Neighborhood Secrets Pt. 06

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Crossdressing is at the center of neighborhood secrets.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/30/2023
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Part six of a seven (possibly eight) part series of exposed and confessed secrets of a crossdresser, his wife, and the neighbors. Yes, I changed how many parts this will be. As I was writing this part, I felt like I was going to have to squeeze too much into it, so I will be adding at least one more part and then probably an epilogue.

I backed my truck out of the driveway at four forty-five in the morning. I was surprised that Steph always slept through me getting up for work. I left our bedroom dark when I got up and tried to be as quiet as possible when I left the house.

My drive to work would take about forty-five minutes. Our shift didn't start until seven, but our culture was if you weren't an hour early you were late. The drive gave me plenty of time to reflect on the fact that I had accidentally outed myself to my daughter as a crossdresser yesterday morning, although she had suspected it before that happened.

At her request I had presented myself in girl mode to her yesterday afternoon and she had totally accepted it. We decided that when I was dressed, we would pretend to be an aunt and niece, not dad and daughter. That had allowed us to talk about things we probably would not have otherwise been comfortable doing. Who knew if that would work in the long term but yesterday it was successful.

The discussion at the dinner table yesterday evening was very different also. Along with her mom we had a very lighted hearted discussion about men that we thought were hot, talked about makeup, clothing, and nails. Both Steph and Callie said that I would love how my nails would look painted.

Bedtime for me came early on work days so my daughter helped me remove my makeup before I hoped in the shower. I came back down dressed as Brian, Steph and Callie were in the family room watching something on Netflix. I gave Steph a quick kiss and said good night. I smiled when Callie said good night Dad instead of referring to me as Aunt Bri.

I also spent a little time of the drive thinking about how much I had enjoyed giving our neighbor Rob a blow job on Sunday evening. I hadn't seen him since then and was a little nervous about what would happen when we finally did see each other.

I pulled into work and entered the back door of the firehouse. I immediately went to the captain's office and pulled up the staffing software so I could see who was working today. I knew one guy on the shift was on light duty from an injury a couple weeks ago, two guys were on vacation, including my driver. We would need someone working overtime to have a full roster today.

I was surprised and happy to see that Brianne Hullcomb was working overtime today and she was slated to drive the engine. It had been a year since the last time we had worked together, that time I was working overtime on her shift. I went to the kitchen, put the riding assignments on the board and headed up to change into my uniform.

"Hey Cap. Am I still driving you? I didn't stop to check the board." I heard a female voice say when I came back down and got to the apparatus floor.

"Good Morning Brianne, yep. Unless you want to ride backwards. I would move Billy to drive if I didn't have a driver working overtime, but he prefers to ride in the back and besides you can drive circles around him." I responded.

"Hey, I heard that." Billy yelled out from the other side of the truck where I couldn't see him.

"Okay... what did I say that wasn't true?"

"Nothing. Just wanted you to know I was over here." He laughed.

"I am glad you are working today. I wanted to chat with you about some stuff regarding Callie." I said to Brianne.

"Oh... okay. Everything alright?"

"Yea... nothing serious. Just some possible advice for her you might have."

After putting my gear on the rig and giving my equipment a quick check, I went back to the office and scanned my emails and looked at the planner. A slow morning was scheduled so we would do a good apparatus check and then head to PT. Just before seven I headed to the kitchen to do a quick briefing with the shift including the guys on the ambulance.

As I read over my notes to them, I noticed that Brianne was looking closely at me. Her eyes showed something, surprise, curiosity, I wasn't sure. It was making me uncomfortable. When I finished everyone but her got up from the table, topped off their coffee, and headed out to the apparatus. Brianne moved over to the chair next to me.

"Uh... Brian were you wearing makeup recently?" She asked very quietly and nervously.

I was shocked and sat there speechless for a second. Did I admit it to her?

"Uh... what? Makeup?" Was the best I could come up with.

"Your right eye... you can see a little eye liner, mascara, even maybe a touch of eye shadow."

"Uh... really? Are you sure."

