Nathan Stokes, Pornstar Ch. 02


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"Now, go to sleep baby," Nathan comforted her, pulling the sheets up to keep her warm. She clutched at the satin sheet, shivering as her body remained shiny with sweat.


Nathan and Jenny had fucked all night, and the morning sun was finally creeping in through the narrow blinds of the bedroom window. With Jenny panting furiously on the bed, Nathan tiptoed quietly towards the door, careful to avoid stepping on the flight attendant uniform that was still gracing the floor. It lay strewn along with Jenny's undergarments, which had been discarded earlier amidst frenzied passion. Before he could reach the door, Nathan noticed a not so subtle lock of blonde hair protruding out from the side.

"So... Jenny's finally had enough, huh?" the door was held slightly ajar, and a second, slightly older flight attendant poked her head through the crack. "I thought you two might end up fucking right through the day..."

Before she could enter, Nathan quickly wrapped his mouth around hers, jetting his tongue down her throat in a searing, passionate kiss. "You know I could always go again, Elle."

Elle smiled proudly, "I'd love to, but you know I've got a flight to catch. Besides, I think three mind-blowing orgasms in one night is enough..."

She perched her blue and gold hat on top of her dirty blonde locks, still damp with sweat and traces of cum from the night before. Grabbing her overnight bag, she began heading towards the exit. "Not sure about Jenny though, that girl can go and go and go. She's like the energizer bunny." She glanced over her shoulder, taking one last look at her lover. "Promise you won't go TOO hard on her?"

"You know I'm not going to make a promise I can't keep," he smiled, "is this really goodbye?"

Elle glanced down at the ground, "yeah, but at least I've got something to remember you by."

"What's that?"

She gave him a naughty look, while carefully patting her stomach. "When I feel your cum sloshing around inside me while I'm thousands of feet in the air, I'll remember you..."

Nathan smiled proudly, giving her perky ass a final squeeze as she strode out the front door.


"BEEP," the answering machine buzzed, "you have... thirty five... new messages."

Nathan paced through the living room of his Malibu beach house, peering out of the large windows at the foam crested waves crashing on the sand. The warm glow of the sun was slowly easing the tension in his body, as he enjoyed the breathtaking panoramic view of the California coastline.

"Warning, your mailbox is almost full."

He didn't know how long he'd been fucking, but it had seemed like forever. His eyes were tired and cloudy - aching as they slowly adjusted to the light. The jetlag had hit him like a ton of bricks.

"To listen to your messages, press 1."

Nathan sighed, kicking his feet up on the couch, before taking a long sip of his coffee. He flipped on the television, and noticed the time on the display. 11am. Fuck, it feels more like 11PM, he thought. His body was still aching and worn out from a week of non-stop sex.

Well, let's get this over with. He pressed 1 on the handset and hit speakerphone, before placing it back down on the table with a thud.

"First new message."


"Hey Nathan, it's Brandi here. Are you home? Just letting you know I'm looking forward to working with you, and the other girls too. Is it true that Asira is going to be at the Bahamas shoot?" She paused thoughtfully.

"Well, I guess you're not home. By the time you get this message, we'll already be intimately acquainted," she chuckled. "In any case, I hope you're as good as everyone says you are. Can't wait till we get to the Bahamas! Woo hoo!"

Nathan leaned back in his chair, as he recollected his last few days spent in the Bahamas. The memories of thrusting his cock 11 inches inside Brandi Betts tight young asshole certainly counted as a highlight. Oh, it was good alright... he smiled. He pictured her stunning body sprawled across the Bahaman sand, her mouth full of his cum as she brought herself to an explosive orgasm. Very good.

"Next new message..."


"Hey Nathan, it's Carla," came a sultry voice through the loudspeaker, "I heard you're in the Bahamas for a few days. Let me know how it goes. It's been forever since we last worked together. I'm starting to miss your big cock..."

Nathan chuckled to himself. Some girls can never get enough, he thought, gazing down at the huge bulge in his underwear. He gave it a gentle pat, before switching on the TV.

CNN. Nathan rolled his eyes before pointing the remote at the TV. Boring!


The Food Channel. Yawn.


Wild On: Miami. This is more like it, he grinned as hot, tanned girls in bikinis giggled and splashed each other on a beautiful beach.

