Necromancer Chronicles Pt. 08


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I asked Bree if she was coming or not, and she was. I was fairly sure she wouldn't be taking any more days off in the near future. She looked very protective of me with the shit starting up again.

I had that thought again, but it was crazy. A lot of people would die... just, not all of them, or even most of them. I pushed it down not wanting to think of it. It was too big, I didn't want the choice of what race died, and I prayed my thoughts about Vinnie were wrong. Not that any of this was Vinnie's or my fault; the fae had sown the seeds of destruction a long time ago.

Bree and I headed into the city; it was about quarter of ten when we arrived at the club. It was an opening night and the line was kind of long. From what I could see there were a lot of knockouts in line as well, so no skipping. I sighed and walked toward the end when I heard Callie call my name.

Callie yelled, "Hope! Bree!"

I turned and looked; she was at the door waving us to come with a big smile on her face. I heard a few disgruntled comments from the line as we walked over and she took us into the club.

I asked, "How'd you pull that off?"

She grinned, "The coven owns it of course. How else could we get all these tasty morsels to show up?"

I snorted and shook my head, "Aren't they going to freak out about a necromancer being here?"

She turned and winked at me, her eyes wide and innocent. What was she planning? We followed her to a VIP area where we sat down on a very comfortable chair in a booth. It felt more like a couch then any kind of normal booth seating. A waitress showed up and we all ordered some drinks.

So far I hadn't detected any vampires present except Callie. I was starting to wonder if she was pulling my leg as we received and then started sipping our drinks. We got a second one shortly later and chatted as we drank it. Callie seemed irrepressibly cheerful and I was glad we had come out. Even Bree was relaxing her vigilance over me.

After our second drink we went out to dance, I was feeling good from the drinks, but still short of a real buzz, I didn't really like being out of control and kept focused, but I loved to have fun and was having a blast dancing with Bree and Callie.

I felt a few other vampires come in at that point. They didn't do anything really, but they sensed me and kept their distance. It wasn't like I was unknown to the community but I still felt a little awkward about it. After about five songs we went back to the table and Callie ordered another round.

I narrowed my eyes, "What are you up to?"

She snickered. "Just making waves, thought it'd be fun. You don't mind do you? I really want to be friends but I couldn't resist."

I shrugged, "I guess not, but I don't want to ruin their night either."

She replied in humor, "You won't, it will be the talk of the coven. I might sell t-shirts to the survivors."

I decided not to worry about it and just have fun. In that Callie seemed to be a perfect partner in crime. I had one or two more drinks throughout the night and did a lot of dancing. We split around two in the morning and I wound up teleporting home from the store room in the back.

Bree and I turned on the TV and things seemed to be getting worse, more riots and disturbances around the world. I flipped it off not wanting to watch and checked on my ghost. The other fae hadn't met any others yet and seemed to be going west into the wilderness.

I meditated a couple of hours trying to improve my magic, until Bree forcefully got me up and marched me to bed...

Chapter 3 - Vinnie

Tuesday Morning...

The next morning I got ready for work. Alicia still wasn't home yet but when I talked to her she said it would be this afternoon. She was at my parents' house and Kim was working with her on some stuff, though I had no idea what. When I picked up my phone I noticed it was on silent, I turned the sound back on and checked for messages. My eyes went wide as I saw my sister was attacked yesterday and the damn fae are back.

Something else I would have to deal with.

I was also a little disturbed by the news last night. I had avoided watching it for a while, tired of hearing shit about me. Kristi had filled me in on what was going on and I could hardly believe what I saw when we turned on the news.

I could see where the fae thought I might be first born, but I didn't really believe humanity would destroy itself. Still, I was regretting it a little. All advances in humanity have been surrounded by strife, bloodshed, and violent change. Did that make me responsible? I wasn't sure. In any case it was far too late to put the genie back in the bottle.

I kissed Kristi thoroughly and spanked her ass before I left for work. She glared at me as I slipped out the door with a wink. I was sure I'd pay for that later. Not for the spank, but for not finishing what I had started.

