Not Your Typical Girl

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Kyler accepts Kasey for who she is. What about WHAT she is?
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Kyler Jennings watched in utter amazement as the red head passed by him, for he had never seen a woman he could actually call breathtakingly beautiful until now. By his estimation, she stood around five-nine and looked to be 36-24-36, not that he could say with any certainty. Still, she was a rare beauty, and he just had to have her.

He immediately turned his shopping cart in her direction and began to follow her up one aisle and down another, trying his best to look inconspicuous whenever she glanced back at him. She rounded a corner, and approximately five seconds later he did as well, only to be greeted by the object of his desire. "Whoa! Sorry. I ... Uh ... didn't see you."

"You saw me, alright," she said with an amiable smile. "That's the reason you've been following me for the past five minutes."

"Me?" Kyler said with a laugh. "Following you?" She just looked at him, saying nothing. "Okay. Okay, you got me. I was following you."


"Because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." The words poured from his mouth even before he had time to form them in his brain, but he could tell she wasn't too taken aback by his abruptness.

"Do tell," she said, a smirk upon her face.

"I really don't know what to say except that I'd like to take you out sometime," Kyler said to her.

"Because I'm beautiful," she said more than asked.

Kyler knew what proper protocol dictated, so he employed it as best he could. "I find you physically attractive, but I'm sure there are many facets to you that are both interesting and appealing, and if you allow me to take you out then I can find out about these things for myself."

She studied him a few seconds. He was younger than she by about ten years, she reckoned, placing him around twenty-two, if she were correct. Dare she take a chance with someone so young? Might as well. Dating guys my own age really hasn't gotten me anywhere. She pulled out her phone, then said, "Give me your number." Kyler did, then she said, "I'll call you tonight to make plans for tomorrow. Cool?"

"Yeah," Kyler said enthusiastically. "Cool. That'd be great." She turned to leave but Kyler stopped her. "Wait. I don't even know your name." In the split second he had said that, he became aware that he had not given her his name either. "I'm Kyler. Jennings." He held his hand out to her.

"Kasey van Strauss," she answered as she took his hand into hers. He kissed it, but she really wasn't impressed. It seemed almost juvenile, like he was attempting to be someone he wasn't. She shrugged it off, though, and hoped she wasn't making a mistake. "Okay then. Talk to you later tonight, Kyler."

"Yeah. Tonight," Kyler responded, then the two went their separate ways. Once home, Kyler told his roommate about the woman he met while shopping. "... and she's older by six or eight years. She looks good, though. Hot as hell."

"And you gave her your number?" Andy Perkins asked. When Kyler nodded affirmatively, Andy said, "I think you screwed the pooch on this one, dude. Usually a girl will either give a fake number or ask for yours just to get you outta her hair."

"That's the difference between a girl and a woman," Kyler explained. "I've got faith that she'll call. She was really into me. I could tell."

"I hope she does," Andy said as the last of the groceries were put away. "Oh, I almost forgot. Joey wants to meet up at Kokomo around ten. You good with that?"

"Nah," Kyler said with little thought given to the matter. "Seems all we do anymore is go out and drink. I'm gonna sit this one out."

Andy began to laugh. "You bailing on going out? You? Dude, I know you well enough to know you're probably planning on hooking up with ol' girl in apartment thirteen again."

Kyler laughed. "Nah, man. Not tonight. I'm just gonna chill."

"Yeah. You do that while you're waiting for a phone call that's never going to come," Andy responded. There was no malicious undertone to his words, just playful banter. "Me? I'm gonna go out, get tanked, meet a couple of floozies, and get my ashes hauled, as the old timers used to say. Maybe I'll let you smell my fingers when I get home."

"Whatever," Kyler said as he waved off his best friend and roommate. He busied himself with menial tasks, such as cleaning his computer desk, running virus scans and defrags, and even rearranging his video games while waiting for Kasey to call. He took a bath—he deplored baths, but he didn't want to be in the shower and miss her call—then fixed himself something to eat. He had received a few calls, but he kept them short in anticipation of the one he was expecting. Finally, at nine-thirty, a number he didn't recognize, so he assumed it would be her. Sounding as smooth and debonair as he possibly could, he lowered his voice to a deep bass and said, "Hello?"

"Your credit might be in danger," a recorded voice informed him. He hung up immediately, and immediately his phone rang again. Another number he was unfamiliar with. In his normal speaking voice, Kyler greeted, "Hello?"

