National Park Backpacking Trip Exceeds All Expectations


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The rain continued, so we were forced to take the longer hike to get to Camp E, rather than the combination hike and climb. By the time we reached camp, all of us were sore, drenched and exhausted, so it was nice to be able to jump into the hot showers that they had at this camp. I tried to coax Ann into my shower stall, but she just shook her head and said "not".

As Mike & Nick were preparing dinner, it became apparent that Curtis was probably not going to be able to continue the tour. His knees and ankles were much more swollen than they had been the previous days and with the repelling that we'd being doing on Day 5, everyone at camp was worried about whether he could do it. With it being the last night before at least Bev, Bill, Donna and Dan would be leaving, everyone talked about the previous 4 days and what we had seen. When Curtis went to bed, Christina shocked all of us by saying that she was considering going on without him, since he'd probably just need to rest for a few days. Each of the ladies told her that she needed to stay with Curtis, but I'll admit that I had thoughts going through my mind of the fun we all could have with Ann, Christina, two horny guides and myself the final 3 days.

Eventually the talk shifted to families and other vacations, until Christina, as usual, began to take it over. She once again brought up how she did not understand how two very good looking and fit guys could dedicate themselves to a job that did not allow them to have relationships. When she continued to probe about their sexual & relationship backgrounds, Mike shared that his last serious relationship had actually been about 10 years earlier and their relationship ended when he became so immersed in his national park jobs. Nick was at first hesitant to answer, but finally shared that he really had not had any serious relationships yet and he was in fact still a virgin. With that, Christina laughed and asked how he could still be a virgin and had no girl friends through college with his good looks. Nick shrugged his shoulders and just said that he has always been very shy and that in school he was always focused on his studies and sports.

Bev jumped in to change the subject, but eventually Christina would begin her line of questioning again, so we all decided to call it a night and join Curtis in the cabin.

When we woke up the next morning, Curtis was sitting by the fire pit clearly frustrated that his knees were still very swollen. Mike was looking at his knees and ankles and checking his mobility when both of them came to the conclusion that it would not be wise for Curtis to continue. When Christina started talking about possibly continuing the tour, Curtis put a quick stop to it and said that she would be coming with him. There was a part of me that was disappointed, but then I realized that with just Ann & myself remaining, it would be like getting a private tour for the next 3 days, so it would be a great chance to really enjoy ourselves while getting all of the attention from our guides.

We all said our good-byes as the vans pulled up and the 3 couples left.

Ann and I were excited and a bit nervous about the Day 5 activities. Not only would we be doing a fair amount of hiking, but we'd be repelling down some very steep rock faces that we had passed on the previous day. Repelling would be a new experience for us, so we were anxious to give it a try. The first part of the morning was spent hiking with Mike and Nick stopping frequently along the way to point out points of interest. With the now much smaller group, especially without Curtis slowing us down, it allowed us to move along at a very good pace between points of interest.

When we sat down for lunch, Mike used it as a chance to describe what we would need to do to repel. He indicated that he would go down first and then suggested that I follow him and then Ann and Nick. When we came up on the first ledge or better said cliff, both Ann and I became very nervous. It was not straight down, but it was pretty close. We could see the bottom and it appeared to be at least 100 feet. As he had instructed, Mike went down first and secured the safety line on the bottom. I then stepped out and began my slow descent. After the first ten feet or so, it became pretty easy to use the bounce out technique and move right down the wall. When I reached the bottom, I was actually disappointed that it had ended so quickly. In Ann's case, she was much more careful, so her descent was slower.

As she got about 20 feet above where we were standing, we had an amazing view of her ass and legs. Mike apologized to me if it looked like he was staring at Ann's back side as she was coming down, but he needed to do that to ensure she was safe. I told him no problem that I understood and would actually have been fine if he were doing it just to check her out. He laughed a bit and said, unfortunately not all of the hikers on these tours look like her, so most of the time he gets stuck looking at back sides like mine. We both laughed as we looked up at her tight ass and long tan legs getting closer to us. A few minutes later, she safely reached the bottom and we all watched as Nick sprung right down the wall.

