Never Alone


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She arches her back, lifting her hips to give him better access, enjoying every second of it whether it is his intention or not. He slows and she whimpers in protest. The measured motion is not enough to bring her to climax and he knows it.

More digits are added and she's sure she's about to tear in two. Maybe she would have had he not done it so slowly. His left hand can feel his right through the thin layer between the two orifices. Her squirming and moaning is enough to make him semi hard again.

When he begins to alternate, she starts begging quietly into the mattress. He slowly works one arm then the other, stretching both openings until he tries his entire fist in her dripping quim.

"Please... please..." she says, raising her head so her pleas are capable of being heard.

"Please what?"

"Faster... I can't... take it..." He removes his fist, only to shove the other quickly into the less-welcoming opening, making her cry out. This time pain is mingled with pleasure, which he prefers.

"Oh... oh Master..." he continues drilling her similarly, ignoring where she needs him more. "Faster... please... Liam." This causes him to pause, still buried nearly to the wrist in her ass.

"What did you call me?" This is punctuated with a small jerk deeper, causing her to yelp.

"I'm... I'm sorry Master." He twists his wrists and repeats the question. "I called you Liam, Sir."

"Never. Again. Understand?" Each word is another thrust into her stretched and abused hole. Tears leak from her eyes. "Stay."

She hears him leave the room and the door shut behind him, but doesn't dare move. He returns after only a couple minutes, but it feels much longer. "Put this back on. We're leaving." He tosses the dress at her and she struggles to put it on as quickly as possible. He grabs her by one arm while she's still adjusting the dress with her other hand.

The limo is waiting for them outside a door different from the one they entered. She is grateful he doesn't drag her across the dance floor and among all the displays of kink. Greta slides in first and the door is shut behind Liam.

"On the floor. You need to learn your place." She obeys silently, understanding the point he's trying to make, but finding the strategy odd.

She considers apologizing, but that would only take away from her triumph tonight. Liam and Jase had been like putty in her hands. She made Liam jealous while dancing with Jase and had obvious arousing effects on both of them. She had been in control if only for a few minutes.

Neither of them speaks the entire ride home. Sitting on the floor might have been a punishment in a regular car, but Greta sits comfortably with her legs stretched out in front of her while leaning against the low seat behind her.

No words are exchanged until they've arrived back at the mansion and he's led her to a small upstairs room. The light from the hallway illuminates the prison-like space long enough for Greta to spot a tiny bed - void of all the plush coverings like her former one – and a door on the far side of the room.

"I've treated you too well, my pet. You need to be reminded of your place." The click of a lock startles her after she's left in complete darkness. Her hands automatically reach for the knob, which doesn't budge when she rattles it.

"Go to bed, Pet." The growling voice is enough to make her want to run, which she almost does when he punctuates the demand with a pound on the door. She slowly makes her way across the black room, looking for the other door.

It reveals a small bathroom, lit by a nightlight. The glow is comforting and Greta realizes how unsettling the complete darkness had been. There are no clothes in the room so she climbs into the bed without any, drifting off to sleep surprisingly quickly.

* * *

"Hungry yet, Pet?" His voice scares her awake and she blinks into the light from the open door. He is only a silhouette, which makes him all the more intimidating. She won't let him know the effect he has on her though and she refuses to answer. They've been through this script three times before.

Had she already spent an entire day in this room?

"Are you sure?" Her stomach betrays her and responds with a grumble. He motions to someone in the hallway who brings in a chair and a small table. Liam sets the tray he's been holding down and sits in the chair. "Crawl to me."

The door is still open and he is still a silhouette. Greta realizes the hunger strike idea is nonsense and decides to play along. She drops her legs off the side of the bed for the first time in a long time. "I said crawl." After a moment of hesitation, she drops to her knees and slowly slinks toward the delicious smell of food.

"Good girl," he says, holding out a small morsel of food. She reaches for it with her hand, but he pulls it away. After scooting closer, she grabs for it again. "No, no, my pet."

She places her hands on her knees and sits back on her heels obediently. When she leans forward, her breasts press against his legs. He rewards her with the piece of food, placing it directly into her mouth. It is a tease and only makes her stomach beg more loudly.

