Night Nurse


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"Um, hi, Vanessa," he replied, looking her up and down with obvious approval, "I'm Ricky."

"Yes, I know who you are, Ricky. Your name is right there over your bed." She laughed, and her laugh sounded like wind chimes. But there was something different about her voice, even so. It was somehow...resonant, like the echo of a voice in a vast underground cavern.

"Oh, yeah," Ricky replied, "well, then, that's me. All concussed and confused and hallucinating." He laughed.

"Oh, you're not hallucinating at the moment, Ricky. I really am your nurse for tonight. My name really is Vanessa, and you really are in a hospital bed. You just need some rest is all. You'll be fine."

"Well, I don't know..." he began, but was interrupted by Vanessa.

"Now who's this Bela Lugosi person you think should be here for some reason?"

Ricky laughed. The glow around himself and his new guest, which had been centered around his bed at first, seemed to be spreading outward, filling the room. Where blackness existed before, he could now see everything in the room, though no moonlight entered and all lights were out. Every object in the room, including himself and Vanessa, was bathed in a cold, eerie luminescence. Around Vanessa, that luminescence seemed to writhe and undulate.

"Well, if you're not a horror movie buff, you might not understand," he offered.

"Try me," she replied, looking down at him with a sly smile curling her lush, red lips.

Just as he was preparing to explain the whole Bela Lugosi/Dracula thing, something happend which sent a chill skipping along Ricky's spine. Vanessa had been standing alongside his bed approximately even with the middle of his calves. When he opened his mouth to begin enlightening her about Mr. Lugosi, she suddenly seemed to GLIDE toward the head of the bed. There were no usual body movements a person makes when he or she arm swaying, slight bobbing of the body, normal rotation of the hips...none of that. Her body remained rigid in its stance, standing straight with her arms folded across her chest, as she seemed to roll on silent, unseen wheels until she stood next to his shoulders. She continued to smile down at him, awaiting his Lugosi explanation, as if all was perfectly normal. The incident, small as it seemed, made Ricky's skin crawl. He would be extremely happy when this whole concussion thing was over and done with.

"Wow," Ricky said as air seemed to catch in his throat, "concussions sure can screw with you."

Now Vanessa laughed. She tapped her crimson-nailed fingers on her upper arm. "Lugosi?" she reminded him.

The tinkling, hollow laugh once again wafted through the room as Ricky explained Lugosi's vampiric tour de force in Dracula. Her hands now clasped together at her waist, Vanessa's chest caught Ricky's eyes as it bounced slightly with her laughter. Even the tight uniform could not deter those bouncing orbs. Ricky felt himself getting excited, but somewhere in the back of his mind he still felt chills.

"I see," Vanessa smiled, "you think I'm a vampire? Or maybe you think I SHOULD be, for some reason?"

"Oh, no," Ricky rushed to assure her, "my mind's just playing tricks on me from the concussion. When I made that comment, it was because of the mist I thought I saw. You hadn't even," he swallowed hard, "appeared yet."

"Appeared?" Vanessa seemed amused. "Is that what you think I did? I just...A'PPEARED...before you?"

"Well,'s just..." Ricky was becoming embarrassed now. "It's all from the concussion, I think. I'm just seeing and feeling weird things. The doctors warned me that could happen."

"Well, now I'm sad," Vanessa pouted, her lips looking more and more succulent the longer Ricky looked at them. "Here I was thinking you saw me as this great, sexy vampire who could have her way with you any time she wished. Wasn't that always the appeal of the vampire anyway, the eroticism, the sexuality?"

Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind, some part of Ricky was wondering why and how he was having this odd discussion about vampires with his night nurse well after 11PM in a darkened room while he hallucinated about fogs and glows. Was it ALL a hallucination? Maybe he wasn't even here. Maybe the football game had never even happened. Maybe...just maybe...this was all just some bizarre dream? It would certainly explain the fairy tale ending of the football game.

While pondering this deep in his confused brain, Ricky was suddenly jolted back to reality by a cold tingle in his right thigh. When he looked down, Vanessa had somehow removed the generic hospital blankets and sheet from his body, having flung them, unbeknownst to him, to the opposite side of the bed. He was uncovered clear down to his ankles, and he'd never even felt it happening. Vanessa's red-tipped fingers were lightly stroking his inner thigh under his flimsy hospital gown, up and down slowly in a foot long cycle between his knee and groin. It felt as if tiny, cold, dancing sparks trailed behind those ruby nails. He couldn't see that hand, but he could see the bulge it caused as it glided along beneath his gown. It looked like some tiny animal was running up and down along his thigh, making his gown rise and fall as it trekked merrily along. He knew he should tell Vanessa to stop rubbing his leg, but he didn't have the will power to do so. Besides, if she was just some concussion-wrought hallucination, what was the harm?

