Naughty Summer

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Young mother used for sex to pay debt.
13.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/03/2023
Created 08/31/2020
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Summer thought to herself "I'm going to be late again." The baby sitter had been late and now she found herself rushing across town to get to her job interview on time. "Why does this always happen?" she thought. She glanced down at her phone to see what time it was but the phone had slid sideways across the seat. She quickly reached for it and then glanced up just in time to watch as her car crashed into the car in front of her.

"Damn it!" she thought. There goes the job interview and she really needed that job. It was hard to make ends meet and to keep her head above water with her two daughters. Now she would not make it to the job interview at all.

Then she really began to panic. "My car!" she thought. With the realization that she had damaged her car came the memory of having to cancel her insurance last month because she could not afford it. She simply wanted to cry wondering if she would ever get her life in order.

Just as she had those uplifting thoughts she looked out the windshield and saw a man looking at the damage. She lowered her head to the steering wheel in total frustration. Unaware of how long she had remained like this she was startled by someone rapping on the driver's side window. She could hear his muffled voice asking "Are you okay?"

Wearily she nodded and stepped out of the car. They walked together to take a look at the damage. "Well" the gentleman said "it looks like both cars are drivable so we won't need a wrecker."

Summer sighed in resignation and said "I'm not sure what I am going to do. I don't have any insurance to repair your car."

The gentleman who appeared to be in his mid thirties took a few moments to study her and then said "I'm sorry to hear that. Since you hit me the repairs to my car are your responsibility. I imagine that the police will probably write you a ticket too unless we get the cars off the road before someone calls them. I have a business that you might be able to help me with and that way you can work off the debt."

I looked at him suspiciously and wondered what kind of business and what exactly he had in mind. Just as I was about to ask we were interrupted as a police car pulled up. "Oh shit." I thought. "It just gets better and better."

When the officer came up to us the gentleman held out his hand and said "Good afternoon officer. My name is Enrique Gonzalez." After shaking hands the officer identified himself and asked what had happened.

My new friend Enrique told the officer that we had just had a little fender bender and that we wanted to simply take care of it by ourselves. The officer glanced over at the minor damage and made a decision. "Well that's okay with me. The damage isn't serious, no one was injured and that way I won't have to fill out a mountain of paper work. Are you sure that is acceptable to you both?"

Enrique and I both replied that we were fine with that solution. With that the officer held up traffic long enough for us to move our cars into a strip mall parking lot just down the street.

Enrique suggested that we get out of the oppressive heat and adjourn to a little cafe that was in the strip mall so that we could discuss the accident in the air conditioning. He ordered coffee and I had an iced tea.

Enrique said "I don't even know your name." Smiling I said "My name is Summer, Summer Johnson." Enrique smiled and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you Summer Summer Johnson." We both laughed at his little joke and sat there for a few moments gathering our thoughts.

"I . . ." he said just as I said "What . . . ." We both smiled again and he said "Ladies first."

"What kind of business do you have?" I asked.

"I own a photography studio." he replied. I shook my head. "It's not likely that I can be much help around a photography studio. I don't know anything about photography." I said.

"That isn't going to be a problem." he said. "You are a lovely young woman and I am always looking for models. It is not easy to find people who are comfortable in front of a camera."

At his words my antenna went up. You become quite suspicious when you are the mother of two little girls who depend on you. Decisions that I made on a day to day basis could have lasting and harmful effects on my girls and they were the most important thing in my life.

"Exactly what kind of model did you have in mind?" I asked as my imagination ran away with me. I could see it now. He probably ran a porn operation and thought he could take advantage of me.

"I'll tell you what. I will get an estimate to fix my car. Then tomorrow you can come by my studio and take a look for yourself. Then, if you remain uninterested, we can discuss how you plan to pay for the repairs. I'll see you around two o'clock." With that he rose, left a twenty dollar bill on the table, handed me a business card and left.

I picked up the card. It said Enrique Gonzalez, Professional Photographer.

