New Generations 02, the Day After

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Passing it on.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/13/2011
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This standalone story is the sequel to New Generations,


"July 15th," Sara repeated as if it should mean something, but it still meant nothing to me. "As of 20 minutes ago it's my 19th birthday. I'm old enough and we have Aunt Debs permission. I want you to teach me how to make love."

20 minutes after midnight, and suddenly by some magic tick of the clock, National Nude Day was over, my Goddaughter was informing me that she was 19 and can do whatever she wants, and what she wanted was for me to take her to bed.

I just looked at my goddaughter, dumbfounded. The hard cock that just minutes before had been floating on the surface of the water ready to tease and entice her mother had, if not totally shriveled up, shrunk to a somewhat more flaccid state. She rose from her knees in front of me, her oh-so-perfect teenage breasts, that I'd been unable to keep my eyes off all week long, coming out of the water momentarily as she slid into the seat beside me. If I still had my arms on the back of the spa, one would be around her but with my hand on the bench beside me, as she sat and turned toward me a bit, her bottom pushed against it.

She'd been wearing nothing but her cute green thong bikini all day long. I'd ogled her bottom so many times in her tight jeans and shorts during the week. And, of course, I'd ogled her bottom when it was virtually naked except for the thin green strips of her thong. But now, as she turned and slid against me, her naked bottom came to rest against the back of my hand.

The water of the spa, which had only been warm, suddenly felt like it was searing my hand. I was acutely aware that she was totally naked, and it was her naked bottom that was pushing against my hand. I pulled my hand away but there wasn't anything to do with it in the spa but rest it on my own leg, her leg, or put it again onto the back of the spa. I chose the back of the spa, which she interpreted as me putting my arm around her. Turning slightly more into me, she slid closer yet, her breast coming in contact with the side of my chest, her hand sliding onto my stomach above my belly button.

"Sara..." I began, my brain mixed up with all the conflicting messages going through it.

I'd always been the dutiful adult. I'd been the father, the little league coach, the Boy Scout leader, or the neighborhood fix-it man; I was the rescuer when neighbors got in trouble. That had included the neighborhood kids -- I'd thought of them all as practically my own. I'd never had any daughters, but the next-door neighbors had two, the family across the street had another. I always tried to think of them as non-sexual beings; in my mind it wasn't right for daddy's to be attracted to their daughters in a sexual way. I'd seen them grow, reach puberty, and seen little kids start maturing into adults. As they got older, I outwardly never let any attraction show, but it was hard not to appreciate that what used to be "the girls," neighbor girls and others, were turning into women. When those maturing girls found out what "la difference" was and became natural cock teases, wearing skimpy little outfits designed to entice horny boys, it was especially hard to remember they were much, much, younger than me and my interest needed to stay platonic. But, when your teenage boys start having pool parties and dating and have cute teenage girls hanging around, there was a lot of sexy female flesh to be seen - without staring. I'd always tried to keep from outright ogling the cuties who were frolicking in my pool with my boys and probably introducing them to the pleasures of their bodies, but just as Sara had been looking very cute and very desirable and I'd found my eyes inexorably drawn to her for the last week, many was the time I'd found myself with less than fatherly thoughts to the pulchritudinous displays in my yard.

Their mom, Debs, had made sure both boys knew about safe sex and how not to get girls pregnant even before they were interested in such things. The boys knew what a penis was and what a vas deferens was, where a clit or a cervix was, long before they had any desire to explore their whereabouts physically. Debs especially made sure they knew what condoms were and how to use them. She got them free as part of her sex ed programs with the local Health Department and kept a bowl of them in the first cupboard in the front hallway. She told the boys (and I'm sure the neighbor girls also) that the bowl would remain full and she didn't want to know (or care to know) who took them, but they were never to take a chance on an unwanted pregnancy. It was a long time before she mentioned to me that she'd noticed condoms had begun disappearing from the bowl. We never did figure who was taking them first, as it was quite some time later before our oldest had a girlfriend. Other than that, I never even knew that condoms had disappeared; Debs just made sure it was always full. She refilled the bowl from her magical supply and I'm sure more than one unwanted teen pregnancy was prevented -- and not just from my own boys.

