Nude Lesson in Humility Ch. 01

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Mahesh mouths off with a maid only to regret it.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 11/12/2023
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Mahesh, a 19-year-old college student, was enjoying the first day of his two-month summer break. His college had been exhausting, and the prospect of relaxing at his modest 2BHK apartment for a while was something he had been looking forward to. The sun was shining brightly outside, and the warmth of the summer promised lazy days ahead. But the tranquility of the morning was soon to be disrupted. Mahesh had a habit of sleeping in, and today was no exception. As the clock ticked past 11:00 AM, he finally decided it was time to rise and shine. With a yawn and a stretch, he made his way to the bathroom, blissfully unaware of the impending disruption to his carefree life.

Mahesh was taking a particularly long shower for reasons he was not proud of. Not that he was particularly ashamed of rubbing one out the previous night, but he always thought he would at least survive a week before he started. Oh, well! While he was half done by his own estimate, he heard the sound of a bucket being dragged across the floor outside. He recognised the sound immediately; it was Gowri, their housemaid, coming to fetch water for her daily chores. She usually timed her visits to the bathroom when Mahesh wasn't using it, but today, she was in a hurry. She had other houses to clean, and Mahesh's late shower was inconveniencing her.

Gowri stood outside the bathroom, her patience slowly wearing thin. "Mahesh, could you please hurry up? I need to get water for cleaning," she called out, her voice polite but tinged with urgency.

Mahesh, however, was in no mood to be rushed. He had barely started his day, and Gowri's request felt like an intrusion into his peaceful summer morning. Irritated, he ignored her and continued his leisurely shower.

A few minutes passed, and Gowri, realising that Mahesh was not responding, called out again, this time with a bit more insistence. "Mahesh, I really need the water now. I have to finish cleaning at other houses too."

Annoyed by her persistence, Mahesh stepped out of the shower. He dried himself, wrapped the towel to his waist and stepped out of the bathroom, his hair completely messed up. He looked at Gowri with a disdainful expression. "You're just a maid, Gowri. Can't you wait for a few minutes? I was just taking a shower," he retorted, the arrogance in his voice evident.

Gowri, who had always been a patient and hardworking woman, was taken aback by Mahesh's disrespectful comment. She had been serving his family for years, and this was the first time she had ever been spoken to in such a derogatory manner. She had always had a soft spot especially for Mahesh. Mahesh was one of the few studious kids in the locality. Being uneducated and struggling to educate her own daughters, the dismissive way the other kids treated their school and college education always stunned her. Mahesh was one of the exceptions. However, it looked as though that had gone into his head and he now needed to understand that was not allowed.

She reached forward. In a flash, the towel was removed. Mahesh was horrified. He now stood, completely naked in front of his maid. Gowri wrapped the towel around her neck and watched contemptuously as Mahesh desperately tried to cover himself with his hands. Mahesh used both his hands and covered his organ, but of course, it was not before Gowri already had a glimpse. She had a small shock herself. Mahesh was flaccid as a result of his shower. And yet, he was already as huge as her husband was, even when he was fully erect. She wondered how big he would be when he got erect. Anyway, that was for another day.

"Hand over the towel." Mahesh demanded, his voice furious.

"Since you have some extra time, Mahesh," she said, her voice firm but not hostile, "I think it's time you learned a valuable lesson about the work that I do."

Mahesh was taken aback by Gowri's unexpected response. He wasn't sure what she had in mind, but he felt a sense of frustration creeping over him and he repeated his demand. He could see that Gowri, however, had no intention of doing so. Gowri was older than his own mother and yet, Mahesh didn't fancy his chances of manhandling her and forcibly getting his towel back. His state had given free karate lessons to all women for decades. He knew how strong Gowri was.

Kavitha, Mahesh's mom came out of the kitchen. One look at Mahesh and she laughed her head off. Mahesh could not believe it. His own mother was laughing at him when he was being humiliated like this? Kavitha walked forward and smiled at Gowri.

