Necromancer Chronicles Pt. 04


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We had never talked about it before, so I choked on a fry when Kristi said with her lips pressed together, "I don't believe in ghosts."

I gulped down some of my water, fighting my laugh. Then unaccountably I became sad. Humans missed so much. I shook it off and gave her a teasing smile.

"You may change your mind after visiting."

She frowned at me, a suspicious look on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "So, will you come? It will probably be mostly us and my half brother and sister. Vinnie usually heads out to see his old high school friends."

That last part was the truth but I still felt guilty saying it. I knew it wouldn't be the only reason he left the house...

She shrugged, "Okay. Sounds interesting."

She did her best to pass it off as no big deal, but I could see the grateful look in her eyes that she wouldn't have to spend the holiday at home by herself...

After dinner we headed back to take showers and get ready. When I had a moment alone I sent a long text message to Vinnie explaining about Kristi, mostly because I was a big stinking coward. I wasn't afraid of him. I just hated to fight with him and drama in general. It was November and a little chilly, but I put on a tight black mini-skirt, a tight red blouse which showed a generous amount of cleavage just on the right side of the trashy line, and red pumps.

When we got to the frat party I noticed I was hardly the only one ignoring the weather. I was just the only one impervious to the cold. It didn't take long for the hosts to ply us with drinks and not long after that before we were dancing and having a good time. I probably wasn't as paranoid as I should be accepting drinks from people, but I wasn't human. I would feel their bad intentions, and any drugs in the drink.

My brother showed up a short time later, he didn't look mad at all and I felt more stress fall off my shoulders. This dating my roommate thing needs to never happen again. Robbie showed up a couple of dances and drinks later. I was feeling really good and moved into him and kissed him hard. He returned my kiss fervently and caressed my lower back, just at the top of my ass, and my whole body tingled, radiating from my core.

"Hi," I said cheerfully after we broke the kiss.

He grinned, "I should show up late more often."

I faux pouted at him.

I saw my brother scowling at Robbie but ignored it. If he had a real reason to object he would do so. My brother was a little overprotective. Robbie may be a casual thing for me, but the guy didn't take it for granted and always treated me well. Even if he was a player, he wasn't an asshole about it, it was what I wanted. A girl has needs too and I didn't really do relationships well, especially with humans.

To be fair I think it was my fault. I sucked at lying, especially if I cared about someone. That's what always did it, I couldn't talk about so many things... what I was, did, and about where I went sometimes. It always led the guys to believe I was lying, which I was, but they would accuse me of sleeping around or something stupid like that.

Robbie liked me for who I was, and only asked for what I could give.

Oh, and he was better in bed than anyone I'd let have me before.

We danced a couple of times, I loved how it felt being in his arms as our bodies moved against and with the other's. That was about all I could take, I was so wet, and I needed to be ravaged. I took his hand and headed for the door. Robbie said his roommate already left after last class, so we went up into his room.

I was nicely buzzed and horny as hell. There were kisses, gropes and clothes disappearing off our bodies. I reached down and stroked him teasingly with my fingertips making him groan into my mouth.

I felt like I was in heat and whispered, "Fuck me, take me now, please fuck me," in a teasing sultry voice.

He picked me up and I shortly found myself bending over his bed. I was aching for it so bad, and I gasped as I felt him penetrate me slightly. Then he drove into me deep, hard, and fast. He started to piston in and out while he reached out, grabbed my hair and pulled back sharply, forcing me to arch my back and raise my hips.

The next stroke brushed my clit and my core tightened around him as my body exploded in pleasure. He spanked me hard, causing a sting to radiate from my ass where it joined and mixed with the pleasure radiating from my hot silken core. When I came down enough to move and think, I started to buck back against him as he hammered into me.

He knew what I needed, what I craved, and he gave it to me.

I was whimpering in pleasure as he slammed into me, driving me into my bliss a third time as I heard him grunt loudly. I could feel him expand in me, then nothing but intense pleasure as we reached our bliss together. I came down to him kissing up my shoulder blades and on to the sensitive part on the back of my neck that sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. My sheath tightened around his manhood and I felt him smile against my skin.