Sara's cuddling up against me with her naked body flipped my mind to the afternoon, not all that long before, when I'd come home early to find both boys in the pool with two of the neighbor girls cuddling and laughing against the near edge of the pool. I just hollered hello as I went in the door as if I was oblivious, but I'd definitely noticed the two bikini tops on chairs. Instead of going straight to the office like I normally did, I'd moved toward the kitchen where I could look over the pool and yard without being seen, and had been just in time to see the two girls running to the chair, topless. I couldn't move out into the open to see anymore without being seen myself, but I knew what was going on. The girls disappeared a few minutes later, the boys coming inside to change out of their swimsuits. That I'd seen the girls topless, I would never tell -- but I had seen. Every time after that when those neighbor girls were around, I couldn't help but wonder just how active my boys and those cute girls were getting.

But I had never even been tempted to think about playing with them. Their mothers were something else; both women were true MILF's. Women of my own age that I found attractive, sexy, and admittedly I had wondered upon occasion what being with them would be like. But as for attraction to the neighborhood kids - I was the mature adult, the neighborhood hero, and my conscious wouldn't let me even contemplate such a thing.

But now, here in my own spa, her naked body next to my naked body, was an even more luscious example of a now legal, although still teenage, adult beauty who was asking me to do those things that I'd trained myself not to even think about. She was asking me to make love to her. She was asking me to fondle her breasts. She was asking me to do everything with her that I'd ever done with her mother.

Despite my misgivings, the other part of my brain was contemplating that Debs and Jen and Bill all had to be in on this. Debs had gotten me a little blue pill and commented on how once wasn't going to be enough tonight; her words, mentioning how she loved me, echoed through my mind. It was that last, the mentioning how much she loved me, that really confirmed it. That had always been her code phrase telling me that whatever happened, was OK with her. That Jen had slept in my bed and Debs in Bill's virtually all week long, with the exception of the night we'd all started on our bed and Jen and Bill had gone to their bed after we'd all played together, indicated that she was giving me permission to play with Sara. And then Debs and Bill had stayed inside and conveniently called Jen inside just before Sara showed up -- there definitely had to be a female conspiracy going on.

"I don't ... I can't..." I continued, and then stopped. Something about what Sara had said finally hit home. Going through my head, I suddenly realized, my oldest son and Sara were only a few weeks different in ages. My oldest sons 18th birthday had been just last month. Sara wasn't 19 today; today had to be just her 18th birthday. "Sara, why did you say you're 19?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't?" I asked, surprised. "But you said..."

"I said it was my 19th Birthday."

"So you're 19 years old..."

"No, I just turned 18. It's my nineteenth birthday."

I shook my head, befuddled. "I don't get it."

"That's because you are like most people. You've forgotten what you're really talking about and say it wrong. Your birth day is the day you're born. What we celebrate when we have our first birthday party is really the first anniversary of your first birthday -- but it's your second birth day. We've completed one full year of life, but it's the first day of our second year. So today is my 19th birthday. I'm 18 years old, but I'm in my 19th year, and it's the 18th anniversary of my birthday, and that day started half an hour ago."

I sat back, my mind catching up, columns and rows sorting in my mind, order arranging from chaos. "So, what you're saying...." I stopped, I wasn't sure what she was saying except that my mind kept coming back to her previous statement, "I'm old enough and we have Aunt Debs permission. I want you to teach me how to make love."

"Aunts Debs said I could have you teach me, but I had to wait until I was 18." She snuggled up closer, her face turning up to mine. "She and Mom said I can have you for my birthday," she said, her hand sliding down my belly to my still only half-erect cock.

Sara's hand on my cock seemed to shake the cobwebs from my mind. All the taboos of the last 20 years or more of my life and marriage, all the societal norms about family and minors and what constitutes consensual acts coming to the forefront of my mind. "Sara, I can't." My hand came down from the edge of the spa and caught her shoulder, holding her as I moved back. "You're my Goddaughter, practically my own daughter. I can't... we shouldn't..." I slid to the corner of the spa, putting as much distance between us as I could. "I'm sorry Sara, I can't do that."