"Next new message, BEEP!"

"Hey there big boy." "Where are you? There's an itch eleven inches inside me that only you can scratch..."

Oh boy, not another one! Nathan laughed before hitting delete.

The life of a pornstar was hard, he thought. Very hard. He couldn't spend a week away without being harassed for sex by the worlds most beautiful women.


"Please fuck me Nathan."


"I want your cock."


"I want to swallow your load, Nathan."

With a schedule as busy as his, there was just no time to respond to every woman who threw herself at him. Regretfully, he forced himself to hit delete every time. It was a hard job, but someone had to do it...



The next message seemingly recorded the sound of thin air, as the machines timer continued to tick over. Just another stalker, Nathan chuckled to himself, reaching for the delete button.

Before his finger could hit the button, a quiet rustling sound began to play, followed by the sounds of heavy breathing. Nathan raised his eyebrows, as the sound of two females lustfully kissing had began to emanate from the loudspeaker. "Hey stud," came a seductive female voice, "It's me, Trish. Vivien and I are shooting a scene together and we thought we could use your services. Why don't you bring that huge cock around here and fuck the both of us..."

"DAMN", Nathan moaned out loud. "DAMN IT TO HELL". He always hated missing an opportunity to perform with Vivien and Trish. They were among his favourite pornstars; a genuine lesbian couple who lived together, made porn together, and often recruited him as their sole male conquest. He often enjoyed watching the porn movies they made, and was always happy to lend his services to the two budding young pornstars whenever they were in the mood. Which was often...

"Next message"


"Hey it's John Stanner. Directing the Bahamas shoot was a privilege man. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. The footage looks amazing. The mansion orgy with the four girls... it looks spectacular. Anyway, hope you get some rest dude. Look forward to working with you again soon."

The girls on TV were flashing their tanned tits, while a nearby college kid doused them in champagne. Women were sunbathing nude on the beach. Nathan gazed down at his arms, the beautiful tan evidence of his Bahaman exploits. That, and the wonderful sense of relaxation and peace that he now felt. Fucking fifteen hot babes in a week just made a guy feel at ease...

"Next message. Message received today at 8am."


"Hey Nate, it's Matt..." Nathans heart sank, and he resumed flipping through the channels. He wasn't in the mood to discuss business with his manager, certainly not so soon after getting home...

"Great shoot man! The money's in your account, I wired it through the second it came in. A full week of hardcore sex and you get paid for it?! Sucks to be you, man."

Nathans gaze drifted to the living room of his luxury home. Matt was right. Sometimes, he had to remind himself of just how good he had it. He loved his job, and all the perks it brought. Being the most famous pornstar in the world meant he could afford to live in style. Owning a house in Malibu was a dream for so many people, it was an area of California very few privileged people would ever afford to live in. Yet here he was, living it up right on the coast. His house was easily the ultimate bachelor pad, and it had certainly seen its fair share of action.

Matt paused, "And thanks for giving Asira some exposure. It'll do wonders for her career. Look, I don't mean to discuss business here, but we need to get together to arrange your schedule. Hit me up."

Message Deleted.

"He wants to arrange my schedule already?! I've just arrived home!" Nathan grumbled to himself.

Before long, his remote surfing had landed him on his favourite channel, the Hustler channel. Now that's what I'm talking about... He grinned, as thoughts of business meetings with Matt slowly ebbed from his mind. An advertisement started playing;

"Raven video presents: Nathan Stokes in 'Sex in Paradise; The Bahamas... Featuring Asira Banks."

The advert showed Asira slowly swilling Nathans cum in her mouth, while fingering her pussy and giggling erotically into the camera. That's my girl Nathan grinned, raising his coffee cup at the television. The advert continued...

"Sharon Sexx..."

Damn she was hot, Nathan recalled, watching her swivelling her hips with her pussy centred on the television screen. I wouldn't mind going back and fucking her all over again.

"And, for the first time ever, Jade, Macy and Shiva join Nathan for the orgy of the century..."


The TV went black as Nathan listened to his final messages. He stood up, yawning and stretching as the glorious sense of relief washed over him.


"Finally," he blurted out, just in time for the phone to begin ringing again. He sighed audibly as he yanked it from the receiver.

"What?!" he almost yelled in frustration.

