Never Insult a Repecki Pt. 06-07

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The finale.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/19/2022
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 6

"What do you need, Commander?" Lieutenant Kiandra Eastman saluted Commander Gren. Out of the corner of her eye, she studied the big blue ensign beside the commander. It was odd meeting with two crew members in the large conference room.

"You have no husband. I couldn't find anything about a boyfriend in your file, Lieutenant. Do you have one?" Gren gazed at her coolly.

"Yes, Commander. I plan on visiting him when I'm on leave. He lives on Mars. Which is... um... near Earth." Kiandra didn't understand why her superior officer would need to know about her boyfriend. Commanders were often inscrutable.

"I know where Mars is." Gren looked at Ummul. "A boyfriend is not a husband. Good enough?"

"Yes, good enough." Ummul had his doubts about this. But Gren seemed certain. And Kiandra was quite pretty, with dark, lustrous skin, and a pleasing female form. He consoled himself that she would be the last female he would invite until he returned to Roven. "Hold still just a moment." His ears pointed forward.

"What are you... eeeewwwwwwww." Kiandra closed her eyes as something warm and wet hit her face. She wiped the viscous goo out of her eyes and blinked at the two aliens. "Did he just spray me with something?"

"Give it a few seconds, Lieutenant." Gren stood still, her hands behind her back.

"Take that big, blue oaf to the brig. This is disgusting." Kiandra looked at the clear goo on her hands. "I... I... I feel strange."

"There it is." Gren let a smile slip onto her face.

"I'm hot... and... what's happening?" Kiandra was suffocating in her clothes. She broke out in a sweat. Without thinking, she kicked off her boots, unzipped her uniform, and stepped out of it. She stood before them wearing only her bra and panties.

"Look at that body. She must please you, Ensign." Gren gestured at Kiandra's large breasts.

"She is very pretty. That was never my problem with this, Commander. It has more to do with keeping things in order." Ummul unzipped his own uniform. "And I am now having all the sex that I require."

"Getting blasted by a ventral cannon is pretty disorganizing." Gren arched an eyebrow at Ummul.

"Why do I feel like I'm... pulsing?" Kiandra took a few wobbly steps. Both her pussy and asshole seemed to be opening and closing rhythmically, like they were breathing. She looked down to see that her panties were soaked.

"You have accepted the Invitation. Your body is changing to allow me to enter you." Ummul stepped out of his uniform, his penis standing proudly before him.

"Jesus Christ." Kiandra's boyfriend was big, but this alien was in another league. His blue dick pulsed horrifically... at the same rate as her pussy. "I... um... why?"

"That is a good question, Lieutenant. Perhaps the commander will answer that for you later." Ummul stepped forward and lowered her sopping panties. He found that the clasp of the bra was too small for his fingers. "Please remove your bra."

"Like hell I will." Panties around her ankles, Kiandra stared at the giant penis swaying before her.

"Very well. It stays." He didn't want to ask for Gren's help. Instead, he lifted Kiandra into the air, took hold of her butt, and maneuvered his cock to the entrance of her pussy.

Why was she putty in his arms? Kiandra's mind shrank and shrank until all that was left was a desire to become one with the alien. "Eeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." She threw her head back and screamed when he pushed inside her. Her pussy gushed around the invading thing. "Ssooooooo... uuugggghhhhhhhh... big... oh... shiiiiittttttt." Her feet flopped on either side as she descended down that great length.

"You have... two boyfriends... now." Ummul tightened his grip on her ass, pulled her up the length of his cock and slammed her back down. He found a good rhythm and soon his newest female was bouncing in the air and clutching fruitlessly at his chest with her fingers. "I will... uh... uh... uh... take good care of you... I... promise."

"What's... ugh... ugh... your... name?" Kiandra looked up into Ummul's large face. She could see passion there. His grunts were wild and animalistic. It was pure bliss to be joined to such a handsome beast. How had she thought he was ugly only minutes before? His overwhelming beauty triggered her first orgasm.

Ummul slowed his pace as he waited for her to stop screaming. When her eyes seemed to see him again, he smiled. "I am... Ummul... Lieutenant. And I think we better... switch to your butt. I want to be... cautious."

"What!?" Kiandra's mind was fragmented, but even in the best of times it seemed she would not have been able to wrap her thoughts around what he'd said. She didn't need to conceptualize, however, because Ummul showed her.

