New Discoveries

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A prudish and rude researcher arrives in a foreign nation.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 07/26/2022
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"Finally," Mya grumbled as she stepped off the ship onto the docks, trying her best to avoid being touched by other departing passengers. It had taken *far* too long to reach Labiania and the sailing conditions were abhorrent. It was as if the captain decided to take a route that forced them to encounter every tempest and gale possible. He had apologized profusely, of course, but that was no excuse for such a high level of ineptitude. His entire purpose was to ensure that Mya arrived at port safely. If he could barely do that then he wasn't much of a captain, now was he?

Mya sighed as she pulled out her journal and began scribbling down some notes as she continued down the walkway. There wasn't much to see yet, but it was still worth noting the architecture of the buildings up ahead and how they differed from the coastal structures of her homeland.

Another pang of annoyance rose within Mya as the thought of her homeland rose within her mind. She was content with her research back home and was making real progress with her findings in primate culture. Despite that, her superiors saw it fit to send her as a diplomatic researcher of a foreign nation's society with the clear instructions that in order "to fully absorb herself into the native lifestyle for better results," Mya was to bring nothing with her but one personal item and the clothes on her back. And even the clothes were temporary.

*I can always just pretend that they're just primates, still,* Mya thought. *Shouldn't be too difficult.*

Mya paused to pocket her journal as the wooden planks transitioned into wooden cobbles. As she gathered her bearings, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, grumbling to herself. Could they not have at least done the courtesy of dropping her off at a port town that wasn't absolutely sweltering?

"Excuse me, miss?" A voice suddenly said to Mya's left. "Would you happen to be Dr. Mya Valenworth of the Cloven Institute?"

Mya turned to find a man standing before her. He was tall, but spindly and adorned with loose, breathable, robes that were made of various overlapping folds and layers were various different shades of gray.

"Yes. Why?" Mya said flatly.

"Excellent! I am Vellen. I have been assigned as your guide and chaperone for your duration abroad." The man then produced a parchment from the sleeve of his robe and proffered it to Mya. She snatched it and began reading it to find that the man-- Vellen, spoke the truth. The missive was even signed and authenticated by the head of this branch of the Institute.

"I don't need a chaperone," Mya scoffed.

"With all due respect, miss, you do not know these lands yet. You do not know the way these people behave or how their magics function. You are allowed to deny my assistance, but it would not be wise."

Mya stared at Vellen. He was far taller than her--most people were--but there was a gentle earnestness about him, and, admittedly, there was some logic behind his words.

"Very well, I suppose," Mya relented.

Vellen just smiled and motioned for her to follow him as he began heading deeper into the city. "I have already procured you boarding at a nearby inn. It's called the Night Romp and you will find a new change of clothes in your room more befitting the climate here."

Mya nodded, relieved by Vellen's foresight and was about to compliment him on it, but paused. "Wait. The 'Night Romp'? That sounds..."

"Not to worry, miss. You will find the people here to be far more... expressive."


"Yes." Vellen gave no further clarification. Fortunately, Mya didn't need one. As they continued walking through the town, Mya began to notice the attire of the locals and her face began to grow hot. The people... they were practically *naked*. Women wore clothing that brazenly showed off their skin and cleavage. Men dressed in tight garments that left just as little to the imagination. Mya had to fight the urge to stare and avoid pulling the high collar of her sensible blouse even higher. This would *never* be acceptable back in her homeland.

"I... Tell me about the magics here," Mya said, trying her best to distract herself as a man in a sleeveless tunic passed her, his arms brushing her's in such a way that she could feel the taut muscles--

"They can be quite dangerous if you are not careful, miss," Vellen said. "There is a variety, but a prominent amount involves seizing control over a target's mind."

Mya blinked, then frowned. "What good are you, then?"


"If you're meant to keep me safe, like you said, how are you supposed to do that if anyone could potentially take control of you?"

Vellen hesitated for a moment. "A... majority of the cases in which it's used is for a very specific purpose, miss. One that I cannot perform."

*Cryptic,* Mya thought, annoyed by his obfuscation but didn't push the subject. Vellen spoke no further, so Mya found it best to follow him and keep her eyes down to avoid all the scantily clad savages until they reached the inn.


Once they reached the inn, Mya was relieved to find that it looked completely normal from the outside. She half expected to see women dancing on poles at display windows based on her initial impression of this place.