As we continued with the hike, Mike indicated that on Day 6, we'd be doing some repelling again down some even larger rock faces, as we'd be covering a lot of ground to get to Camp "B" from Camp "D" where we'd be staying tonight. The rest of the hike was very nice, getting the private tour since it was just the two of us. We found that Mike definitely knew his stuff and was able to point out plants that you could live on in the event that you were ever lost in the wilderness.

In camp, it was definitely more quiet and relaxed without Christina there. After dinner, Ann asked Mike if there was any way to get a status on how Curtis was doing. Nick indicated that he had spoken to one of the park rangers who had said that Curtis and Christina had checked into one of the lodges and that Curtis spent the day by the pool relaxing. From there, the conversation turned to what an unusual couple the two of them were, with him being at least 20 years older than her and her being as out-spoken and direct as she was. I joked to Mike that they probably were not like the couples you usually see. And he said definitely not. He went on to say that most couples that take the tour are very similar to Bev & Bill and Donna & Dan, couples in their 30's or 40's that are looking to try something new.

When I commented that Ann and I also fit into that category, he said "true, but most of the women they see on these tours do not have the body or looks of Ann". When the Nick and I both agreed, Ann blushed a little and said it was time to change topics. The rest of the evening by the fire was spent learning a lot more about Mike & Nick's families and the life of a park ranger. Later that evening after we had gotten to bed, Ann woke up and asked me if I minded walking her out to the port-a-potty. The two of us walked over there and as I was waiting in the dark, I could hear some noise that sounded like something was rolling in the grass about 10 feet away behind some bushes. When I quietly walked over there and peeked around the bushes, I was shocked to see Nick laying on the ground with his shorts around his knees and jerking himself off. I snuck back to the port-a-potty and when Ann came out, I told her to be very quiet and follow me.

When we both peeked around the bush, he was still going at it, but you could tell he must be getting close. It was then that I noticed the size of this kid's cock and it was clear by Ann's expression that she was mesmerized as well. We watched until he had just begun to shoot his load and quickly moved back to the cabin. As we climbed back into our bed and I put my arm around Ann, my forearm brushed across one of her very hard nipples, so I knew that she was definitely aroused having watched our young virgin guide masturbating. With all of us being in a single room cabin, I knew that I would not be able to get her to do anything even in her aroused state, so I just fell asleep thinking about how much I'd like to see her with Nick's cock in her hands.

We awoke bright and early to the smell of eggs and bacon being cooked on the fire. After a nice breakfast, Mike and Nick shared what we'd be doing today. In addition to the usual hiking, we would be doing some repelling and a few zip lines to allow us to cover the distance that we needed to to get to Camp "B" by nightfall. Mike indicated that we had a lot of ground to cover, but with it just being the four of us, we should have no problem doing it. He said that if we had a good day, that they may even bust out some beer and wine that they have at Camp "B". With that, we were off.

The scenery and views were incredible, especially from the perches that we zip lined from. We saw more wildlife than on any of the previous days and had several pictures of Ann & I taken. It really was nice having Mike & Nick to ourselves, as we could ask whatever we wanted and pretty much dictate how fast we moved along. Of course seeing my breathtakingly beautiful wife repel down those rock faces was incredible too. Nick and Mike seemed to trade off which one of them would go first, so they each had chances to see her incredible ass and long legs lowered to them.

We arrived in camp feeling great. The aches and pains that we seemed to have each night earlier in the week seemed to be replaced with excitement and anticipation of what we would experience the next day. As promised, Nick offered some beer and wine. I gladly accepted, but Ann said she'd pass and shared with them that she doesn't drink much and only really likes a few mixed drinks like Mai Tai's or Sex on the Beach. When Mike said that the lake is right down that path, Ann quickly came back with she's not Christina, so it's NOT going to happen. We all laughed and enjoyed the dinner and our evening conversation.

