No More the Soccer Mom Pt. 02

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Julie comes home and confronts her hubby.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/22/2018
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This is part two of my story No More the Soccer Mom. You should read part 1 first. If you don't want to read about a wimpy husband and a hotwife, don't read this.


Chapter 5

The limousine pulled up in front of my house at 5:30 in the morning. Everything was still dark. The coach lights were not even on. It felt like an omen or, more precisely, it seemed to exemplify the state of my marriage.

With a sigh, I opened the door and stepped out. I stared up at the house I had loved for years, the place where we had raised our children, the place I had shared with the love of my life.

Now, that person, who had been my husband, had sold me as a sex slave. He had turned me from a soccer mom into a high-paid prostitute, a slut, a kept woman. What did my Judas get with his bag of silver?

I walked up the sidewalk, slid the key in the door and stepped inside this empty shell of a home. The only saving grace was my children, my two beautiful girls. I dropped my clutch and keys on the table in the foyer and kicked off the slutty, come-fuck-me heels I had worn to the "interview."

I climbed the stairs in silence and walked down the long hall to the back of the house. The door was open, and I could see my girls asleep in their beds. Chrissy, the older had the top bunk and her sister Maggie the bottom. I approached the pink bunk beds and stared at my angels. I wanted to touch them, to hug them, to kiss them, but I felt dirty, unclean and tainted. Tears ran down my cheeks as I turned and left them.

I made my way to the kitchen and with shaking hands, poured myself a half-glass of orange juice, then filled it with Vodka. I drank it rapidly, nearly choking on it. The juice did little to lessen the burn of the alcohol. I was not an alcoholic; I just needed something to calm my nerves and to make me feel better about myself.

I left the empty glass in the sink and felt an overpowering urge to get clean. I stripped off the whore's costume, the dress, the bra, the thong, and walked naked through the house to the room I shared with my pimp and husband, Dave, my betrayer.

He was there. Asleep. Snoring.

I stared at him in the half-lit room. I bet he was so happy now. He had everything he wanted, everything he had worked so hard for. A price had been paid for him to get it all. A price that he didn't have to pay. He was not the one who was fucked repeatedly and forced to submit to the dominant will of his boss. He left that duty to me, while he was rewarded.

I felt a wave of nausea and I ran to the bathroom. I failed to vomit. Somehow that saddened me more. If I could purge myself, could I purge myself of this new life? Could I go back and undo it all? Could I be free again? But no, the bile subsided and I was still a whore.

I turned on the shower and climbed in, gasping as the icy water hit my body. The shock took my breath, but could not take my pain. Gradually, the water warmed and then became scalding. I felt it searing my flesh. I grabbed a loofa and began to scrub. I wanted to clean the scent of infidelity from my body and my memory. I tried to wash away my sin, my guilt, my humiliation, but most importantly I wanted to cleanse myself of my desire for more.

I washed and scrubbed until the water became cold again. Finally, shivering, I turned off the shower and got out. I dried, looking at myself in the mirror. Had I changed? Visibly, there was very little sign of my transformation, only a bruise here and there from when Steven had been too aggressive. The mirror lied and hid the reality. I was no longer the Julie that had looked into this mirror twenty-four hours ago.

That old Julie was gone. In her place was this new Julie, the Executive Assistant, and sex-slave to Steven Andrews. I put on a robe, pulled my hair into a scrunchy and walked out. I was who I was. It was too late to go back now.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. The scent of bacon filled the house and must have attracted the resident carnivore. Dave stumbled in, wearing only his boxers, his hair a disheveled mess, and looking as if he had been drinking hard all night.

"Hey," he said, and his voice made my stomach turn. "When did you get home?"

I glanced up at him, my face displaying none of the hatred and disgust I felt.

"Half an hour ago," I said, adding nothing more, not even a greeting.

"I'm starving," he said, walking over to steal a piece of bacon.

"That's for my girls!" I snapped, striking his hand with a wooden spoon.

'Ouch!" he exclaimed, shaking his hand and staring at me angrily, "What the fuck was that for, Julie?"