"Here we are, miss." Vellen said and pulled a key from his robe sleeve and handed it to her. "You are in room six. I recommend waiting there until I return."

"What? Where are you going?"

"I have some final preparations to make in regards to acquiring your transport to the Cloven Institute's headquarters. I will not be long."

Mya scoffed. "Very well." She didn't give him a chance to respond as she stomped her way through the doors of the inn, ignoring everyone in the taproom, and marched up the stairs.

As she entered her room, she indeed found a different pair of clothes neatly folded for her on the bed. Mya was initially ecstatic, as the heat of the coast was beginning to become unbearable, but then she actually saw what they were.

"Are you *kidding* me?" Mya fumed, picking up the garments in disbelief. The top was a small pink thing, made from loose fabric that would fully expose her midriff, and the shorts were sickeningly tight and wouldn't even reach past mid-thigh. She'd look like some kind of prostitute in this! No, *worse*! The moment she saw Vellen again, she fully intended to hang him by his own robes. There was absolutely no way she'd ever wear *this*! Just imagining the stares she'd receive was mortifying enough.

*You don't exactly have a choice*, an unbridled thought whispered from the back of her skull. Mya ground her teeth before closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. They were just clothes. Everyone else wore things just like it, so, logically, they likely wouldn't even bat an eye. This sort of thing was clearly normal due to the climate of the coasts. Mya was freaking out over nothing.

She kept repeating that to herself as she peeled off her sweaty, modest clothing, and began to change into the new set. Once done, she looked over herself in the mirror. Mya looked... good. It was horrifically revealing, but there was something freeing about getting to let her skin breathe after spending so much time wrapped up. And, begrudgingly, she had to admit that the top paired quite well with her blonde locks of hair--although she couldn't bring herself to remove her sensible bun.

Almost mesmerized, Mya ran her fingers over her exposed stomach. Could she really go out like this? Be *seen* by other people in such a way? Her thoughts were answered when her stomach abruptly growled and Mya remembered that it had been a full day since she last ate.

Mya glanced over at the nightstand to find a coin pouch had been left there, likely by Vellen for this exact purpose.

*Fine. One meal then I immediately come back*, Mya thought. *No need to make a habit out of prancing around dressed like a slut.*

She snatched the pouch and hesitated at the door for only a moment before opening it and heading back downstairs.


Mya was pleasantly surprised by the civility of the people at the inn. She half expected every man to be leering down at her, but instead none of them seemed to be paying her any mind. She caught a furtive glance every now and then, but she could handle that. Surprisingly, she almost finished the entirety of her meal without being bothered. Key word, almost...

"Hello, cutie," a feminine voice said. A moment later a woman slid into the booth next to Mya.

Mya glanced up and down. She was quite stunning, with flowing raven hair, tan skin, and a peculiar set of purple eyes. She was also sitting uncomfortably close.

"Do you mind?" Mya sneered.

"Mm?" the woman said, a smile dancing across her full, red lips. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes. My dinner."

"*Oh*," the woman whispered. "Perhaps I could find you a... suitable replacement. I'm Veryl."

Mya blinked at the woman. Pieces slowly fell into place and Mya grimaced. "Look, floozy, I'm not interested in... in sex right now. Especially not with a woman."

Veryl actually seemed taken aback for a moment. "Then... why are you wearing that top?"


"The top, you're..." Something suddenly seemed to click into place for her. "*Ooooh*. I see, you're not from around here."

"What?" Mya repeated, growing impatient.

"Around the coasts, that color and cut are kinda like a signal... A signal to let other women know you wanna get it on," Veryl giggled and shimmied her shoulders, playfully bumping up against Mya. She pushed her away in disgust.

"*Excuse me?* I assure you I most definitely do not want to 'get it on.' " Mya felt the blood rush to her face. She was going to *kill* Vellen. That useless, buffoon of a--

"Awww, you're cute when you blush," Veryl cooed.

"Shut it!" Mya snapped.

"Tsk tsk, quite the attitude problem you got there." Veryl giggled. "So, got a name, sweetie?"

Mya paused. She was about to tell this woman to leave her alone, but... she *did* seem to know more about nuanced social dynamics than Vellen. It could be good for her research, at the very least. "...Mya."

"Mia? Oh, that's *cute!*"


"So, what brings you here?" Veryl said, scooting a bit closer, much to Mya's distaste.

