Necromancer Chronicles Pt. 09


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I could tell Johnson was advanced enough in his magic to read the truth of my words. Then I told them where the last three fae gatherings were, and offered my help.

I was intensely relieved when they didn't look at me like I wasn't a human being; perhaps the release of the magic had already changed their paranoid mindsets a little bit. It could also be they were just that desperate.

Johnson asked, "So you are saying we should just kill the fae here, and leave their version of Earth alone?"

I nodded, "Yes, because there are the other races that are watching. No one wants another large war so any that are seen as aggressors would be... dealt with by all in my opinion. Think of it like this world after World War 2 until the late eighties, but this cold war has been going on for fifteen millennia. This Earth just got their magic back, though through no fault of our own, but if the first thing we do is invade...

"There is enough to do already; it will be hard enough to simply preserve our way of life internally."

Mr. Johnson asked, "And you think of yourself as one of us?"

I said, "Yes, I do."

Johnson said, "Mr. President, I didn't feel her lie to me once."

The president coughed, "Very well. We will have to figure out a way to incorporate your communities into our society at some point. I also know politics is about to get interesting now that we can't lie our asses off anymore. So I take your point about cleaning up our own yard first. I'll call those countries and see if we can't get some cooperation to take out those fae."

I went to answer him, but the screen went dark. I raised an eyebrow to Mr. Johnson, "So what's next?"

He shrugged, "We wait to hear back."

Kristi asked, "Do you want a crash course on human magic?"

He asked, "Will it take long?"

She shrugged, "Not if you let me in your mind. I promise to do no harm or deception. I can do the same for the marines too. After a little practice you can teach your CIA, and they can teach their unit, etc..."

He coughed, "FBI," he blushed.

She snickered, "Good luck with that in our new world agent."

He assented to her offer. It took her about three seconds to pass on the mechanics of how their magic worked. I was almost a little jealous, but then I could heal... and teleport. I was only screwed in the wings department. She did the same for the marines when they were waved over.

She shrugged, "It will take years of practice to get good at it all, but it shouldn't take long at all before you can pass the knowledge on."

Mr. Johnson asked, "So are you the only human from this... realm here on the island?"

She nodded.

We just chatted and waited for either the president or my parents to get back to us. Eventually Mr. Johnson's smile started to match what was going on in his aura as he started to relax. I took that as another good sign.

I suppressed a snort, four down and sixteen billion to go. It would be nice if everyone understood, but I was afraid that wouldn't be the case, the world had some growing pains coming. The magic would help prevent misunderstandings, and killing from fear or ignorance. But it wouldn't prevent violence or normal disagreement, after all the supernatural community could be a very violent place. All it would really do is stop the witch hunt type of stupidity. Which granted, was a lot.

I smiled; maybe the fae problem would be a good thing in the end. It might help unite us with a common enemy. I could hope right? It was my name after all...

I noticed after a few minutes I didn't see the marines anymore. I also noticed Bell was missing and coughed to cover my smile. I bet she had been starved; she certainly hadn't been feeding off of my mates the last couple of days.

Sure enough, when the marines came back fifteen minutes later they both looked a little tired and out of it, but very happy. I'd have been tempted when I was younger myself, she really looked good... too good to be true. Now that she fed it was even more pronounced, I felt like I'd cum if I just stared at her long enough. But my little family was enough for me, especially since I had a new addition.

Callie asked in a whisper, "See something you like?"

I turned and looked in her eyes, "Yes... yes I do."

I got up and dragged off Callie, I hoped we had enough time before word came back... and we did. My goddess could that girl move her tongue fast...

When the president called us back later he looked annoyed. I waited patiently while he and Johnson discussed things. It looked like we had permission in Russia and Germany to help. China was stonewalling the president. Not a big surprise, but still annoying. He was of the opinion they were going to try and handle it themselves.

The plan was pretty simple. Simple is usually best, it's the complicated plans that usually go south. We were going to teleport outside the target building, and they were going to bomb the damn thing. Our job was to take on any of them that managed to survive the explosion. I wasn't happy that Rafe wasn't back yet, and I hoped it wouldn't be another four days.