"Yes... really. Um... let me run up and grab you a makeup remover pad. I will be right back." She quickly got up from her chair and headed up the stairs.

I sat there dumb founded, praying she would be back before anyone else could get a good look at me. They may have already noticed, and unlike her didn't think they could, or should say, anything. I heard Brianne coming down the stairs and she handed me two makeup removal packages.

"Here... umm... do you know how to use these? I don't think it would be a good idea for us to go into the bathroom together and have me do if for you." Her nerves were still evident in her voice.

"Yea... or sort of... can you... hang out here and check when I come out, please?" I said to her.

I moved to the bathroom and realized that I had just confessed to Brianne that this wasn't the first time I needed to remove makeup. I wasn't thinking straight, while I was trying to not be furious with my daughter for leaving some makeup on me. In fairness to her I hadn't noticed it either. I used the pads to scrub the makeup off and fortunately realized that I didn't want to leave the removal packaging and pads in the men's room.

I walked out and Brianne was standing in the kitchen next to the coffee machine. She smiled at me when she saw me and then saw what was in my hand. She stuck her hand out and I handed it to her, she gave a quick wink and nod and headed to the women's room. I went to the table and got my cup and when she came back, I thanked her quickly. She moved off to start her vehicle checks.

I went to my office trying to focus on the paperwork waiting for me. Instead, my mind was racing with what I should say to Brianne. Would she eventually ask questions, would she drop it, would she gossip about it? We had always been close, I considered her a friend as well as co-worker.

I knew she was liberal in her thinking and supported the LBGTQ community. There was a strong rumor that she was a member herself and was bisexual. She had kept her private life separate from the fire department so that was why it was a rumor. Her social media was mostly pictures of her at concerts, festivals, vacation, adventures, so there wasn't any confirmation on that.

Just before nine I went up and changed into my PT clothes. Washing my hands after peeing I kept looking at my eyes making sure there was no more evidence of my makeup wearing. I was happy when I got to the rig and everyone was there. One of my pet peeves was having to herd up grown adults when they knew in advance what time we were heading out of the firehouse.

The young guys in the back occupied most of the conversation on the way over to the local university's football stadium. They allowed us to use their facilities for our workouts. The PT plan for today was stadium stairs, mixed in with burpees, squats, and sit ups. When we got there, we went at it hard for forty-five minutes. It was funny seeing the look on the other guys' faces as Brianne not only kept up but took the lead. They didn't know she was a CrossFit badass.

When we finished, Brianne and I went out onto the field to do some stretching. This was the first time we were out of earshot of everyone else. I made some small talk about the workout and her CrossFit competitions; I was still feeling on edge. I think she could sense the nervousness in my voice.

"Um... you said you wanted to talk to me about Callie earlier?" She asked.

"Yea... she is saying she wants to be firefighter. I totally support that of course but I also know that... well let's be honest... being successful is more difficult for a woman. I was wondering if I could point her in your direction for advice, guidance... and I guess for you to be kind of a mentor."

"Really? Of course! Wow... that is very flattering. Of course. Has she put in any applications yet?" Brianne said enthusiastically.

"Oh... no... I am hoping that she will hold off until after college but in case she doesn't, and to get her on the front side of it, I wanted to suggest she reach out to you now."

"Yea... well my first advice would be the college thing. The online thing will work but God, I don't have to tell you what a pain that is. Aren't you almost done?"

"Three more classes after I finish the current one."

"Awesome. You can see the finish line. You will make battalion chief for sure if you get that done." She smiled at me.

I didn't respond and an uncomfortable silence fell over us. I was still deciding if I should say something about this morning. I stopped stretching and turned and looked at her at the exact moment she looked at me which made it even more uncomfortable.

"Hey... about this morning. First, I am not going to tell anyone what I saw and from what I could tell I was the only one who noticed..."

"Thank God... that is a relief." I cut her off.

"I am... well... I am curious about why you had been wearing makeup and apparently know how to use makeup remover?"

I didn't say anything immediately because I was deciding what to tell her.