"I'm... a researcher. I was sent here to study your people's culture..."

"Hm. How come?"

"Because you're barbarians that need to be studied!" she spat. All of these questions were beginning to frustrate Mya to the point that she almost revealed what their *actual* purpose for being here was.

Veryl only seemed offended for a moment before her pleasant smile returned. "Okay, okay. I see you don't want to talk about that, we can move on. Been enjoying your stay so far?"

"It's been hot," Mya said, noncommittal.

"Oh, I bet. It can get realllllly annoying sometimes. All that heat just drags on ya throughout the day."


"I mean, I know if I spend too long out in it, I just end up a tired mess of laziness and can't get anything else done. That ever happen to you?"

"Sure." Mya was barely even paying attention. She was more than happy to let Veryl jabber to herself for as long as it took, so long as Mya didn't have to put much into the conversation.

"Why do you think that is? What's it about hot days that just makes a person so tired and sleepy?"

Mya shrugged.

"It can't be the activity, because you can just sit around in it and still feel like all the energy is being sapped right out of you."

So long as the woman's pea-sized brain was too busy talking about nothing, Mya wouldn't have to bother keeping her at bay.

"What about you? You've been out and about all day, surely you're feeling a bit tired."

"I... guess," Mya said. She hadn't realized it until then, but she was tired. She hadn't been sat in her cabin on the ship, baking all in the heat all day, only to disembark and have the full force of it beat down on her. It was... exhausting.

"Yeah, I bet. I bet it's been a long day too. You can't help but be a bit sleepy," Veryl said sympathetically.

Mya nodded.

"And as a *researcher*, I'm sure you got so much going on that takes a toll on you, *drains* you. With all of that put together, I'm surprised you can even keep your eyes open!"

Mya felt her eyelids flutter. She just had so much on her plate. She *needed* to perform well for the Institute. It meant everything for Mya to prove herself to them. All that extra work she'd put in... It was exhausting. At least *someone* other than herself could understand that.

"Yeah, I know, sweetie. You're just so *tired* of it all. You could really use a *rest*."

Mya nodded again. Had... had Veryl's eyes had such a pretty... iridescent quality to them before? They were... They were just so...

"It's just so mind-numbing, all that sleepiness. It makes it so hard to focus on anything except for what's right in front of you, right?"

"Yeah..." The rest of the taproom seemed to fade. It grew dark, fuzzy around the edges. All Mya could see were Veryl and her pretty, pretty eyes.

"You're very pretty, Mia," Veryl whispered.


"If only you'd let that beautiful hair of yours down. I bet you'd look even prettier." She tenderly ran her thumb over Mya's cheek and began to reach up to undo her bun.

A dull part of Mya recoiled and she pulled away from Veryl. "Not... Not into girls..."

"Then why are you wearing that top?" she asked innocently, cocking her head to the side.


"What's that thing you researchers like to say? 'The simplest answer is normally the correct one'? Well, to me, the simplest answer as to why you're wearing a shirt that tells everyone that you're a lesbiant, is that...'' she leaned in close, whispering into Mya's ear. "you *are* one."

Mya whimpered. That... That didn't make sense! Well, Veryl had been right. The correct answer normally *was* the simplest one. But Mya wasn't into... She'd *never* wanted... But she was wearing...

"Oh, it's okay, baby," Veryl said, comfortingly cupping Mya's face in her hands. "I know it's confusing, but you can trust me. You know that, right?"

Could she? Veryl had, from the start, been very clear about wanting to get into Mya's pants. But... at least she'd been direct, right? She hadn't lied to her or pretended not to be interested. She'd even helped inform Mya about the way things worked on the coasts. And she understood what it was like to be tired. So... so tired...

"I... I know," Mya stammered. Her voice sounded so small.

"So you know that what I say makes sense, right? You're wearing a top that marks you as a flirty, horny, lesbo, so you must be one, right?"

"W-wuh? I..."


Mya's mind felt like mush. It was difficult to think. So hard to focus on anything but Veryl's pretty words and prettier eyes. Was... was Mya a lesbian? Veryl said that she was, and Mya knew she could trust Veryl. It *would* make the most sense. She was wearing a top that said she was...

