Not a Man Ch. 04

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Henry manages to impress Jay.
8.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/28/2016
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Hey all. I've been busy with other stories for contests, and real life, but I'd like to keep this one going. No idea how fast I'll be able to write it, though!


Nearly ninety minutes after my lunch ended, I walked back into the IT department, expecting the worst. A few of my co-workers looked up from their monitors briefly, but there was only one person in the office likely to raise a stink.

That person just so happened to be on the phone. The moment Darla noticed me, however, her entire demeanor changed, from suck-up-friendly to suppressed rage. I quickly hurried to my desk, and sat down, as if looking like I was working would offer me some sort of protection.

"Excuse me, sir, I'll have to call you back in a moment," Darla growled, loud enough for me to hear.

I logged into the Lifelast system, and already had a ticket open by the time she stalked all the way to my cubicle.

"Mister. Newman. You. Have. Some. Nerve," she hissed, nostrils flaring. Worse than her demeanor, however, was the neverending, overpowering stench of cigarettes, wafting directly in my nostrils with every word. "Just YESTERDAY I told you, specifically, that I would be watching you. And here you are, brazenly defying company rules, spitting in the face of everything Lifelast stands for. Today, you leave the office EARLY, yet again, with that... with that hussy—"

"Don't you dare call Tess that word," I immediately defended her.

Darla looked almost perplexed that I would dare speak up, and not even to defend myself. It only slowed her down for a moment, however.

"With that WOMAN. And you don't come back for HOURS, upon HOURS, upon HOURS. Do you even know what time it is? I swear, you—"

Almost reflexively, I picked up my phone to check the time. I tapped on the screen, and realized I had made a huge mistake as soon as I heard the sharp intake of breath from Darla. I never had changed the background picture, and on the screen was, quite clearly visible, Jay's massive, erect cock.

Darla visible paled, eyes transfixed on the phone, and my heart pounded loud enough to be heard from several miles. Without saying another syllable, she turned around, and ran out of the office. I sat there, frozen with panic.

"Damn, Henry, what'd you do to get her to finally shut up?" yelled Bradley over the cubicle wall.

That ripped me out of my shock, and I sprang into action. The very first thought that popped into my head was to get rid of the evidence. I unlocked my phone, and removed the background picture, replacing it with a stock image of snow capped mountains. Then I had a better idea. I googled a picture of a baguette, and used that as background. From the distance, if I squinted, it could maybe, just maybe, be confused for a penis. Better than mountains, anyhow.

Five minutes later, my office phone rang, and I nearly jumped out of my skin, despite having expected it. I was supposed to report immediately to HR. Without delay.

I sighed, logged out of the system, and stood up. Was that the last time I would ever sit at my desk? I took a moment to look around, and realized that there was practically nothing personal about my workstation. There weren't any of the pictures of family, or loved ones, that seemed to be ubiquitous. There weren't even any posters of pets, or bands, or whatever else people liked. The closest thing to a personal touch was the fact that I had torn out several keys of my keyboard, after I accidentally sent my computer to sleep for the third time.

Was my life really that pathetic, that I had nothing to show for it? Was it about to become even more so? Bradley shot me a commiserating look, as I walked out of the office for potentially the last time. He must have figured out that sending Darla running like that could only spell trouble.

Bryce Taggart's office door was closed when I got there, and I stood in front of it, taking a few deep breaths before knocking. "Come in," came his baritone voice from inside.

Unfortunately, he was not alone. I smelled Darla before I saw her, sitting in one of the chairs, looking at me with an expression of supreme smugness.

"Take a seat, Mr. Newman," commanded Bryce, and I sat down, trying hard not to cough. "Do you know why you're here?"

"No, sir," I lied.

"You know exactly why," hissed Darla.

"Now, now, Ms. McIntyre, let the boy speak for himself. Now, Mr. Newman, Ms. McIntyre told me that you, hmm, how shall I put it... indecently exposed yourself to her."

"She said WHAT?" I asked, not even having to feign outrage.

"No, no," Darla, to her credit, piped up right away, but in a tone of voice that made me seriously wonder what lies she had fed Bryce before I got there. "He exposed himself on his phone!"

"I see, hmm," continued Bryce. "In any case, are these allegations true?"

