Nicole's Temptation Pt. 02


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"Well, you can see you made your brother happy. You were very good, particularly for the first time."

"Hey sis, good job. What about you, has blowing me left you horny? Do you want me to go down on you again?"

"Oh, Tom, I'm never going to say no to that. Sure!"

"Ok sis, swap places with me."

I decide it's time for me to check out, "Hold on you two, I need a shower and I'm hungry. I'm going to leave you to it. I'll have some breakfast ready by the time you're done."

"Oh, come on, mom, don't break up this hot party. It's Saturday and nothing special to do."

"No, you know I don't like it, but you two can indulge some more, if that's what you really want."

What a crazy night and morning this has been. I can't believe that I am walking away from my bed, leaving my kids to indulge some more in incestual activities. I have taken some giant steps these past few weeks, beginning with embarking on a sexual relationship with my nephew. Hours afterward, my memory of my son going down on me in the middle of the night is still vivid, and of me blowing him too. To watch my daughter blow my son has my juices flowing. Is it because, having Tom's head in my lap, I felt his excitement and arousal flow into my hands? I have to get away before an all-out orgy with my kids envelops me.

Once in the shower, I think of all that has occurred in the last few hours. I let my fingers trail down with the soap, inducing my body into yet one more orgasm to my great satisfaction.

I dry off from my shower and return to the bedroom for some clean clothes. I walk in to see my son on his knees between Georgia's thighs, his face buried in her muff.

I doubt that I could manage to utter any coherent words at a moment like this with a tongue lashing my clit, but Georgia manages, "Oh, mom, there you are," breaking off to tell Tom, "Oh, yes, there, right there, nowhere else." Turning her face back toward me, she continues, "Mom, you should have stayed. I have cum already but I got greedy. Tom is ... ooohhh ... pushing me for a second. And it feels so good."

"That's lovely, honey. Enjoy!" I grab some day clothes and slip away, preferring to leave that scene of incestual debauchery to play out in my bed, but out of my sight.

I am in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for us all when Georgia strolls in, wearing only a halter top and slippers ... no bra and no panties. "Mom, I forgot to tell you when you came out of the shower ... well, Tom was distracting me." She giggles.

"Tell me what, Georgia?"

"Oh, err, yeah. You had a call on your phone."

"And you're only telling me now?"

"Well, I was busy, trying for my second orgasm."

"Yes, so I could see, I am guessing you were successful?"

"Oh, mom, you better believe it. My god, my brother is so cool, what a tongue."

"So, did you answer my phone or let it ring?"

"Oh, I answered it, came up as Newman, just one name on your Caller ID."

I am immediately in panic mode, "Did you speak to him?"

"Yeah, I did."

"What did he say?"

"I spoke to him, but he didn't speak back ... there was just silence, mom. I thought it was rude, not to speak. Who is this Newman, how well do you know him?"

"He's ... err ... not exactly someone called Newman, honey. That's my new man, he must have realised you weren't me."

"Why all this secrecy, why can't you just put his real name in your phone?"

"Because I have a private life..." I revert to taking the high moral ground, "...I'm not putting his name in my phone for just that reason ... that you and Tom snoop around, checking who's in my phone and who's calling me."

"I will find out who he is, mom."

Seeing that Georgia is so determined to know the identity of my new man. I must do everything I can to keep my secret incestual lover a secret. And having now indulged in further indiscretions with my kids, I will have to keep a lid on that too. Thankfully, Lachlan must have recognised Georgia's voice and knew not to speak to her.

Despite my apprehension at committing multiple incest, I do feel a buzz, both from my son going down on me in the early hours, and my fingering myself to a good orgasm in the shower. I want to call Lachlan immediately, but I can't take chances with my kids around.

"Georgia, do you intend to put some clothes on for breakfast? At least some panties surely? Breakfast will be another ten minutes if you want to take a shower."

"Ok, mom." She leaves the kitchen.

I expect that Tom will have dropped back to sleep, what with his hangover and being blown by his sister. I seize the moment, grabbing my phone to call Lachlan.

"Can you talk?" I ask when he answers.

"Yeah, dad's gone to golf and mom's out shopping, I've got the place to myself."

"Ooh, sounds good, don't do anything without me," I teasingly tell him, realising I am being inappropriate. I have led this little affair too much already. "Sorry, I was in the shower when you called..."

