Nikethan College Ch. 01

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The making of A CFNM college... The prologue!
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/07/2021
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Nikethan college in India was one of the few colleges which imposed religious dress codes. The boys had to wear a dhoti and the girls had to wear a saree. Not a single student felt happy about this. Which 18-22 year old boy/girl wanted to wear this? That too, in a metropolitan city. The girls were especially miffed. They longed for the freedom that came with the shorts or the mini-skirts. Instead, they had to wear blouses, long petticoats and then drape a saree over it in sweltering heat. And yet, admissions thronged since the college was one of the most sought-after ones when it came to campus placements.

When an outsider saw these rules, their sympathies were always with the boys. For the uninitiated, it would seem that the boys will feel sad that they could not see semi-clad college girls. The boys in the college, however, had bigger problems. Namely, the girls.

From 1960, every single school in the state offered free karate classes to the girls from the age of 6. This was done due to a spate of rapes that happened all over the country and resulted in a double blow to the boys. The Karate training not only made the girls strong and athletic, there was no way for the boys to take the classes. Since the girls had to take the class for free, the only way to compensate the trainers was by charging 5 times the cost for the boys. This meant, utmost one or two percent of the boys could take the class while every single girl became brutally strong. The Government back then seemed to think that the girls and women would only use the training to defend themselves. They couldn't have been more wrong.

The girls in the Nikethan college, now third generation Karate fighters had a ruthless sadistic streak. The boys were repeatedly bullied. Everyday, some or the other boy was targeted and ragged mercilessly. The college teachers and authorities also were becoming more and more apathetic. It was a combination of being unable to keep taking complaints everyday and at the same time the board getting in more women. Being women themselves, they started giving just lip-service and passively encouraging the girls. The boys, however, slowly resigned to their fates and silently submitted to the superior women. However, the authorities did set some limits, though.

Firstly, no permanent or visible physical damage. Three girls were debarred on the same day when a boy was found with blood from a broken ear and nose. And, these weren't regular girls either. They were from rich and influential families and yet, the college stood their ground and told them nothing doing. The girls' future was ruined. This served as a powerful warning to other girls who fell in line quite quickly. Secondly, no photos. The college had a strict no phone no camera policy and even if one camera was found anywhere, the girl would be immediately suspended and would also be written up. Thirdly, and the one which the boys were most thankful for, no stealing. If any boy reported that someone took his money or took his possession, it was once again instant suspension.The college had their reputation to protect. It was still one of the most sought-after colleges for campus placements and they intended to keep it that way. Outside of physical damage and intimate photos, the girls could rag or bully the boys anyway and they did not intervene.

Kiran came into the college fully aware of the issues. He was no stranger to being bullied or beaten up by the women in his life. He had been brought up with an Iron fist by his mom and elder sister. His dad had passed away when he was six and the two women raised him with very tough love. He had come to the college with extraordinary success in his PUC results and he intended to keep it that way. He knew that, even a small dip in his score would result in naked spankings at home. Yes, he spent most of the time back home completely naked. From a young age, his sister was in charge of him and forced him to do all the house chores. Once he turned 18, his sister started depriving him of clothes. She kept him naked and doing all the house chores and he would get his clothes back only after he did them satisfactorily. Yet, he was thankful to her because she never let him take one step outside without wearing some clothing. Sometimes, she made him stand outside in his underwear but never fully naked. This was not a privilege given to other boys in his neighbourhood. He had seen enough of his neighbours naked as their own sisters/mothers frequently punished them that way. When one of the other women tried to do the same with him, his sister had given her such a pounding that no one touched him again.

Those incidents told him two things. His sister, Chaitra, while being a bully like most other girls, loved him with all her heart. Secondly, seeing the other boys naked had made him realise that he himself had a gigantic penis. There was no comparison. He was massive compared to them. And, considering a sample size of more than ten of them, he felt he could safely say he was really gigantic. In addition, most of the other boys - who would be crying and begging their mom/sis to take them back inside - became fully flaccid upon being exposed. He, on the other hand, always became fully hard as soon as he presented himself naked upon his sister's orders. His sister had tried spanking him viciously. Of course, he was regularly spanked by both mom and sis. However, when Chaitra spanked him to bring his erection down, those hits were on a different level. He could hardly stand and hardly sit after such spanking sessions and no amount of tears and begging would stop it as Chaitra would plough on mercilessly. Still, his erection hardly subsided and Chaitra had to give up. He suspected that his size and his aroused state were the main reasons why Chaitra never exposed him publicly like the other sisters.

When she had seen his PUC report card, Chaitra hugged Kiran. She told him how much she loved him and how he was their greatest hope. She had brought him a brand new Bicycle and completely new set of decent cloths with her own money. He pointed out that the clothes were useless since he could only wear dhotis in college. She told him not to think about it and that the new clothes would come in handy whenever he came back from college to home or whenever there was some family function. He pointed out that, she stripped him naked most of the times when he was home and stripped him to his underwear in functions. Chaitra got angry and ordered him to remove his clothes. Mom pitched in and told him while he was good at studies, he was an idiot in other things. This was a good lesson in keeping your mouth shut around women, she chided him and he grudgingly took his punishment. That evening, however, she took him and mom out to his favourite restaurant. Kiran ate to his heart's content and gladly thanked Chaitra for the meal. Once home, however, she told him to show his gratitude by licking her feet. He stripped naked and lovingly sucked his sister's toes until she went to sleep.

