Navy SEAL and Homeless Woman Ch. 06


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"Sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry," he said. "I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me."

She laughed.

"There's no need to be sorry, unless you didn't mean to kiss me," she said with a nervous laugh. "Actually, to be honest, I liked you taking me in your strong arms and kissing me. It's been a long time since a man gave me that kind of a passionate kiss." She looked up at him and smile. "You're a good kisser."

He smiled at her.

"Thank you," he said. "I did," he said looking down to avoid making eye contact with her. "I did mean to kiss you but I don't believe in any of that mumbo jumbo that there's a reason for everything and..."

She laughed.

"You mean, fate, kismet, destiny, and love at first sight," she asked while laughing again?"

He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess that's what I mean," he said still not looking at her while digging in his heels and while being determined not to like her, want her, and need her.

# # #

"Now that you brought it up, what about love at first sight," she asked looking up at him to see his reaction to her question? "Do you, at least, believe in that?"

She looked at him, and when he didn't answer her, she continued.

"Other than the Navy, tell me, what else to you believe in besides the United States military? You don't think that some kind of cosmic attraction or magical force whether physical, spiritual, and/or emotional played a part in what happened tonight and with you interceding on my behalf to save me or do you?"

She looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at her while trying to read her. He had a much better chance of reading a Taliban terrorist than reading a woman, especially a woman who was so very pretty.

"And I suppose you do," he asked?

Feeling more comfortable thinking of her as such, he looked at her as if she was a prisoner of war that he was interrogating.

"To be honest, seeing you only from a distance, I thought you were nothing more than an old, bag lady," he said. "Then, when I saw you in the diner," he paused not wanting to tell her that his heart skipped a beat. "I never expected you to be a tall, beautiful blonde."

Susan looked at him while understanding him more.

"Yeah, well, even if you don't I believe in all of that mumbo jumbo, I think that fate had everything to do with what happened here tonight. Right place and at the right time, someone tapped you on the shoulder, and they weren't wearing a uniform other than wings and a halo," she said laughing.

He looked down at her as if unsure of her meaning.

"So, what are you saying?"

He looked at her as if she was a new recruit telling him that there was more to life than being a SEAL.

"Are you saying that there is more to all of this than me saving you, feeding you, and offering you a place to bunk?"

She laughed again.

"Duh? You asked me to bunk with you," she said laughing. "Wow! Right up there with asking me to be your woman, that's some serious shit for you. Next, you'll be making me a braid out of a terrorist's scalp and giving me that as a ring before pinning one of your medals on my chest," she said with another laugh.

He laughed, too.

# # #

"Wait. Hold on, now. I only asked you to spend the night...or two," he said looking at her. "I didn't ask you to be my woman. I didn't ask you to marry me. Where did all that come from about me giving you a ring to put on your finger."

Even in the frightful mess that she was, underneath her messy hair, her dirty fingernails, and her makeup free face, he could tell that she was beautiful. In the way that her blonde hair was wild, frizzy, and pulled back as if restrained when the rest of her spirit wasn't, she looked as if she just woke up from bed after a long night of sex.

She smelled of sex. She exuded sex. More than just sexy and shapely, she was the epitome of what every man wants in a woman. She was a real woman. She was a woman that any man would be happy to bed and to marry.

He looked at her again. Always more comfortable categorizing the women he knew, the closest women he could imagine her being like was Marilyn Monroe, Kim Basinger, and Christie Brinkley, only younger, shapelier, and more beautiful all wrapped up in one woman named, Susan Jill Parker.

To be continued...

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc12 months ago

I love the general direction of the storyline, but the overplaying of the emotional element is fucking driving me NUTS! LOL! 4*

DINGDONG33DINGDONG3312 months ago

Good story and good story telling your description of theirs thought and words are right on for their situation . Looking forward to next chapter,

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum12 months ago

Did you interview military veterans for background info of long term military man? If you didn’t you nailed their thoughts very well with your imagination.

AlwaystabooAlwaystaboo12 months ago
So deep into the characters

Such natural responses from people in the situations. Love the brief history on Susan with flooded apartment and author of Erotic Literature and not porn.

The kiss was magical.

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