"No, sir," I lied again, and pulled out my phone. Darla eyed the gadget apprehensively, as if she expected it to lunge at her at any second. Trying to appear as confident as possible, I turned on the screen, and handed him the picture of the most penis-like baguette in the world.

Bryce studied it silently for a long time. Darla's lips kept twitching, as if she was about to start another tirade.

"My sister-in-law is french, sir," I explained, hoping to convince him. "I've been trying to make baguettes myself, and she sent me a picture of what they're supposed to look like when done properly. I just thought it was a nice picture. You know, sort of like inspiration."

"Hmm, I see," mused Bryce.

"That is... no, he is lying! That's not the same peni—picture," spluttered Darla, confused.

Bryce held the phone at arm's length, and squinted. "You've got to admit, Darla," he said, addressing her by her first name for the first time, "From a distance... if you squint... it certainly looks, well... I'm not an expert on uh, male physiology, but you've got to admit, it looks an awful lot like a, well, you know."

"No!" barked Darla, her face turning red with anger. "I know what I saw," she yelled. "I want him out of my office!"

"Come now, Darla, be reasonable," Bryce tried assuaging her.

Darla wouldn't hear any of it. She shot up out of her chair, stalked to the door, opened it, and turned around. "I know exactly what I saw!" she yelled loudly. "It was a... a... a penis. A big, disgusting penis!"

Her yelling had attracted the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Dozens of people were openly staring at Darla, as she escaped down the hallway. After she was gone, all of their eyes turned to me. Bryce walked to the door, and closed it.

"Ah, this is not good," he declared with a nervous giggle. "They're gonna think I'm doing a poor job down here."

I assumed "they" was the corporate HQ. "So, what now?" I asked, and Bryce gave a small start, realizing that I was still there.

"Oh, hum. And you're sure this is the picture Ms. McIntyre saw?" he inquired.

"Yeah," I lied for the third time, sealing my personal spot in hell.

"I think maybe it's best if you take the rest of the day off, Mr. Newman. I'll talk to Ms. McIntyre, and try to calm her down."

"Ok." I didn't need to be told that twice, and stood up. "Um, could I have my phone back, Mr. Taggart?"

"What? Oh, yeah, of course. Certainly." He sounded like he was already deep in thought about something else. Probably how to protect his reputation from corporate.

As soon as I had my phone back, I fled his office. A small crowd had gathered just outside, and every single person silently stared at me. Blushing furiously, I walked towards the elevators. I felt all of their eyes on the back of my head, and as soon as I turned the corner, I broke into a near sprint.

My pulse was racing, and I frantically pressed the elevator button. When it didn't arrive fast enough, I couldn't bear to stand still, and opted for the stairs. A minute later, I was out in the parking lot, sucked in several lungfuls of fresh air, and laughed. I laughed all the way to my car, wondering how the hell I had managed to get out of that one.

After calming down a bit, I got in my car, and drove home, feeling oddly hopeful. If that happened to be the end to Lifelast, it would also be the end to Jay. My savings would last me a couple of months, if I stayed frugal, hopefully long enough to find another job. Although, I did have over a thousand bucks of women's clothes in my trunk.

It took me two trips to carry all the bags into my apartment, and I spread them out on my bed. I had had a lot of fun trying them on, and my mind was drawn back to Sarah everytime I looked at the bags. For some reason, I did not regret buying them, not even when I considered the price tag.

I decided to procrastinate on putting them away, leaving them on the bed in the meantime.

I turned on my computer, and transferred Jay's dick pick from my phone to my computer. That way, if anybody investigated my phone on Monday, there wouldn't be a trace of it left anymore. I wasn't sure why I just deleted the picture outright, though. There was something mesmerizing about it, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Metaphorically, at least, because I actually had put my finger on the real thing.

I felt guilty about the mess I had caused at Lifelast, and logged into the company VPN. After making sure that the backup process had completely successfully, I worked for the rest of the afternoon on tickets I could complete from home.

Around four, my phone buzzed repeatedly with incoming messages.

TESS: Hey sis

TESS: Come to jays 2day at 6

TESS: Also bring the slut panties, pink tank top, white skirt, two inch heels, pink socks

TESS: Oh and black bra

TESS: Dont wear them just bring them

TESS: C u @ 6

ME: Ok

It was a lot harder to get any work done after that. I had half hoped that if I wasn't at Lifelast, Jay wouldn't have a way to contact me, and the whole ordeal would be postponed, at least until Monday. Then I'd have the whole weekend to myself. To Henry, the man, doing guy things. Except what was that? Playing video games all day?