"Oh sorry..." came a female voice. "Did we catch you at a bad time? I'll... I'll call back later."

"Who is this?" he asked.

"It's me, Trish."

A grin slowly began to appear on his lips, as he realized he might just get lucky after all...

"Hi babe," Nathans smile widened. "I got your message, looks like I missed out huh." He did his best to put on a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, too bad," she sighed into the phone. "Vivien and I still had a fun night though. But we've missed you. Did you have a good time in the Bahamas?"

"Oh yeah," he smiled.

"So I've heard..." Trisha giggled, "heard from Catherine yet?"

Nathan gasped, "wait, how do you know about that?!"

"We have our ways," Nathan could hear feminine giggling over the phone.

"Wait, is Vivien there?"

"Maybe," the two girls tried their best to muffle their collective chuckling. "Say... do you have anything planned for the rest of the day?"

"Not really, just relaxing."

"Vivien and I would like to get... reacquainted with you."

Nathan gave a hearty chuckle, "I'd love to, but I have company."

"Ooooh, whats her name? She hot?"

"Definitely," Nathan replied, trying desperately to contain his excitement. "You're not going to believe this."

"Believe what?"

"She's a flight attendant from the plane."

The giggling continued. "Oh, you dog you," Trish replied. "We can still have fun though. We'll include her too. You're not going to say no to three girls, now are you?"

"Hmm, sounds like a plan," Nathan replied, "I'm not sure if she's bisexual though."

"All girls are bisexual," Trish laughed. "Those who aren't just haven't met us yet..."

"You make a good point. I'll let her know you're coming around, see if she's interested."

"Oh, she will be," Trish paused, "I guarantee it. See you soon, lover..." Both girls blew kisses into the phone before hanging up.

Yep, life was hard.



SHIT, Nathan whispered, quietly opening the bedroom door. He waited to see if Jenny responded, before carefully tiptoeing in to check on her. Jenny was still sound asleep, her chest rising and falling gracefully under the soft white sheets. "There's no way she's going to be ready", Nathan sighed. "And what was I even thinking!" Trish and Viv were a handful by themselves, let alone coupled with a third girl. And in his current state, he wasn't even sure he could go another round with Jenny.

But on the other hand, it was TRISH AND VIV. As far as pornstars go, there was no comparison. Trish and Vivienne were truly one of a kind, sexual athletes. Former college roommates, they had first begun posting their lesbian romps online for the world to enjoy, before turning the venture into a money maker. Using a webcam from the comfort of their dorm, they recorded their extended lovemaking sessions, as well as their seduction of other college women, before signing a contract with Vivid Entertainment to film their girl-girl porn professionally. And as their only male exploit, Nathan was in a unique position to fuck two lesbian pornstars, both of whom reserved their holes EXCLUSIVELY for his use. Only a crazy person would turn THAT down.

Jenny groaned quietly, her hand resting on her swollen pussy. He suddenly regretted fucking the little champ so hard. She wanted it, yes. But sometimes, it's better to pace yourself, especially with the young ones. Nathan took a seat on the edge of the bed, gently brushing his hand against her face. You poor, overzealous little girl, he whispered, gently kissing her forehead.


The phone chimed in, cutting through the silence as Jenny stirred. Shit, Nathan breathed, not wanting to wake her. He rushed for the phone, barely letting it get another ring in before answering it.

"WHAT NOW!" he whispered urgently.

"Hey, it's me Matt. Remember, your MANAGER?"

"Yeah, hey Matt." Nathan wiped his brow in frustration.

"Didn't you get my message?" Matt asked, clearly annoyed "I left two messages for you, kinda disappointed you didn't call."

Nathan groaned." I've been... busy."

"Well, I'm sure whatever it is, it's very important."

"Yeah, what do you want Matt?"

"We need to meet to discuss your schedule. Preferably today."

"I'm going to be busy today," Nathan smiled, thoughts of a Viv and Trish threesome gracing his mind.

"C'mon Nate," Matt pleaded, "today is the only day we can do it. I've got some exciting work in store for you."

Nathan smiled, "what do you have in mind?"

"I'm not going to discuss it over the phone. You need to come around to my house. I'm at home at the moment."

Nathan sighed.

"I promise it'll be worth your while."

