Nude Secretaries Day: Reporting Live

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Nude secretaries featured on live TV broadcast
58k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 06/27/2006
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It's been a very long wait, but it's finally here! I started this story 11 months ago and like many of my stories, it blew up into something bigger than I'd planned. This was one of the most challenging stories I've ever written but I'm finally happy enough with it that I'm ready to release it.

Before beginning this story I recommend reading all previous installments of this series: "Nude Secretaries Day," "Nude Secretaries Day: the New Girl," "Nude Secretaries Day: CEOs Daughter," "Nude Secretaries Day: Year One," as well as the spinoff story, "Girls Wear Swimsuits, Boys Go Nude." All of these stories have plot threads that continue into this story here, and there are even a few Easter Egg references to other stories I've written as well.

That said, these previous stories are not required by any means, I've done my best to provide necessary background info so readers won't be lost if this is the first story in the series you read, but I think this story will be more appreciated by those who've been following this series from the beginning. So, without further ado, I present: "Nude Secretaries Day: Reporting Live"!

( . )( . )

"And she's LIVE!"

The spotlights were on. The cameras were rolling.

"Tess Meadows reporting live at the sixth annual Lingerie Bowl! Today the San Amaury Sensations will be squaring off against the Loganville Afterglow in what is sure to be an exciting match!"

Dozens of lovely lingerie-clad female football players lined up across the field behind the bubbly blonde reporter as she spoke into the camera. Like the players, Tess was also dressed in skimpy lingerie, with a cropped jersey covering her shoulder pads, though Tess appeared without a helmet to show off her bright smile and styled hair.

Tess Meadows was the reason San Amaury Today was the most watched local news show in the state. Every morning at 9 a.m., tens of thousands of viewers would tune in to see the young beauty give the scoop on lighthearted news stories of the day. And since she had quite an attractive body, ratings always spiked on days when Tess wore something sexy and skimpy on her news broadcasts, which her producer Gabe Hurwitz made sure happened often.

In the springtime, Tess would do a report on the new swimsuits of the season, and model the sexiest styles on air. After that was a hit, Gabe pushed for more titillating features; having Tess do reports on naughty Halloween costumes, Valentine's Day lingerie, suggestive Comic-Con costumes, and anything else to get the cute blonde on air in as little clothing as possible.

The challenge was to stay fresh. There were only so many news stories that would grab viewers' attention, and once Channel 6's gimmick became known, it wasn't long before Tess wasn't the only sexy soft-news anchor in the city. Gabe had to stay ahead of the competition.

"What else can we do?" he asked in the next producer's meeting. "Any ideas? Any at all?"

"Christmas costumes?" Lynn Curry suggested.

"We already do that. She did an elf costume last year and a reindeer the year before that." Gabe paced around the room, tapping his chin. The station staff members folded their hands; most of them afraid to suggest something the veteran producer would shoot down.

"St. Patrick's Day?" Jon Corbett offered. "I bet Tess would look great dressed as a lucky o' leprechaun!"

"Channel 8 did that last year. We don't want to look unoriginal."

"There's only so many holidays," Vicki Meadows, the executive producer said. "At some point, we need to take a more leading approach."

Gabe agreed, but asked for suggestions how to proceed.

"How about Nude Secretaries Day?" Fred Belshaw offered. The room looked to him, unsure if he was joking.

"If it were real, sure," Gabe said.

"It's real," Fred assured him. "Lots of businesses are doing that now."

"I remember that," Vicki said. "Channel 20 did a piece on it a few years back."

"That's right!" Ben Woulard said. "Rebecca Hill gave a very in-depth report!" He snickered. Several of the men in the room agreed.

"Why have I never heard of this?" Gabe exclaimed. "This is gold. Imagine the ratings if we featured nude secretaries on the air!"

He grabbed a marker and wrote "Nude Secretaries Day" on the whiteboard, and underlined it twice.

"We had some trouble finding a businesses that would let us film there, as I recall," Vicki said. "It's an event that brings as much bad publicity as good."

Gabe continued pacing around the conference room.

"Still, we should be able to find someplace that does this. And is okay with us filming in their place of business. Let's start making some phone calls."

( . )( . )

Monica Kelly knocked on Barry Knapp's open office door. Her boss, Albert, was inside, in a meeting with Barry, where he'd been for the past hour. Barry's secretary Julie sat near Barry's desk, taking notes on a small notepad of the two marketing executives' conversation. Albert, Barry, and Julie each looked up at her, making her gulp with anxiety.

"Um, Albert," the nervous secretary began. Normally she wouldn't have interrupted a meeting, but the clock read 3 p.m., and Albert had insisted many times that Monica notify him when his favorite time of day had arrived- no matter what he was doing.

"It's three o'clock," Monica muttered quietly. "Time for my afternoon spanking."

She blushed saying the words, but Albert had instructed her to say them at 3 p.m., every day, no matter who was present.

"Is it?" Albert said in surprise. He checked his watch. "So it is. Barry, think we can wrap this up in fifteen?"

"Oh, no need for that. Julie and I don't mind if you multitask, do you hon?"

Julie shook her head. She'd had naughtier things done to her in this office.

Albert looked at Monica. "Well, you heard the man. Get your tight little buns in here, babe!" he encouraged.

Meekly, the slim, dark-haired secretary stepped into the office. Albert indicated for her to bend over Barry's desk. She obeyed, resting her hands flat on the wooden surface and presented her firm buttocks for his attention.

Albert rose from his chair and stood behind his submissive secretary. She wore a black knee-length skirt that clung tightly to her shapely bottom as she bent over. The outline of her white full-bottomed panties showed through the skirt material, which Albert greatly appreciated. He readied his spanking hand.