"I didn't cook anything for you," I explained, "If you want to eat, fix it yourself."

I started plating the pancakes. "But, first, go wake up the girls and get them down to eat."

He stood without moving. "Julie, can we talk?"

I turned to him. By the look on his face, he must have seen the look on mine. He stepped back, alarmed.

"Yes, we'll fucking talk, but not now!" I snapped, "Get your ass upstairs and get our daughters down to eat. After they go to school, we can talk. Your boss said for us to take the day off, so we will have plenty of time for talking."

He nodded his head slowly, backing out of the kitchen, then turned to go and get the girls out of bed. A few minutes later, my two cherubs came in all sleepy-headed and grumbling.

"Hey, Chrissy!" I said, turning to them with a big smile, "Good morning, Maggie!"

I knelt and gave both of them as big a hug as I could manage.

"I missed you two last night," I said, fighting back the tears. "I'm so sorry the Mommy had to work."

"It's okay, Mommy," Maggie said, hugging my neck. Chrissy sat down and started eating, grinning ear-to-ear.

"If you make us pancakes every morning, you can work overnight any time you want," she said, pouring Aunt Jemima's syrup all over her short stack of pancakes.

I looked at Dave, who was still standing there. "Yes, well, I'm afraid I'll have to work overnight often. I will miss you girls terribly, but will do everything I can to make it up to you."

Dave left the room. I guess he couldn't take the heat in the kitchen. When the girls finished eating, I gathered up their plates. "Go get dressed; I'm driving you to school this morning. I'll be at the school to pick you up today too, so don't ride the bus."

They seemed pleased by that news and ran upstairs to get ready for school. I cleaned up the kitchen, and a few minutes later, Dave showed up.

"Did you make coffee?" he asked, trying to smile.

"No," I said, then walked out of the room. I needed to get dressed and didn't want to look at Dave's face. It made me want to vomit.

Chapter 6

I arrived home from dropping off the girls at school and found Dave waiting for me at the kitchen table. As soon as I came in from the garage, he held up the glass I'd used for my emergency screwdriver.

"You're drinking this early and driving our kids to school?" he asked with an angry look on his face.

"Fuck you," I said stoically, "I needed something to calm my nerves after what you put me through."

My reaction seemed to surprise him. He swallowed hard and looked down. I poured myself a mug of coffee and sat down across from him at the table.

"Can we talk now?" he asked nervously.

"Yes," I answered, "but I don't think you're going to like the conversation."

"Look," he declared, "I did this for us! I was trying to help us!"

"Bullshit!" I shouted, "don't you ever say that to me again! You did this for you! You got a big bonus and a big pay raise. You got the job you've always wanted. You pimped me out and made a whore out of your wife for a promotion!"

"I didn't pimp you out!" he protested, trying to defend himself. "It was just a job interview."

"You knew!!" I snarled, "You knew what kind of person Steven is! You knew what the job was really about! You knew he'd make me his slut! And you did it anyway! You're a white collar pimp, and your wife is nothing more than a high-priced prostitute."

'It's not like that!" he countered, "Really, not like that at all!"

"Really?" I asked with total disdain on my face. "Did you know that to get the job I'd have to suck his cock?"

He looked away.

"Did you know that for the interview, I had to be completely naked and that he would fuck me?"

He refused to meet my gaze.

"You knew your boss would fuck your wife. You knew that as his new assistant, I would be Steven's complete and total sex toy. Didn't you?"

He shook his head, "Not exactly."

"What the fuck does 'not exactly' mean, Dave?" I demanded.

"I mean, I had an idea that you might have to do things for Steven," he said, his voice breaking. "I didn't ask what he expected."

"Did you know that he got the woman before me pregnant?" I asked the question that had been bothering me all night. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew. He didn't reply, so I demanded an answer. "Answer the question, Dave!"

He nodded. "Yeah, I knew. Her husband freaked out over it, and she left the company. That's why the job became open."

"You know he plans to breed me, don't you?"