"Mahesh, I heard what you said. How dare you insult Gowri based on her profession. I did not raise you like that. You deserve this punishment." Mahesh finally understood. It was a heat of the moment utterance and yet, he knew it was not good. Gowri was older than his own mother and had two daughters older than himself and there was no excuse to talk to her like this. However, him being naked was still too much, right?

Gowri added, "I will hand your clothes back later. But first, I want you to experience what it's like to do my job, to appreciate the hard work that goes into keeping this house clean. I want you to sweep and mop the house and wash all the dishes."

Mahesh couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never been asked to do such chores, and the thought of doing it naked filled him with further dread. But seeing the determination in Gowri's eyes, he knew he had little choice but to comply. Gowri could feel his attitude change in his eyes. She decided to turn in the screw.

"First things first, hands to the side." Gowri demanded. "Now!" She added with such menace that Mahesh instantly complied.

The two older women took the scene in. They had not seen any man naked other than their husbands. And, both of them started comparing inwardly and could see how massive Mahesh was. He was lean, decently tall and was generally not quite physical. Kavitha knew that this was a weakness with him when it came to the ladies. She doubted whether he had even kissed a girl until now. Well, those ladies did not know what they were missing. Gowri, on the other hand, knew that neither of her daughters were virgins. They would have a field day with this specimen. She was already plotting. Mahesh would be exposed to them as well very soon.

Mahesh finally spoke. "Gowri aunty. I am sorry, please forgive me. I will do all the chores that you listed. However, please let me wear some clothes at least some underwear."

Gowri surreptitiously glanced at Kavita. It looked as though the motherly love was slowly coming back. Mahesh's giant organ was making Kavitha less angry. She had to change that course.

"Naked boy." The very moniker brought a big change. Mahesh visually grimaced at the humiliating way she called him and Kavitha laughed. However, Gowri knew, if she wanted Kavitha on her side, she had to do so much more. "Let me ask you a question. Normally, you would be done with your shower by now. So why did it take so late today?"

The naked 19-year old shuddered. That was not missed by Gowri. She knew instantly she was right. Mahesh had wanked the previous night. Not surprising, being the first day of his vacation. She heard him stumbling and raised a hand.

"Naked boy. When I ask a question, I expect an immediate, coherent answer. Now, I will ask a different question. Like I said, immediate and coherent. Did you masturbate last night?"

Mahesh stared spellbound. The sudden way Gowri had taken control, the fact that he was naked in front of his own mother and Gowri had completely hit his ego. He couldn't, just couldn't look into Gowri's eyes and lie. However, he couldn't tell the truth either.

"Answer her, now." Mom bellowed.

"Yes, aunty. Sorry, aunty." Mahesh replied. Mom was looking at him with a smouldering rage. In a righteous fury she seized him by an ear and marched him out of the living room, his flaccid organ bouncing helplessly, right into his bedroom. Mahesh groaned at the growing pain in his ear. However, he didn't even dare beg his mom to free him. She ordered him to open the laptop. Gowri walked behind calmly. As she did, she enjoyed the superb sight of Mahesh's buttocks bobbing left and right with every step. She longed to land one on each of them. However, she told herself that the first spank should come to Mahesh from his mother. It looked as though it would happen soon. Mahesh opened his laptop and mom opened the browser history to find it empty. A tell-tale sign in itself.

Gowri walked forward. "My daughters told me a trick."

Mahesh groaned. Once again, the entire scene was getting to him.

He was naked! Completely! Not a stitch on! In front of his mother and Gowri aunty. Both of whom were dressed from top to bottom in their sarees. Suddenly, a realisation came to him. Gowri was behind him while he entered the room. She was fully looking at his bottoms. For the first time since his towel was removed, he felt waves going down there. Somehow, the thought of Gowri aunty looking at his bottoms - naked, completely exposed bottoms - the humiliation was making him grow. However, Mahesh knew there was a more pressing matter at hand.