After another great night of sleep in the wilderness, we both woke up refreshed and ready to go. While we ate breakfast, Mike shared that most of our day would be spent rafting and that depending on how daring we were, we could take on some pretty extreme rapids later in the day or stop and do a little longer hike. When Ann asked what most groups do, he said that there always seems to be at least one person in each group that is not comfortable with the extreme rapids, so they generally raft until just prior to the grade 4 & 5 rapids and end up hiking about an hour longer. I was ready to sign up for the extreme rapids, but Ann requested we hold off on that decision until we at least conquer the smaller rapids.

The morning hike was less than an hour before we arrived where we would be launching our raft. Mike shared that the first few hours until we stop for lunch are very tame and they were fine if we wanted to go without the life jackets to get some sun, but that we would need to wear the life jackets at all times after lunch. Ann commented that she should have worn her swimsuit, so Mike pointed to where there was a clump of bushes that if she wanted she could do a quick change there. Ann thanked him and got her swimsuit out of the backpack. She looked amazing in her bikini and as we boarded the raft, Mike offered the center area of the raft to Ann if she really wanted to relax or if she preferred to paddle she could sit up front. Ann commented that sitting in the middle would be kind of like her being a queen while three good looking men moved her down the river, so she chose that option for the morning. Mike then asked Nick and I to move to the front of the raft to provide the power, while he handles the steering.

Looking at Ann, as she stretched out and got comfortable in the middle of the raft, instantly created movement in my shorts. It was obvious that the best seat in the raft would be Mike's in the back, as he'd be able look at her the entire time and nobody would even notice. Not long after we had started down the river, Ann's eyes were closed and it appeared she was asleep. Mike whispered to get our attention and pointed down at my sleeping wife. Nick was clearly uncomfortable, until Mike whispered that I actually enjoyed other guys being able to admire how hot my wife was. Nick looked at me to get a reaction and I told him that I am actually fine with it. So for the next 5-10 minutes, we essentially just floated down the river spending most of our time checking out my wife's incredible body. When Ann stirred a bit, it brought us back to our senses and we again focused on the river.

The morning ride was very nice and both Ann and I agreed at lunch that we were up for the extreme rafting. Mike said great and that would give us a little extra time in camp tonight to wind down and possibly use the hot tub. The afternoon extreme rafting was great, with the highlight being a mother bear and her two cubs playing in a pool of water right off the main river. We finished the rafting and hiked the remaining distance to Camp "A". As Nick set up the fire, Mike indicated that he had a surprise for us. A few minutes later he came out of the cabin with a bucket of cold beers, a bottle of rum and bottle of Mai Tai mix. Within a few minutes each of us guys was enjoying a cold brew while Ann was sipping on a Mai Tai.

After dinner, Mike told us that we were welcome to use the hot tub if we wanted. Both Ann and I took him up on the offer and quickly changed into our swimsuits and were relaxing in hot tub. After Nick & Mike had cleaned up camp and gotten the fire going strong, they asked if we'd mind if they joined us, which of course we were fine with. After Mike had gotten his swim trunks on, he asked everyone if they like another round of drinks, to which we all replied absolutely. Mike delivered the drinks and Ann made a face when she first sipped her Mai Tai. When Mike asked if it were ok, she said that it was a little stronger than she normally likes, but that it was fine. Mike apologized and joked that he was just trying to get her drunk. Ann quickly responded that's what she figured and then shocked me be whispering to herself that they don't need to get her drunk to do what they want. At first I thought that it had been my imagination, but then based on the look I saw on Nick's face, realized she had said it, but probably louder than she had intended.

Ideas were now swirling in my head of how or if I could push this along a bit. So, I decided to ask Ann what she felt the highlight of the trip was. Ann responded that she probably enjoyed the zip lining the most, but that the repelling was a lot of fun once she got the hang of it. When she asked me the same question, I knew it was my chance to try to turn the conversation. I told her that I definitely agreed, but would probably place the rafting in front of those. Then, after pretending to be thinking for a few seconds, I commented that one of the most memorable things for me would be at the little beach on day 2, when first Christina essentially did a striptease for all to see, but that even better than that was when Ann decided to go topless on the beach as kind of an 'in your face Christina' type move.