Underneath the name was an address and phone number. Well, I thought. It looks legitimate and it wasn't very far from where I was so I decided to drive by this studio to see what I could.

The studio was located about a half mile away. It was on a quiet cul-de-sac lined with older homes. What set the place apart is that all of the homes had been converted to business use and a parking area filled what had been the turning area at the end of the cul-de-sac. It was clearly an upscale area and everything looked to be on the up and up.

Summer knew that she should get home as soon as possible. She had to pay the baby sitter and she still didn't have a job. As she was turning the car around she spotted Enrique's car in the driveway of the home containing his studio just as she was leaving.

Meanwhile Enrique had been gazing out the window at the front of the building when he saw Summer turning around in the parking area. He just smiled in anticipation. This one was going to be easy he thought. This was not the first time that he had spotted an attractive young woman driving a beat up car and caused an accident by stopping sharply in front of them. A rear end accident was almost always the fault of the person following.

Tomorrow he would see about the sweet young Summer.

When Summer arrived home she paid the baby sitter and set it up so that she would return at one thirty the next day. She emphasized how important it was to be there on time and told her that part of the reason she had missed the appointment today was because of the young girl's tardiness.

The next day Summer arrived just before two o'clock. As she entered the studio lobby a bell rang in the back. A few moments later a beautiful Latina teen entered the room smiling broadly. "Hello!" she said. "How can I help you?" "My name is Summer Johnson." I told her. "I believe that Mr. Gonzalez is expecting me."

Before the young girl could answer Enrique came in from the back room. "Summer" He exclaimed. "It's so good to see you. I wasn't sure that you would come by. Then I would have had to hunt you down to give you the mechanic's estimate for the repairs on my car." he said holding out a sheet of paper.

I took the proffered sheet and looked at it. As I scanned the paper the only thing I really saw was the amount of Three thousand five hundred sixty-seven dollars and thirty-six cents. Suddenly I felt faint.

Seeing my response Enrique reached out to steady me. "It's not too bad is it?" he asked. "It was originally higher but since I know the shop owner I was able to convince him to lower his price."

Still stunned Summer looked up, her distress evident on her face. She was near tears when she said "I don't have that kind of money. I'll never be able to pay you this."

Smiling at her Enrique said "I told you yesterday that we could work something out. Summer you are a lovely young woman and good models are hard to find. If you agree to pose for me I will pay you fifty dollars an hour just to look pretty and let me take your picture. I will need you to sign a model release so that I can sell the pictures to people who would use them in advertisements. I'll even include a clause so that you get an additional payment each time your picture is used. What do you say? Why not give it a try? We could even take some pictures today to see how it feels."

"I'm not wearing anything nice." Summer said. Enrique smiled exposing his perfect white teeth saying "That's not something to worry about today. We're just going to take a few candid shots and it you like it we can have you sign the model release afterwards and set a time for a real shoot."

When Enrique smiled Summer was reminded of a barracuda. As time would prove she should have paid closer attention to those instincts but she decided to just go with it for today.

They spent about forty-five minutes as Enrique took picture after picture. Some of the time he told Summer how to pose and other times he just let her do what she wanted. When Enrique finally called a halt he took the time to show her the pictures. Summer actually thought that several of them were quite good.

When they were done Enrique asked her if she wanted to go forward with a more structured shoot. Summer said "Yes. I think that I would. These pictures look good."

"That's fantastic." Enrique said. In that case I need you to sign this model release for me." Summer quickly signed where he pointed. "Summer" Enrique said holding out a fifty dollar bill, "I have the impression that finances are a little tight for you so I've decided to go ahead and pay you for your time today."

Summer looked at him in surprise and disbelief. That fifty dollars would allow her to stop by the grocery store and get some much needed supplies. She was so shocked that she found herself leaning in and kissing Enrique on the cheek. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

A few days later Summer's cell phone rang. She did not recognize the number and because she tried to be cautious she decided not to answer but to let the caller leave a message. A few moments later she checked her messages and heard Enrique asking her to call him back.