"Hi. It's Kasey."

"Hi. How are things this evening?"

"Okay for the most part. You?"

"Good. Good." A moment's silence, then, "So, you haven't reconsidered, have you?"

"Why do you ask that?" Kasey inquired.

"I don't know," Kyler answered truthfully.

"I want to hear what you have planned for us tomorrow."

In truth, Kyler hadn't planned anything; he was going to allow her to decide the entire evening. Still, he reasoned this might be a test, if not several tests all rolled into one. If nothing else, though, he was always known for being quick on his feet, therefore he blurted out the first thing that popped into his head. "I'm thinking we go very low-key, this being our first date and all. I mean, I could attempt to impress you by taking you out to an upper scale restaurant for an expensive meal, but I don't want the amount of money I spend on you be what decides the flow of the evening. I'm thinking some place comfortable, like Pizza Hut, where we can just be ourselves, and maybe we can walk around the mall afterwards and talk some more."

"That actually sounds nice," Kasey responded. "What should I wear?"

"It's an uber-casual night. I'll be wearing cargo shorts and a Polo. Dress accordingly. No need to overdo it this first night out, right?"

"I suppose not."

"May I pick you up, though?" Kyler asked. "I understand if you'd rather not, but—"

"Yes, that would be fine," Kasey replied. "I live at Sawgrass Lane North. Do you know how to get here?"

"Sawgrass Lane North ... Sawgrass Lane North ..." Kyler said to himself as he attempted to check his memory for the street. "Isn't that behind where the new Publix is?"

"Yes," Kasey answered. "Three streets down, take a right, third house on the right. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Seven sound good?"

"Seven it is," Kyler agreed. "See you then." They exchanged good-byes, then he killed the connection. He was happy. Ecstatic. He thought about Leslie, the widow in apartment thirteen. He gave her a call and she told him to come on over.

At two a.m. Kyler was dragging himself back to his apartment when he met Andy on the stairs. Andy took one look at him and burst into laughter, gave an "I knew it," then proceeded to stick his fingers under Kyler's nose.

"Dude, that's sick," Kyler said with mild disgust.

As they made their way up to their apartment, Kyler told Andy that Kasey had indeed called, and the date was set for tomorrow at seven. Andy laughed drunkenly, and once they entered the apartment, he fell onto the sofa and passed out. Kyler didn't even try to wake him, instead going to his room and going to sleep as well.

The following day, Kyler posted on the Red Lobster message board that he wanted the day off, so his shift was up for grabs. Tom Marks suggested a trade, swapping Kyler's Tuesday for his Saturday. It meant Kyler working a double, but it also meant the chance to really rake in the tips, so he agreed. He then busied himself with trimming his beard and pubes (just in case), then sought to just relax before the big date. Yes, he was already thinking of it in those terms, "the big date." He didn't know why, but there was just something about Kasey that really intrigued him beyond normal measure, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Five o'clock finally came. He showered, dressed, and watched a little TV until six-thirty, then it was off to pick up Kasey. He arrived at her place to find she was sitting on her front porch awaiting his arrival. By the time he had gotten out and rounded his car, she was already in close proximity to him, so he simply opened the door as he greeted her, an act she appreciated greatly. Kyler complimented Kasey on her choice of matching denim Hello Kitty shirt, vest, and skirt, and Kasey complimented Kyler on his pink polo and matching pink argyle socks. The remainder of the ride was in relative silence.

Once they arrived at Pizza Hut, Kyler gave Kasey a dollar and told her to pick whichever five songs on the juke box she wanted. She picked Freebird, I Melt with You, Hotel California, Baker Street, and Do You Feel Like I Do. "Well, we know we have one thing in common," he told her. "Good choices, all."

Kasey pulled a dollar from her purse and gave it to Kyler. "Let's see if we can go two-for-two." Kyler picked Riders on the Storm, Eminence Front, Don't Fear the Reaper, Bad Moon Rising, and Crazy on You. "Wow," Kasey exclaimed with a smile. I was actually going to pick a couple of those myself."

"I'd say we were off to a good start," Kyler said as he led Kasey to a booth. "We like one others' fashion sense and we're into the same music. Quick: Favorite pizza."

"Meat lovers," Kasey answered. "You?"