Sara sat motionless -- a look on her face as if I'd slapped her. Ten seconds she sat; fifteen ... and suddenly she moved. Standing, with one step up to the edge, she turned and stepped out of the spa, grabbed the towel from the edge of the table and began walking toward the sliding door of the patio, in just a few seconds she began running. My eyes followed her; the thought popping unbidden into my mind of how this naked girl looked so much like her mother had so many years before.

Turning into the hall she headed for the bedrooms, and suddenly I saw her mother run down the hall with a glance out toward me and the spa. I knew I'd done the right thing, but why is it that I had the queasy feeling this wasn't going to turn out well?

I stood up and grabbed my towel, standing and drying myself before I too headed inside. No sooner had I gotten to the door than Debs met me in the doorway, coming from the kitchen. "What's going on, Jim?"

I had to shrug my shoulders, a bit befuddled myself. "I... I'm not sure?" I answered suddenly feeling like my world was upside down. 20 minutes before I'd been about to get frisky with Jen in the spa, and now I had that sinking feeling that something was wrong.

"What's not to know? You're going to go in with Sara and make her a happy girl, right?"

I just stared at Debs; the truth was just the opposite. I shook my head no. "Debs," I said her name with a "how can you ask such a thing" tone, "She's our goddaughter for Christ sake, and yesterday she was just a kid. You can't mean you expect that just because it's her birthday..."

"You turned her down?" She asked, the incredulity in her voice really throwing me off.

"What was I supposed to do?" I asked her in return. She just stared at me for ten seconds or so before answering.

"You're a fricking ass sometimes, do you know that? A young woman just offered you the most valuable thing that she has, and you turned her down?" She shook her head. "I thought you were smarter than that." Turning she headed down the hall toward the bedrooms. I watched her go, one half of my mind saying, "are you kidding me?" the other half saying "you're so stupid." I turned and headed toward the living room.

My wine glass was on the counter next to the nearly empty wine bottle. It dawned on me that they really hadn't planned on bringing me another glass -- the three of them had already filled their glasses and moved on. I stopped and emptied the bottle into my glass before taking it with me and heading to the family room. Bill was standing facing me, naked, but not quite flaccid. He just looked at me, holding his glass of wine. I stopped and looked at him; he didn't say anything, just looked right at me.

"What?" I asked offensively, "You too?"

"Grudgingly, but yeah, me too."

"Grudgingly?" I repeated. He nodded.

"Six months or a year ago," he said, starting slowly, "if Jen had told me that Sara wanted to fuck someone as old as I was, I'd have said she needed a shrink. When, just a few months ago, Jen told me that you were going to be Sara's birthday present, I said, 'Over my dead body!' He touches her and I'll kill him personally."

"Exactly!" I said, finally hearing some sense from someone I respected. He paused a bit.

"And then Debs and Jen told me what she wanted and why; and then they told me that she really needed you, but more important she wanted you. She wants you to teach her the same things you taught her mother. She wants the same things that Debs taught me."

"Debs has already had 'the talk' with her, hasn't she?"

"She doesn't want what Debs can tell her, she wants what Jim can teach her."

"And you're ok with that?" He just looked at me; I could see the same mixed emotions running through his mind that were running through mine.

"It doesn't seem to matter what I think." Here he paused, looking directly into my eyes, "but if you hurt my little girl, I will personally cut your dick off and shove it down your throat."

Debs call of "Jim! Will you come here please?" saved me from the awkward moment with Bill. She was waiting for me in the living room, now wearing her white silky robe. In other circumstances it was a sign that she was open for playing. Tonight, it meant she wasn't, at least at the moment. "She's devastated you know. You did exactly what she was afraid of -- rejecting her like that."

"I didn't reject her..." I lied. "Come on Debs, it's just ...."

"It's just what? A young woman offers herself to you and asks you to teach her to be a woman, to teach her what you taught her mother and me -- and you turned her down?"

"So what was I supposed to do? She's practically my own daughter! And besides, as pretty as she is, you mean she can't find a boyfriend? You want me to believe she'd rather have me than some young college stud?"

"So you did notice her."

"What? Yes, of course I noticed her. My God how could I not? Every red-blooded male in town was noticing her today."

"She said you weren't; that you barely even looked her way today."