"Please, I'm hungry." The weak voice doesn't sound like her own. "I'm sorry. Please let me eat something."

"I love hearing you beg, but I'm afraid that won't be enough."

"I'm sorry for calling you..." But she trails off. After a moment of silence she stretches up straighter so that the food is within reach.

"Back as you were." She returns to her position with a sigh.

"What do you want? What can I do?" That sounds more like her but she cringes at the harshness, knowing it might anger him.

"I want you to sit quietly and listen carefully." She only nods in response. "You've become far too comfortable here and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to truly break you and keep you as my submissive."

"Break me? You've broken me ten times over!" Tears threaten to accumulate, but she refuses to let them.

"A broken person would not so easily admit she's broken," he says, raising his voice above hers. "You're a fighter and a survivor. You can't even sit and listen silently like I told you to."

"So what are you going to do with me?"

"There's an auction in a week... overseas. I could be rid of you and not worry about any repercussions."

"Is there an 'or'?"

"Not if you keep speaking to me like that." After a long pause, he continues, "Or we can work something out that allows you to stay stateside." He brings food to her lips and she takes it eagerly. She doesn't say anything, hoping to be rewarded for her silence.

"If I were to free you, where would you go?"

"Before or after I go to the police?" Lucky for her, he chuckles.

"Assuming you don't tell the authorities."

"That's quite a hypothetical."

"Humor me."

"My apartment then."

"I sold it." Before she can attack, he hushes her and offers her another bite. "All of your belongings are in storage. It was much less suspicious than paying for an empty apartment."

"I'd... I'd go to a friend's then I'd have to find out if I still have my job."

"I can't imagine someone as reserved as you has many friends she can just drop in on and ask to stay. And you'd want to go back to that monotonous job?"

"What point are you trying to make?"

"Your life was boring. No one noticed you, no one cared."

"That's not true!" Greta yells, standing. "Is this your last attempt at breaking me?"

"No, that's why I picked you."

"Fuck you." Greta swings her hand toward his face without thinking. He ensnares her wrist before she can inflict any damage. She doesn't fight him when he twists her arm into a painful position behind her back and forces her across his lap.

"If you're trying to earn yourself a one-way ticket to Pakistan, you're doing a great job."

"I'd rather that than stay here with you!" She starts squirming, but he only tightens his grip and leans down over her.

"I don't think that's true," he mumbles into the back of her neck. His hand trails slowly down her spine and she tenses. Don't fall under his spell. He massages her rump and she gradually relaxes so that the stinging slap is shocking.

"Get up." She scrambles off him and takes a step back while he gathers the food. The door slams behind him and she's left in darkness again. Her stomach complains about losing the food and is swamped with a sickening feeling because she knows he's right.

She has nothing to go back to. This is the first time she's ever felt a drive to live... a drive to do anything. Up until now she's coasted along, done what she needed to in order to get by, and avoided making waves. Simply existed. He's made her feel things she could never have imagined.

He's made her feel alive.

CHAPTER 13: In the Dark

Greta is roused from a deep sleep by gentle fingers caressing her face. They trace her cheek bone, her lips, her jaw. His face is inches away when her eyelids flutter open. When she reaches for him, she realizes her arms are restrained above her head. Her back arches in attempt to pull free, but she doesn't make a sound.

"Relax. I'm not angry. I'm not going to hurt you." His voice sounds far away... unreal... dreamlike. Those gentle hands stroke each breast - one then the other. He draws sweeping circles across her abdomen and she tenses when the tender touches reach her pubic mound.

"Tell me you'd rather stay here than be sold as a pleasure slave."

"Yes," she whispers immediately before choosing to be difficult.

"Yes what?" he asks as his hand slips between her thighs.

"Yes, Master, I want to stay with you." The words flow so easily off her tongue. He smiles and positions himself between her legs.

"And you'll obey me?"

"Yes... yes Sir," she whimpers, raising her hips as an invitation. She's been craving this, locked in that dark room alone. He eases inside her slowly, gently until he fills her completely. This is unlike any encounter they've ever had.