Nathan ground his teeth. I'm giving up two horny women for THIS?! He thought, before thoughts of Matts hot wife began creeping into his mind.

"Is Lauren going to be there?"

Matt paused, breathing out a sigh. "Yes, my wife is home..."

"Great," Nathan replied, a devious grin spreading slowly across his lips. "You know she's my number one fan."

Matt paused, "I know..."

"Fuck it. I'll be right over."

Nathan hung up the phone. He was going to miss out on yet another Viv and Trish orgy, and he wasn't happy. But Business is business, he thought, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"Christ Matt," he uttered as he reached for the keys to his Mustang and slammed the door.


"I can feel the whole thing inside me. Like, all 11 inches... moving at once."

"Whats so great about that?"

"Whats so great?! You really have no idea do you Matt?"

Matt looked despondently down at his coffee, and kept stirring. His wife, on the other hand, was becoming more and more excited with every passing minute.

"When is Nathan getting here?" Lauren inquired. "I'm fucking horny..."

"You know, you don't HAVE to fuck him EVERY time he comes around here."

"Haven't you been listening to a word I've said?" she breathed a sigh, "I've been fucking him for years, pretty much the entire time you've been managing him. Why are you complaining now?"

Matt took a sip of his coffee, looking out of the window of his large home, "I don't know, honey." He sighed, his eyes scanning the road for Nathans car as his wife continued.

"I mean, you were even fine when I got pregnant. A lot of men would be pissed off if another man impregnated their wife. Nathan impregnated me, twice. Yet you never complained. But now you complain every time I get horny when he comes around..."

"I know, but seriously, sometimes I think you love him more than me." Matt stood up from the kitchen table, pacing the room nervously.

"You know that isn't true."

"I don't know what to believe anymore..."

Lauren stood up, hugging her husband from behind. "I don't love Nathan," she stroked his shoulders to comfort him. "I love to fuck him." She grinned at the thought. "I mean, he's hot, he's hung, what's not to like?"

Matt sighed, "you mean, you don't like to have sex with me?"

"Of course I do. It's just that... Nathan is better. I love you, but I prefer Nathan... sexually."

"When was the last time we had sex?" Matt groaned, turning around to confront Lauren. "I mean, we haven't had sex all week. You've just been watching Nathan's porn videos all week."

Lauren paused, looking Matt sternly in the eye. "You know you can't compete with him sexually. Honey, nobody can compete with Nathan, his endowment is just otherworldly. You are hung like a mouse." Lauren giggled, before hugging Matt close.

"I don't know why you have such an issue with it," she rubbed his arms, "after all, we have two beautiful sons because of Nathan. Two sons you couldn't have created."

Matt smiled, "I know babe."

"They will be thankful to have inherited Nathan's genes," she replied. "They will be big and handsome, and well endowed." She giggled, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. "I love you, but genetically, Nathan is just... better."

Matt reciprocated the kiss, lovingly stroking his wifes blonde hair.

"Think of the reputations our boys will have," Lauren whispered. "When they get first pick out of the women, then they will be thankful for their genetics. Could YOU have given them that gift?"

Matt smiled proudly, before looking dejected once more. "I still wish I had a greater part to play in your sex life. It's difficult being replaced sexually by another man."

"I know sweetie," Lauren nodded, "... and you know how I feel about getting pregnant again..."

"I know it's something you want," Matt sighed, "but I just wish I could be the father. Just this once."

Matt slinked away from the window as Nathans car pulled up in the drive.

"Shit! He's here!" Lauren yelled, racing to the bedroom to resume her preening. She wanted to look her best for the porn stud, slipping into her sheerest satin gown and Victoria's Secret lingerie in a hurry as he pulled up. She smiled giddily as she looked at her voluptuous figure in the mirror. Two kids on, and she was still a knockout, both physically and in bed. At 35 years of age, and a former pornstar, Lauren had a considerable experience to draw upon to bring Nathan off in the most outrageous ways. Over the years, they had fucked in every room of the house, on a yacht, even once on a private jet. She was even impregnated on the set of one of Nathans porn films in Jamaica; Nathan firing his fertile load deep inside her, as Matt and the cast and crew watched on. That was years ago, yet still she could barely contain her excitement whenever they had the chance to meet.