He pulled out and used an old t-shirt to wipe both of us, then gathered me up and cuddled up in the bed. His eyes twinkled as he stared down before lowering for a soft kiss. He spooned me and I wiggled and pushed back to get as close as possible. I didn't sleep at all, just like my parents, but I loved to cuddle up to him like this after sex, so as I usually did. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. It was so absurd, he was human. I was so much stronger, more powerful. But make sense or not, I felt so safe in his arms.

What he said next as he fell into slumber caused my eyes to pop open in shock.

"I love you gorgeous."

He couldn't have said that, we were just friends. I stayed very still as I freaked out internally. What if he starts to get possessive, or weird? I didn't want to lose him... Then I worried if I was hurting him, was I leading him on? My last question to myself was did I love him. I honestly didn't know, part of me did, of course I loved him. But was I in love with him?

Goddess I was such a selfish bitch, all I could think of was why did he have to ruin it? He was so good to me, he deserved better than a cynical bitch that was afraid to love a human. I checked him and he was sleeping deep enough. I used a small wisp of power to make sure he didn't wake up when I moved and crawled out of bed, put my slut outfit back on and went down to the showers.

I knew I was being overcritical of myself. I was good to him as well, good to all my friends. Love for a human was just that one thing that made me want to recoil and run for the hills. The questions repeated in my mind as I took a shower, did I love him? Could I handle it if I did? I didn't know, but I needed to find out... 

Chapter 2 - Vinnie

I watched Kristi sleep, feeling guilty. It wasn't anything I did though. Kristi knows I am not a commitment person right now. No, I was feeling guilty because of the text I got from Hope. It was long and ridiculously disjointed, and then when I saw her at the party she looked nervous, like I'd be mad at her.

But really, it was my fault for being dumb enough to date her best friend and roommate. I hadn't planned it, it just kind of happened. Kristi is one of the good ones. Her looks, the way she acts and treats people, she isn't fake.

I doubt Hope knows, but I did tell Kristi in the beginning that I was in a casual relationship with someone from home, and I couldn't commit. She seemed to be okay with it, but hopefully they will never meet. No good could come from that.

On top of all that, the idiot Robbie is falling so hard for my sister it's obvious to everyone but her. Not that he's a bad guy, he isn't, but that doesn't matter at all in the end when my sister gets hurt. Sometimes I want to go back in time and muzzle Sara. Oh, she meant well, telling us stories about our parents. It just never occurred to her that when she told us of our mom's heartbreaking past before she met our immortal father that she was also telling us of our future.

A future that is full of mates that we will fall in love with, and watch as they slowly die. Left alone to wander, grieve, and start the cycle anew.

Hope is terrified of falling in love I think. Not just with humans, with any mortal person be they human or supernatural. Which is pretty much everyone that isn't family, or undead. To tell the truth I'm probably not much better, not committing, multiple girlfriends. I'm not sure though if she has even made the connection between her fear and mom's history. I'm afraid to mention it though, just in case that would make it worse.

My sister is the most intelligent person I know, if she hasn't made the connection she is hiding it from herself.

Shit, now I'm depressing myself. I shake my head and try and clear it of all the crap and look back down at Kristi. Her storm gray eyes were open, looking up at me speculatively. I wonder how long she was studying me.

I spoke just above a whisper, "I thought you were out for the night. Did I wake you?"

She said, "I don't think so, need to freshen up."

I grinned, "You'll need to pay the toll if you expect me to move."

My bed was up against the wall, and I was on the outside.

She narrowed her eyes, "How much?"

"Just a kiss, and a promise to come back."

She shook her head, "That's pretty steep, maybe I should just freshen up right here."

She grinned at me impishly.

"What if I pay you a kiss instead, and promise to chase you down if you don't return?"

She declared, "Sold! Pay up..." and she pulled me down into a deep kiss. I moved so she could get up. She wrapped herself in the sheet and went for the doorway.

I hopped up and pulled on my shorts. No way was she going to the men's floor bathroom by herself naked in a sheet. There were sex crazed young men on this floor, I knew because I was one of them. Sometimes I wondered if she knew just how smoking hot she was.

