New Age Marriage

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Wife take up an offer of an open marriage.
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Marriage can be a serious strain on some people. Vowing to forsake all others until death do us part is more of a romantic gesture than it is a religious requirement, though we have added the religious pretext to enforce the idea that it is gods will. If you read the bible monogamy is expected of the woman more that it is of the man. Thanks to two thousand years of dogmatic editing of the Bible on which society justifies the bulk of its conduct women have been subjected to Neolithic social ideology.

Even today, in our supposedly enlightened era, mom is expected to be the chaste, humble and subservient home maker where dad is kind of expected to be a dog and have a girlfriend in the next town because that is what men do. Granted all that is changing, there are still vestiges of this mentality boiling under the surface. Such is the social habit ingrained that even women get caught up in the social expectation of what is proper for a woman to want or even to pursue in terms of sex. Too many women seem to believe that a proper woman, rather a 'Lady', has no need for such pursuits. For years my wife was among that number...or so I thought.

Over the years we had struggled economically. If it wasn't one thing it was another. We seemed to be marching from one shit storm to the next without a break. It would be this ongoing economic struggle that would cause my wife to break out of the puritanical, socially acceptable roll she had been willing to play for so long. She had been friendly with her ex-boyfriend for years. I had never thought anything of it because my wife had been so caught up in the 'image' of the socially acceptable wife that she would never jeopardize her reputation over an affair. That is the understanding, belief, or more accurately, 'delusion' I had, until the day she left her journal open to her latest entry.

It was not my habit to read her stuff, mostly because whenever I had it was usually about how I wasn't the same man I once was or how much of a pig I was or how my nose hairs were never trimmed etc. Mostly it was just her writing down the shit she couldn't stand about me. According to the few journal entries I'd read years before I was apparently little more than a troll with poor grooming habits. So I quit nosing about her journal not wanting to read her innermost feelings about how much of a disappointment I was.

This last time however, was different. It was about our last conversation about our relationship. I had suggested that we have limited-open-relationship several years before when she was having doubts about me, one episode of the many; she'd had over the years.

Anyway, the journal entry said that she was now considering my idea of an open marriage, but only if her old boyfriend was willing to participate. She also mentioned that even if he didn't agree to be in an open relationship that she would be willing to fuck his brains out behind my back. Laurie was with him, eh-hem, discussing that very topic when I discovered the open journal. It was very likely her excitement and nervousness about that pending discussion that caused her to 'forget' to put up the journal...that or she subconsciously wanted me to see it.

"Off to speak to Russel about the open marriage my husband suggested we pursue several years back. I'm going to find out how serious he really is. Before I talk to my husband about it, I want to see if Russel is willing to reignite what we had. I suspect he will because he nearly talked me into blowing him last time we spoke about this. To be honest, had it been dark and not in the middle of the Starbucks parking lot I would have, without hesitation! If only he had taken more initiative, we could have driven to the coast to a secluded beach parking lot. I would have loved to do that for him. I so wanted to, Husbands permission or not.

That is where I am taking him today, regardless of the direction our discussion takes today, we will be someplace private. At the very least I will be able to suck his cock again. If time permits I may let him go further.

The concern lies with my husband. He offered me this option and I never took him on it thinking it was ridiculous. Now, things have changed and I am not getting any younger...I might as well find out if he was serious and start enjoying life while I can. I might as well start today.

Off to see Russel. I'm scared and excited all at the same time. I hope he is agreeable. I do miss sucking his cock. His was the only one I truly enjoyed doing that to. Not sure why...but I always loved his cock that way." What will I write here later tonight? Cross your fingers...

The entry shocked me but it excited me to. I had not changed my mind about the open marriage. Even if I had and regardless of my feeling in the matter she had decided that it was what she wanted and was determined to see it happen. I was doubtful however, that she was serious. She had always been exceptionally conservative and restrained for so long I was almost sure that when the chips were down she wouldn't be able to bring herself to do it.