I pulled up in front of Toni's place and she came out to the car. She looked even more exotic today, despite the business attire it was perfectly tailored to her body. When she got in she scowled at me and closed the door.

I asked tentatively, "What's wrong?"

She blushed, "You could have told me who your parents were last night."


I replied carefully as I pulled away from the curb, "I was going to tell you today, I didn't want to embarrass you last night and ruin the fun we were having."

She asked in a higher tone of voice, "Oh, so you had fun last night? So did I... at least until my car exploded. Sorry, I should be thanking you for stopping that asshole from killing me, not whining at you."

I asked, "Yeah, about that, the asshole that is, is there any chance someone will come looking for him?"

She shook her head, "I don't think so. He was kind of a hothead; I doubt anyone will look too hard for him if he just disappears."

We chatted for the rest of the car ride. She seemed over my failure to mention who I was, or who my parents were. When we got into the office, Abby was already there and waved us back to the lab. The fabricator had finished sometime last night. The experiment was simple. In theory we would be able to weaken or even cancel gravity inside a field. We set it up, which took a while, and put a book with a plate under it where the field should be.

We used a long non-conductive plate simply so we wouldn't need to put our hands in the field. We could have rigged something better up, but I think we were all in a hurry to see it working.

When we turned it on nothing at all happened. I lifted the plate with the book on it, and lowered the plate. The book stayed on the plate instead of hovering as I'd expected to.

Abby asked, "What do you think went wrong? I ran the diagnostics when the part came out, everything is in tolerance."

I shrugged and felt a little disheartened, "It's hard to say. We put the cart before the horse I think. We need to build something that will measure the phenomena first."

Toni grinned, "I'd have been surprised if we got it on the first try. Nothing to be upset about..."

We spent the rest of the day coming up with a way to measure what was happening, if anything. I knew Toni was right though, theoretical and applied science is very rarely in agreement. Chances are the device would work just fine in a perfect world, we needed to figure out where the shortfall was and adjust.

We still weren't sure what was going on when we left for the day but had hopes for a new diagnostic device we believed would detect the field output for our device. She had me drop her off at a car lot and promised to call if she couldn't find a car she would like. I was a little frustrated when I got home, although I knew Toni was right, it would take time to get things working.

When I walked in all I could sense was Kristi. The magical signature and the scent of Alicia were still gone. It had been a few days, what the hell was going on? Something didn't feel right, I went up to the den and Kristi was on her laptop.

"Kristi, do you know what the hell is going on with Alicia? Why is she still not home? She's never been gone longer than a day before."

She replied absentmindedly, "Huh? Oh. I'm not sure. I know they got a new pack alpha. She's been arguing with him about spending most of her time away from the pack."

I growled. I needed to know these things...

I asked, "What? Why didn't she tell me?"

Kristi shrugged, "You know how she is. She wanted to handle it herself. I don't think the new alpha likes that she's mated with someone who really can't shift either."

Fuck. If I'd known I would have dealt with it last night.

"Do you know where she is now?"

Kristi nodded absently, still absorbed in what she was doing and only half listening. She did send me a mind picture though. A moment later Kristi gasped and looked at me, as if finally taking in what she just saw and passed on. I growled and teleported.

When I appeared in the field I felt sick to my stomach. She was shackled around her neck so she couldn't shift and chained to a large spike in the ground. There were about twenty wolves in the field and three in human form. Two men and Kim. Kim screamed at them demanding that they release her.

With a thought my magic reached out and snapped the collar around Alicia's neck. I scanned her carefully with my magic. She had several broken bones, contusions, and nasty swollen bruises. I healed her as quickly as I could and she woke up.

She growled when she saw me, as if challenging my right to interfere. So not the time for that shit.

"Be still!" I commanded loudly.

She may have wanted to handle it on her own, but I sure as hell had the right to defend my mate. I grabbed her hand and dragged her along toward Kim and the two men. Kim looked terrified, and the two men were glaring at me. Two wolves tried to jump me on the way and found themselves flying through the woods until they met a tree, I wasn't sure how far they flew but I heard the impact and the bones breaking, I didn't take my eyes off the two men.

