Neighborhood BBQ From Hell

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New neighborhood, MILF pays for past transgressions.
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I have been getting a lot of comments on my usual disclaimers. It seems that several people are offended by them. OK. I will tone it down for this one.

This is a NON-CONSENSUAL STORY. That means that the main character is forced into a sexual scenario. No, it is not exactly rape, as she is given a choice between a bad situation and a worse situation. Per Literotica guidelines, the main character does eventually accept her situation and even enjoys it.

Now, for the disclaimers:

No, I have not read every story ever published, so I have no idea if anything similar has ever been published in the history of mankind. Feel free to comment on a similar story and I will give your comment the ignoring that it deserves. This is being submitted to the non-consent genre, so if you wish to complain about the character being forced into a sexual situation, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU READING THIS FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE?

This story contains scenes of the following:

Group sex

Lesbian sex




Mother Daughter







If any of the above offends you, you should probably skip this story.

Neighborhood BBQ Hell:

"Thank God! Finally." I said as I broke down the last of the moving boxes.

We had just moved into this neighborhood and finally finished unpacking. I had managed to purchase a cute 4-bedroom house for myself, my 18-year-old daughter, and 20-year-old son. Cassie, my daughter had just graduated high school and will be joining her brother, Bill, at the local college this fall. Since it was local, they both lived at home with me. They preferred that than living with their asshole father. Besides, he and his new girlfriend live in a small apartment. That's about all they can afford after I took him to the cleaners in the divorce. Serves him right for cheating on me.

Asshole and I met during our junior year of college. He was majoring in International Finance, and I was a Computer Science major. We met at a party, began dating, sex after the fifth date, exclusive, blah, blah, blah. It's the same thing that has been told thousands of times. I graduated and got a job as an IT tech at a local company while Dipshit went on to get his MBA. The wedding a month after he graduated was just a formality. We had been living together for the past two years. Bill was born 7 months after the wedding.

Dickhead got a great job after he graduated, making more money to start with than I was making after a couple years at my job. We followed the money. Besides, I was going to have to take maternity leave in a few months anyway. I got another job about a year after Bill was born. Cassie came along a year later. I managed to get my schedule to have flexible hours. It wasn't difficult. One thing about working in IT, a lot of upgrades and programing fixes need to be performed after hours. This is to keep from shutting the system down during working hours. This allowed me time to eventually get the kids to school and pick them up afterwards. I could then wait for the asshole to get home and watch them while I went back into the office for a few hours. It cut out the need for daycare.

Eventually, the mid-2000's hit. The economy crashed thanks to the Dummycrats passing stupid banking laws that allowed people that had no business buying a house to get a mortgage on a house that they had no way to afford. Sure, they could afford the $1,500 a month payment while the adjustable interest rate was 3.5%, locked in for three years. When the rate was adjusted to 5.75% after the initial locked time period was up, their monthly payments almost doubled. Foreclosures went through the roof.

Rant - skip if you are a snowflake.

The federal government did a bail-out, of course. After all, they are the ones that caused it. A lot of people blamed the banks, but they never held a gun to anyone's head and forced them to sign the papers. Seriously, those people should have known that their mortgage payment was going to double after 3 to 5 years. George Bush, the President at the time even tried to get Congress to fix the problem before the crash - THREE TIMES! It may surprise you to learn that the five biggest recipients of campaign donations from the mortgage industry were Democrats. Even mor surprising was that the biggest recipient of those donations went on to become President of the United States after the crash. Unsurprisingly, those five donation recipients were key to squashing any attempt to correct the looming disaster.

People blame the banks, but they were just following the laws. Several Congressional investigations were done, interestingly chaired by congressmen and senators that received a boatload of campaign contributions from the mortgage industry and found no wrongdoing by the banks and mortgage lenders. Not a single banker was convicted of a crime or sent to prison. Not a single bank or lending institution was found to have done anything illegal. The innocent victims of the economy were those people that did everything right, and still lost. They bought a house that they could afford on a 30-year fixed mortgage and had good steady jobs. They ended up being laid off and could no longer afford their house.