We planned it to happen together so they wouldn't detect our presence. Everyone agreed if the bombs didn't get most of them, we would bug out. There were only twelve of us, three of them humans that barely knew how to use their abilities.

I sent a ghost to dad to let him know he could quit trying. I didn't get what the communities were thinking. It wasn't like they'd be able to hide much longer, and helping with this could only bring good will. We are staying on your planet but protect your own damn selves wasn't a very smart stance for them to be taking.

I sort of understood, humans with magic or not resisted change, and that's why this was so dangerous to begin with.

Everyone was watching Kristi. She looked like she was barely paying attention as she spoke to my brother, but I knew she was watching the location in her mind. She was so good at looking like a helpless and innocent ditz, but she was far from it.

When she nodded, we teleported outside the building they were holed up in. It wasn't a warehouse, this time it was an old office building. The building was half knocked down and burning. We surrounded it the best we could in three groups. There were also some Russian troops on the ground, though I wasn't sure what if any help they would be.

I reached into the building with my necromantic magic and found fifteen burnt corpses. I bound them before their souls could move on and sent five to each of the groups. I guess sometimes revenants are disgusting corpses, because I didn't restore their flesh. It would be an easy, if disturbing, way for everyone to track who was on their side.

I still felt over thirty in there, but they were separated throughout the burning building. I saw no reason to rush in there, so we waited for them to try and escape past us. One made a run for it, then another. I lost track of the bigger picture as I along with Bree, Callie, and one of the marines tried not to let anyone past.

The bad part of blowing up the building is there were a lot of big things on fire for the fae to throw at us. Callie was a blur, if anything she was faster and stronger than she had been before I made her into a sort of revenant. She took a few down to the ground for me to dispatch. Some of the fae that were more beat up from the bombing lost their shield entirely when she crashed into them and tore their heads off.

Bree was having similar success. I was busy dodging flying debris, killing the ones my mates took down, and also doing my best to attack too. The five zombie fae on our corner were integral to stopping some of the more heavy attacks against us.

In less than ten minutes we had the building empty of fae, only two of them managed to escape past us, but we could hunt them down later, I had their faces burned into my mind.

No one died this round, the fae had been too eager to escape to put up a good fight.

Two others escaped in the other directions, but we were done here for now. The target in Germany was next, so I held on to my toasted corpses. Perhaps it was semantics, but without a break in between I was considering this the same fight. About ten minutes later Kristi gave the signal again.

This second one was another warehouse like the first. The difference was the smart bombs of course; the whole damn thing had collapsed in on itself. But when I reached in to look there were no corpses. They must have caught on at this location because I could feel fae moving away, under the ground into the city. I sent the corpses I had to a manhole cover and they quickly dropped into the sewers.

I teleported the group past the moving underground magical auras to cut them off from escape. They were detecting us as well, so turned. I growled in frustration and then felt Vinnie and Toni reach out with their earth power and collapse the sewer tunnel. We teleported again, getting ahead of them, but this time when they turned back they ran into my crispy fae.

My brother and Toni did it again. The fae would eventually be able to dig out, but not fast. Now their retreat was cut off. My crispy fae were outnumbered, but they were just as powerful magically, and much stronger physically.

Vinnie asked, "Should we go down there?"

I shook my head and reached down with my necromantic power to take control of the dying, if we were lucky we wouldn't have to fight them at all. I went to grab the two newly dead ones, but someone beat me to it. I narrowed my eyes, but the new dead were attacking the live ones so I didn't sweat it.

Vinnie grinned at me and they reached down again, collapsing the sewer system right on top of the live fae. It sort of worked, because the fae used telekinesis to catch and prevent the heavier pieces from crushing them. As a result the zombie fae started to kill them a lot more quickly for a few moments.

I managed to snag a few more, but so did our mystery necromancer. The last few fae were in a panic because they punched straight up with their power, breaking the street open. They tried to lift themselves with telekinesis. Only three managed to live long enough to reach the street, and Vinnie's and my swords...