Because it isn't real.

"It's as real as you want it to be, Greta. Is this what you want me to do? Make love to you?" Their bodies work together as one, carrying them both towards climax without pain intermingled in the pleasure, but it's not right.


"Stop. Get out of my head." Her limbs strain against him and against the binds, pushing him away as best she can.

Then he's not there.

Her wrists are not bound.

It was a dream.

She climbs out of bed, tossing the blankets on the ground. When she finds the door through the darkness, she pounds on it with both fists. "Liam... Liam!"

The door opens before she can yell for him again. "I told you not to call me that."

"How? How do you do it?"

"There are a lot of things you can do while dreaming that you can't do in real life... like share a dream with a beautiful submissive... or make love to a man you claim to hate."

"I do hate you. I hate what you've done to me."

"Don't lie to me, Greta. I've made you feel alive." That word.

"No, you've ruined me." As if she didn't learn the first time, she tries to strike him again. He bats her attempt away easily then grabs her upper arms, propelling her into the wall. He kisses her neck, ignoring her protests.

"Unbuckle my pants... now." She obeys with shaking hands while he holds her firmly. "Keep going," he instructs her when she's finished that task. He lets go of her long enough to pull his shirt off over his head and she doesn't dare move.

They stand completely nude only inches away, both breathing heavy. He presses his body against hers before whispering, "Is this what you want?"

"I... I..." Her stutters are enough of an answer so he lifts her up and impales her in one motion. She moans happily, but he doesn't continue. Her legs move of their own accord and wrap around him as encouragement. He slides out then drills into her again, slamming her back into the wall. She doesn't complain as he repeatedly smashes into her. Her back will be bruised in the morning, but she doesn't care. She wants him desperately.

"Or is this too rough for you?" he pauses to ask. Leaning against her and penetrating her scuba-deep. "You wanted it gentle when you were dreaming."

"No," she breaths. He grips her legs tighter, pumping into her faster and faster until both of them are panting.

"Sit in that chair and don't move," he demands after they've finished. He returns moments later with a tray of food and a second chair. After sitting across from her and watching her salivate about the food, he tells her to eat before it gets cold.

She rushes to comply before he changes his mind. Her heart sinks when he stands, but he ignores her. A blanket falls over her naked shoulders and she's met with a smile when she turns to look at him. She returns it with the crinkle of her brow and nothing more.

"Have you decided what you're going to do with me?" she asks when she's finished. He only shakes his head and continues watching her intently. The silence gets too heavy so she speaks again.

"I don't want to be sold."

"I don't want to sell you." There is no emotion in his voice and she tries to match his apathy, but she can't prevent the elated twinkle from appearing in her eye. "But I will if I have to." Greta drops her eyes to the food in front of her and eats a couple more bites in silence.

"Finished?" he finally asks.

"Yes, Sir." He leaves and she returns to the bed.

* * *

"Crawl to me," says the silhouette who she obeys without hesitation. She eats from one chair; he watches attentively from the other.

"Have you decided what you're going to do with me?" she asks after she has had her fill. The shake of the head. Always just the shake of the head.

How many times have we run through this conversation?

After a few more minutes during which it is clear she wants nothing more to eat, he asks 'Finished?' to which she always replies 'Yes Sir'. Then she is left in darkness again, which is disorienting.

The food is all similar.

His attire is always the same.

She hasn't seen natural light in days – only the fluorescent glow from the hallway.

Her week must be coming to a close, but she has no way of knowing.

CHAPTER 14: Saved

Greta doesn't realize the dark figure standing in the doorway is different until she's already swung her legs off the side of the bed and dropped to her knees. "He did manage to get you trained, didn't he?" The voice is familiar and she feels panic bubble up inside her.

"Didn't think you'd have to deal with me again did you?"

"Please, please don't hurt me. I never told him what you were about to do to me in the van." The van. Kidnapped. It feels so long ago.

"Well then I can trust you won't tell him about this either," her tormentor replies, taking off his shirt as he slowly approaches the bed. Greta scrambles to her feet and climbs to the opposite side.

"Don't touch me. Liam will find out and he won't like it."