Rant over.

The result was that there were so many foreclosures caused by people buying houses that they couldn't afford it and there was a glut of available houses on the market. Home prices began to tank. New home construction stopped. The construction industry began laying off most of their workers. That added to the problem. Soon, other industries began laying off their workers. With the sudden drop in tax revenue, cities had to begin laying off their employees. The result was that the company I worked for went bankrupt, and I was out of a job. On the upside, technology had advanced to that point where I could work anywhere as long as I had a computer and a good internet connection. I began freelance work. I could set my own hours, as long as the work got done on schedule. The other good thing was that my husband, working in finance and being very good at investing, could make money however the economy went. He saw the looming disaster and made some strategic moves. When the crash happened, he made a fortune.

The divorce took over a year to get through. The bastard actually fought it. Seeing as what it was going to cost him, I could kind of see his point on that. Unfortunately, all that did was cost him more money. He ended up having to pay both lawyers as well as the court fees. Unfortunately, that also meant that I hadn't had sex in almost 18-months. Six months after I first discovered his cheating and began preparing for the divorce, then the year that he fought the divorce. I was ready to finally get out and try to find someone new.


The doorbell rang, so I went to answer it. I opened the door and found an attractive woman that looked to be in her mid-30s standing there.

"Hello and welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Mary Olsen. My husband and I live two houses down on the other side of the street." She stated.

We had been so busy moving in that I hadn't really seen very many of my neighbors at that point, so I was happy that someone had come over and introduced themselves. I was friends with most of the people on our street at our old house. I was hoping to have a similar relationship in this neighborhood as well.

"Thank you. I'm Amanda Adams. Would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee?"

We sat at the table discussing the neighborhood and several of the people that lived there. During our chatting, my son and daughter made their appearances, and I introduced them. Mary also told me about several attractions that were nearby as well as different businesses that may be useful.

"Oh, and Saturday is our monthly neighborhood barbeque. It's at the Millers this month. They live two houses down. Please come by and you can get to know all the neighbors in one afternoon. Since you are new, you don't even need to bring anything. Just show up at about noon and bring your kids too. I should warn you though, it is an adult party. Not anything really bad, but there will be alcohol there. We set it up so that the older children babysit the younger children at a different house."

"That will be fine. Maybe my kids can show up for a bit to introduce themselves at least."

"Great. I'll see you there, then."

With that, she finished up her coffee, and I escorted her to the door. I had no idea that she had unknowingly invited me to an event that would destroy me. In her defense, she didn't know either. Not that it really mattered. Once she discovered what was happening, she became a willing participant in my destruction.

Saturday came, and Bill, Cassie, and I walked the two houses down just after noon. It was obvious which house it was from the sounds of a party in the back yard. Even though I was told that I didn't need to bring anything, I still brought a nice bottle of wine for the hosts. We followed the arrows to the open gate and into the backyard. Cassie and I were wearing sundresses over our bikinis, and Bill was wearing his board shorts with a tee shirt. We had been told to bring bathing suits because the pool was open, and swimming would be happening. Cassie and Bill were both wearing flip flops, while I was wearing a cute little pair of 3-inch wedge heels. I wanted to make a good first impression with my new neighbors.

We were greeted pleasantly by a few of the neighbors as soon as we got into the yard. They were not the owners of the house, but we still introduced ourselves. Apparently, the wife was in the kitchen finishing up some appetizers, and the husband was on the other side of the yard manning the grill. We had been there for about 10 minutes when it happened.