When the dust settled a young woman still in her teens swaggered out from behind a building and walked toward us. All the fae I had missed ran to cluster around her. She also had a few other zombies, a revenant sorcerer and about ten vampires enslaved to her will. She was wearing a black leather halter, tight leather pants, and was pierced in quite a number of places.

She smiled, "Welcome to my city. Normally I'd be pissed you invaded it and started a ruckus. But I've been trying to figure out how to kill those blasted fae for a while now."

This is what I could be if I wanted, oh, not the piercings, black makeup, or leather, but the power. This girl could be eighteen, maybe... and she already ran a major city. They weren't here but I could tell she owned a great number more of vampires. She didn't seem to be killing for troops though, or I was sure she'd have more than one sorcerer. But I wasn't tempted at all, if anything I felt sorry for her, that kind of rule must be very lonely.

I nodded to her, "Yeah, they're the ones fucking with the satellites and trying to start wars. We'll leave now, but things are changing fast."

She nodded at me, "I hear that Glinda."

I blushed, "I'm Hope..."

She chuckled, "Of course you are, have a nice day blondie..."

She turned and walked away, taking the fae with her. I decided to release mine elsewhere; I didn't want to do it here where she could just grab even more.

I teleported us back to the island and made a face. I was getting kind of sick of it. I wanted to go home, and spend a lazy day in bed. I love the beach, but living at one sucked. I released all but one of the fae and turned their bodies to dust. The last one I fixed up and sent to Johnson.

"Hey Johnson."

Johnson raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged, "Thought you might want to question a fae for yourself, seeing as how you government types like to do that sort of thing. He'll answer all your questions, no coercion required, just tell him when you're done and I'll cut him loose. Don't keep him too long though, he deserves his rest no matter who he is or what he's done."

Johnson smiled, "Thanks."

I frowned, "Do we really need to stay here anymore? I don't think going home will be an issue with all the fae being gone except China. The government seems happy with us, and the communities seem to want to be left alone. I expected the humans to react worse than this too, if anything the riots and panic have slowed down since we took out the enchantment."

Vinnie shook his head in mock horror, "One word for you sis... reporters."

I snorted, "Really, I'd like to go to work tomorrow, unless the shit hits the fan in some major way, and we can always regroup."

I thought about that, did I really need to go to work? No, I didn't. It wasn't until now that I realized it. I had no reason to be a doctor while I sneakily fed healing energy to others. Not anymore. Now I could just do it in the open. I would never replace doctors of course; my mother, Vinnie, and I can't heal everyone. Even with the witches and sorcerers we would still need doctors and hospitals.

But I wouldn't have to hide anymore. I felt a surge of emotion rise in my chest, and I could feel the tears in my eyes. I loved to heal... and there was nothing to stop me anymore. I hadn't realized just how much I hated that, the limitation, until I realized it was gone.

Rafe still wasn't back yet. My brother hadn't decided yet but I could feel that Callie and Bree were with me on the going home thing.

I said, "Well, I'll leave a ghost here to keep track, and feel free to have Kristi check up on us, but I'm getting out of here. I love mom's island, but I'll go nuts if we stay here when we don't have to."

I surrounded the three of us with magic, and I went home... I'd have to see about getting a house now. I'd also have to find a way to make money if I wasn't going to be a doctor. I wouldn't charge for healing.

I talked things over with them both in the shower, but neither of them had any ideas offhand as to what to do. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do either, money wise I mean, the healing part was a given. It wasn't like I still couldn't be a doctor, but without the need to hold back that would just be ridiculously annoying to me. What would be the point? I was sure I would figure it out, the world was changing.

I was confident I'd find a place to fit in, until then I did have a rather sizable trust when I'd turned twenty five last year. I could probably invest and live off that and watch myself get richer over the centuries. Just heal for free as a job? A personal mission?

No, I needed more than that; I was too ambitious, driven, and focused. I let it go for now knowing it would be stewing in the background; I'd also meditate on it when I could.

