Um... well you just tell me what to do, ok?" I nervously offered. I think I could trust her to not go as overblown as Nat, which in a weird way was relieving knowing that this stranger was in charge of how exposed I'd be than Nat!

"Well, how about you walk up to me, like you might to your girlfriend," she suggested. I began to do so, stiffly and nervously. "Very cute, I bet she'll like that. If she likes you blushing, you're doing a great job of that too," she added.

I wanted to try and at least act sexy, to completely mimic what Nat might do, but I couldn't. I was just so nervous and embarrassed to be nearly naked in front of a stranger, one who was closely watching me! When I finally got to her, she just looked down at me trying to cover my breasts and the tiny bit of panties I had on.

"Very good, I don't think I'd be able to keep my hands off if I were her," she teased. I again felt my heart nearly leap from my throat; it was a bit too much. This type of admiration for my body was something I didn't get often, especially since I normally tried to hide it. "Now, turn down that way and walk away. Oh, and maybe try with your hands at your sides?" she asked.

As I turned, I tried to do as she said. After a few steps though, I wasn't sure if I could. "Nat would probably just do more than just drop her hands; she'd get rid of the panties too. She'd be the naughty one who would love having her boobs looked at," I thought to myself. I could still feel my nipples were hard, wondering just how Nat even could get turned on by being seen. Normally I can only think about how hot my face gets when I blush from being looked at.

I was starting to sense that maybe the sweet girl wasn't getting what she expected. I didn't want to cheat her of anything, and at the same time I sort of was feeling down on myself for being so shy. It's not that I wanted to show my body, but maybe I could for a moment pretend it was Nat's body instead. So even though it felt like my face was searing, I dropped my hands to my sides as the girl expected.

She couldn't' see much as I first did it. I had a moment to really think about what was happening. I was trying to understand Nat, why she would possibly ever do this. I never fully understood the allure to it that she clearly must have.

Emboldened just enough by the idea that I wasn't in my own body, that this was just some sort of stunt Nat was doing, I actually turned around and exposed my topless state to the girl. I saw her eyes still roaming my body, even still at the tiny panties. I fought every urge that was my natural Natalie self to cover up and began to march back to her.

The way she was looking at my body was something I never really noticed as much before. I didn't know what it was, but I could tell she liked it. I think part of her was shy about staring, that she wanted to be polite and look away. Yet something kept her drawn to the display. I wondered if maybe Nat had to pressure her to do so. My heart beat a bit faster though when I considered the idea that maybe she wanted to look.

"Very good, wonderful! Really, I think your girlfriend will love it. Might be too much to ask you to go around totally naked, but I bet that is a very close second," the girl complimented. Though maybe she worked on commission or something, I think she was actually sincere. I don't think I was feeling pride, but there was some sort of feeling related to the idea that someone was enjoying my body like this; I just couldn't understand it.

"So I guess um, that's it then, yes?" I queried.

"One last spin?" she requested. I didn't have the heart to say no, so I did so. The whole time I was aware I was very much showing her my nearly naked lower half. I could see enough of the panties to know that they showed the entire shape of everything down there.

When the spin was done, I noticed she had lowered to her knees, and I worried such a close look was way too much! I was about to turn and run back into the stall, but her hands held my hips!

"Now, the final test: the unwrapping step. I bet she loves this part the most," the sweet girl boldly declared as her fingers found the ties she had done up herself minutes ago.

I couldn't stop her from pulling them loose and letting the little blue material drop away from my mound. In that moment I was again totally naked in front of her, and this time there was no covering up at all.

My chest felt heavy as I struggled to take another breath. I stood motionless, allowing her to stare. She had seemed so nervously excited to do what she did, and the smile on her face told me it was all she could do to hold back from doing anything else. I was very glad that Nat had told the assistant that she had a girlfriend, I don't know if I could or would want to say no if she did make an advance.

She firmly held the little fabric. I was still surprised they were enough material to be used as panties. She stood up and examined the cotton and then me. "Yep, I think this perfectly suits you," she said, and then her face grew redder and she teased, "and they definitely smell like you too."

I could have practically died then and there. This was way too much! My body hadn't yet cooled down clearly, and this girl had found the signs left in the panties!

I think she was actually embarrassed by her own line too and quickly mumbled out a, "Sorry, I'll have these up front for you, so get dressed before someone finds you naked out here!" with that, she turned and left, not seeing as I covered myself with my hands again, having finally remembered I was out in public naked! I dashed back to the stall, now happy that this was finally over, or at least I hoped so!

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two

By Jappio

Part 2b (Natalie)

I quickly found the blouse and skirt that Nat had warn here most likely, but for the life of me I couldn't actually find any underwear. It wasn't in her backpack. I was wondering if this was some sort of joke, her going to a lingerie store because she literally didn't' have underwear.