"Isn't that the TRUE allure of the vampire, Ricky?" she continued, "Isn't eroticism and sexuality the real reason people have always had a fascination with vampires? Isn't that what draws us to them, even at our own peril?" Vanessa's voice stroked his mind even as her fingers stroked his thigh, having the same sparking effect in his brain as her fingers did on his flesh.

"Um...Vanessa...I don't know, really. Oh, man, I MUST be hallucinating. Damn, that means I'll probably be in here for days. Shit, I'm gonna miss all the victory parties. That is, assuming I didn't hallucinate the game, too."

Again Vanessa's chimed laughter sounded. "No, Ricky, you're not hallucinating. The game did happen, and you were the hero. You scored the winning touchdown as time ran out. You kept the Boars' undefeated season intact. You beat the Bullies in the championship game for the first time in six years. All of that is real. So is this hospital, and you and I in it. Every bit of it is real. Feel better?"

"I'm not sure," Ricky sighed. "That's all great, but, then, what about the mist and the Lugosi thing and the fact that I can see you clearly in the dark and you're here with me talking about vampires instead of looking after your other patients? Is THAT all real, too? And how do you know so much about the Bullies and Boars? Are you a fan? Do you go to Wallcorn?"

Vanessa's fingers stopped stroking his thigh. The lump created by the creature under his gown remained stationary. Her cool hand rested on his upper thigh, mere inches from the erection that was forming under his gown. Ricky thought that at any moment there would be TWO lumps visible that originated from beneath his hospital robe. And some wicked part of him wondered what Vanessa would do if she saw the second one.

"Let's just say," Vanessa replied, resuming her thigh stroking, "that the hospital isn't very full at the moment, and I can afford to spend a little time here. As for my knowledge of the Bullies and Boars, yes, I'm a fan. Wallcorn is my alma mater. I went there...several years ago. I love football. But, more importantly," she grinned in the hazy gloom, "I love football PLAYERS. They're always so tasty." She grinned down at him. Her hand stopped again, coming to rest with her fingers within flexing distance of Ricky's genitals. If his partial erection had flopped over to his right, instead of to the left where it now rested, Vanessa's fingers would be grazing it just below its swollen helmet.

"Oh, great, my hallucination thinks it's real and went to my college." Ricky laughed. This COULDN'T be real. This gorgeous nurse rubbing his thigh, her fingers having stopped wonderfully close to his right testicle, was as beautiful as they come. She loved football (and football PLAYERS) and was obviously touching him in a most arousing manner. Her smile and shining eyes broadcast their interest in him clearly. And she was talking about sexuality and eroticism. There was no doubt. This HAD to be mind trickery!

"Back to my question, Ricky. Isn't it the sexuality and eroticism of vampires that draw us to them? All the bloodsucking aside, isn't that what makes us easy prey for them? Aren't we drawn to them like moths to a flame, even though we know that flame might destroy us?" Her fingers began to stroke higher, turning inward to his groin, the tips of her index and middle fingers brushing his sack and the base of his inflating penis.

Ricky started to answer, but then felt Vanessa's fingers boldly stroking the underside of his shaft, playing lightly on his scrotum. Whatever words he planned on speaking caught in his throat. His penis started an irreversible process of growth.

"Mmmmmm," Vanessa sighed, "I see you agree with me." She was fondling him with impunity now, doing as she pleased with his soft, warm sack and his lengthening, firming member. And all the while she had her way with his genitals, Ricky felt those icy sparks wherever she touched.

His hands dug into the stiff hospital mattress when Vanessa started stroking his penis in earnest. He was fully erect and throbbing in her hand when she leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Does this excite you, Ricky? Or would you like me to stop?" Cupping his testicles in her palm, she gently stroked behind his sack with her fingertips, then quickly grasped his shaft again and tugged firmly on it as she squeezed and stroked it. Ricky couldn't reply. His eyes had rolled up in his head and his eyelids fluttered spastically above them. Thrill of thrills! His hallucination was giving him a hand job!

Vanessa continued to whisper in his ear. "If I told you I was a vampire, would you want me to stop stroking you right now, Ricky? Would you want me to leave and not touch you anymore? Or would you take your chances, flirt with death - or worse - to keep my hand busy right where it is until you moan with pleasure?"