Callie and Bree cooked me dinner. I felt a little guilty abandoning my brother, but I was sure he'd come to the same conclusion. It was only Sunday afternoon, so he'd actually be able to get back to work tomorrow.

After we ate, we retired to the bedroom for a little fun. I was tongue deep inside Bree as she laid back with her legs spread wide open. I had my back arched and up as Callie both tongued my tight ring and slid a large vibrating dildo into my wet heat.

Two things were getting me incredibly turned on, besides the obvious. One, I felt Rafe come in, and I could feel his eyes caressing down our little train of bodies. The second was that along with my ghosts being little voyeurs, I was imagining how many humans could be watching me at this moment. My face had some recognition now, getting on the news for what we did.

And any or all of them could be watching me at any time. I knew I should be horrified by the implication to privacy issues, popular people would be so screwed in the new world. But all I could think of was how hot it was that anyone could be watching Callie dig her tongue into my ass while shoving a dildo roughly into my sex, as I was eating out my beautiful, exotic, and desirable Bree.

I felt like I was putting on a show. It made me feel sexy... would people talk about it? Would men pass around my mental picture with the guys at work so they could watch next time? Old men, young men, would they all watch in their mind's eye and jerk off... cum for me anonymously as I put on my little show?

At that thought my body locked up and I exploded, my core clenching tightly around the dildo. When I could see again, I redoubled my efforts on Bree's wet hot core and already felt myself rising for another.

I heard Callie squeak as Rafe joined us, I knew he hadn't had her yet... and she was a submissive and sexy goddess. I wanted to turn around and watch him fuck her silly; I wanted to stare into her eyes as she came in uncontrollable bliss to his hard cock pounding into her soft supple body. But Bree's clit just tasted too good, and Callie's tongue felt way too good, not to mention the fat dildo I kept cumming for...

I could watch another time. We kept it up for a couple of hours, switching positions and each finding time to pleasure the other three at one time or another. It slowed down there toward the end though. Our expression of relief and desperate affirmation of life turned into tender expressions of love. My whole body was sore and tingling as we lay there after, a tangle of arms and legs.

I knew my fantasy earlier had gotten a lot bigger than the reality would be, but it was still fun to think about.

Rafe didn't say much, only that there was no change and the angels remained neutral. As I caught him up to what happened on this side he had the absurd idea I should enter politics. Be a liaison of some kind between the humans of this world and the communities. A last option before violence became necessary. I didn't like the idea at all at first, but I also knew I would do a good job at it.

After all, I'd been doing it already in a way. But that had been out of necessity, not choice.

He also felt a bit guilty, and I was annoyed that he hadn't been there. But he'd also never lied. He loved me, I know he did, but he had his responsibilities too. It was my choice to keep him, and I would always choose to do so. I never forgot he was the one that taught me to let go of my fear and love. I took a shower, washing off all the fluids, and the hot stream of water felt good on my sore and abused muscles. I got dressed in a nice skirt, a blouse, and three inch heels.

I felt like I was on autopilot, obsessed. I had to go...

I told them I'd be home soon, and then I teleported to the front door of the hospital, without going to limbo first. I wouldn't hide anymore. If I felt like this, I could hardly imagine what my mother would feel like after hiding for thousands of years. I walked in and headed for the children's ward first. I had my badge, but the nurse still gave me a funny look as I went into the large room.

Once I started I could not stop. I healed them one at a time, and then went to the next room. It was a cathartic release as I cried silent tears as I roamed from room to room. There were people following me, but I hardly took notice of it. I cried though, for all those I let endure pain for weeks, or even pass on to the next life, in the name of staying hidden, of ensuring we were not exposed.

There was a deep seeded guilt in my heart that died while I healed, one I barely acknowledged before tonight. One I had hardened my heart against out of necessity and survival. But one I would no longer need to heed.

I didn't heal everyone; I was too emotionally exhausted after a while. But I did get all the terminal cases, and everyone in the intensive care ward. No one would die in this hospital tonight. There were a great many people watching me toward the end, but I never turned to them, and I don't think I'd have known what to say, how to explain myself.