"Explain this," I said in a deadly whisper.

The man on the left growled, "She disobeyed her alpha, I have the right."

"By disobey, you mean wouldn't allow you to keep her away from her mate, correct? Something an alpha should never order much less let happen to a wolf under his command."

He growled, "You're not pack. You're not even a wolf; her wolf must be confused or spelled. I refuse to let a member of my pack live off pack land with a freak. This stupid bitch is arguing with me too."

He gestured to Kim at the last comment. Then he took a step toward me. I wasn't sure if he was going to attack me, posture some more, or try and grab Alicia. In any case, I wasn't about to risk him touching my mate again, enough was enough.

My next move would shock most humans. But this was a violent world, the alpha had beat and chained my wife and looked to be about to do the same with my step mom. I surrounded my fist with my magic. He didn't even see the punch coming, I followed through viciously and he lost about half his face in an explosion of blood, bone, and cartilage. His body fell to the ground and shook a bit before it went still.

All the wolves in the field were frozen. I wondered where the hell Ray and Claudia were. If they were here and allowed this to happen I'd be pissed, so I didn't look very hard.

I turned to the other guy, "And who the fuck are you?"

Kim said softly, "Him and the new... dead alpha were new to the pack. It looks like they had designs to take over since they got here a few weeks ago."

I said to him coldly, "I should kill you but you're not the one that ordered my mate beaten. Leave Chicago now, or die. Choose."

He shifted and ran.

I looked around and no one was moving still, "So what now? I need to have a discussion with my mate."

Kim shrugged, "They'll fight and choose a new alpha. You have the right to claim it, but it would probably be a mistake."

I agreed with that, besides not being able to shift I didn't have time to keep a whole pack of wolves in line.

I took Alicia's hand and teleported straight to the bedroom at home. I loved her, but I had to keep her wolf in submission, so I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall.

My voice was whispery steal, "If any wolf suggests that again, you will tell me. You are mine to protect."

She lowered her eyes and bared her throat as best she could with my fist around it.

Alicia said, "I promise, I didn't think he would go that far. He was supposed to be protecting us and our bond, not trying to destroy it. I'm sorry. I thought I could handle it. He wasn't right in the head I don't think, my wolf instincts failed which shouldn't happen."

"I know, and he paid the price."

I pulled her into a hug and kissed her neck. Then I led her into the shower and treated her gently. I hated forcing her submission right after she had been beaten. The fucking wolves were nuts, but I had to do it. If I hadn't done it, her wolf would have challenged me and we would have a real fight instead of a simple stare down.

I was also angry at her for not telling me sooner, I could have put an end to it before that asshole harmed her.

No... I was angry at myself. Why the fuck did I wait that extra day, I should have known something was wrong when she didn't come back after that first day. She never stays away more than a day; her wolf doesn't like being away from me that long.

Why did it take another full day before I noticed? I failed to protect her, whether she told me about it or not.

She was naked of course, had been back in the field. I took a moment to strip down and we took a shower together. She was completely healed. She was absolutely perfect, as beautiful as the day I'd met her, and the first time I'd made her submit to me and she'd absolutely turned my life upside down.

She had long dark black hair and the sexiest light golden eyes. She had a toned body but she still had mouthwatering curves and she felt soft against me. She was five foot seven and had perfect perky C cup breasts. I took my time as I soaped up her body, I couldn't help but react as I touched her. Still, I put off doing anything for now. When I finished she took over and cleaned me with the same soft touches.

She kissed me when she was done. It started out soft and loving as she melted against me. It slowly transformed though into passionate, needy, and demanding. I ran my hands down her waist and around her thighs to grab her ass and pull her tightly against me. My pleasure was locked between us as she growled into my mouth and nipped my lip playfully.

I pushed her back against the tile and held her up by her ass as she hopped up and wrapped her legs tightly around my lower back. Her arms were over my shoulders, her hands playing with my hair and neck. She moved her hips around until I felt my tip against her sex, I let her drop slightly down while I pushed up, impaling her heaven in one hard stroke. She gasped loudly as she ground against me. She was so damn tight as her body constricted around my hardened pleasure with warm wet sensation.