"Hmmm, my turn to say sounds good, wish I'd been there to soap you."

"You almost were ... I was using my thoughts of your wonderful cock as I soaped myself."

"That could have led to trouble."

"It led to something. I don't know if I'd call it trouble though."

"We can't have you doing that, you might decide you don't need me."

"Oh, Lachlan, nothing can replace having the real you."

I silently admonish myself for saying his name aloud while standing in my kitchen. Georgia could be within earshot.

"That's nice to hear. I called to see if we could organise something real soon."

"Oh, that does sound good. Oh, while I think of it, thanks for not speaking when Georgia answered my phone. she is busting to find out who the new man in my life is."

"Did you tell her you have one?"

"Err ... sort of."

"That's a good sign ... that you're thinking of me as your new man. I almost spoke, she sounds more and more like you these days."

"That would have been disastrous."

"I want you so badly, Nicky."

What do I say to that heartfelt plea? I want him as much, "Yes, me too." I refrain from saying his name, as I would when telling a man I want him. Must be careful with Georgia around.

"Do you want to come over here now?"

"NO, Lachlan! Both times together have been inside your house. I'm not doing it there again, we were nearly caught each time. We can't risk a third."

"Well, where then? Your place?"

"No, not here. Tom and Georgia are in and out of here all the time."

"Oh, Nicky, hearing you say in and out, you're talking sexy."

"Oh, Lachlan, grow up."

"I can't grow up, Nicky. I thought you liked having a 20-year-old to fuck you."

"Oh, my god, don't say that word. You're making me wet." I might as well let him think he's getting me wet. He doesn't know I've been flowing for hours.

"So, how can we get together to have what we want?"

"I don't know, I'll think about it during the day. I've gotta go now, I'm in the middle of getting breakfast for the kids."

I rack my brain all day, trying to come up with a location to share some alone time with Lachlan. I do crave another -- and longer -- session with my nephew.

Late in the afternoon, he calls again, "Nicky, I've been working on our problem and, if you're ok with this, we can get together on Monday."

"Really? This sounds promising, so long as it's not at your house."

"No, that's cool! I know how you feel about my place. I spoke to one of my college buddies. He and his roommate have a full day of lectures on Monday. He said we could use his pad between nine and four."

"Hmmm! Seven hours? Yes, that might just be long enough for all the things I'd like to do with you."

"At least it would be longer than the short ones we've had so far."

I can't stop myself, "Maybe short in time, Lachlan, but nothing about you is short."

"Hmmm! So, should I tell my buddy we're in?"

"Definitely in, Lachlan, in as far as you want." I am so horny that I keep coming up with this sexual innuendo stuff.

"His place is across town so we will need to drive. I can get mom to leave me her car for the day when she goes to work. Should I pick you up at, say eight-thirty?"

"Oh, my god no, Lachlan. Don't come here, my kids could see you. Either I drive us or we can meet up somewhere and go the rest of the way in one car?"

"Yeah, let's do that. Do you know the sports fields along Carlton Street?"

"Yes, the kids both played sport on those fields."

"Then, we'll each drive there and you can leave your car there, It's a quiet street on a weekday. I'll meet you there at eight-thirty on Monday."

"Ooh, nice early start. We can make the most of that, enjoy a long day. Bring all your stamina, you're going to need it the way I'm feeling."

I am excited to finally have a planned date to look forward to over the weekend after both of our previous encounters occurred completely out of the blue.

Chapter Two

I have a mixed sleep on Sunday night, sound for the first few hours, but fitful from around four as my eager excitement about the day ahead consumes me. By 7am, I rise, checking first to see both kids are sound asleep. I shower ... checking out my nude body in the bathroom mirror as I dry myself, looking at myself as Lachlan will shortly see me. Assessing my body at 42, I decide I still look quite good naked.

By 7.30, I am rummaging through my lingerie drawer to find my sexiest panties to wear ... I need to erase from his memory any images of me in those tatty panties the first day we were intimate.

I am ready early, consider driving to our meeting place now ... be out of the house in case my kids wake and see their mom dressed for a day of sex. Although not hungry in my nervous excitement, I instead force myself to eat some breakfast.

