New Horizons for Nick

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An innocent teen is shown new things by his boss and wife.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/22/2015
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Nick walked slowly home from the office, the warehouse, his mind whirring around what he had read on Mr Fraser's Computer. Nick had only been working there about six weeks, and it was only a gap year job his mother had found for him. Everyone thought at 18 he was a bit young to be going off to college, far from home. Nick lived in a small town, the nearest college too far to commute to, and that college didn't really have the courses he was looking for. The job itself was enjoyable, but not hard. He worked in the office and stores of a distribution company. They employed drivers and storemen and office staff - about 25 in total. At 18 Nick was far and away the youngest, and felt he suffered from having 24 parents at work! He enjoyed it and the work was interesting without being too challenging.

One of Nick's roles was to stand in as receptionist when the normal receptionist Mandy was at lunch, or off for the day. It meant sitting in a small room inside their rather underwhelming front entrance, with the door to the office and warehouse to the side, and the door to Mr Fraser's Office behind him. Mr Fraser owned and ran the company, and while he was never messed around by the staff or customers, he was positive, friendly and fair. He was hugely respected by his staff.

Nick had filled in all afternoon as receptionist. Truth is receptionist was a grand name - there were few callers. The role was more being the runner for Mr Fraser, taking messages to the garage and warehouse, phoning people, stuffing and stamping envelopes, photocopying. Nick enjoyed it - it was better than counting bales of hay, or boxes of baked bean tins, or the hundred and one other tasks out in the warehouse. The truth was - Nick enjoyed the work and got paid! But today had been different.

It was a Tuesday, and Mandy had been at the dentist. There had been a phone call for Mr Fraser which Nick had connected, then Mr Fraser dashed out of his office. "Nick, Gotta get to the bank quick - can you stuff the invoices and bits on my desk and get them out this evening. I won't be back. Sure you'll do a great job." With that he was gone.

Nick had gone into Mr Fraser's office and found a pile of bills, letters, orders and other random letters on Mr Fraser's desk, with a pile of envelopes and stamps ready for posting. Nick got to work. He had done this sort of job several times, and had little problem finding addresses, writing the envelopes, posting them. He was pretty well through the pile when he saw a letter to a company he didn't recognise, and didn't have the address for. It would be no problem to check on google on Mr Fraser's computer for the address.

Nick wiggled the mouse to clear the screensaver, to see not the computer desktop, but a website on the screen. He stopped. He was sure Mr Fraser would not have left this there if he hadn't been rushing. He knew Mr Fraser was married, and had a daughter and son at university, in their early 20's. The website seemed to be a gay site. On the chat page, where there was a box - a private conversation box. Nick had used these sort of things - not a gay chatroom, but a teen chat room - so recognised and knew how these things worked. Perhaps he shouldn't have looked, but he knew deep down no-one would catch him, with Mr Fraser out for the rest of the day. The private conversation box was between Fraz and DownUNDER. Mark began to read.

Mark quickly guessed that "Fraz" was Mr Fraser, downUNDER some sort of online friend he had.

DownUNDER: "So is he there today?"

Fraz: "Working out in the reception. You'd be amazed - he has no idea how hot he is."

DownUNDER: "Tell me again."

Fraz: "Five ten, slim, gorgeous curvy teenage ass. Short blonde hair. Respectful. Girly eyes. 18 years old."

DownUNDER: "What do u fancy doing him today?"

Fraz. "Would love to strip him completely. Play with him. Play with his cock. His balls. Jerk him off. Catch it in my hand - smear his cum all over his mouth and face. "

DownUNDER: "Would u give his ass a good fucking then?"

Fraz: " Had another fantasy. Get him fucking my wife, then would get on top and fuck his ass as he fucked her. I reckon if we found the right person she would go for it, the cow is so kinky."

DownUNDER: "Picture is so hot I'm stroking now. So wouldn't the twink go for it?"

Fraz: "Don't dare touch him. He could end up screaming sexual harassment, then I lose everything. Just keep it for a fantasy."

DownUNDER; "Oh, fuck, I've just shot my load. Thanks mate, so hot. Would love to have a twink like that."

Fraz: "No problem, damn there's the phone, you go clean up..."

DownUNDER: "You still there?"

DownUNDER: "Guess you've had to go. Will hold on a bit. Chat soon."