"He said he needed his next assistant to be fertile and to have a husband who could handle her having his child," my loving, doting, protective husband confessed.

"And you volunteered for the job," I stated it as a fact, not as a question. Dave nodded, looking down into his coffee.

If looks could kill, Dave would have fallen over dead.

"You disgust me," I told him. "You're not a man. You're a pathetic pimp and a worm."

"Julie," he protested, raising his hands, "we can get through this. We can make this work."

I laughed. Dave sounded so stupid and pathetic. How could I have ever loved this poor excuse for a man?

"You mean I can work this out, on my back and knees, while you get all the benefits of my work. You get to come home. You get to be with my girls. You get to own your body and decide what you do with it. You took all of that away from me. I hate you. I will never forgive you."

"But you're my wife, and I love you," he said on the verge of tears.

That really made me laugh. "I may be legally your wife, but you stopped being my husband the minute you pimped me out to your boss. Now, you're nothing to me. You're not my husband. Steven is my husband now. Don't you get it? I'm his now. You sold me to him. I hope it was worth it!"

"What?" he asked, "That's not the agreement we had. It was just a job, and yeah, you might have to suck his dick or let him fuck you now and then. But that was it. It wasn't supposed to interfere with our marriage!"

"Our marriage?" I asked, scoffing. "Our marriage is over. I won't divorce you, not yet. I won't put our girls through that. I'm not willing to mess up their lives because of you. But, I'm no longer your wife. I can't stand to be near you. You truly do disgust me."

"Don't say that, Julie," he said as the tears finally started flowing, "I love you! I thought it would be hot! I thought you would like it and then you would come home to me and we would fuck while talking about how fun it was for you."

"Is that what you wanted?" I stared at him blankly. "You wanted him to cuckold you? You thought he would just put his dick in me and send me home for you to clean it up and take me back by fucking me?"

He nodded, "Yes! That's what I thought! I thought you would come home after having a hot sex fantasy fulfilled and share it with me and then I would reclaim you!"

"Is that what you want? You want to reclaim me?" I asked contemptuously.

"Yes! I do!" he cried out, "You're my wife, dammit! I deserve to reclaim you!"

I didn't tell him what I thought he deserved. Instead, I stood up and walked around the table, grabbing his hand.

"Come on!" I snarled at him, "Come on then, fucking reclaim me!" I dragged him to his feet and pulled him to our bedroom. I stood next to the bed and pulled my shirt over my head, then threw it to the floor exposing my bare breasts.

I pointed at them. "See these bruises? Do you know who put them there?"

"Yes," he said, staring hungrily at my tits.

"He slapped them until they were bright red, then squeezed them until I bruised!" I told him. "Are you happy?"

"No!" he said, his mouth hanging open.

"Touch them!"I yelled at him. "Touch my tits, Dave!"

He reached out his hands and felt them softly. "Harder, Dave! That's not how Steven touched them. Squeeze them!"

He squeezed them, but I felt nothing. "Harder, you little bitch! Are you a man or a boy?"

He squeezed my tits hard enough to make me wince. I refused to give him the satisfaction. I pushed him back and pulled my sweatpants off and threw them to the side. I was naked.

I turned my back to him. "Touch my ass, Dave!"

He put his hands on my ass cheeks and began massaging them. "Do you know whose ass that is now?"

"Yes," he mumbled.

"Tell me, Dave!" I demanded, "Who owns my ass?"

"Steven," he said.

"Spread my cheeks and look at my asshole! Look how red and swollen and sore it is." I leaned forward onto the bed. He spread my ass open and ran his fingers in my crack and over my inflamed asshole. It hurt, but I didn't let him know.

"Do you want to know how many times he fucked my ass last night?" I asked.

"Yes, I want to know," he said, his voice raspy and breathless. The fucking worm was getting turned on.

"Four times, Dave!" I told him, exaggerating slightly. "He took pills to keep his cock hard all night so that he could keep fucking me."

Dave groaned. He was tugging on his cock through his pants.

"Is your dick hard thinking about what your boss did to your wife?"