The trick. Of course, he knew all about it. Even incognito browser history was retrievable and it appeared as though Gowri knew about it. His history was now shown, threadbare. He had seen so many naked pictures last night and they were all accessible.

Mom sat on the bed and beckoned to him. This was unacceptable. Mahesh, stark naked, knowing he had no choice, went over her knees. Mom's broad hands rained down on Mahesh's lean, shapely, non-athletic posterior.

Spank! Spank! Spank! The nude teenager started purring and squeaking by the tenth hit and by the 15th, he was going, "Mommmmmmm," "Ouch!" and "Aww!" He couldn't help it: Mom's hand was stinging! And his bottoms were turning pink.

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Down came the palms on his completely bare backside.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Sounds of "please!" and "please, mom!" filled the silence as Gowri watched passively. She almost hated herself. She had planned this the moment Mahesh had mouthed off. However, now that it had finally happened, she felt really bad at herself. Mahesh was just a kid after all, and she was humiliating him beyond belief. However, while her main head was chiding her, the other head, the one down there, was in ecstasy. As she watched Mahesh continuing to plead with his mother for mercy, while completely naked and over her knee, she was getting a strong urge to put her fingers down there. The urge kept getting higher until she saw the tears start. She put a stop to it. Kavitha was still livid. However, Gowri was able to point out that Mahesh still needed to do his chores.

Thankfully, full of gratitude that Gowri had finally stopped his spanking, Mahesh began his newfound chores. First, he took a broom and started sweeping the living room. He had never swept before, and the effort it took surprised him. Dust and dirt swirled into the air, making him cough and sneeze. He was fully conscious of the two older women watching his every move. Very soon, they started giggling. Mahesh knew why and he groaned further. They ensured that they would always be behind him. Every cough, every sneeze, he knew, was causing his naked bottoms to twitch. The sight must be superb. They were feasting their eyes. He was sure of it. The silver lining was that mom was smiling and getting over her earlier anger. As he worked, he couldn't help but think of how easily Gowri did this every day, without complaining.

Next, it was time to mop the floors. Mahesh filled a bucket with soapy water and, armed with a mop, started scrubbing. He quickly realized that this was no easy task. His back began to ache, and his arms grew tired. More importantly, he had to fully bend over and the two older women could no longer hold it in and laughed out loud. Kavitha was particularly exhilarated. Her son, her 19-year old son, naked as the day he was born and bending over. Shoving his naked bottoms fully up in the air was a spectacular sight. As he struggled with the mop, he looked over at Gowri, who was patiently observing his efforts while repeatedly giggling at his nude form. She nodded in approval but didn't say a word.

After finishing the cleaning, Mahesh moved on to the dishes. The sink was piled high with dirty plates and utensils from breakfast and lunch. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work. The hot water and soap made his hands wrinkled and sore. He scrubbed and rinsed, scrubbed and rinsed, over and over again, until every dish gleamed. It was a tedious and exhausting process, and he couldn't help but wonder how Gowri managed to do this every day for multiple households.

By the time Mahesh had finished all the tasks, he was exhausted and drenched in sweat. His body ached, and his hands were sore. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of respect for Gowri, who performed these chores day in and day out, often for multiple families. He had taken her for granted, never fully understanding the physical and emotional toll of her job. Gowri, for her part, had watched Mahesh the whole time, silently guiding him when needed and patiently waiting for him to complete each task. As it became time for lunch, Mahesh stood in the living room, looking at the clean and orderly house. He was physically tired but mentally awakened. The arrogance he had displayed earlier in the day had given way to humility. He realized the importance of Gowri's role in their household and the effort she put into maintaining their home.

Gowri, her expression softening, finally spoke, "Mahesh, I hope you've learned something today. The work I do is not easy, and it deserves respect. We all have our roles in this house, and it's important to appreciate and acknowledge each other's contributions."

Mahesh nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude and newfound respect. "Thank you, Gowri aunty. I'm really sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier."

Gowri smiled and hugged him. She presented his clothes back to him, but was stopped by Kavitha. "No. Let him stay naked the whole day. That is when he will understand that watching these porn sites have consequences. There are going to be a lot of changes around here, naked boy."