On the upside, at least I'd see Tess again, too. The thought of another dress up session actually seemed like fun, even if Sarah wouldn't be there. I found myself actually getting excited at the idea of wearing my new clothes, and chastised myself.

Fifteen minutes later, I logged out of the Lifelast system, after realizing that I hadn't so much as pressed a single key since Tess' texts.

I went into my bedroom, and searched through the bags until I had found almost all of the articles Tess mentioned. I searched a good ten minutes for the "slut" panties, until remembering I actually had them on. I took them off, just in case. Tess had mentioned not to wear them, and I wasn't sure if that included the panties or not.

Looking at the entire outfit together, it was incredibly girly. The skirt had multiple layers of fabric stacked on top of each other, and frills on top of it, barely covering the upper half of my thighs. The tank top had a picture of a teddy bear, and hearts on it, with the text "Little Love Muffin" scrawled across it. The shoes were white lacquer, with just a strap across for support, not the laces I was used to.

I glanced down, and realized I actually had a hardon. Well, that was probably just from remembering Sarah jerking me off while trying on the clothes. My mind must have associated that event with the clothes, and that was the only reason.

Since I was in the comfort of my own home, it wasn't a problem though. I went back to my command central, and loaded up some porn. Within a few seconds, thousands of videos of women being fucked were readily available at my fingertips, but I couldn't seem to find a single one that "did it" for me. Asians, MILFs, teens, celebrities, and all the other categories I used to jerk off to on a daily basis, but none of them seemed appealing.

Frustrated, I tried forcing myself to come. On the screen, a hunky guy slammed his humongous cock into the sopping wet pussy of a tiny chick. I held my flaccid penis between my fingers, and started pumping. Ten seconds later, I closed the tab, and loaded up another video of a woman who looked like she was in her forties being fucked against the wall by a fit, twenty year old. Still, my dick was limp.

What was wrong with me?

I got up again, and went to get some water from the kitchen. My mind was still fully occupied with trying to figure out what the problem was. I've never had a problem jerking off. In fact, the problem was usually the opposite. Pornstars seemed to be able to fuck for half an hour without breaking a sweat, but sometimes I came after less than a minute. Of course, I always blamed that on the fact I just didn't have a lot of sex, and therefore less practice.

I was enormously surprised to look up, and find myself standing not in the kitchen, but in front of the laundry hamper. The same one that still had THAT t-shirt in it. I picked it up, and discovered the multiple cum stains on it had turned the cotton hard, and starchy. Moreover, I discovered that I had a throbbing, almost painful erection. Just from holding the shirt.

My mind raced with the memories of that night. Jay's thick, hard cock rubbing against my back. Watching Tess being violated in front of my own eyes. Jay's warm seed spilling on my skin.

Quickly, I rushed back to my computer, still holding the shirt. I moved my mouse at record speeds, and opened the picture I transferred from my phone. Jay's cock came up on the enormous display, larger than life. Without taking my eyes off of the screen, I dropped the shirt in my lap, and started massaging my cock through the fabric.

Within seconds, a powerful orgasm rocked my body, and warm cum leaked out of my cock, adding yet another stain to the shirt.

Immediately after the climax faded, I felt disgusted with my actions. I knew I was in trouble. It had happened too often for even me to keep denying that. Did that mean I was gay? No, I decided. I still liked women, Tess in particular, and I didn't really think Jay was attractive. And yet, just the memory of his dick made me hard.

I decided that it didn't mean anything at all. When an artist sees another artist's masterwork, it's only natural to enjoy looking at it. It doesn't mean the artist wants to have sex with the other guy. Jay's cock was definitely a piece of art, and I, a man, was able to appreciate it. I decided that, in fact, that made me even more of a man than other guys, because I'm able to admit that.

Oh... who was I kidding? I was pathetic.

After cleaning up, and getting dressed, I returned the shirt to the hamper, resolved to finally do laundry one of these days. I ate a small snack, unsure of whether I'd be able to get anything to eat at Jay's, and then loaded the dishwasher with the surprisingly small pile of dishes that had stacked up. With how much time I spent away from home that week, I guessed it made sense.