Gren undressed, too, as Ummul sat on the floor and maneuvered Kiandra into a riding position. The commander fingered her pussy as she watched the human hump herself on Ummul's mighty penis. Gren was quite amused when Kiandra declared over and over that she'd never had anal sex before. It seemed that the woman had a knack for it. As the lieutenant went from orgasm to orgasm, Gren gave herself a few of her own. When Ummul finished inside the woman's butt, Gren used every ounce of willpower not to ask for the Invitation herself. Instead, she helped clean and dress Kiandra, said goodbye to Ummul, and escorted the woman back to her quarters. Back at Kiandra's place, Gren explained the rules for being Ummul's girlfriend. If they were careful, they might never get caught.


For the safety of all, Ummul's girlfriends followed Commander Gren's rules as closely as they could. All meetings would take place in reserved training or leisure rooms. They would not communicate except through channels secured by Commander Gren. They would report any questioning by husbands or other crew members so that one of the other girlfriends could provide an alibi. And they would not see Ummul more than three times per week. The rules worked. The girlfriends and Ummul safely met and mated for months without incident.

One day Amelia stood with Ummul in the jungle training room, rubbing the Invitation onto her swollen breasts. "That's what... I've been needing," she purred.

"I... um... hesitate to mention it... Mrs. Collins. But your body seems to be changing." Ummul had studied human gestation. Since he'd learned about morning sickness, he had become quite concerned. "You have told me that your nausea has lessened. You seem to match all the markers for your second trimester of pregnancy."

"Are you calling me fat, sweetheart?" Amelia was too excited by the Invitation's effects to take offense. "I had a very similar argument with my husband a few days ago, and that ended with him sleeping on the sofa."

"I am not arguing. I am concerned you may be pregnant." Ummul couldn't control the rise of his cock. Amelia's beauty seemed all the more compelling in her curvier state.

"That's almost exactly what he said." Amelia giggled. She walked up to the blue brute, grabbed him by the cock, and pulled him past imitation foliage into a clearing. "Me Jane... you Tarzan... Jane hump Tarzan." Amelia laughed, pushed him to a sitting position on a mossy rock, and mounted him. "Could a pregnant woman... oooohhhhhhhh... do this?" She lowered her pussy on his cock and immediately rode him hard.

"I do not... ugh... know." Ummul was flummoxed by her cavalier response to his questions. "Maybe... you should see... a doctor to find out?"

Amelia giggled and grunted at the same time. "I can't be... pregnant... silly goose." She kissed his big nose. "I have only been with... uh... uh... uh... you and... James. And... I always... make James... ooohhhhhhh... wear a condom. He says... he can't feel it with one on. But... uuuugggghhhhhh... I'm guessing that has... more to do... with what you've done to my... pussy." Amelia shook her way through a climax.

Ummul left the training room several hours later. His body was satisfied after the coupling, but his mind was not. He was not sure what to do. He needed more proof before bothering Commander Gren with his suspicions.


Two days later, he met with both Katlin Darling and Claire Tanner in a reserved leisure room with an excellent view of the sea of stars all around them. The women quickly undressed, and so did Ummul. But he was not as fast as them. He observed them both closely. It was not as obvious as with Amelia, but he felt their bodies were changing, too. "Have either of you been throwing up lately?"

"Well, that's an odd question." Claire smiled at him like he had made some sort of crude joke. She wasn't always sure what her blue boyfriend was talking about, but she had decided a while ago that he couldn't possibly be as earnest as he seemed. "Of course not."

"I have." Katlin held up her hand.

"I see." Ummul nodded and finished undressing. They both looked up at him with expectation. He sprayed them with the Invitation. "And do you use birth control with your husbands?"

"You are so weird sometimes, Ummul." Katlin rubbed the goo into her skin, bent forward, and took the head of his penis into her mouth.

"I think it's kind of hot to talk about." Claire smiled. "Gary and I are trying to have a baby. So, no." She looked up into his frowning face. Despite the blowjob by her friend, Ummul looked quite unhappy. "I'm sorry, Ummul. I hope you don't mind. I mean... he is my husband still... and..."

"It's not that." Ummul thought things over as Claire joined Katlin. They licked either side of his dick. It felt good, but the pleasure was attenuated by his concerns. "And are you trying for a baby, Mrs. Darling?"

"Bill... and I... haven't... had sex... in months." Katlin said between licks.

"Oh... okay." Ummul was done talking with Katlin, so he absentmindedly cupped her head in his hand and directed her mouth back to his cockhead. Soon she was gagging and bobbing on him. "Have you taken a pregnancy test, Mrs. Tanner?"