She looked at me with an eyebrow raised as I followed her out the door.

"What, I need to get in a good position in case you bolt," I said innocently.

She muttered something about glasses.

"What was that baby?" I asked.

She glared but I knew she liked it when I called her that. Her heartbeat always sped up when I said it so I saved it for special occasions.

She said in exasperation, "I need glasses. That way you men won't mistake me for stupid."

I rubbed my hands together, "Actually that's a good idea, can you put your hair up too, maybe wear an ugly long but tight brown skirt and a white blouse. You'll need a ruler too, in case I get too loud in the library."

What? I already admitted I was a sex crazed young man...

She snorted, "Fine, you win Mr. overprotective. You could have just said you were looking out for me though. Oh and the glasses, I'll think about it," she said the last part in a whisper as she slipped into the bathroom. I kind of rose to half mast at that point to be honest.

I waited outside to protect her privacy, luckily no one else woke up or they'd have made fun of me for the rest of the year. The only reason it wouldn't last past that is I was already a senior.

She surprised me, when she opened the door she made a run for the stairs. I caught her in four steps and threw her over my shoulder, locking her legs against my torso.

She giggled and slapped my ass as I got her through the door to my room and closed it. I locked the door and carried her to the bed. I rolled the sheet as she fell into my bed, stark naked, her face was red with both excitement and embarrassment. I took my shorts off and pushed her down on her back, claiming a kiss as I used my fingertips to get her ready for me.

It didn't take long until I took her breath away. Her core was more than wet, more than ready for me as my whispered name left her full lips. I slid in painfully slow. Every second was a cacophony of sensation along my member as her beautiful body took me inside. When I was in all the way I pushed in and ground a circle against her pelvis drawing out a gasp.

I slid in and out of her slowly, savoring every touch, every explosion of erotic sensation on my sensitive nerves. Her first orgasm was so small I almost didn't notice it. I didn't speed up though, and every orgasm that followed seemed to be more intense. We stared into each other's eyes as I brought her over time and time again.

Towards the end her beautiful silky skin was glowing, her whole body shaking against mine as I pleasured her. Finally I picked up speed, knowing it wouldn't take much to reach my own peak, which I had been putting off until now. She screamed my name a moment before the orgasm took her. She was so beautiful, and it was more intense than simple words could ever capture. I let go in that moment, and her molten core grasped and milked my manhood until I released within her.

I loved to fuck hard and fast, but sometimes, on rare occasions, going the other way is much more intense.

I held her as she had aftershocks of pleasure. We just laid there for a while and didn't say anything. She didn't make me say it out loud, she probably knew I wouldn't, or couldn't. But it was obvious to us both. I had made love to her. I did love her.

Now I was truly fucked.

Because I was pretty sure I loved Tanya too. I was such an asshole, and Kristi deserved better. Still, it wasn't as if I didn't have a role model. My father was practically married to four women, and he loved some more on top of that.

Still, his situation is kind of unique and crazy. I don't need to feed on souls. I'm an immortal, and I'm a sorcerer. Especially though, I'm an idiot... But really... what twenty two year old male in college isn't?

I wrapped my arms around Kristi and spooned her, held her until she fell asleep. This time she didn't wake up until morning...

But before she did I fed her a thread of spirit and water so she wouldn't have a hangover. When she got up we dressed. I grabbed my bag and we went down to collect Hope and get out of here. I needed the break. I was taking advanced math and theoretical physics classes, and it was some pretty crazy stuff.

It was a given that Hope was awake and ready to go and before I knew it we were on the road and heading home. It was just a half hour ride. We were relatively close to home, even if we hadn't been teleporting all the time.

I was half awake and trading insults with my sister when Kristi said, "I don't feel so good, got a bad feeling."

A moment later I saw a very large fireball was closing with the car from the front.

Our parents had pushed us academically but they had also trained us well in magic. I didn't know all that much, some things were too complicated and beyond me. I could summon a deluge, or a blast of wind, but I couldn't combine them very well yet. I did okay with my immortal powers as well, for simple things, but if it was too complex it fell apart more often than not.