When the kitchen was clean enough for my conscience, it was almost time to go. Just enough time to consider what the hell Jay would have in store for me today, but not enough to actually do anything more than worry.

At ten to five, I emptied out one of the bags from Sarah's Boutique on the bed, and packed it with Tess' selection of clothes. Two minutes later, I was out of the door.

I arrived at Jay's twenty minutes early, thanks to the fact I managed to just barely beat rush hour, but I didn't feel like going in. I stayed in my car in the parking garage, watching people come home from work, and listened to the radio. There was still time to back out. Considering what had happened with Darla, I might lose my job on Monday anyway. So far the only things that had been hurt were my pride, and my bank account, but both of those could be fixed.

So why the hell did I stay in the car, and wait until it was five to six? Jay's cock flashed before my mind again, and I forced the memory down.

I got out of the car, and rode up the elevator to the sixth floor in a small crowd of people. The bag weighed heavily in my hands, and I wondered if any of the other passengers suspected what I carried. Probably not, considering I didn't hear any laughter.

Jay opened the door, and let me in. He looked at me askew, like he was looking for... something. He was dressed in a casual jeans and t-shirt.

"What's up?" I asked, annoyed.

Before Jay had a chance to respond, Tess came bouncing out of the bedroom with a squeal. She wore another one of Jay's shirts, and I, clever detective that I am, deduced they just had sex. That made me feel disappointed, somehow, instead of angry.

"What the hell did you do to that poor woman?" laughed Tess.

"Do what to who?" I asked, confused.

"Ms. McIntyre," clarified Jay.

I gulped. If they knew, chances were the whole office did. Great. Just what I needed. "What have you heard?"

Tess giggled. "Nobody knows what happened. Half the office thinks you tried to rape her, the other half thinks Darla sexually assaulted you. But everyone seems to agree that you have a giant penis."

The irony almost physically hurt.

"We all know that's not the case," Jay emphasized the point.

"Thanks for reminding me, asshole," I snapped at him.

"Now, now, Henrietta. That's not a temperament befitting of a girl," he replied, smugly.

"Can you believe I've had several women come up to me, and ask me about you?" Tess went on.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yup. 'Hey Tess, you're a friend of Henry's, right? Is he single? Do you know if the rumors are true?' I never imagined I'd be this popular for being your friend."

"What did you tell them?" I inquired.

"Don't worry, I made sure to let them know they'd get more satisfaction out of stuffing a baby carrot up their cunts."

"Gee, thanks."

"So, what really happened?" asked Jay impatiently.

It felt good having something that both of them wanted. Like I was just hanging out with friends, telling them about some sort of prank I pulled. Like I actually mattered to them, instead of just being a toy they can play with.

I told them about Darla chewing me out, and then accidentally catching a glimpse of Jay's dick pic. Immediately, Jay burst out into laughter. By the time I got to the part where Darla stormed out of Bryce's office, there were actually tears in his eyes. Tess grinned from ear to ear like a maniac.

"Oh jesus, Henry... that's just fucking perfect, oh man," Jay roared between bouts of laughter, and clapped me on the shoulder. He was so amused he even forgot to call me Henrietta. It felt good.

Of course, it didn't last long.

"Did you bring them?" asked Tess, and just grabbed the bag out of my hands. She peeked inside, and squealed with delight.

"Can I see?" asked Jay.

"Nope, not until she's ready."

"Ready for what?" I inquired.

"You'll see," promised Tess. "Come on, let's go." She grabbed my hands, and led me in the direction of the bathroom. "And remember, this is our private girl time. No spying," she mentioned over her shoulder to Jay.

The bathroom was, to sum it up in one word, big. The tub looked like it could easily hold four or five people, and the shower cabin could have housed a small family. Everything was in the same cool, futuristic design as the rest of the apartment.

"Does Jay not like colors, or something?" I asked.

"Hah! I've been trying to tell him I want to decorate his place for months, but he doesn't listen. Says he doesn't want his place to be 'pussied up' by anyone. "

"Too bad. So... what are we doing?"

Tess dropped the bag of clothes on the floor, sat down on the rim of the tub, and turned on the faucet. Her legs were slightly parted, and I caught a glimpse of her green cotton panties. My penis twitched, as if I wasn't already aware of what a gorgeous creature Theresa Hopf was.