"Yes." Claire stepped back and watched the blowjob. Her vagina pulsed and gushed. She was ready for some action. "Several. They were all negative." She turned her butt toward him and wiggled it. "Now, are we going to talk about family planning all night or what?"

Ummul sighed with relief. The tests were negative. He would ask Amelia and Katlin to get tested as well, but maybe he had been overreacting. There was still so much he didn't know about humans. It could be that their bodies gained curves the more sex they had. They had certainly been getting lots of it. He would have to look into other possible explanations. "Yes, we can mate now." He pulled Katlin off his cock and tossed her over his shoulder. He picked up Claire and held her under his arm. He carried them over to a long sofa under the viewing window.

"Oh... gosh... every time... is like the first time... with you... Ummul." Claire stood on the sofa and pushed back at her boyfriend. He still had Katlin over his shoulder, with one of his blue fingers in her pussy. She gazed over her shoulder at the mesmerizing sight. He could carry them around like little playthings. "Cum in me... oh... yeessssss... cum in me."

"Almost... there." Ummul pulled out of her vagina and plunged into her butt. Even if this had all been a false alarm, he would be more careful with all of them going forward. At any rate, on Roven he would always use a female's back entrance until they were ready to procreate. That was normal. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh." Ummul roared and emptied himself inside the shaking wife.

Chapter 7

"Commander Gren, how nice to see..." Ummul's words died away when he saw Claire following the commander. "What's wrong, Mrs. Tanner?"

Claire didn't answer, but tears streamed steadily down her cheeks.

"Come with me, Ensign." Gren returned his salute and marched down the hall. She was very aware of all the eyes on the crying woman she had in tow.

"But I am servicing the disposal tubes." Ummul's hands were too big for the work, but he was faithfully trying to finish the task.

"I will assign someone else to take over." Gren pulled up a screen in front of her and assigned Claire's husband to the job. He was currently off duty, and she wanted him occupied.

"Yes, Commander." Ummul put down his tools and followed her. He was surprised when they ended up in Gren's quarters. Once the door closed behind him, he dropped to a knee and hugged Claire, doing his best to comfort her. He glanced at Gren, who looked even more severe than usual. "What happened to her?"

"You did." Gren sighed. "Or at least that is the most logical explanation. Despite the negative pregnancy tests, the doctor decided to run a scan. Would you like to tell us what he said, Mrs. Tanner?"

Claire sobbed louder. "He said that the baby was... strange... and that he... didn't think the computer... was working right. The doctor said... that... it looked alien. I'm supposed to go in... for more... tests."

"I'm going to be a father." Ummul pushed down the inclination toward pride. This was a mistake. He had endangered them all.

Gren nodded curtly. Claire continued to cry.

"Well, we can... um... we can... make some excuse not to... um... continue the tests." Ummul still held Claire tight.

"My poor husband." Claire pulled herself away from Ummul and folded her arms over her chest. A deep frown furrowed her face. "What have we done?"

"Open a secure channel," Gren said into the comm. "Amelia and Katlin, stop whatever you are doing and come to my quarters at once." While Gren talked, she opened a panel in the wall that concealed a cache of weapons. She removed several handheld disrupters and a rifle, setting them all to stun. "Open a secure channel to Lieutenant Eastman." She laid the weapons on her bed. "It's time, Lieutenant."

"Really?" There was a long pause on the comm while Kiandra considered the request. "I can't do it, Commander. I can't betray the fleet." Her voice was barely an audible whisper.

"Then you can say goodbye to Ummul." Gren's tone was clipped. "Are you ready to say goodbye?"

"Um... well..." There was a long pause. Finally, Kiandra came to a decision. "I'll do it. We need a time-lag, or they'll notice and fix it before we get to the hangar."

"Give us..." Gren looked up as Amelia and Katlin entered her quarters. "Give us twenty minutes exactly. We will take our time. No mistakes. And get to my quarters on the double."

"Roger. Out." Kiandra cut the communication.

"Commander?" Ummul watched this all with wide eyes. "You should stop this. I am not worth a mutiny."

"Oh, now you tell me." Gren barked a laugh. "I am not losing you. You have opened my eyes. I cannot go back to the way things were."

"I'll do anything for you, sweetheart." Amelia walked up and hugged the kneeling alien, pushing her swelling boobs and belly into him. "We all will, right ladies?"