"First name basis huh? I guess we should make sure he doesn't find out then. Now get back on the bed quietly and you'll avoid a lot of pain."

"No! Leave me alone!" He doesn't listen and she's cornered. She can hardly breathe when her face is pressed into the mattress, but she screams anyway. He stands behind her and her heel meets his shin, hurting her nearly as much as it does him so she switches to stomping his toes.

"Quit it, bitch. Stay still." She doesn't so he drags her by the hair onto the bed, continuing to smother her and suppress her cries. His now-naked legs sit on hers, preventing her from kicking and stomping any more. The position he has her pinned in makes it difficult to reach behind her, but she claws at him fiercely.

That too is ended when he lays his full weight on top of her and wrestles her arms into handcuffs attached to the head of the bed. She is able to lift her head and scream while he quickly retrieves a gag to stifle the noise. Enjoying his first bondage experience, he decides to restrain her flailing legs as well.

"I see why Liam enjoys this so much. Now how about some payback for being so difficult?" Objects clink against each other as he rummages around in a bag by the bed. Something loud cuts through the air and the whip in the inexperienced hands hurts like nothing Liam has ever done to her.

Liam does it to teach, not for revenge.

Greta pushes the thought from her mind. Both men are monsters. She doesn't attempt to hold back tears. Her wails are stifled, but still loud enough to spur evil chuckles from the man above her. Again and again the leather bites her skin until she hears it fall to the ground and she prepares herself for something just as bad.

The mattress sinks between her legs and he grips her thighs, pulling them up and apart roughly. He nestles in between them, preventing her from closing her legs. Crudely, he spits into his hand and rubs it on his member before positioning it between her burning mounds.

"Please not there." Even if the words aren't completely clear, he understands their intention, but all she gets in response is a laugh. She holds back a scream when he thrusts himself inside her. He'd enjoy that. She won't give him that pleasure.

Suddenly he freezes inside her and starts to stutter, "B... Boss... I thought you... left."

"The auction was busted before we arrived. We had to turn around." Liam's voice is laced with a terrifying amount of anger. Greta shivers even though it's not directed towards her. The man slides out slowly. "I hope you have a good explanation for this."

"I... I... She needed to be taught a lesson," he claims as he steps off the bed, distancing himself from Liam.

"What could she possibly have done to offend you so much?" He's closer now, but Greta doesn't crane her neck to watch. She buries her embarrassed, tear-streaked face into the bed and listens.

"She tried to escape."

"I don't believe you."

"Boss, please. I'm sorry. I..." His apology is cut off by the distinct sound of breaking bone. This is followed by a grunt as the air is knocked from his lungs and a soft thud as he falls to his knees.

"Get out and don't come back. If I see you again, I'll kill you." Greta catches a glimpse of the man hobbling out the door, cupping blood under his broken nose. Liam just stands there, breathing heavy, watching the shuddering form of the beaten girl on the bed.

He gently removes the gag first to ask, "What did you do to anger him?"

"Nothing!" she sobs. He begins to remove the handcuffs, but after examining them, he steps out into the hallway to turn on the light. Greta cringes and sinks further into the mattress.

"You shouldn't have fought him. You only made it worse," he tells her when he sees the blood under her fingernails and the seeping scrapes from straining against the handcuffs. "Keep your hands on the pillow. You're bleeding and I don't want it to get everywhere."

When he releases her ankles, she pulls her legs up into the fetal position. It creates new pain across her back as her damaged skin is stretched, but she doesn't care. "Can you get up? We should get you washed off."

His kindness makes the tears start flowing again. How can one man transform from a pain-inflicting monster to her savior? It's confusing and she hates it... hates him. She doesn't want his help, but at the same time, she needs it.

"Greta, I'm trying to be patient because you didn't deserve this punishment but if you don't start cooperating, it's not going to last long."

"I don't want your sympathy and I don't need your help!"

"That's a lie and we both know it. Now get up or I'll carry you." She doesn't move until he attempts to pick her up. She pushes him away and pain shoots through her body. Maybe she shouldn't have fought that man. Muscles hurt that she had forgotten existed.