Nick was stunned. They were talking about him. They called him the twink. He'd heard that phrase before and knew what it meant. Nick knew he wasn't gay, and that girl at the party who had taken his virginity seemed to like what he did. As did her best friend two hours later! And he found what they were saying about to him terrifying. And frightening. And had given him the hardest cock he had had since that party.

Even distracted Nick found the address he was looking for, finished the letter, and put stamps on the letters ready to post. As he finished the task he had wondered about what he had read, and turned back to the computer, and read the conversation again. Then, he decided to do something. Call it instinct, but he knew what he could do. He would write on the page, just carrying on from "Fraz".

Fraz (but Nick writing): "Hello, I'm the twink." There was a pause. Then suddenly a reply.

DownUNDER: "WHAT???"

Fraz (but Nick writing): "I'm the twink you are talking about. I've just been reading your conversation." Another pause.

DownUNDER: "Did you enjoy it? Would you do it if he came onto you?"

Fraz (but Nick writing): "I don't know. His wife is hot. But as long as he respected me if I said no I would never scream "Sexual Harassment."

DownUNDER: "I'll tell him you won't scream sexual harassment. How can I be sure you are the twink. Do you have a name?"

Fraz (but Nick writing): "Rather not. Can't stop you talking to Mr "Fraz," ask him if there is an old calendar - 2006 - with a picture of mount Fuji in the corner of the office. He'll know you've talked to me. Gotta go."

Nick suddenly realised what he had done, as he turned off the computer. If DownUNDER spoke to him, Mr Fraser would know he had read the rest. Suddenly anxiety overwhelmed him as he realised how much he had given away. In a daze Nick took the letters to the letter box then walked home slowly, processing what he had seen, and said, and what might happen. But he was shocked at himself - he told himself he would turn down Mr Fraser flat, if he came on to him, but deep down he knew he wanted to say yes...

Through tea with his mother, and the evening on the computer, Nick couldn't decide what to do, or what to think. He didn't feel threatened. He felt quite flattered. He liked being complimented as a "sex object." He had to jerk off thinking about what they said they wanted to do to him. And Mr Fraser's wife was hot - she was tall and slim, with dark short hair. She had been friendly, confident, outgoing, in the few sentences she had shared with Nick. She looked "smart" whatever she wore. He wouldn't mind having her - and he had jerked off thinking about her a couple of times after she had been in the office. But he was uncertain - would he say no, might he say yes? It wouldn't be tomorrow - DownUNDER would have to talk to "Fraz" before there would be a move. If there was. Would he let Mr Fraser, if Mr Fraser made a move on him? Nick was certain of one thing - he liked and respected Mr Fraser. And he liked his wife, the couple of times he had met her. He also knew he worked hard and did a good job. He wasn't going to give up the job to get out of the situation he was now in.


Paul Fraser had been worried, but now was feeling excited. There were possibilities. The worries had started after he had rushed out to the bank one afternoon, leaving Nick to do some work in his office. It wasn't anything serious, but there was a document he had to sign before closing time. He suddenly remembered - he had been talking to an internet "friend" - DownUNDER, not that he had any idea who he was. Paul was happily married, but had occasionally, before he was married, enjoyed playing around with other men, and enjoyed sometimes chatting on gay sites. He had no idea who DownUNDER was, but he seemed a nice bloke online. He had been talking to DownUNDER when he had rushed out, and was terrified at the possibility he hadn't closed the website down, horrified that Nick might have seen what was on the computer.

The problem for Paul was that Nick was the perfect twink. He was a hot young guy. He had looks. And personality. A slight submissive edge, but maybre would develop confidence while at work. Since joining the company for a gap year 6 weeks before Nick had been polite - had always called him "Mr Fraser" - respectful and hard working. Nick exuded a sort of innocence - he was certainly unaware of how sexy he was. Even Paul's wife Stacey had commented on how cute Nick was, and once when they were making love they had talked about him and fantasized about him joining them. It was just a fantasy - Stacey was hot, experimental, kinky, but would never stray beyond her marriage. Since Nick joined the company, Paul had frequently wondered whether he could seduce Nick, but had decided to keep well clear - he didn't want to get embroiled in a sexual harassment case - in their small town he was an important person, running the largest company in their area, and reputations really did matter and were easily ruined. And publicity wouldn't help his marriage either.