"I like the meat lover's, no doubt, but my favorite is extra pepperoni, extra bacon, extra cheese."

"Oooooo, that sounds good. Let's get one." The waitress arrived, and Kyler ordered a large. He ordered sweet tea for himself, and Kasey ordered a Sprite.

"So, tell me about yourself," Kyler asked of Kasey.

"Well, I'm thirty-two, I am a dental hygienist at World of Smiles Dentistry, Single, no kids, and my hobbies include origami and collecting memorabilia from The Twilight Zone. Um ... I help out at the local shelter a few times a month serving dinner or doing laundry. That's my life in a nutshell. What about you?"

"I'm a waiter at Red Lobster," Kyler told her. "I got my degree in business management earlier this year, so I've been offered a position as assistant manager. I'm caught on the fence with taking it, though. I mean, on the one hand, I'm killing it with tips and I like my hours, but on the other, the assistant manager position would allow me insurance and more stability. What else? Oh, I'm a gamer. Hope that's not a turn-off for you. I also assist my friend and roommate Andy with his ESOL work." He failed to tell her that when he first began, he would purposely fuck up the lesson plans. If the word a student had to spell and define was There, Kyler would say, "They left Their papers over There," or if the word were Allowed, he would say, "The librarian Allowed the patrons to speak Aloud." He thought it was funny as shit, but Andy actually fired him for being so cruel. He learned his lesson, though, and promised to apologize and be a good boy if Andy allowed him to return.

"How big is the class?"

"Twenty-four people right now, but that number grows a little each month."

They continued talking up to the arrival of the pizza, and thereafter. All-in-all, the two spent a good two hours just talking and getting to know one another. From there, they went to the mall and browsed the stores. They went into Hot Topic where Kasey found a "Dark Kitty" shirt she just had to have, but she would not allow Kyler to buy it for her. They then went to Game Stop where Kyler picked up South Park: The Fractured but Whole. From there he bought them a giant Homer Simpson cookie to share at Cookie D'OH!

Kasey glanced at her watch just as an announcement came over the PA announcing the mall's closing. "Just as well. I have work in the morning." They continued to talk as Kyler drove her home. He walked Kasey to her door, and when the moment felt right he asked if he could kiss her good-night. She looked at him, into his eyes. She had had a really nice time tonight, but she wanted to take things slow. "No, not tonight. Maybe next time."

"Oh," Kyler said with a smile. "You deem me worthy of a next time?"

"This whole night has been perfect," she told him. "When would you like to do this again?"

"My next days off are Thursday and Sunday," he told her. She said nothing for a solid minute. "What? Are those not good for you?"

"I'm trying to decide if I like you well enough to see you again so soon as Thursday, or if I like you enough to spend the entire day with you Sunday."

"Oh, hell. I can make that choice easy for you," Kyler said with a small laugh. "Choose both."

Kasey gave a small laugh of her own. "Okay, Thursday and Sunday it is. You want to do Thai?"

"Thai sounds good."

"Okay. My treat. Pick me up at seven?"

"Seven's good," Kyler agreed. He decided to push the envelope. "You know, it's not too late to take advantage of that kiss I offered."

"Maybe next time," Kasey said as she unlocked her door. "I had a wonderful time, Kyler. Thanks. See you Thursday," then she was inside her house and the door was closed.

Kyler walked back to his car with a pep in his step and a glide in his stride. He liked Kasey, and her not kissing him made him want her even more. He'd get it next time. He'd make sure of it.

They each dressed a bit better for this second date. Kyler wore a blue button-up long sleeve shirt sans tie with long khakis, and Kasey wore a summer dress, thin with a paisley print that was pink and lavender in color. They learned more about each other over dinner, and afterward Kasey directed Kyler to take them to the park. He pushed her on the swing for a bit before taking the one next to her, then they hopped on the little horses with the springs attached at the bottom. Kyler fell off and landed on his butt, sending Kasey into a fit of laughter. She lost her grip and fell also, sending herself and Kyler over the edge. As they stood and brushed themselves off, Kasey looked at her watch. "Oh. Ten-thirty. I didn't realize it was this late."

Kyler looked at his watch. "Oh. Guess I need to get you home before you turn into a pumpkin."

"No, I become a mannequin at night," Kasey said with a light snort. "You know, like in that Twilight Zone episode, "The After Hours?" Kyler laughed as he grabbed Kasey's hand and held it as they walked to his car. She hadn't protested, so he was sure he'd get that kiss tonight, but ...