She immediately called him back and identified herself when he answered. "Hi" he said. I've managed to set aside some time for a photo shoot this Thursday but I will have to do it at five PM. Would you be available then?" he asked.

"Uhm, well, yeah, I guess so." she said. "Okay. I'll look forward to seeing you then." Sensing that he was about hang up Summer stuttered "Wa . . . wait. What should I wear?" she asked. "Just wear whatever you like." Enrique said. "I do so many glamour shoots here that I have plenty of clothes we can choose from. I'll see you then."

Summer slowly put down her cell phone. Deep in thought she wandered over to look out the front window. She could hear her daughters playing in their bedroom. A car drove by and one of her neighbors was standing in their yard watering her flowers. Everything seemed so calm, so normal. Still she felt a slight shiver move over her body. Was she doing the right thing? She did not have any way to pay the electric bill much less pay for the damage to Enrique's car. She really had no choice.

She shook off the feeling and decided that it was time for honesty. Before she had gotten married and had her two daughters she had often enjoyed showing off. It wasn't unusual for her to wear very short shorts with the cheeks of her well formed ass hanging out. She often went around town bra less wearing tops that made it quite obvious that she was not wearing a bra. She never wore panties.

What harm could there be posing for photos for Enrique. She really needed the money and without it there was no way to pay off her debt. After a while a smile slowly spread across her face. This could even be fun.

Oh well. Enough of this she thought. Drifting back down to earth and leaving her reverie behind she turned and headed for the kitchen to make macaroni and cheese for dinner. It was the girl's favorite. Thank goodness because it was cheap.

Summer stepped out of the shower reaching for a towel. Her daughters were napping and the house was quiet. Drying off she wrapped the towel around her slim body and moved into her bedroom.

On impulse she stepped in front of the full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. She allowed the towel to slip to the floor and stared at her reflection. Summer thought that she still looked pretty damn good for a twenty-eight year old mother of two. Clearly she no longer had the taut flat stomach of a young woman. There was a little loose skin on her tummy but overall she still looked pretty good.

Her tits were not large but they weren't saggy. Her nipples were a dark pinkish brown and about the size of a fifty cent piece with button sized points. Letting her gaze slide down her body she noted that she still had a recognizable waist with flaring hips.

At the intersection of her thighs her pussy lips were visible. She had recently shaved her pubic area and she could clearly see even more as she spread her legs slightly. Not bad she thought.

She turned to her dresser and removed a pair of high leg pink panties. Digging around in the same drawer she found a matching bra. She placed the cups over her breasts and started to hook it in the front when she made a major decision. She wasn't going to wear a bra. She quickly replaced the bra back in the drawer before she could change her mind. She knew what she was going to do. She needed to impress Enrique and she needed him to want to photograph her so that she could pay for the repairs to his car.

Opening another drawer she pawed through her shorts looking for a pair of short shorts with wide flaring legs. The pair she was looking for was dark blue and was short enough that when she bent over the cheeks of her ass were exposed. Hell her cheeks were barely covered when she stood upright. They were loose almost like boxer shorts. When she sat down she could expose her crotch covered panties when she wanted to just by moving her legs slightly.

After drawing the shorts up her slim legs she turned to the closet to find the top she wanted. It took a few moments before she found it. It was light blue and went well with the shorts. It was short sleeved with a loose dipping neckline. When she was wearing this top and she leaned forward just right she knew that you could see her breasts.

She finished everything off with just a touch of makeup and lip gloss and headed out.

When Summer arrived at Enrique's studio the door was opened almost immediately by the exotic young woman that had been there the other day. She said "Hi" to Summer and motioned for her to follow her to the studio in back where it was clear that Enrique had been at work setting the mood.

There was a small couch and matching chair along with several lights placed around the room. In the corner a fan whirred as it swung back and forth stirring the air.

Enrique looked up and smiled. "Hey Summer" he said. "You are looking good this afternoon. I like your outfit. In fact it's actually better than what I had selected. Oh I'm sorry. I haven't introduced you to Rosa have I? She helps out as my assistant and I thought that you might feel better if she were here."