"Yes," he admitted.

"Take it out! Show it to me!" I commanded. He undid his pants and dropped them to the floor. His cock was rock hard and sticking out straight in front of him. I chuckled, "What are you going to do with that little dick? Steven's cock is so much bigger. I doubt I'd even feel you."

I reached under my body and spread my cunt open.

"Do you see this cunt? Whose cunt is is, Dave? Who owns this cunt?"

"Steven," he answered. I could hear the arousal in his voice.

"And you think you can reclaim my pussy with that tiny cock?" I asked as harshly and as insulting as I could.

"Yes!" he answered back angrily.

"Then do it, Dave! Fuck me and reclaim my pussy! Show me what kind of man you are! Show me what a pimp does to a whore!"

He thrust into my pussy. I was right. I didn't feel it. I felt nothing. No arousal. No need. Most importantly, I felt no love.

He pumped his cock into me hard. I started laughing. "You call that fucking? Steven fucked me so much harder with his giant cock. I can't feel you, Dave! You're going to have to fuck me much, much harder to reclaim me."

Dave grabbed my hips and pulled me back as he started slamming into me, over and over. "Harder! You're such a wimp! Fuck this whore! Whores need to be fucked hard! Give it to me, you piece of shit!"

Dave grunted and started cumming inside me. I waited, without moving, without speaking until he finished. He leaned over me, resting his head on my back. His spent cock was rapidly shrinking inside me.

"Did you start?" I asked, sounding impatient. "When are you going to fuck me? When are you going to reclaim me? Oh, wait? Did you finish already? Did you shoot your load? Ha ha ha ha ha, I didn't even notice you inside me."

I pulled away from him turned around and faced him, his cum running out of my pussy and down my thighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dave," I said with a sad, pouty face, "You didn't reclaim me. In fact, you've proven to me that you're not a man. That was the last time you will ever fuck me. You will never touch these tits," I said as I fondled my breasts. "You will never touch this pussy," I moved my hands to rub my cunt, "ever again. I have a real man now, and I belong to him."

"But, Julie!" Dave tried to protest, "it wasn't supposed to happen like this!"

I shook my head. I actually did feel sorry for him, for a second, until I remembered what he had done to me.

"I hope it was worth it," I said, then picked up my clothes and walked out.

I kept going as he called out to me. I picked up my purse and car keys, then left. I went to a hotel and checked into a quiet room in the back. I raided the mini-fridge and poured myself a stiff cocktail, then got into a hot bath and soaked. When I got out, I crawled into the bed, covered up and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about Mexico and my new boss.

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theVikingSailortheVikingSailorabout 1 month ago

KB's writing and story telling are excellent. I hate all of his characters except for the two daughters, who will ultimately bear the consequences of the despicable choices of the adults. But there is truth in Bandor's story and that truth is revealed in Dave, Steven, and Julie. To those critics who judge the story teller by the actions of his characters, you're off base. Bandor's theme is an important one and he conveys it in a very compelling way through his plot and the thoughts and actions of the main characters. We hate them, but they are realistic and they teach us what to avoid. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


I can only hope that all women who become whores like your protagonist become infected with HIV and die a slow and painful death!

Why would you wish that upon yourself

timrivtimrivover 1 year ago

She’s a slut, she could have said no but didn’t. No good people all around in his tale.

dawg997dawg997over 1 year ago

Half-finished story. Again. What a waste of time. If you don't want to finish a story, then remove it so readers aren't lured in to waste their time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An Admin Asst making as much as an experienced engineer but no job experience requirements in order to be qualified for the position? Come on...of course the position is really serving as the corporate whore. The husband knew. The wife's display of outrage is pathetic. She had no problems spreading her legs for a man she had just met as a married woman. Her age and body issues mean she can expect rough, degrading treatment as time passes. Hopefully she does not expect her new boss to truly care about her. In exchange for her services, she'll get her salary, exposure to STDs and the respect due a whore. She'll be no one's princess and has no grounds to feel superior to anyone else.

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