She growled, "Fuck me."

I started to stroke in and out of her as her hips swung out from the tiles, grinding into me as our flesh met with a slap. I put my head down and sucked in her nipple and bit down hard, just like she likes it. Her grasping heat felt rapturous as I slammed into her over and over. She put her face down and whimpered into my hair as she grabbed it in her hands and pulled me tighter against her breast.

I started going faster, working with my hands to lift and drop her in the same rhythm, taking her as hard as I could. I felt her heaven grasp and undulate up and down my pleasure as she flooded me with her juice. I cradled her against me and walked out of the shower and into the bedroom, drying us with a thought.

I dropped her onto the bed, crawled in after, and then flipped her over onto her stomach. I grabbed her hips and pulled her up to her hands and knees before spearing her from behind. I started to pump in and out of her, and she began bucking back into me. She met my every thrust and she gasped a breath in rhythm with each time our flesh slapped together.

I spanked her hard and then pulled back on her hair. I started fucking her as fast and as hard as I could. I let go of all my inhibitions and claimed my mate, took my mate. No matter that this was hardly the first time, it was the give and take between us, the wolves in us constantly testing and playing.

I wouldn't last long going all out like I was, and she was so sexy and beautiful the way she kept impaling herself back on me I could tell she wasn't holding anything back either. We rutted together with everything we had. When I felt her reach her bliss I buried myself twice more and kept pushing as her hot wet sheath demanded and claimed my seed.

When I was able to move again, I collapsed on to the bed and took her with me, pulling her against me in the spooning position.

Alicia said breathlessly, "I love you mate."

I told her I did too...

The next few days involved a lot of head banging at work. Although everything at home had settled down. The pack had a new alpha, which I met and approved of. I was glad I did, because I knew not having a pack would hurt Alicia. As far as the fae, I still hadn't been attacked. Whether Hope had been the only target, or they decided to rethink the whole plan after Hope counter attacked, we weren't sure.

I had also gotten to know Toni a little better and we seemed to have a tentative friendship going. She was a lot of fun, easy to talk to and it didn't hurt that she was very easy on the eyes. We had gone out again to the bar last night, though Abby had to bail for some family thing. We had a good time, and no attacks that time from her home town.

It was Thursday early morning and I was lying in bed with Kristi, our legs were tangled together and she was lying on me with a satisfied expression that I was sure mirrored my own. She still had our link connected and I could feel the after affects of our shared pleasure between us. She was so beautiful, and the amount of love I could feel in her regarding me was continually astonishing. I just didn't think I was that amazing. There was no doubt I was blessed.

Kristi said, "You should invite Toni over tonight for dinner. She sounds nice from what you tell me, and I bet she would appreciate meeting more supernaturals from the Chicago community too."

I kissed her hair, "I'll ask. What about Abby? I know she's human but..."

Kristi giggled, "You can ask, she can't make it though."

Why do I even bother asking? Her answer always gives me a headache.

She slapped my chest, "Be nice. I'm really a mind reader you know."

I said in a sharp tone, "Don't make me spank you young lady!"

She giggled and hit my chest again. I could feel the anticipation in her mind as I pulled her across my legs...

When I got to work and headed for the lab I walked in and saw Toni and Abby talking excitedly.

I smiled, "What's the news?"

Abby grinned, "Well we finally got a field analyzer working, and the problem with the anti-gravity device is the field it makes is coming out degraded. I had tested all the circuits to make sure they were up to spec by powering them each up separately, but with it fully on when I test it, one of the circuits fails. It looks like the field leaks a bit before the emitter and affects another circuit, so in essence it is interfering with itself."

I nodded, "So what can we do to fix it, I don't think we have anything that will isolate it, do we?"

She shook her head, "Not yet, we'll have to invent one, but in the meantime I isolated that circuit on a separate component. We should know by lunchtime if it will work."

I grinned, "Awesome, and a great idea to get around the problem for now."