He turned to look at her. She was leering at him with the most evil look on her face he'd ever seen on ANY human being before. Gone was the former sublime beauty of that feminine face. Replacing it was a lustful nightmare visage with a busy tongue that constantly licked shining red lips. Her deeply wizened eyes had a faint red glow to them...or was he hallucinating again? Or, perhaps, STILL hallucinating would be a better question. Her breathing was raspy, besotted. Those red eyes glared hungrily at him and the lush mouth almost drooled as her fingers brought him closer and closer to release.

"You've no answer, little Ricky?" she almost chortled with glee. "I'm so disappointed. By now I thought you'd be BEGGING me to keep jerking you off. Most men do once I've touched them so...intimately. Don't you want to come, Ricky dear?"

This beautifully dark woman was changing before his eyes, and rapidly so. After only a few moments, it didn't even seem to be the same woman. Ricky was becoming riddled with conflicting emotions. While he was definitely approaching orgasm, he felt fear deep inside himself, in his gut, in the very center of his being. That leering face, so close to his, seemed to have an evil glow surrounding it, the better to attract the unwary moth. Was it distorting, or was it merely his imagination? Unlike other dreams he'd had of women stroking him to climax, if THIS was a dream, he definitely wanted it to end.

"Cat got your tongue, little Ricky?" Vanessa giggled, grabbing the top of his head with her free hand and holding it immobile while she clamped her mouth onto his. Stroking him harder and faster, she kissed his mouth like a hungry animal, shoving her tongue inside his mouth, sucking on his. But it wasn't the normal sucking of a lover's mouth on his. When she sucked on his mouth, it felt as if all the air was rushing out of his body and into hers. She was actually suffocating him with her kisses. It was at once erotic and frightening.

When Vanessa finally stopped assaulting his mouth, Ricky was only mildly disappointed. But when she removed her hand from his primed cannon, his disappointment was much more evident. Still, without the genital stimulation, he was able to focus better on what was happening. He wanted to struggle, call out for help, push Vanessa away. Was it his weakened condition or his inflamed desires that prevented him from doing so...or was it something far worse? Whereas he had originally been very attracted to this woman, he'd now become somewhat repulsed by her, though his erection still screamed for her cool touch.

"Don't worry, little Ricky...super football hero. I may have stopped stroking that lovely cock of yours, but I don't intend to abandon it," she again whispered in his ear. "I intend to feast on that long, fat penis. I'm going to suck it until I've sucked out every drop of cum in your body. Wouldn't you like that, my little hero?" She licked his ear like a dog licking a child's face, then continued. "But," she chuckled, "you'll have to return the favor. I'm going to sit on top of you and plop my juicy pussy right down on your face. While I suck you dry, I fully expect you to do the same for me."

"What?" Ricky looked at her with disbelieving eyes, still unsure if she was a hallucination or not. "You can't ust..."

"Now, now, little man," Vanessa ridiculed him, "you've no choice in the matter. You'll find that I'm a woman who does as she pleases."

"But, okay, if you ARE real, what kind of nurse ARE you?"

Her eyes hardened. The smirk disappeared, replaced by firm-set lips that almost quivered their anger. "The kind of woman who will happily drain the blood from your lifeless husk of a body if you even THINK of refusing her. Is THAT clear enough for you, hero?" As he watched, fangs began to protrude from between the cold, deadly fangs.

"Wait!" Ricky's desperation finally brought words from his throat. "I've just had a concussion. I shouldn't be doing anything like this. I need rest. I could have a recurrence...seizures...end up in a coma. If anything, I don't have the strength to give you the pleasure you want from me. Suppose I black out just when you need me most?" He was grasping at straws, hoping even this lust crazed creature could see reason.

"Hmmm...." Vanessa said, looking down with mock sadness at Ricky, "What an excellent point. I guess you football stars DO occasionally have a tiny bit of intelligence, after all. I WOULD hate to be on the verge of an orgasm and have you pass out on me. How frustrating would THAT be? No, we can't have that, can we?" She tapped the fingernails of her right hand - fingernails that seemed a good half inch longer than he remembered them being - on her cheek. Then, a smile crossed her lips again. "I believe I can fix that," she said, beside herself with evil glee. "I'll tell you what, football star, here's the deal. I can fix that little concussion problem of yours, but in return you'd better give me every ounce of pleasure I need or you'll be infinitely, infinitely sorry. If you don't please me, I'll not only let your squished brain slosh to one side again, but I'll make sure you NEVER recover from your concussion. Understood?"