For two or three days Paul Fraser was at work, and worried. He was beginning to be re-assured that nothing had happened, that Nick had seen nothing. When he had got into work his computer was turned off. He hoped he had turned it off, but was not sure. It was on the Friday when he risked going back to the site, looking for chat. He was pleased DownUNDER was there. He clicked on his name for private chat, and they greeted each other. But then Paul's heart jumped.

DownUNDER: "I was talking to your twink after I was talking to you on Tuesday." Paul leapt as he read the words.

Fraz: "What? How do I know? Did he say what his name was."

DownUNDER: "No - too clever to give his name. But he did say that you have a calendar with a picture of mount Fuji in the corner of your office. An old calendar for 2006." There was a long pause as Paul processed what he was hearing. It had to be right - that is exactly the calendar he did have - he kept telling himself he should change it.

Fraz: "Did he say anything?"

DownUNDER: "Well, he had certainly read our conversation. And when I asked him if he liked it he didn't know, but seemed a bit excited about it. He did say that if you came on to him, as long as you respected him, especially if he said no, then he would never go for a sexual harassment complaint, he thought too highly of you for that. And he thinks your wife is hot." There was a pause before DownUNDER continued.

DownUNDER: "I reckon you, or you and your wife should try him. I reckon he will."

Paul Fraser was suddenly confused - it was his chance, he was nervous, and he wanted Stacey involved. He made some excuses about a meeting, and closed the website down. He would have to think about it.

In fact Paul did think about it all weekend, and talked to his wife in bed, and ended up having really hot sex! And agreeing with her...


On the following Thursday Stacey came into the office to see her husband. Mandy the receptionist was out for the afternoon - something about Mandy's daughter being ill and home from school - so Nick was on the reception again. Stacey smiled at Nick, then chatted briefly to him. After a few minutes she winked at him and said to him: "Going to talk to my husband for a few minutes. Can you make sure we are not interrupted. Phone or caller."

Even Nick in his innocent picked up some sort of undertone to what she said, and wondered what she wanted to do with her husband. "No problem, Mrs Frazer. I'll stop anyone wanting to see him."

Nick blushed at Mrs's Frazer's reply to him, although not sure why. "You are a good boy. We ought to give you a special reward for being so good." With that she was through the office door, before Nick could pull himself together.

Nick spent the next half an hour checking through the drivers' expense claims. He changed the odd one where it had been added up wrongly, and marked two or three he had to query with the driver. At last the office door opened again and Mrs Frazer came out. She spoke through the door: "Thanks Honey, I'll do it now, and I'll see you later." She slammed the door behind her, but wasn't in any hurry to leave the office. She turned to Nick instead.

"Nick," Mrs Frazer spoke to him across the desk. "Nick, Paul and I were talking, and have got a few jobs to be done at our house, which we haven't had time to get around to. Could you give us a few hours Saturday afternoon? Maybe from about one? We'll give you something to eat after, and you'll probably be away by eight or so. We'll make it worth your while."

Nick paused for a moment and thought. He had nothing to do on Saturday, and it would get him out of visiting his aunt and uncle, which could be a bit boring. Why not? "Sure Mrs Frazer, would love to. Don't have anything organised for the weekend yet."

"That's great, Nick," gushed Mrs Frazer. "You'll need to bring a change of clothes as some of the work is a bit muddy." She paused and made to go, then stopped and turned to Nick again. "Oh, by the way, you may want to wear these on Saturday, or have fun with them before." She handed Nick a brown paper bag, then was gone.

Stacey returned to her car and smiled. She could picture Nick being confused, and excited, and wearing them. She and Paul had been planning this since the weekend. She had been wet all morning just thinking about it. And her and Paul had just fucked like they hadn't fucked for a long time. Sure, they hadn't fucked over a desk for a long time, but it had been as hot as she could remember. Then she had wiped herself with her panties. She had just given Nick a pair of her panties, pink, lacy, the crotch wet with her juices, and smeared with Paul's cum as it had seaped from her pussy for twenty minutes or so. She wondered what Nick would do with a pair of her panties, the crotch soaking wet from her juices, made even wetter by the load of Paul's cum. She had always liked things to be different, and kinky, but it was a long time since they did anything as kinky as what they had planned, if they had ever done anything as hot.