"Are you kidding me? That's just exactly the opposite of what it was. I just looked the other way whenever she was looking just so she wouldn't think I was a..." I stopped.

"A what?" she prompted.

"So... so she wouldn't think I was just an old pervert, leering at her."

"So instead you've made her think her dream isn't interested in her."

"She's our goddaughter Debs, for Christ's sake, are you saying I should ..." She smiled at me wryly, and with a slight cock of her head said, "If you won't, maybe I will. Do you suppose she's as sweet as her mother?"

"What?" I responded. Although Debs had played with a few women before, including Sara's mother Jenny, I don't think I'd ever heard her say she was interested like that.

"I already know she likes women, so why not? I don't mind."

I didn't know what to say, somewhat stunned at the turn of events. Debs reached out her hand to mine and pulled me to her. Leaning up she kissed me gently on the lips. "Jim, this isn't spur of the moment. Sara asked for this almost a year ago. We've all discussed it, and we're all OK with it."

"We're all OK with it?" I repeated.

"Well, Bill was a little reluctant at first, but he finally came around. Jen really can be quite convincing when she wants to be."

"Yeah, well I'm not OK with it. You said we're all OK with it?" I said, emphasizing the all, but you've never even so much as mentioned this to me. Jesus, Debs, she's our goddaughter. It's like asking me to fuck my own daughter!"

Debs looked at me and nodded. Several long moments went by before she said anything again. "How old was I when we had our first date?"

I knew exactly but acted like I had to think about it for a moment. "It was your prom, just before your eighteenth birthday."

"God you were such a hunk. I remember when I first saw you in your Marine uniform."

"But I was your age, too."

"No, you weren't. You were 5 years older. What happened after our first date?"

In all our years of going together, of being married, we'd never once talked about that first date. I didn't know until now if she'd forgotten it, or just didn't want to remember it, but I know -- I knew what a disaster it had been. I didn't answer.

"You took me to the hill in the park. Lover's lane. Remember?"

"How could I forget?"

"Yeah, me too. You scared the shit out of me."

"How's that? All I did was try to kiss you."

"The hell you did! You kissed me, and you tried to unzip my dress, and then you grabbed my boob."

"I was just caressing you..." I defended myself.

"I know, honey," Debs said, reaching up and touching my cheek. "I know that now, but at the time I had never even kissed a boy before, and there you were trying to undress me."

I nodded, thinking back, remembering I'd thought she was a cock tease, the way she'd hung on me all evening, and then when we'd parked, she'd freaked out and made me take her home.

"You were too fast for me. You were five years older, five years more experienced and I just wasn't ready. Do you remember our second date?"

I nodded, "Almost a year later?"

"I was 18 -- the same age Sara is right now."

"You were still a prude though."

"I don't know as I was a prude, I was just inexperienced."

I raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. "No, you were definitely a prude."

"Ok, so I was a prude. But by that time, I was ready for more, and I wanted you, and you taught me. I'd never kissed anyone but you, I'd never let anyone feel me up before, I'd never felt a cock before," her hand slipped between us and gripped me, "but you changed all that." She let go of my cock, sliding her arms around me and I put mine around her at the same time. "Sara's the same age I was, but she hasn't been as sheltered as I was. She's had some experiences, but she knows it can be better. She's asked. This is what she wants." She paused and leaned back slightly in my arms to look into my face. "I'm OK with it, Jim, and so are her mother and father." Pulling away from my hug, she gripped my hand and started down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

We stopped just outside the door to Debs and my bedroom, just out of sight, eavesdropping. A muffled voice said something unintelligible, followed by Jen's voice, "Oh honey, of course Uncle Jim is going to want you. It's just that we shouldn't have sprung this on him. "

Debs pulled me by the hand and stepped forward into the room.

Jen was standing by the bed, still naked, facing into the dressing area where apparently Sara was although she was still out of sight. "Jim's going to be OK with this," Debs said. "You're right, we shouldn't have sprung it on him; it was too much of a surprise. But we're OK now, aren't we honey?" I didn't say anything, just looked up at Jen and then back at Debs. Releasing my hand, she reached her hand out to Jen. "Let's go, they'll be OK now."