I took the skirt and stepped into it, sliding it up my legs. No matter how much Nat does to me, I still can't get used to the feeling of wearing a skirt without a pair of panties around my hips. The skirt lightly hung against my butt and pelvis, nothing blocking it from me. Next I slipped my arms into the shirt and buttoned it up. The feeling of my bare nipples rubbing against the fabric was just as bad as the situation with the skirt.

Once dressed as much as I could, which felt like far too little, I looked myself in the mirror. I wasn't very happy with what I would have to deal with. The blouse was too thin, and without a bra, my hard nipples showed through. The two little nubs looked very obvious poking out against the blouse. I really hoped that it was only because I knew what to look for. The skirt was far shorter than anything I owned as well. I tried to tug it down, but I knew I didn't have a lot of room to make adjustments. I was relieved to find that if I stayed standing straight enough, I could maybe get away with it.

I realized I had at least something more I would be able to put on. A pair of panties was waiting for me at the counter, and that would at least be something, even if those things were hardly able to cover much. I had to take anything I could get though. I couldn't even guess how Nat was able to get here with so little on.

Slowly I exited the dressing room, and found myself wandering the lingerie store. I was realizing I wasn't even sure where I was, as I'd never shopped in a store like this. I heard the buzzing of larger groups of people, so I figured I was in a mall. I was hoping I'd recognize which one when I got out of the store.

Sitting at the counter were two girls. The one who had been 'helping' me was waiting for me as expected. The other looked disinterested as she was on her phone. I awkwardly made my way there, trying to avoid eye contact with the woman who had just seen me naked.

"I've got your purchase all set up," the girl said cheerfully. I got enough of a glance to see she too was avoiding eye contact as well.

"Yeash Beth, did you two make out or something back there?" the other saleswoman absently commented, not even looking up. Both Beth's(presumably the helpful assistant) and my faces glowed red!

"No! Why-why would you say that?!" Beth, asked suddenly, shocked at what her coworker was even suggesting.

"You're gone for what seems like forever, you've been flushed the whole time, and you can hardly look the girl in the eye as if you two were getting intimate back there. I'm not judging, just saying," the girl said, still not even bothering to look up from her phone.

"We were not! I was just helping her pick something! She's buying something to show off to her girlfriend!" Beth tried to explain. I flinched, now being accused of trying to be a show off to someone. I didn't like the fact that both girls thought I was trying to put on some sexy show for someone.

"Oh, so just a bit jealous you don't get to see a cute thing like her dressed up in something naughty?" the coworker teased. Beth of course had seen me in very little already.

Beth decided to change the subject, "ignore my rude friend here! Your total will be $42.03!" Beth seemed ready to get me out, and I wasn't against it either.

I dug out Nat's credit card, of course not having my own card with me, nor would I want to use my own money to buy Nat's things anyways. I started to pay as the coworker piped up, "yeah, sorry or whatever. Just a bit of a joke," still not looking up from her phone.

I got her purchase put in a bag and was ready to leave. I wanted the chance to put them on, but I didn't want to stay there any longer, far too embarrassed to handle much more. I thanked Beth quickly and left before more could be said. I was so embarrassed that I'd forgotten about the risky outfit as I stepped out into the hall.

It took a moment, but I did get my bearings on where I was. I recognized a few shops, and knew I'd know how to drive home from there. The mall itself had the average number of shoppers milling about.

Remembering my plight of being completely commando in a small outfit, I made quick, but small, steps towards the nearest bathroom. I would only have to pass a couple of stores to finally make myself a little more decent. I kept my hands at my sides, trying to subtly hold the skirt down so it wouldn't bounce up and show more of my bare legs.

As I made my way past people, I self-consciously looked each way to see if anyone was staring. I worried that I was showing so much skin, that I would make a spectacle of myself. I suppose it wasn't so much I was dressed 'slutty', but I just knew that disaster could too easily strike. I wondered if some people do stare at girls, hoping that something wrong does happen to their clothes!

That nervous feeling of not having panties was hard to ignore when walking. The tiny skirt would shift and flap against my bare hips and lap as I walked forward. Each time it was like a reminder that I was completely bare. I even could feel the air against my lips, which was only accentuated by the fact there were still wet.

My nipples also hadn't died down one bit; the material rubbing against them was enough to actually keep them totally aroused. I brought an arm up to hold over them, but I felt like this was just too obvious. It was torture to put my arms back down to my sides, and let the hard nipples try to poke holes in it. I had to try and look normal for just a few more moments.

It was tough to not run and hide into the bathroom, but the tiny skirt wouldn't allow movements like that. I didn't want to flash everyone around me. So I took my time getting there, but sighed in relief once on the other side of the door, hidden from the hall.