I also had my doubts about her blowing this guy as well. She had always denied me that pleasure because she thought it was 'gross'. So again I doubted that she had it in her to do much more than a hand-job and even that was pushing it for my-oh-so-prissy wife.

I knew exactly which beach she was talking about because it had a parking lot that was secluded and it also had a nice view of the ocean. There was an over look in a cul-de-sac that looked down on that very beach. Granted it was a way off but I could see well enough with binoculars. So I hopped in my jeep and headed to the overlook. The sun was not quite set so I could see well enough but did not yet see her car. It was a few minutes before she pulled up. I was close enough to see her put on the parking brake and move into the back seat from the front. Russel got out of the car and got in back using the door.

The rear window to her car, which was a Ford Flex had tinted windows so I couldn't see anything from my vantage point. Yet I could see well enough to note that she had just tossed her shoes into the front seat, and...I was then shocked to see the blue denim of her jeans flop over the seat and land on top of the shoes. "Well' I said to myself, 'I think Russel is getting more than a blow job tonight." I was amazed that I was actually cool with what was going on. I had wondered if I could actually go through with letting her see him this way. I had just answered that question. Now the question was whether or not she could go through with sucking him off and then fucking him. I had my doubts, and then I remembered that she had just taken her jeans off and was in the back seat of her Flex with him. My doubts began to evaporate.

The sun set and the light began to fade out so I drove down to the adjacent parking lot which was a hundred yards down the beach. I then walked along the beach toward my wives Flex. Luckily she was parked near a boulder where I could get up close. As I reached the bottom of the boulder I could hear my wife moan. The car was not rocking and the words they were speaking I couldn't understand clearly. The moaning was obvious.

As I reached the bottom of the boulder I could hear Russel moan a low "Ohh Yeahhhh". I was close enough to look through the rear passenger side window and see what I needed to and I saw my wife's ass naked in the air as her blonde hair, done up in a French Braid bobbed up and down on his cock. I could see only a shadow of his head as it rocked back and his mouth open in a clearly ecstatic moan.

The dome light was on dim so they thought they could not be seen through the glass but enough light hit their bodies to give me a clear idea what was happening. Laurie my wife was on her knees on the seat behind the driver's seat and Russel was seated normally on the passenger's side seat. By the way she was moving up and down on him he had to be well hung and by the way my wife moved her head up and down, she was taking his cock deep down her throat.

She was taking her time apparently enjoying this activity in ways she had never truly enjoyed with me. So I leaned against the boulder and watched as a few feet away my wife sucked her ex-boyfriends cock.

After a bit they opened the window a crack because they were getting a bit too warm...go figure. It was then I could hear them talking more clearly. They were taking a bit of a break from her sucking his cock and discussing where they wanted their reignited relationship to go.

"Rick wanted me to pursue something like this with you a while ago. Only I didn't know what to think of it at first. A part of me wanted to talk to you about it then, but I was afraid of what you might think of me if I did" she said with her head laying on his shoulder. I could see his arm around her shoulders and a hand stroking what had to be a rather impressive cock. I could see only the top of it from my vantage point and getting a closer look just wasn't possible. However, by the way her arm was moving up and down, it had to be impressive.

He moaned approval and kissed the top of her head then said "Laurie, had you told me this then I would have jumped at the chance to be with you again. I hated that we broke up. We were a perfect match and when you told me you were whole world collapsed. I had thought you and I would get married have kids and live out our lives together." He leaned his head against my wives' head and stroked her naked shoulder "I married Dena more out of a twisted sense of revenge thinking that you would get jealous and come back to me." He laughed "that was an insane thought. All those times we had lunch together, dinner the long drives I wanted you back. If I can have you only this way...and if your husband says it is ok...I'll will be a happy man because I will have you in my life again. Laurie" he said instantly more serious "I love you and have loved you since we were kids. If this is how I can grow old with you...then this is how I will grow old with you. The only regret I have, is that we never had kids of our own."