While Ricky didn't believe in the slightest that she could cure his concussion, he didn't have much choice in the matter. Ever since she popped into his room, it seemed he had no will power, no strength to fight her in any way. Whether from the concussion, or other reasons, that was simply the sad fact. She had some kind of control over him, and he just couldn't shake it. He was indeed that fluttering moth drawn inexorably to the fatal flame.

Ricky spoke before he thought, regretting his boldness. "What makes you think I won't toss you across the room and call for help if you fix my concussion? I'll have my wits and strength back then, Vanessa. You sure you want to do that?"

Vanessa laughed...long and hard. Again holding his head, this time by the back of it and by his jaw, she looked into his eyes and replied smugly. "Try it," she dared, "please...try it. I'm a vampire, remember? Even at your strongest, I could snap you like a twig. So, please do try something macho, football hero. Please... humor me on this." She licked her lips, her eyes taunting him, pleading with him to do something stupid.

Ricky, his head trapped in her iron grip, rolled his eyes toward the door. With all the force he could muster, he tried to scream for help. Nothing would come out. Though his lungs sucked in a great, chest expanding volume of air, all the sound his voice box could produce was a weak, pitiful squeal. Again, Vanessa chuckled.

"Feel better, now that you've tried that, little Ricky?" she chided. "From now on," she continued, "your mouth has one purpose and one purpose only...and that's to make me feel good. Are you clear on that, or do I have to snap a bone or two - though certainly not the one I want to play with - for emphasis? That would not be a difficult thing for me to accomplish."

Ricky nodded, his eyes glazing over with fear, his mind coming to grips with the futility of fighting, the inescapable nature of his predicament. He could only ride things out and pray for some sort of rescue. Maybe, somehow, his cloudy, concussed mind would protect him from the disgusting details.

No such luck.

"Don't look so sad, little Ricky," Vanessa cooed in his ear, "you're going to enjoy this, I promise. Not only are you going to get your schoolboy brain fixed, but you're going to just LOVE being my sex toy for the night. And maybe you'll learn some things that'll make you even more of a hero to those little schoolgirls you date. If YOU don't appreciate it, THEY might just thank me." She laughed heartily, her breath cool, not warm, against his ear.

The next thing Ricky felt was a coldness on either side of his head. Vanessa had his scalp clamped in her fingers. "Now, let's fix that brain of yours so you don't pass out on me, shall we?" Ricky watched her face as she seemed to concentrate. Her dark eyes closed and her tongue stuck out one side of her mouth. She was concentrating, as if she could see into his head.

"Ah, yes, there's that squashed brain of yours. Now, let's just rearrange it a little. There...ahhhh...yes...."

Ricky's head suddenly felt cold, numbing cold. It was like someone had just poured ice water inside his head. That coldness stretched from the top of his head all the way down to the base of his skull. He would've sworn he felt movement inside his brain pan. Something shifted, sloshed through the icy fluids around his brain. Suddenly, the mental haze that had surrounded his mind all day lifted. His memory of the day's events improved instantly and dramatically. He didn't feel tired anymore. He seemed to process thoughts more clearly, efficiently. If he didn't know better, he'd think someone had just opened up his skull and let out all the gunk and smoke that had clouded his mind since the concussion.

"There," Vanessa said, removing her icy fingers from his skull, "that was easy. No need to thank me, little Ricky. Just do as you're told and perform well, and I'll leave that brain of yours all healed up nice. But," her eyes hardened into granite and drilled into his, "fail me, and I'll make your brain into Silly Putty and stomp on it with my bare feet. Got it, hero?"

Even though his mind had cleared and he felt stronger than ever, he still couldn't resist her. Nor was he willing to test her, after what he'd just experienced. He had no idea what she would do to him after she'd used him for her personal pleasure, but for the moment it would be wiser to go along with what she wanted. It didn't seem like he had much choice, anyway. Maybe, if he was lucky, someone would stumble into his room to take his vitals again, or to check on the whereabouts of Nurse Vanessa, and he'd get out of this mess. Somehow, he doubted it. But, even as his brain toyed with all these hopes of rescue and escape, some visceral part of him didn't really want to be free of her. That part of him WANTED this diseased thing. Her sexuality did indeed lure him, entice him, seduce him. At the same time he feared and reviled her, he wanted to fuck her until he could no longer move.