Rosa waved her hand and said "Hi." Summer nodded to Rosa and reached out to shake her hand.

"How about we get started?" Enrique said. Summer asked Enrique "What do you want me to do?"

"Well how about just sitting on the couch. I'll just take some shots as you get comfortable. Rosa would you adjust those fill lights for me? Thanks."

Summer had no idea what she should do so she just assumed as many different poses as she could think of on the couch. It seemed to her that Enrique was making a special effort to try to get shots down the front of her blouse. She chuckled at the thought. She actually hoped that he was getting a good look.

A few moments later she spread her legs knowing that the loose leg of the shorts would flare our and her pink panties would be visible. Enrique noticed that immediately and began to change the picture angle.

After about ten minutes Enrique stopped and suggested that they take a break. He walked over to a refreshment area on the far side of the room. "I have water, soda and wine. Which would you like Summer? By the way, have I told you that I really like your name? It is very unusual."

"No you hadn't and thanks. I probably shouldn't but I think that I would enjoy a glass of wine please."

"Rosa, would you like something?" Enrique asked. Rosa said "Yes please. I think that I would like a glass of wine also."

The three of them sat together on the couch just chatting and getting comfortable with each other.

Finally Enrique said "Summer I'd like to kick it up a notch. Would you mind? Would you like to continue? I know that you are a little reluctant but I'd like to make it worth your while. I told you that I would pay you fifty dollars an hour and I will. But what I'm willing to do is give you the fifty that I know you can use and also take fifty dollars off your debt. Does that sound fair?"

"What?" Summer squealed. "You can't really be serious. How can you afford to do that?"

"Well, as I told you, I have a market for my photos and several of my customers have expressed an interest in using them. I took the liberty of showing them the shots that we took the other day. I hope that you don't mind."

Surprise clearly showing on her face Summer said "No I don't mind at all. In fact I am surprised that anyone was interested at all."

"Okay then let's get started. I want to include Rosa in this series. We will just resume what we were doing before but this time I want the two of you to sit on the couch and just chat. Move around and act like two friends just spending time together."

So that is what we did. When I looked at Rosa it seemed to me that she looked different. She was wearing the same low cut top but I thought sure that she had been wearing a bra before. I was pretty sure that she wasn't now. Oh well no big deal.

After a few moments Enrique asked me to sit on the couch with my legs spread a bit. Then he had Rosa sit between them with her arm thrown over my thigh and her head resting on her arm looking up at me. The way that my legs were spread I was quite sure that my panties were on display yet again. Rosa's warmth felt strange resting between my legs.

"Okay" Enrique said. "Let's kick it up again. Rosa I want you to stay where you are but slide your hands up under Summer's top and cup her breasts."

I'm sure that Rosa felt me stiffen at that remark and I'm guessing that it was obvious to Enrique also because he asked "What's the matter Summer? Never been with a girl before?"

"No Enrique?" I said. "I haven't been with a girl before but that's not the problem here."

"Well I'm glad that's not the problem. Then what is?" Enrique asked.

"I'm not comfortable with what you just suggested. I don't think that I want to do this."

Enrique looked at me for a moment and then shook his head. "That's always an option. I'll have my attorney contact you tomorrow and start the process."

"Process? What process?" Summer stammered.

"Well if you are unwilling to work off your debt under the very generous conditions that I have offered I will have no recourse but to sue you to collect what you owe me."

I could not believe what Enrique was saying. How did things get derailed so quickly? "Enrique you know that I don't have any money and I don't have a job yet. How am I supposed to pay you?"

"Summer how you pay me is your problem. I tried to work with you but you do not want to continue. What do you want me to do? I've offered you a choice and an opportunity."

"But, but this isn't what I expected."

"Look Summer. I take pictures. It's what I do. My clients are interested in seeing more of you. Don't tell me that you are bothered by Rosa because I could get a man if you prefer."