In shock, I turned to see who had screamed at me. I just couldn't understand the venom in her voice, since I had only just been introduced to only a couple of people here so far. I didn't know anyone there well enough to have that hatred thrown at me. When I turned to look at her, I understood. TT, or Terry Torres, and I knew her in high school. Flashing back for a second, I remembered that I had made no secret that when I called her TT, it wasn't to use her initials. Nope, I called her TT for Tiny Tits.

It's not something that I'm really proud of, but I was a real bitch back in high school. Head cheerleader, dating the starting quarterback, the most popular girl on campus, 40DD rack, Everything. Terry was just the opposite. Small, practically no tits, not very popular, etc. etc. etc. You get the picture. I did all sorts of nasty things to her just because I could, and it made me, and my friends, laugh. I did grow up and mature in college, but that probably didn't mean much to TT. I hadn't seen or heard anything about her since we graduated high school. Apparently, she had gotten married, and her last name was now Miller. I never even had a clue that we lived only a couple houses away from each other. This was going to get awkward. If only that had been the case.

"Terry, I had no idea that you lived here. Had I known, I would have come over privately and talked to you. I have wanted to sincerely apologize to you for how I acted in high school. I admit that I was a real bitch back then, and I am ashamed of my actions. I see that this is an awkward situation, so perhaps it would be better if we just left now. Maybe we can get together privately another time to discuss things." I said trying to diffuse the situation.

As I was talking, Terry had handed the tray she was carrying off to another woman and began circling around me. Her angry expression slowly turned into an evil smile. By the time I finished and was about to start ushering my kids back to the gate, she was now standing between me and our escape.

"Oh. You think so, huh? Not so fast. You made my life hell for all four years of high school. I never did anything to you to deserve the hell you put me through. Did you know that several times I even through of suicide to escape your tormenting me? Oh no, you don't get off with a simple apology for what you put me through. I have been thinking for years about what I was going to do to you if I ever saw you again. Now, fate seems to have served you up to me in my own back yard. You degraded and humiliated me for four years. Now, it's your turn, bitch."

"Look Terry, we are now grown adults. All that was decades ago. We will just leave, and we will avoid each other from now on."

"Sorry, well truthfully, I'm actually not sorry at all, but that's not gonna happen. Maybe after I'm done with you today, we can do that, but today, you are gonna be my bitch. I'll even give you a chance. If you can make it pat me to the gate, you can leave and never come back."

I glanced over at my kids. Two big guys were standing beside Bill, and two women were standing beside Cassie. Their looks made it clear that my kids would not be able to help. Still, Terry was always tiny. I calculated that my 5'6", 120-pound body was more than enough to overpower her 5'1", approximately 98-pound frame. I had height, weight and reach on her. Not only that, but I regularly worked out in the gym three days a week to keep myself fit.

"And my kids?" I asked.

"If you make it out the gate, they will follow you without harm. That is, if they are good and don't try to interfere."

Good enough for me. With that settled, I charged. My plan was to pretend to be an NFL running back and just plow over her. It was a good plan, until I was planted tits first on the grass. I landed hard, and my breath was blown out of my lungs. I tried to catch my breath as I was starting to get back up when I felt her jump on my back.

"OOF, UUUHHH." Were the sounds that escaped me when I felt two hard blows to my kidneys. Whatever breath I had remaining left me. She moved for an instant, then I felt an unimaginable agony in my right arm. I have no idea what kind of a hold she was using, but it felt like she was trying to rip it off my body. I was screaming as she held it for at least a minute before letting it go and got off of me.

"Come on, Bitch. Get up and try it again. I'm not even close to done playing with you yet." She taunted me.

I slowly managed to make it back to my feet. My right arm didn't seem to be really injured, but the residual pain and tingling made it pretty much useless at the moment. I still hadn't completely gotten my breath back, and my lower back was still in pain.

I tried to circle around her, but she just stepped over blocking my path every time. I decided to use my longer reach. Stepping in, I threw a punch with my left arm. She easily blocked it, then trapped my arm, pulled, and twisted. I found myself thrown down on the grass on my back this time. Before I could even think about defending myself, she spun on her back with her right leg in the air, then brought her heel crashing down into the pit of my stomach. My wind rushed out of me again.