"But... if you don't want to tell me that is okay also.... Just know, I won't judge no matter what the reason is." She smiled sincerely at me.

"Thanks... um... I want to tell you I am just literally scared to death to say it out loud."

"I get it. When I first told someone I was bisexual I was scared to death. I still don't tell many people and don't broadcast it or anything. I always worry that people will change how they see me."

"Yea... That is the first time you have told me that. People suspect it but I think that is because you are an athletic woman, in a man's job, who has never dated any of the male co-workers. Part of it is also the fragile male egos that you have turned down. Men don't like rejection, especially from very attractive women so they will say things to demeaning about them. In your case they say you turn them down because you are a... dyke."

"I am very attractive? Not sure why but I like getting that compliment from you. And yea... trust me I have heard that I am dyke a lot. Truthfully, I am more of a lipstick lesbian with girls, and I am don't mind a little male companionship either." She laughed at the end.

I blurted out. "I am crossdresser."

She smiled at me. "Really? Like... fully dress up... complete outfits, makeup, all of that?"


"Wow... that is great. And Steph is okay with it? Sorry, I don't mean to pry."

"Uh... we are still figuring it out." I told her.

"Oh... so, it is a new thing. My advice is to be honest with her. Oh, and don't borrow her stuff without permission." She giggled about borrowing her stuff.

"It isn't new... I have been doing it since my teens. And I made the borrowing mistake years ago and it caused a lot of problems, part of the reason we are working on figuring things out now." I smiled at her.

"Wow... I am surprised, but somehow not totally surprised. You have never come off as some macho type A like some many of the male firefighters. Don't worry, I will keep your secret. Let me know if you ever want to go out when you are dressed up. I know a club that a lot of cross dressers go to."

"Thanks... and I... well I would love that, I have never been out of the house dressed, it is one of my biggest fantasies." I told her nervously.

"Really, then we will have to make it happen... umm... do you... uh... do you look good when you are dressed?"

"Are you asking if I pass? I think so... at least if you don't look to closely."

"Well at that club it wouldn't really matter if you didn't. If you do though, you need me to go with you to be your wing woman and help you fend off all the tranny chasers that show up there." Brianne gave me a big smile and a laugh.

"What if I want to be chased and caught though?" I blurted it out and instantly regretted it.

"Woe... and the plot thickens it sounds like... we really need a girl's night out so I can learn about your secrets...."

She was interrupted when our portable radios alerted, and we heard the computer-generated voice dispatch us for a medical emergency. We both got up and started to jog to the rig. I had felt a sense of relief hearing her promise about keeping my secret. I also had at least a little curiosity about her offer. I knew I wanted to eventually get out of the house while dressed and it sounded like a potentially safe opportunity to do that.

We never really had a chance to talk the rest of the shift. It turned out to be pretty active, mostly medical calls, vehicle accidents, and a couple of fire alarm calls. She was only scheduled to work the day side of the shift. After her relief came in, she poked her head in to tell me she was leaving and before closing the door discreetly made the offer to go to the club with me again.

Steph had texted me several times during the day and early evening. That was pretty normal for the days I was working, and she was off work. It was normally stuff about the house, Callie, or other routine things, and that was what the texts had been about today. I was happy to see that after everything that had happened over my four-day break nothing had changed with that.

Right before bed I got one more text. 'Hope you have a quiet night. If you get home early enough in the morning maybe, we can have a little fun before I go to work.'

I was surprised at her text. I think it may have been the first time she had ever sent anything like that to me. I quickly responded. 'I will be up and ready to go as soon as my relief gets here. Good Night.'

'I hope you are also UP and ready to go after you get home. Good Night.' She had added a winking emoji to that text.

I was a little shocked as I put my phone down. To text me and say she wanted to have sex was a shock. The comment about hoping I was up and ready to go was also a shock. We never wrote stuff like that to each other in texts. I climbed into my bunk and hoped I would have a quiet night.