I could see my wife look up at him and stare into his face. A hand stroked his cheek affectionately and she kissed him tenderly. "You my love are the god father of my daughter so in a way we have a child together. I know it isn't the same but it is what we have and I will take that because it is something we can share. Russel, is getting late and I...I...Please forgive me...but I want you to fuck my brains out. I do not want to have to wait for my husband's approval or permission. I want to feel you inside me again and never live without you in my life emotionally and physically." She kissed him tenderly again and said "I want to feel your cum fill me again. I have so missed you."

They both scrambled to put the seats down flat. I then saw my wife get onto her knees and lean forward over the front seats. The glow of the dim dome light shone on her back the tattoo she had on her left cheek clearly visible. "Babe.."she moaned "we have to test Rick to see if he is truly ok with this. I am going to ask him this weekend if he was serious about letting me see you like this." She paused looking back, 'not that I am going to let that stop me from seeing you. If he won't let me see you openly I'll see you on the side."

Her head dropped and I saw his hand stroke her back and ass cupping her cheek and smacking it lightly. "Yessss..." she hissed.

From the shadows I saw his cock come into the dim light. He had to be 8" if not slightly longer and was about the thickness of my wife's wrist. Just enough to not let her close her hand around him.

I could see why my wife missed him. Placing the tip of his cock at her entrance I heard my wife gasp and saw her head drop. Russel then spoke up in an emotion filled voice "Do you remember the last time I took you like this?" he asked 'You were talking to him on the phone bent over the kitchen table and you pulled your panties down inviting me to fuck you. Remember?" My wife moaned an affirmative response. "That wasn't the last time you had me." he said, "A week before you had told me you were getting married and we made love in your bed for the last time. I couldn't speak because I was heartbroken but I didn't want to interfere so I gave you my heart for what I thought was the last time." His hand stroked her spine in the dim light as he let the head of his cock slip into her causing her to moan.

"Oh, Russel, I know...I know...but I thought you were in love with Dena. I was trying to steal you away from her that night; I hoped maybe you could have said something and I would have called off the wedding. It would have hurt Rick but I wanted you back so badly, I would have done anything short of getting pregnant to get you back, if you were going to be with me I wanted, you to want me and not be trapped." She dropped her head and pushed back against him taking his cock deeper into her for the first time in years. "God!! You feel so good." She moaned "Why did I ever let you get away?" she asked.

I saw his hands grip her waist and take a firm grip and buried his cock into her their hips coming together with a soft 'Puck' of their skin coming together. Lifting her head Laurie looked into the rear view mirror and into Russel's eyes and with a sigh of contentment said "Fuck making it quick' she moaned, 'I want you to take your time with me. I want to feel you inside me forever Russel...please just take me and make me yours again...please." She moaned.

Russel again stroked her low back lovingly. I couldn't see his face as it was in shadow but it was obvious he was in love with her. "I plan to Honey. I plan to because I never want this to end...ever." He paused and then said in a voice thick with emotion "I love you Laurie. I always have loved you and I won't ever let you get away from me again...ever." And he began pumping his cock into my wife who moaned and sobbed as she too seemed to feel the same way.

"I love you to. I love you to." She sobbed and gave herself up to him.

I moved back and sat on the sand at the base of the rock and listened to them fuck. I wasn't as shocked as you might have expected because I'd known my wife had feelings for Russel, even before we were married. If I had been the jealous type I might have been more of a prick about her regular meetings with him.

To be truthful I had known of their tryst while overseas, more accurately I had suspected.

There are certain feelings a person has, some call them instincts that tell you that something is happening with person you are with. I'd had a feeling something was up with several phone calls. I think I knew which call he was referring to when he said that they had been in the kitchen of the town house.