When Mike asked what I meant, I shared Ann's comment about let's see whether hers or miss plastic tits will get checked out the most. Both of the guys chuckled and as if they were reading from a script I had given them, Nick said that he did not mean to be too personal, but that speaking for himself, he was definitely checking out Ann's bare chest much more than Christina's. Mike then questioned whether Christina was still topless after Ann took off her top because he had not noticed since his eyes were glued on Ann.

Ann giggled a bit and then said that she could have guessed we would say that because she's here. And then she followed that up with, if miss plastic tits were here, you'd be telling her you preferred hers to mine.

Nick was very quick to respond that although he is by no means an expert, that Ann's breasts were the best he had ever seen and that he found himself thinking about them on more than one occasion through the rest of the trip. Mike added that although he was 15-20 feet away from Ann on the beach when she was topless, that from what he saw he'd agree. Unfortunately though, he did not get the view he would have liked to, because he had been talking to Dan most of the time and he was obscuring Mike's view as Dan himself was checking Ann's tits out. Ann blushed a bit and then joked that maybe if we come back again in a few years, that they will have another chance and they can better position themselves on the beach for the optimal view.

We all laughed a bit as Mike got up to get another round of drinks and Nick went to the bathroom. As soon as they left, I commented to Ann that she should surprise them and take off her top. She shook her head, smiled and said that her top is staying on unless all of us take off our trunks. When I asked her if she was serious, she thought for a minute before saying, that as long as I would not get jealous, she definitely would not mind checking these guys out in the buff, but that I needed to understand that is as far as it would go and that I better not push her to do any more. I told her absolutely and that I would not suggest or push her to do anything else, so she could control what she'd be willing to do with no pressure from me. She said then said ok, if you get the shorts off, my top till come off too.

As the guys returned, I thought how I could bring it up and decided to just say it. I told the guys that Ann had agreed to take off her top for all of us to see if we'd first take off our trunks. In unison, Mike and Nick answered "it's a deal" and removed their trunks under water and tossed their trunks onto the nearby table. When I did the same, Ann said ok I'll take it off, but it's not really fair that my boobs are above the water while your cocks are below the water, so you'll need to leave them off the rest of the night, so I can at least see what you've got when you go to get more drinks or use the restroom. With that, she untied her top behind her neck and placed her arm over her still-covered breasts while she undid the clasp in the back. After sitting there for a few seconds with a sexy smile on her face, she pulled her arm away removing the bikini top.

Her breasts looked amazing basically hovering right at the water's surface. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Ann broke it by asking if they were still as nice since everyone now was much closer. Mike responded that they looked amazing and that he had never seen a better set in person. He said the fact that they were curved up, had a nice fullness or plumpness to them, had perfect areolas and nipples, and flawless skin made them a perfect set of breasts. You could tell Mike's flattering and very detailed comments took Ann a bit by surprise and made her blush. Then, Nick asked if it would be terribly inappropriate for him to ask her if he could touch her breasts. Since he was looking at me, I just replied that it would be up to Ann.

She gulped a bit and said that she would be willing to let them quickly touch her breasts if they stood up and allowed her to check out their cocks. Before she had even finished the sentence Mike was standing up and moving across the hot tub. Mike's cock was probably about average size, but it was his very fit physique that I'm sure aroused Ann. She slowly reached up for his hard cock, while he lowered both of his hands to her breasts. They did this for about a minute and then Ann said it was Nick's turn. Even though Nick had that huge cock, he almost seemed shy about standing up in the tub, so Ann reached her hand under the water and pulled his manhood to the surface. Based on the amount of cock above and below her hand, I'm guessing his cock was about nine inches long. As she ran her hands up and down his cock and sac, Nick gently grabbed her breasts paying particular attention to her very erect nipples.