At 8.15, in eager anticipation, I can wait no longer and drive the short distance to the park on Carlton Street. He's not there yet, so I sit in my car to wait. Right at 8.30, I see my sister's car pull up behind mine. Grabbing only my purse, I walk back to the car behind me. Lachlan is already out of the driver's seat and coming around to open the passenger door for me. Such nice manners!

I am wearing a loose billowy skirt and blouse. I think I look pretty good, so I decide I should give him a tempting tease as he stands holding the car door open. Pausing by the open door, I lean up to kiss him softly on the lips. Then, all in slow motion, I slide my bum onto the passenger seat, letting my skirt ride up above my knees.

Lifting both feet off the road surface, I start to swing them into the car. Seeing him watching me closely, my hand pulls my skirt higher, the hem rising all the way to the top of the sexy old-fashioned stockings I have chosen to wear for him today.

I get great satisfaction to see his eyes nearly bug out of his head as he sees the expanse of skin ... the tops of my thighs above the stocking tops that attach to the garter straps. Spreading my thighs wider, I plant one foot into the car, leaving the other hanging out above the roadway. At the top, between my spread thighs, he gets a preview glimpse of my thong panties.

Still obsessing my shame for the panties I wore that first day, I am compelled to mention it again, "Is this a bit more appealing than the first time, eh?"

"You've got me, Nicky, I love it all."

"How long will it take for us to get there?" I ask as Lachlan steers his mother's car out of our meeting spot.

"About 40 minutes from here, depending on the traffic."

I reach one hand over to touch his trousers where I already detect a slight bulge, "Lachlan, can I hold this while you drive ... I mean, just to pass the time? We do want it to be ready to respond when we get to your friend's place."

"Yes, you're quite right, be my guest, Nicky."

I feel a twinge of guilt to be riding in my sister's car; her son driving us to an illicit day of wild incestual sex. But not enough guilt for me to tell him to turn the car around and take me home. It's going to take more than that to reject having sex with my nephew again. My hand tightens on the package within his trousers; I give him an encouraging smile when he turns to look at me.

After what seems an inordinately long drive across town, Lachlan pulls up outside an average-looking apartment block in a street of apartment buildings, not far from the college. I delay opening my door until my nephew hurries around again to open it for me. I give him a repeat visual treat, swinging one leg out ahead of the other, again tugging my skirt higher to reveal the thigh tops. He grins from ear to ear.

Lachlan leads me to the front door of the apartment complex. We ride the elevator to the fourth floor. Stepping out, my young lover takes my hand to lead me along a corridor of apartment doors. I like this warm gesture. Strangely, despite us having previously fucked twice, I am nervous; I appreciate him holding my hand for the first time. This feels like we're out on a real date although I expect to be on my back in five minutes.

He stops at a door - number 402 - pulling a key from his pocket. Before he can insert the key in the lock, the door swings open. A guy, who looks similar in age to Lachlan, emerges, a look of surprise on his face upon seeing Lachlan and me at his door, holding hands like two lovers. "Oh, Lachie, you're here, you must be early..."

"Err ... sorry, buddy ... you did say we could ... um, come at any time after nine."

"Yeah, I guess I did," the guy checks his watch, "Oh yeah, nine-ten already."

"Should we go have a coffee somewhere until..."

"No man, it's cool. I'm leaving now ... John's not far behind me."

Oh no, this encounter is doing nothing to quell my nerves. I never expected we'd be face to face with the young man loaning us his bed to fuck in for the next few hours. Nor to be standing out here in the hallway, holding hands with a young man half my age, while he debates whether we've arrived too early to claim possession of the bed.

A woman emerges from an apartment a few doors along, she looks a bit older than me, mid to late forties. Do I imagine her look to be disapproving as she passes by us? Why would she, has she witnessed a similar scenario outside this door before? Am I not the first mature woman that Lachlan has brought here? He mentioned learning sexual techniques from an older woman, did they come here? I lower my head in embarrassment.

My son goes to the same college that this guy obviously does. What if they know each other? What if, somehow, he's seen a photo of me and recognises me as the mother of a classmate ... Tom could even be a buddy? Worse, what if this guy has been to a party at my home? Tom has had friends from college over several times.

"Oh, here's John now ... are you ready, man?" The young man in the doorway turns to acknowledge his roommate who appears behind him. I watch the two of them look me up and down, scanning, perhaps appraising Lachlan's taste in women. Are they curious why he's with a woman at least twice his age? What opinion are they forming of me, will they refer to me as a cradle snatcher when they discuss this encounter with their friends?