I was stationed on an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia. I was on the opposite side of the planet so there was zero chance of them getting caught. So I accepted the possibility of her fooling around. One day however, I decided to call her at noon my time which was midnight her time. Not an unusual time for me to call as the exchange was opened only from noon to two pm most days for security reasons they said that and it was unreliable because we were more often than not disconnected halfway through our conversations.

When she answered her phone that night I could tell she had been drinking. It was a Saturday for me so it was Friday night for her and she had been out with friends. She didn't say which 'friends' and I never asked, like I said I was not the jealous type. Anyway the conversation started as usual with each of us telling the other of our day and whispering "I love you" and other young love smooch and kissy face shit we all do early on.

This time was a bit different however. Where she was normally bubbly and sweet a different energy pulsed between us that night something that went beyond her normal missing me. But there was a time when her speech was interrupted by something going on there. I knew she wasn't alone but the connection wasn't as clear as it could have been so I couldn't hear much beyond what she said near or into the phone. Everything else was fuzzy or broken up from the bad connection or so I thought.

One time I thought I heard her cry out in what could have been an orgasm. From what I gathered from the bits and pieces I could hear, apart from our conversation, was that she was at the kitchen table using the kitchen phone. If she were to have been with him she would have had to bend over either the kitchen counter next to the phone or the kitchen table so that she could talk to me and get fucked at the same time.

So the brief conversation I had just over heard in the Flex was that she had been seeing him and on at least on occasion fucked him while on the phone with me. Strangely I wasn't at all upset or heartbroken. I was thrilled that my stale wife had a sexual pulse. What bugged me was why I couldn't ignite it in her.

My brief introspection was broken up by the impassioned cry of my wife as the sound of his pelvis hitting hers wafted from the open passenger side window.

"Fuck me Russel like you used to, fuck my like I'm your bitch" she moaned. I stifled a chuckle having never heard my wife say anything like that before, her constant refrain being "it isn't lady like or I'm not that kind of person."

I was beginning to get annoyed with her nonsense. Clearly she liked a good fucking and she certainly liked to suck his cock...why I the hell would she not do me the same courtesy? Wasn't I the father of her children?

The silent monster of jealousy came to the surface and boiled under my skin as I heard my wife get fucked hard in the back of the Flex. But it wasn't jealousy from her seeing another guy, I was ok with that. It was jealousy from her not doing for me what she was and had been doing with 'him'. I was the one to have encouraged her to do it and she was going to talk to me about it that weekend. If she didn't ask me by Saturday evening I would ask the question myself.

I could hear the springs of the flex begin to squeak as the motion inside began to increase. The sound of their bodies coming together harder and faster met my ears as I decided to move back to my jeep and head home. I wasn't 50 yards from the beach before I heard my wife cry out in orgasm and a fairly loud grunt from Russel as he emptied his balls into my wives' cunt. From what I could hear as I trod down the beach was that they were going at it strong even after the fact. As I neared my jeep I thought I heard my wife cry out "God... I love you!!!"

Pulling onto the street I considered driving home the opposite way to keep from being seen. Only they were too busy to notice my Jeep drive by so I drove down the road right by where my wives' flex was parked. It was then I decided to text my wife so I pulled over to the side of the road and picked up my phone.

Me: How is your dinner date going?

Laurie: 'Fine' just talking.

Me: who is it? Your mom said you were meeting with Russel

Laurie: Yes. We are just talking about old times.

I smirked, thinking "I'll bet you are"

Me: Curious question

Laurie: Yes?

Me: Did you ever share with him my Open marriage proposition I made several years back?

At this there was a significant pause and I could sense that Laurie was both excited and nervous. It was that sixth sense I had that told me her pulse had just quickened and her hands were sweaty. Little did I realize that she was on her back with Russel buried to the hilt inside her as we spoke. They had decided to lay in the back of the Flex and cover up with a blanket.

Laurie: Not then, but we discussed it tonight.

It was my turn to get nervous. Not sure why but something told me that this was a make or break moment. I had to respond carefully and not tip my hand.