Nick walked to the Frazer's house, reflecting on the last couple of days. They had been days of uncertainty and excitement. It had started with the invitation to do some work at the Frazer's house, and being given a bag by Mrs Frazer as she had left the office, after visiting her husband at work. At first Nick had been stunned by what happened, but he could never wait to see what a gift might be. He had gone to the toilet and opened the bag as quickly as he could. In the bag he found a pair of panties. Black lacy panties, which he guessed were Mrs Frazer. His cock jumped at the thought that she hadn't been wearing any when she had invited him to their house. He took them and realise they were more than just a pair of panties. They had a strong odour, part of which he knew was cum. The panties were very wet, and as he felt them, and looked at them he realised they were wet from Mrs's Frazer's pussy. Even more - they had cum stains on them as well, still warm and wet.

Nick's mind was whirring. When the Frazers had been in the office together they had fucked, and now were giving him her soiled panties. It was so gross. And so hot. For a minute Nick looked at the panties, but then smelt the crotch. Then, unthinking, he reached out his tongue and tasted them. And it was okay. But it was hot - it was wetness from Mrs Frazer's pussy. And cum from Mr Frazer's cock. He let his tongue rest on the crotch and savoured the taste.

Nick knew he couldn't stay in the toilet too long as someone would wonder where he was. But he had an idea. Quickly Nick removed his trousers and boxers, put the boxers in the bag, and put on the panties. They were very damp, and a bit tight, but the thought of where they had come from had him hard in a moment, and walking awkwardly back to his desk.

Nick had worn the panties the rest of the day, until the evening when he showered, and hid the panties in the back of a drawer. He hadn't worn them Friday or Saturday morning, but was now wearing them under his shorts as he headed towards the Frazers. When he had retrieved them from the drawer they had dried out, but still had the stains in them and the smell. Would Mr or Mrs Frazer realise he was wearing them - he worried that his nervousness would give him away. He rang the bell...

Mrs Frazer had opened the door, wearing a pair of white shorts and pale blue polo shirt, and My Frazer appeared a few moments later. They quickly explained what they had in mind for Nick to do. He spent the next four hours working through the list, seeing little of either of the Frazer's, except when Mrs Frazer brought him a drink, as well as giving him a couple of bottles of coke. Nick mowed the grass, dug over a flower bed, cut a long hedge. Nick was simply one of those people who worked hard, and did. It took him over four hours, but completed all the work on the list to pretty good standard for someone who was not a natural gardener.

Mrs Frazer was clearly pleased when he rang the house bell again. Nick felt well complimented as she gushed about how wonderful he had been to do all that work - she thought he wouldn't get through half of it. There was just something in the tone she used, the odd phrase she used, which felt it had a sort of "frisson." She called him "a good boy, " and said she was glad he had done a good job, so she "...didn't have to spank his botty, although perhaps she should anyway!"

"I'll get something to eat in a bit," she said, leading Nick into the house. "I've left some of our son's spare clothes in the shower so you don't have to wear your dirty clothes in the house. You're about the same sort of size. Just let us have them back in a few days." With that she pointed to the shower, and disappeared towards what Nick guessed was the kitchen.

Nick stripped and showered, putting his own clothes in a carrier bag on the pile of clothes in the shower. It was as he dressed he started to feel uncomfortable. The clothes were strange for a son to wear. There was a pair of black panties - lacy, g-string style. There was a pair of pink shorts with white trim, the shorter type girls wear. There was a t-shirt with a giant teddy bear on the front. Nick looked around, but there was nothing else there. Relunctantly he put them on, and diffidently walked to the kitchen where he heard sounds. He was very embarrassed walking into the kitchen in the girly clothes.

"Glad you found our sons clothes." Mrs Frazer seemed to be chatting quite casually. "To tell you the truth, we found them in the bottom of his wardrobe - they were originally his sisters but he must have liked wearing them and taken them." She paused to grab a pack of bread roles. "Typical teenager, I expect. Probably wore them, thinking of his sister whenever he was jerking off." Nick was stunned, as Mrs Frazer paused to start cutting up the bread buns, before starting talking again. "I know you don't have a sister, but your mother was saying the other day that you use her underwear to jerk off in sometimes. Reckoned she often finds your cum stains in them when she puts them in the wash. Is it just the underwear, or do you dream of taking her as well? Wouldn't be surprised - she's a hot woman."