"Yeah, let's go, we've both got a busy day," adds John, the roommate, pushing by us in the narrow hallway. The first guy, whose name I don't even know because Lachlan hasn't bothered to introduce us, moves away from his front door, a huge knowing grin on his face, "Yeah, you two make the most of your day here. I've changed the sheets, so don't worry about making a mess. I'll put mine back on tonight."

Can this get any worse? The knowing grin and his words imply that he is picturing Lachlan and me going hard at it, spreading our bodily fluids all over his clean sheets. Please, young man, just go, and let us inside to lock the door behind us.

"That's good, buddy. Yes, we do tend to make a bit of a mess."

'Lachlan, please shut up,' I think to myself as I cringe.

The guy still isn't leaving, "Oh, so this is not your first time?"

"No, but it is the first time to have enough time to fuck more than once. My mom has nearly sprung us twice."

"Oh shit, man, that would be embarrassing," he turns to address me, "Does his mom know you?"

I pause to decide if I really need to answer that, but Lachlan has no filter, "Do they ever, man, they're sisters."

'No, Lachlan, too much information. Just shut the fuck up.' I want this guy out of here. If not him, then me ... just be done with this difficult situation.

Lachlan must feel my hand tighten nervously in his at each utterance that pours from his buddy's mouth. At last, my nephew tries to end it, "Well, buddy, we won't hold you up, I guess you've got to get to your first lecture."

"Yeah, I'll go catch up to John."

I see his raised eyebrows toward Lachlan -- is that his way of showing his approval to Lachlan? We stand aside, the guy moves around us, heading to the elevator.

I look at Lachlan, "That was so embarrassing, do you think they approved of your choice in women."

"I am sure they did, Nicky, you're a beautiful woman."

Wow! That's the first time my nephew has paid me such a compliment. It comes at the right time, helping to ease the acute apprehension that has built up over the past two minutes. Lachlan pulls me inside apartment 402. I look around a big room, see the kitchen in one corner, glasses, dishes, and saucepans littering the sink. Typical bachelor pad of two college guys, I guess.

I see only two doors off this room. Lachlan pulls me toward one that I expect will be a bedroom ... I find it is the only bedroom as he tells me, "Bathroom's in there when you need to use it," pointing toward the other door.

We enter the one bedroom. Sparsely furnished, two single beds and two cupboards. Lachlan tugs me over to the bed on the left, "I think this is Barry's bed, I'll check to see if these are clean sheets."

Lachlan pulls the covers back, "Yeah, look, nice and clean."

This day has not begun well. In my sleeplessness in the early hours this morning, I ran a likely scenario over in my head of how this day might evolve. I thought of it being romantic, of Lachlan kissing me with passion the moment he closed the front door behind us. Even considered if he might test our restraint by suggesting we start with a drink. Would he think to bring some wine, even food? As much as we both lust for each other's bodies, we can't fuck for our entire time here.

I haven't seen him carrying a bag in with him; so much for my expectations. And he has rushed me straight to the side of the bed. Is he even intending to undress me, unveil the special sexy treats I have worn especially for his enjoyment? Surely, I won't have to take my own clothes off? I guess a 20-year-old male doesn't think like a 42-year-old hopelessly romantic divorcee ... he simply gets his cock out as quick as he can.

I never pictured us being anywhere near this bed until we have kissed passionately and our juices are flowing. But here we are, barely a chaste touch of our lips back at the car door by the park, and now we're standing looking at the single bed where I guess he expects me to lay down while he fucks my brains out for the next few hours. 'Oh well, so be it!'

As my hands reach to unbutton my blouse, Lachlan turns to me, "Before we start, would you like a glass of wine?"

"Oh, do you have some? Don't bother if you have to go out and buy it."

"No, I have a bottle here, should be nicely chilled overnight in their fridge."

"How did you organise that?"

"I came over yesterday afternoon to line everything up with the guys. I prepared a plate of cheese and crackers too. I hope they thought to take that out of the fridge at least an hour ago ... don't want that too chilled."

My day is turning. Relieved, I give him my best smile, my faith and expectations of him restored, "I would love wine and nibbles, thank you, Lachlan."