Just after five in the morning a loud buzzer and the sudden brightness of lights woke me up. We were dispatched to a gas leak inside a Home Depot. The operator of a fork lift had hit one of the gas lines in the ceiling and it was leaking into the building. This wasn't the first time this had happened, so we knew what to do, evacuate the building, cut off the gas at the meter, monitor the gas level in the store, and ventilate the building.

All of that took some time and it was just after seven when I got back to the firehouse. I quickly passed on information to the oncoming captain, tore down my bunk, jumped in the shower and was on the road home just past seven-thirty. Traffic was heavy and it was just after eight-thirty when I walked into my house. I yelled out for Steph but didn't hear anything. I walked into our bedroom I could hear the shower running, and I yelled out again to let her know I was home.

I thought briefly about jumping in the shower with her but knew she wasn't a fan of shower sex. I decided I would just wait until she was done and hope that she would think we would still have time for at least a quickie before she had to leave for work. The latest she could leave would be nine-thirty and still make it on time. I heard the shower cut off and the bathroom door open.

"Hey... sorry I was late getting home. Ran a call about five and didn't get back to the firehouse until seven." I yelled out.

"Oh... hey... I laid in bed as long as I could hoping some hot fireman would find me there." Her voice got louder as she came out of the bathroom.

"Trust me... I tried to get here as soon as I could."

My voice trailed off as I saw that Steph was naked as she walked out of the bathroom her hair was still wet. She knew that was a turn on for me.

"And why were you in a hurry to get here?" She asked as she climbed onto the bed.

I didn't answer, I pulled my shirt off and dropped my shorts and boxers. Steph was now laying spread eagle in the middle of the bed as I crawled up between her legs. Holding myself up with my arms, I bent down and kissed her firmly on the mouth. Her arms pulled me close to her and I felt her breasts press against my chest. My cock pressed between her legs, and I felt her moving below me. She was already very wet and warm, and I easily slid into her. We both let out a low moan.

I kissed her deeply while slowly moving in and out. When I broke our kiss, she smiled at me, and I began to pick up my pace.

"Wow... God it feels so amazing inside you. You seemed very ready to go this morning." I said pointing out how wet she was.

"I have been ready to go since last night." She responded while wrapping her legs around me. "I might have started a little in the shower without you. Luckily, I had just started when I heard you were home."

I knew that meant she had taken the shower wand off the wall and was using that to bring herself pleasure. Years ago, I had caught her doing it and for awhile, it had become a joke with us when she took a long shower. When our sex life had tailed off, we had stopped joking about sex so the fact that she was confessing to doing it was another sign with how open we were being with each other again.

"What got you going last night?" I asked.

"Nothing really specifically. This has to be a true quickie though and... can you pull out... I don't want to go to work with you leaking out of me this morning."

Her legs seemed to wrap tighter around me, and I was picturing cum leaking into her panties while she was at work. Those two things increased my arousal, and I knew I would need to focus on not cuming too soon. She released her legs from around my waist and I knew that meant she wanted to get on top.

One leg stayed hooked around me and I grabbed her ass as we started to roll. I was able to stay inside her as she ended up on top. We both laughed a little as she looked down at me. When we were younger, we used to do that all the time, but it was the first time we had done it in a while.

Steph began rocking on me and I could feel her pushing her groin into me. I knew she was trying to grind her clit on the top of my pelvis, I grabbed her hips and ass to pull her tight against me. Her breathing got quicker and faster which was good because I wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. When I lifted my head up and sucked one of her breasts into my mouth she immediately yelled out as she orgasmed. Hearing, feeling, and seeing her cum pushed me to the edge.

"Off, get off me, off me right now or I am filling you with cum.... Right now." I yelled out.

I saw Steph's face as she recognized what I was saying, and she quickly got off me and brought her hand to my dick and stroked me just as my first rope of cum shot out landing on my chest.

"Oh fuck..." I cried out and more cum covered my stomach.

Steph slowed her stroking and softened her grip as I finally stopped cuming. She looked at me and I saw something in her eyes. She took two fingers and scooped some cum off my stomach and brought them to my mouth. Without thinking I opened my mouth and sucked on them tasting myself. She pulled them out and scooped up the cum on my chest and we did it again.