Even with the bathroom itself being empty, I locked myself into a stall. I got Nat's new panties out of the bag, and held them up. I was still in disbelief so little fabric could fit around me and be considered underwear. Yet I had been in them not too long ago, so I knew it could be done somehow.

I'm glad I was alone for this, as the panties were tougher to handle then I thought. I try not to wear things that can be so easily stripped from you, so it took a few tries to figure it out. First I tried to tie them first and slip them on, but they were too tight and then too loose when I tried a second time. When I tried to hold them in place to put them on, the skirt would get in the way as I tried to get them situated.

Sometimes it feels like the universe is working against me, trying to keep me exposed. Yet I was determined to get the panties on. So even though I hated doing it, I took my skirt off and hung it up on the hook on the stall door. I couldn't believe I was choosing to become bottomless, but it had to be done. With the skirt out of the way, I was finally able to make sure the panties were snuggly fitted on me.

I was nervous about them though, unsure if the knots would be strong enough. I would die if they fell down my hips when people were around to see that happen. I wondered if anyone besides Nat would even dare wear something like these outside of the bedroom.

I felt frustrated though. I couldn't believe that even so long after Nat had control, I was still turned on. My weaker half was starting to want to sit back on the toilet and relieve the pent up arousal. I sometimes worry my subconscious really is just Nat.

I let a finger drift to the front of my chest and rub my hard nipples through the shirt. It did feel good. I couldn't let myself do that though while in public! It was embarrassing enough to admit to enjoying a bit of self pleasure, but to be in so need of it that I would have to stop and do it somewhere public was just overly embarrassing. I quickly put a stop to those actions before they could become even more indecent. I got the skirt back on, and was ready to try and leave the mall.

I hesitated. Though I now had panties, that didn't really make my skirt any longer. Sure, it gave me a bit of a safety net of cover if something did happen to let someone see under the skirt, but I still didn't want that to happen. Really I was just as nervous. I didn't want anyone to see my bare butt nor Nat's new panties. I tried to resolve myself to get out of there anyways.

However, as I reached for the handle, I felt dizzy. I carefully moved so I could sit down, realizing that Nat was coming back. Part of me was happy I wouldn't have to make the trip home now. The other part of me knew better, and knew that with Nat in control again, our body would probably be exposed to strangers! I hated not being around to stop her ever. Yet this was what it was going to be, and I had to at least be happy I wouldn't have to do more while dressed as I was. Maybe Nat would behave...

Nat / alie 3: Shopping for Two

By Jappio

Part 3 (Nat)

Being surrounded by the walls of a bathroom stall wasn't new to me for when I wake up. Natalie loves to hide herself away somewhere as private as she can. I wasn't very happy though that I was taken away from the show I was enjoying!

I got up on my feet and looked down. I saw that I was dressed back in my blouse and shirt, but with more buttons done up than I'd have had. I also could feel what felt like panties under my skirt. Natalie really knows how to be a buzz kill!

Well, that is only partly true. I move a hand to my breasts, and began to massage them. My nipples were still hard, and I even gasped in shock by how sensitive they were. It was like Natalie hadn't cooled down at all. I wasn't sure how much time passed, but it was validating to know that prim and proper Natalie was at least unable to deny how fun things must have been. I figured Natalie probably left the store as soon as she could. I was sad for the nice assistant, as she never got the last bit of her show probably. I would surely have to return there someday to have the rest of our fun.

I walked out of the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. I lifted my skirt without a second thought. There was the final pair of panties I had planned on, so maybe Natalie didn't get out right away. Though I love wearing nothing, I had to admit the panties did look very cute and naughty. I plucked the waist of them, seeing just how snug they were. I then ran a finger along the front of them too, happy to find they were already pretty wet. The touch felt wonderful too.

My mind began to come up with new ideas already as I modeled my new panties for myself. Natalie had interrupted my games, but perhaps that just meant it was time to involve her some more. Give her a little crash course in my kind of fun. The thought of exposing her had me quickly tugging at the strings of the panties. I loved the way the little things pop away from me and expose my lower half when I pluck them like that.

I looked at my bared pussy for a bit, thinking exactly what I would do. I was very glad I brought my exhibitionist kit with me, as I would need it. I took it off my back and stuffed my panties inside.

I then took out a pair of scissors. Such a thing is very useful to a girl who wants to expose herself. I immediately took them and began to snip off every button on my blouse. Sure, it wouldn't be very usable without, but I didn't care. In no time it had no buttons, and fell open.

Giving a quick twirl, the shirt opened up and my breasts swayed into the open. I took each into a hand and gave them each a grope. My nipples tingled with pleasure and I could only smile. I was already in a good mood again for sure. Yet I still wanted to seek my revenge, so I turned the scissors attention to the skirt.