"That try is gonna cost you." She giggled.

As I laid there gasping for breath, I felt her sliding the straps of my sundress over my shoulders and down my arms. I tried to weakly grasp the top of the dress to keep it from being pulled down, but I just didn't have the strength. In seconds, she was standing there holding her trophy. At least I still had my bikini on. Thankfully it was a modest bikini that fully covered everything. I didn't want the neighborhood to think I was some kind of slut that was trying to steal their husbands, after all.

"OK. I should let you know the rules now. You used up your free try the first time. Every time you try to get out, you lose a piece of clothing until you are naked. After that, you start getting punished. You can quit at any time, but the price for that is stripping odd any remaining clothing you have. Once either you give up or I have beaten all the fight out of you, the fun really begins.

"As for your kids, as long as they don't try to interfere, nothing will happen to them. They will just need to sit quietly and watch until I am done with you and throw you all out. We will make sure that they have food and drinks, so they don't go hungry or get thirsty. Should they try to interfere or escape at any time, they will be stripped naked and subject to everything that is being done to you."

I had to keep trying. The humiliation of being stripped naked and subject to whatever degradation Terry had planned was just too great. Out of breath, with my right arm still not working, I tried another football move. I charged her again, then at the last second, juked to the side to get around her. Nope. This time, she was sitting on the small of my back as I was face down in the grass. She grabbed my left leg, pulled it back, locked it in a very painful position and held it there. I was crying and screaming in agony as my hands were pounding on the grass. I have no idea how long she held it, but when she released it and stood back up, it wasn't working right. As I was laying there trying to get my leg to move again, I felt the back of my bikini top being untied. She rolled me over onto my back and simply plucked it way from my feeble grasp.

A few minutes later, I managed to stand back up. Limping and barely able to move my right arm, I began begging her to just let us go. She had already humiliated me in front of my children and all of our neighbors, so she had gotten her revenge on me.

"Not even close, Bitch. Unless you can get past me, the only way that you are leaving here is completely naked and broken. I have a long afternoon planned for you."

I had one shot left. I still had one working leg and one working arm. If I could grab her, I believed that I was still stronger than she was, so I could use my strength to lift her up and throw her down hard enough to incapacitate her long enough for me to limp through the gate. I had the reach on her, so maybe I could grasp the front of her dress, pull her in and grab her around the waist with my one good arm. If I couldn't throw her down hard enough, I would just do a knee-drop onto her stomach. I had no choice. It was the best plan I could come up with. I went for it.

I managed to grab her dress and pull. She surprised me by not only not resisting, but she actually moved with me. Instead of coming straight in, she quickly spun around so her back was to me, then I realized my mistake. Instead of her body contacting me, it was her right elbow that struck my stomach - HARD. I released my grasp on her dress, and instinctively, my hands went to the area of impact as I fell to my knees.

As I was retching, she moved behind me and pulled my bikini bottoms down to my knees. She then put her foot between my shoulder blades and pushed me forward onto the ground. She easily slipped my bikini bottoms the rest of the way down my legs and off of me.

"I kind of like those shoes you are wearing, so I think I'll let you keep them on." She announced.

I simply had nothing left. I was completely drained.

"OK, Bitch. Get back up and try again."

"Please, no." I whimpered. "Please. I can't. I'm begging you."

"Yeah. I know what that's like. Remember when I was begging you to stop, and you just laughed at me? Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. In honor of those memories, I will give your begging the same consideration you did to me all those years ago." She paused for a couple seconds, then said the first of those words that would cause me terror over that afternoon. "Honey, I need to borrow your belt."

I thought that I had no energy left. I was wrong. I didn't register the swish sound at first. The loud THWAK did register. A microsecond later, the line of agony across my ass also registered in my brain.