We had been told the stories of how our parents took Chicago away from the vampire Silas. My father's power of necromancy had been pivotal because of the vampires. He had told me though he wasn't nearly as powerful as mom. If he had tried to face any of the demons he most likely would have died.

I had a long way to go. There were certain mind techniques to speed up casting and to stay focused in battle. It was also necessary for the more difficult things that are way beyond simple. An example was my mom's armor and sword, when she turned her magic into something actually solid, made it manifest, those I had an extremely long way to go on. It would be impossible to hold the spell and fight at the same time, if the magic wasn't trained.

It would be a long time before I could do anything that advanced.

Even my father wasn't all that much faster than I was. He had been trained right alongside us. The few times he had faced foes that weren't vampires he had used his magic as a simple blunt weapon. The truth was no one I'd met could come as close to fast and powerful as my mother.

Still, we did have an advantage in raw power with our immortal magic. I had been confident that my first real battle would go well. But I was frozen, staring at the large ball of fire. It looked like there was a very large amount of dirt mixed in it as well.

I heard my sister scream as it hit. I had crossed to different realms so often in my life, it was one of the simplest things for us, even more so then teleporting or healing. So frozen or not, that reflex saved me at the point of impact. My face felt hot, and my clothes were smoking. I patted the spots on my shirt and pants that were on fire to put it out in my panic, instead of just using my sorcery.

I was feeling a bit muzzy headed and shocked. No one had ever attacked us before. I looked around and saw my sister. She was glowing gold and holding a squirming Kristi who looked panicked and scared out of her mind. We might be able to teleport people, but we haven't been able to figure out how to bring someone with us when we change realms.

I knew my sister wouldn't leave Kristi to her fate. I looked around for our attackers and saw two people. It was Alex and Mia from school, a sorcerer and witch that had been standoffish with us. Still, it was extremely strange and I was having trouble thinking. I looked around again, Talia was the last supernatural at our school, who hung around those two, yet, I didn't see anyone else.

Alex blasted fire at my sister, who was desperately holding onto Kristi, it hit her shield and deflected. I may have been in shock, but the attack on Hope raised my anger enough to break my confusion and I acted.

I raised a shield of immortal power, it was a bit sloppy with my mind spinning, but it was the best I could do. I stepped back to our realm and created a bubble of water around Alex's head. It was all I could do to maintain that and hold my shield, I was hoping Alex couldn't access water, and fire would probably just boil his head. I laughed at that idea, feeling a little off.

The witch... Mia, she screamed, "Abomination!" then she screamed another word while pointing at me.

My shields held through the spell, barely, but the force still threw me back about twenty feet. I landed on my ass and then my torso fell back slamming my head into the ground. I lost my concentration and my shield dropped, and the water spell.

They both walked toward me a few steps, but to their right I could see a demon. What the hell, I was already about to die, why a demon? But it didn't run past them as I expected, it attacked. I watched bemused as they both went flying into the air. They got up and glared toward the demon.

Mia sounded a bit unhinged when she yelled at someone I couldn't see, "You traitor!"

They ran into a nearby oak and disappeared. My fuzzy mind was impressed; they had a backup plan in case things went to shit.

As I lost consciousness I wondered who the traitor was, and hoped I would wake up. I should have healed when I'd had the chance, but I wasn't thinking straight...

I woke up to see my sister hovering over me. My head was clear and I sat up and looked around. Talia was sitting a few feet away talking with Kristi. Huh, I had no idea she was a warlock.

Hope said, "We have a small issue. Okay, probably an understatement."

I smiled, "You mean besides our fellow students both trying to kill and save us?"

She nodded, "You know how the enchantment is supposed to keep knowledge of magic from humans. That it should have tricked her into seeing something that made sense. Like a meteor, car crash, etc..."

I nodded.

She looked sheepish when she said, "Well, apparently our immortal powers shield from that, since I saved her she has seen everything as it actually happened. She's freaking out."

I blew out a breath, "What about Talia?"

"Oh, she says they belong to some cult saying we are unnatural abominations. Evil and good should never have spawned us, and that we need to die. She didn't take them all that seriously, until they asked her if she wanted to join them for the kill. I don't know. She is telling the truth but I still get a weird feeling from her."