"Right!" Mya squeaked. Something suddenly seemed to shift in Mya's reality. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but... Oh... Oh. Had Veryl *always* been so gorgeous? Her delicate locks of hair, her beautiful, lithe body, that petite little nose, and those... oh, those *breasts*. So pert and round and big. How had Mya not noticed them before?

"See something you like, sweetie?" Veryl giggled. Mya just nodded. Something awoke in her as she stared at those magnificent mounds. She could feel a heat building up between her legs and had to resist the urge to rub her thighs together. "Mm. I've bet you've always been into girls, haven't you?"

Mya furrowed her brow. Had she? No, that couldn't be right. There had been Bray. If she'd always only been interested in women, then--

"Hey," Veryl whispered. "Remember. You can trust me. Whatever I say is true. You've always been into girls."

Mya nodded. Her memory fuzzed for a moment, but then cleared just as quickly. As it did, she could feel Veryl beginning to undo the pins in Mya's hair. Yes, she'd always been into girls. As long as she could remember, she'd always preferred them. Men were just... gross in comparison. "I've always been into girls..."

"*Good girl.*" Veryl smirked. Mya felt a spike of arousal at the praise. "I bet you remember your first crush, don't you? What had her name been, again? Cindy? That's right. Gods, you were hopelessly in love with her weren't you? She was your first crush, afterall."

Mya felt her head spin as the new-- *old* information wormed its way into her brain. She remembered Cindy. The cute, confident girl from her village that Mya could never gather the courage to talk to. She'd spend countless nights laying awake at night thinking about her... Thinking about Cindy... "She was my first crush..."

"Mhm. And your first kiss? I'm sure you remember that. So innocent... until it wasn't," Veryl said in a husky voice. "You *really* liked it."

Memories resurfaced. Mya was at a sleepover with her friends. She almost hadn't gone because Cindy was invited and she knew she'd be too nervous to be around her, but Lilia had convinced her to go. They played spin the bottle. It was Cindy's turn. It landed on Mya. They kissed. For a second. Then two. Then ten. Then their tongues were exploring each other's mouths, hands roaming up and down along the other's body. Mya had never been so happy... or so horny. "I really liked it..."

Veryl giggled as she continued to loosen Mya bun. The memories were starting to become too much. She stifled a whimper and desperately fought the urge to provide some stimulation down below.

"And of course, we can't forget about the time you lost your *virginity!* That was a big day for you. Splayed out in bed, fucking and sucking at one another's pussies like it was the first meal you've received in *weeks*. It probably blew your mind..."

The memory came automatically this time. Of course it did, it was real, it was *important*. Things hadn't worked out with Cindy. Mya had cried for weeks, but Lilia had been there to comfort and support her. One night, it just happened. They had been studying. Then they were making out. Then Mya was screaming as the most divine tongue lapped over her clit and Lilia's fingers played with her pussy like a master musician played the piano. It... It... "It blew my mind..."

"Mhmmmm. So... What are you?" Veryl said. There was a smug quality to her voice, but Mya didn't notice.

"*A lesbian!*" Mya moaned, and Veryl finished undoing her bun. Golden tresses of hair fell across her shoulders. Mya could only imagine what she looked like. A scantily clad girl in the corner of a tavern, moaning as she thought about her sexiest memories. All of it was just too much. She began to whimper softly as she rubbed her thighs together.

"Oh my, look at *you*. Such a naughty girl." Veryl leaned in and kissed Mya. This time, she didn't shy away from the contact. Mya hungrily accepted it, drowning in those delicious, plush, red lips. She needed more. Mya *had* to explore every nook and cranny of Veryl's mouth with her tongue until--

Veryl giggled as she pulled away. Mya whined, trying to follow her lips, but a hand on her shoulder kept her away. "My, *my*, you really are a horny little thing. We better get you upstairs before you cause a scene. Which room are you in?"


Veryl grinned before sliding out the booth. Mya eagerly followed her and shivered with pleasure as Veryl put a possessive arm around Mya's waist and rested her hand on the girl's hip. The walk up to the room was agonizingly slow. Each time Mya whimpered and tried to get Veryl to speed up, she only smirked and proceeded to slow down.

*Why am I letting her take the lead?* Mya thought. Something about all of this was beginning to feel wrong, but Mya's head just felt so fuzzy and unfocused. Each time she tried to put the pieces together, her gaze was drawn back to Veryl's pretty eyes and then she remembered that everything was fine. She could trust Veryl. Everything Veryl said was true.