"Oh!" Gowri replied, smiling. Mahesh begged mom to allow him to be clothed again.

"Accept my orders or you will be naked the whole day tomorrow as well." Mom warned him and Mahesh went silent. "As it is, for the next two months, Gowri will not do any work here. You will work, completely naked. If Gowri is satisfied with your work, you will get your clothes back. Or else, you will spend the rest of the day naked as well. And you," she turned to Gowri. "Since you are not doing the work directly and only supervising Naked boy here, I think I will reduce your salary by half."

Gowri nodded. Both her daughters were working now and so, she didn't really need the full salary. In fact, both of them were starting to tell her to stay at home and they would be able to earn enough at the salon where they worked. Maybe this way, she would start reducing her outside work and could stay at home and just do cooking.

"In that case, can I make a suggestion. Naked boy, come here." She picked up his old wooden scale. By now, Mahesh was semi-hard.

Gowri used the scale to pull up his penis. Mahesh was spellbound. When Gowri's hand slipped - Mahesh was sure that was deliberate - she set her other hand on his ass as though to steady herself. Mahesh could not believe it. Naked, completely! Not a stitch on! His bottoms totally exposed for her to see and her palm was on those bottoms now. Mahesh started rising. And, rising fast. The two women ignored that. Gowri spoke.

"This." She finally removed her other hand from his bottoms. Kavitha was also seeing the strange sight in front of her. Her son, completely naked. Her maid was pulling his exposed cock high with a scale using one hand and pointing to his bush with the other. "This bush is not good to look at. Since he is going to spend more and more time in the nude," Mahesh delivered a fresh groan at that statement and his cock rose further. Gowri continued as though there was no interruption. "Maybe we should shave it off. My daughters work at the posh salon and can arrange a home visit." She turned to Mahesh and smiled evilly. "In lieu of payment, maybe Mahesh can clean my house for a week. Completely naked, of course."

"Agreed." Mom responded immediately. She turned to Mahesh who looked at her in shock. "Don't look at me like that. You brought this on yourself. You were looking at naked pictures of those women. Now, you will know how it feels. Gowri's daughters, Meghana and Urvashi will see you naked for the first time as you get your pubic hair shaved."

"Pubic hair." The casual way in which mom said "pubic hair" sent a fresh wave to Mahesh.

"Also, naked boy. It is indeed a large amount of hair. Let me at least straighten out some of it" Gowri added and nonchalantly brushed his hair. She lifted the cock up again, but this time with her hands. Mahesh grew to his fullest size and he started throbbing. He couldn't believe it. She was holding his gigantic organ with one hand and was brushing his pubic hair using the scale with the other. At least, that was what she claimed. In reality, she was using this as an excuse and nicely rubbing his cock and Mahesh was sensing the buildup.

"And then, you will spend a week at their house. You will be completely naked for the entire time. In front of Urvasi and Meghana, who are 2-3 years older than you and serve them as their naked maid. Maybe they will have some friends over and you will serve all of them. They will spank you for any mistake you make. And, if you make a large number of mistakes, I will extend your stay there. Then, you will come back here and from this day on, you go to sleep completely naked. You wake up, do all the cleaning around the house completely naked and both I and Gowri will inspect your work. If it is not satisfactory, I will not allow you to wear any clothing for the rest of the day."

Mahesh's nineteen year old cock simply reached its point of no return. Gowri had been silently rubbing his shaft. The thought of spending a week with Urvasi and Meghana, the thought of a mandatory period everyday when he would be naked in front of his own mother, naked and shaved with not a single strand of hair to hide behind,. The thought of walking behind mom and Gowri, completely naked, hands folded and waiting as they inspected his work to decide whether or not he could wear clothing for the rest of the day sent him over the edge and he sprayed a massive load. Wave after wave flew out of him as he hit the most furious orgasm of his life. Three pairs of eyes watched the stream pour into the living room, spellbound.

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