At that moment, Claire ran for the door, opened it, and disappeared down the corridor. Ummul, Amelia, Katlin, and Gren all stared at the empty doorway.

"I disabled all door locks on the Driftwood so we could leave. I didn't think..." Gren's jaw hung slack. She hadn't considered that any of them would refuse to leave with Ummul.

"Should we change the plan?" Ummul looked around the room, quite concerned.

Gren closed her mouth. "Yes. We have less time." She spoke into her comm, "Can you set it for five minutes, Lieutenant?"

"I'm no longer... at my console... Commander." Kiandra sounded winded. "Did something happen?"

"Meet us at the backup rendezvous site." Gren picked up two handhelds, weighing them in each hand.

"Roger. Out." Kiandra cut off communication again.

"That rifle will fit you, Ummul." Gren pulled three Outer Planets uniforms from her hiding place and handed two to the wives. "These offer some armor against disrupters. Put them on." She watched the women remove their dresses and squirm into the uniforms. "And arm yourselves."

Soon, they were clustered at the door.

"A kiss for good luck." Amelia leaned her face upward.

"Of course." He leaned his head down and kissed her on the lips. Katlin then demanded the same. Ummul was surprised when Gren also asked for a kiss. He reminded himself that he was responsible for what he had tamed. Nothing bad would happen to these women. When all had been wished good luck, Gren opened the door. They slipped into the empty corridor. Gren took the lead, followed by the two wives, and Ummul in the rear.

They passed several surprised shipmates, but Gren's rank allayed suspicions. They were about halfway to the hangar bay when klaxons sounded. Red lights flashed in the corridors. "Claire has found her husband." Gren looked at the group behind her. "It's time to run. Stay tight. Don't shoot unless you have to." An armed ensign strode out a nearby door, saw them, and lifted his weapon. Gren aimed her handhelds akimbo, and stunned the ensign before he could aim. "No turning back now. Come on."

They found Kiandra waiting for them in one of their favorite conference rooms. There were two stunned crewmembers splayed just inside the door. When she saw Ummul, she smiled despite the situation. "You're okay." She looked around. "Where's Claire?"

"She didn't want to come along." Ummul shifted his weight uneasily from foot to foot. "I support her autonomy, and I wish her the best, but it would have been better if -"

"Not now, Ummul." Gren scowled. "How many minutes until the ship's weapons are off-line?"

"Nine." Kiandra saluted her commander.

"This should be interesting." Gren led them back into the corridor.

"Why can't they locate us with the computer?" Ummul was confused about a great many things, but this was bothering him.

"You must have realized I bypassed our locators a long time ago. I couldn't have them seeing how often we were in proximity to you." Gren spotted a security officer guarding the stairwell ahead. She stunned him with both handhelds before he saw them. "Come on."

A couple minutes later, they stopped at a corner looking out to the hangar entryway. There were five security officers guarding the door.

Gren turned to Kiandra. "Seven minutes by my count."

"Yes." Kiandra nodded.

"Will the door open?" Amelia was sweating through her uniform. She hadn't shot anyone yet, and she hoped she wouldn't have to. Her hands shook fiercely. She wondered what her husband was doing at that very moment. Or was James her ex-husband now?

"The lock should still be disabled." Gren turned toward her mutinous group. "Aim for unprotected skin. It is hard to stun through the uniform's armor. And try not to get shot, their weapons may be hot." She nodded at Kiandra. "One... two... three..."

The commander and lieutenant leapt into the open, opening fire on the security officers.

Amelia and Katlin hugged the wall away from the firefight.

"Stay safe. I must fight." Ummul nodded to the wives, and raced out into the open. There were three guards left. His nerves played with his accuracy. He dropped to one knee, slowed his breath, and steadied his arms. He heard a war cry, and the wives joined him out in the open. Their aim was even worse than his, but he was glad to have their help.

With a scream of pain, Kiandra took a disrupter blast to the leg. She fell to the ground, but continued to fire. Soon, the firefight was over. All five guards lay on the ground, stunned. Ummul looked around him. Amelia was smiling and cheering, Kiandra was leaning on Gren, but Katlin was on the ground unmoving. He rushed to her.

"Pick her up, Ummul." Gren called. She helped Kiandra through the door into the hangar. "We have to hurry, there are more coming."

"Ummul? Ummul?" Amelia raced over, panting. "Is she okay?" Tears formed in Amelia's eyes as she looked down at her friend. Katlin's face was pale, and her eyes were closed.