As they reached her porch, Kyler closed his eyes and slowly moved in, only to be turned away again. "Why?" he almost whined. "Is it me? Are my teeth not shiny enough?"

Kasey laughed. "It's not that, Kyler." Then, more serious, "Please. Just bear with me, okay?"

"Can I at least kiss your forehead?" he asked. "Your hand?"

"You're such a gentleman," Kasey said with a sincere smile, then moved in and kissed Kyler on the cheek. "I really enjoyed tonight, and I think I made the right decision in deciding to date you. If you want to be with me then all I ask is that you be patient. Can you do that for me, Kyler?"

"Yeah, I can," he answered. "Just ... Don't make me wait too long, okay?"

"It hasn't even been a week," Kasey pointed out, but decided she should take a subtler approach. "Emotions are running high with us both, Kyler. Please believe me when I say this is what's best. Okay?"

"Okay." With that, Kyler gave a deep bow before making his way back to his car. The porch was empty when he turned to wave good-bye.

It was Fourth of July weekend, so Friday was a madhouse, and Saturday was even worse, and although Kyler was making bank on tips, it was hard to concentrate on work when his every thought centered around Kasey. He called her on his breaks and she was just what he needed. He didn't tell her as much. Lord, no. He didn't want to scare her away. He told her that he was looking forward to Sunday, adding, "... and make it something special. I'm going to need something nice after working all these hours."

"Sounds like the perfect time to head to Jacksonville to the beach then, eh?"

"The beach. Yeah. Sounds perfect. What time do we leave?"

"Nine-ish?" she asked.

Considering it was a two-hour drive, that seemed good enough. "I'll be there at Nine. Ish."

"Oh, I'll drive," she told him. "My SUV will hold more stuff than your Camry. Call me at eight with directions to your house, okay?"

"Okay," Kyler agreed. He added, "Can't wait to see you," and immediately felt he had said too much, but Kasey surprised him by intimating the same. Kyler hung up with a smile on his face.

They arrived at the beach at eleven-fifteen. Kyler carried a large umbrella and the picnic basket Kasey packed while she carried towels, a cooler filled with soft drinks, and an oversized bag containing suntan lotion and who knew what else? Kyler sure didn't, and he really didn't care.

They set up everything about thirty feet from the water, and then finally Kasey pulled her shirt off to reveal a very stringy string bikini top that barely held her ample bosoms in place. As the wind lightly kissed her breasts, Kyler noticed Kasey's nipples harden. He wanted to look away but couldn't, that is, not until she began removing her baggy shorts. As tiny as the bikini top was, Kyler could only imagine what the bottom looked like, but his anticipation was for naught, for her bottom was the kind that looked like a skirt. It showed off her ass, which Kyler thought was perfect, but it dipped just a little too low in the front to give him clear access to her pussy. He had an active imagination, though, so he could imagine and be just as pleased. Well, to some degree, anyway.

They talked about meaningful things today, like where they saw themselves, individually, in ten years. Kyler said he was more than likely going to take the promotion and it had always been in the back of his mind to own his own restaurant—something small, like a bistro or a sports bar. Kasey stated that she had been thinking of returning to school and becoming a DMD, but then again she could be just as content to continue on in her current station. They found that they were both Republicans, but not the tight-ass type like Sean Hannity; they did not believe in everything the Republican party stood for. They were both non-religious. They shared many commonalities, but was it enough to take things to the next level?

Kasey surprised Kyler by saying, "Quick. What are you thinking?"

Much to his chagrin, Kyler blurted out, "I'm wondering if I'm finally going to get that kiss today." He then began to laugh. When Kasey asked what was so funny, Kyler told her, "It's just this old joke. A guy spends all night wondering what the woman had decided in the first fifteen seconds of meeting him."

"There's much truth to that," she agreed.

"Have you already decided?" Kyler asked expectantly.

"Let's go for a swim," was Kasey's response. To her credit, she did hold his hand as they made their way to the water.

The picnic was nice. They ate around one and stayed at the beach until five-thirty before heading back home. Both were red, but where Kyler was already deeply tanned, he knew he wasn't likely to peel. Kasey, on the other hand, told Kyler that by tomorrow, she would be just as white as before they left out this morning. "It's always been that way," she told him. "I'm doomed to look like Casper."