As he reflected on these thoughts while riding his Bike into the college, he was predictably stopped by a group of women. He could see that they were seniors.

"New Bike? Who brought this for you?"

"My sister." Kiran replied knowing what was coming next.

"What does she do?"

"She works in a garments shop. My mom is also a tailor."

"Hmph! Don't they need every penny to look after themselves? Didn't you care about that when you asked them for this Cycle?"

"No, no. They only brought me-"

"Silence," she barked and the women had him surrounded. He knew they were trying to scare him and it was working.

"Get down on your knees and apologise for being a spoilt brat."

Kiran was down on his knees. He held his hands behind his head and told his bully.

"I am so sorry, ma'am for being a spoilt brat."

He hoped against hope that they would leave him after that. But, of course, they didn't. They surrounded him and he was frequently slapped, pinched and teased and they eventually left him after they removed his pants. Since he was wearing pants and not dhoties inside the campus, he told himself it might not be worth it to report and made way to his hostel in his underwear. Well, it was par for what he expected. He told himself he would hold his head down and not get into any trouble with other women anymore. Mom laughed when he called home and narrated what happened on his first day and told him to be more careful. He made friends with his roommate and the neighbouring dorm mates. That night, they all practised wearing dhoties. They all had belts on. These were small white velcro belts specifically for dhoties and were more in use these days because fewer and fewer men wore dhoties. They got good enough at it by the time they went to sleep.

The next morning, there was a circular pinned on both the boys' and girls' hostel notice board. It was a triple blow for the boys. There were the usual long sentences about the traditionally, the quality of education and all that about the college. But, the highlights of the circular were this.

Boys should wear only loincloths, and not underwear. This was because, this was the traditional undergarment for the boys. Centuries ago, men did not wear the modern underwear and only wore loincloths and, being an orthodox college, they were adding this rule. The boys would get a sample underwear to the college tailor and they would be stitched a loincloth for the same length. The boys shivered at the thought. They did not like this. Admittedly, the loincloths made their junk more free and would be less restrictive. In addition, with the heat, the more breeze that went in, the better, right? Unfortunately, the next item was what making them scared.

Boys should no longer wear the dhoti belts. Once again, when men could manage without such belts centuries ago, there was no reason for the boys to have an additional fastening for dhoties, or so the college thought. The boys hardly wore dhotis before they joined this college and still needed help. However, the boys were warned that anyone found to be wearing the belts would be punished. At the same time, if a dhoti were to drop because they were not worn properly, the boy would be punished as well. The punishment was not mentioned but the senior boys knew, and told the new joinees, that the punishment would probably be staying in your underwear until the teacher allowed them to finally wear more clothes again. In addition, the seniors told them that repeat offenders were generally made to work. They would be sent off to clean some or the other labs or dorm rooms or classrooms. The worst part, the seniors shuddered as they told them was that, when the boys were sent to work, they would be supervised by some female maids. Kiran and the new joinees shivered at the thought. The thought of cleaning some classroom in their underwear while being supervised by older women. Then, they would have to ask the maids to inspect their work and would be let off only if she found it satisfactory. Now, if they were punished, it was no longer underwear but a loincloth. The boys were terrified. Kiran, however, was terrified even further as he alone spotted a small clause that was written into the last paragraph.

The good faith clause. If any student suspects that one of the boys was wearing underwear instead of a loincloth, and he/she forcefully inspects him for the same in good faith based on their suspicion, they will not be punished. Kiran felt his head spin but the other boys seemed to have not grasped the significance. This meant that, the girls, whom he already knew to be bullies had full license. They could pull his dhoti down anytime they wanted. Since he would not have fastened it with the additional belt, it would easily come off. She would face no consequences as she could claim that she suspected him to be wearing underwear. Once it came down, it would be up to him to fight for his dhoti back and who knew when it would happen.

Unbidden, an image came to his mind. An image of the four women tossing his dhoti around while he ran behind each of them. Crying, begging and wearing only his loincloth. The thought of it made his head spin. At the same time, it also, for reasons he could never comprehend, started making him grow.

Then, he thought about cleaning classrooms in his loincloth while a maid watched sternly. While cleaning, there was no way he could take care of angles and he was pretty sure that she would be able to see his privates at some point. Not to mention, he would have to ask her to inspect his work and then follow her around with his arms folded while she would have the power to determine whether it was satisfactory or not.

Kiran knew he was in trouble and his belief was further strengthened when he saw one of the bullies from yesterday point to the circular and give him a sneering thumbs up. He could see that she was pointing to the last paragraph and that meant she knew about the damning clause. As he watched her in fear, she mouthed him "You are toast!"

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