"All I'm saying is Barry, a year ago I would have agreed with you," Albert said, picking up his conversation from before Monica walked in. He slapped his palm firmly against her butt while looking at his fellow executive. "But the market's not what it was. Bad market means lower prices. It's just basic economics."

He spanked Monica's bottom twice more.

"But we've cornered that market," Barry shot back. "We bought out our biggest competitor. I think a little boldness could pay off."

Albert looked at Barry, appalled at his implication.

"I know how to be bold, Barry. I AM bold. Tell him, Monica. Am I bold?"

"He's bold," Monica agreed, as her boss spanked her twice in succession. She clutched Barry's desk tightly.

"Hey, I WASN'T saying you weren't bold, Albert. You've been closing deals here for twenty years. I just think you could take a more aggressive stance now and then." Barry rested his hand onto Julie's leg. Like Monica, she wore a skirt that stopped well above the knee. The young brunette secretary cleared her throat and pretended to write on her notepad while her boss felt her bare thigh.

Albert slapped Monica's butt several more times as he and Barry continued to debate how best to adjust their business approach for the upcoming quarter. Her spanking was finally interrupted when Matt Purcell, Monica's boyfriend, stopped by Barry's office with his cell phone in his hand. He knocked on the open door.

"Hey Albert? Mind if I borrow Monica for a second?"

Albert looked at Matt. "Can you give her just a minute? She's got some secretarial duties she needs to attend to."

Matt waited patiently as Albert continued to spank the younger man's girlfriend. Albert's envy of Matt had been obvious to most of the office, but Albert seemed not to notice. He'd begun asking Monica to submit to afternoon spankings ever since she'd begun dating Matt. Most of the managers of J.T. Levinson had regular trysts with their secretaries, ranging from simple hand jobs to full blown sexual intercourse. Albert however, was among the few who had not. Taking his frustration out on Monica's bottom five times a week was all he could do to alleviate the damage to his ego.

He dealt Monica one final slap to her tush before turning to the younger manager and stating, "she's all yours" with a smile. He gave her bottom a light pinch, as he always did to let her know her spanking for the day was finished. Monica stood up, ran her hands down the seat of her skirt and joined her boyfriend in the hallway.

"Sorry you had to see that," she whispered, flustered.

"Poor guy, probably isn't getting any from the wife anymore," Matt said with a smirk.

"From what I've heard, he's been having trouble getting it up for her," she whispered devilishly.

They both laughed quietly.

"Anyway, my dad's on the phone. He wants to know if you can make it to dinner tonight. Around seven, if you can make it?"

"Really?" Monica said with surprise. "Absolutely. I'll be there."

Monica had gotten the feeling over the past few months that Matt's parents didn't like her much, so it was a bit of a surprise to be welcomed to an impromptu dinner.

"She'll be there," Matt said into his phone. He wrapped up the call and ended it.

"That was awfully nice of them," Monica said. "Umm, you haven't told them of the kind of stuff that goes on in this office, have you?"

The sound of Julie Downey's bottom being spanked emanated from Barry's office. Matt and Monica quickly skirted down the hallway; distancing themselves from the spanked secretary's squeals.

"Not a word," Matt said.

"Please keep it that way," she asked him. Matt agreed.

They passed the copy machine, where Shari Kirshner was sorting through sheets in the output tray.

"Uh oh, looks like one of the girls downstairs sent her print job up here," the busty redhead said. She turned to Matt and Monica. "Would one of you mind running this downstairs for her? I'd do it, but David's in a meeting and needs these in hurry."

"I've got it," Monica offered.

"Thanks!" Shari handed her good friend a letter. It was a letter addressed to a cell phone company based upstate and signed Amy Sandoval, one of the secretaries who worked downstairs. Monica took the letter to the elevator and rode it down one floor.

It had been a year since J.T. Levinson bought out Martinez, Inc., and the employees of J.T. Levinson's biggest competitor moved into the floor just below them. Monica didn't know the former employees of Martinez, Inc. tremendously well, but being as they were now part of the same company, Monica liked to take the opportunity to visit her new coworkers whenever an opportunity presented itself.

Vanessa Martinez, part-time glamour model and the daughter of the now-sold company's founder worked the front desk as a receptionist on the fourth floor of the Williams building. Vanessa greeted Monica when she stepped off the elevator, setting down a fashion magazine as she did.

"Can you show me where Amy Sandoval works?" Monica asked.

"Down the hallway, second-to-last office on the left," Vanessa pointed.

"Thanks!" Monica said. "That's a GORGOEUS dress you have on, by the way."

"Thank you! Love your skirt too!" Vanessa replied. She was so polite, pretending all the women in the office were as glamorous as she. Monica accepted the compliment and headed down the hallway.

The fourth floor offices were different somehow. The former Martinez, Inc. employees were quieter that the J.T. Levinson originals upstairs. The female secretaries didn't dress as suggestively, and the men didn't leer at her breasts or butt as she walked by here; a strange feeling as Monica had gotten used to that. She stopped at the second-to-last office on the left, as Vanessa instructed, and peeked inside.

The girl at the desk was short, with sandy blonde hair and freckles, talking on the phone. She looked up at Monica.

"Amy Sandoval?" Monica whispered.

"Yes?" the blonde secretary said.

"I found this upstairs. It looks like it belongs to you." Monica handed her the letter.

"Did I print that upstairs? Ugh! I've been looking all over for that!" Amy set the phone down and graciously took the letter from Monica's hands. "Thanks so much! Excuse me, I've got a very strange person on the phone."

Monica chuckled and walked away. She'd made it only a few steps before she overheard a few words of Amy's conversation on the phone.

"I'm sorry, did you say 'Nude Secretaries Day'"?

Monica stopped in her tracks. She backed up several steps and looked back into Amy's office.

"No, our office doesn't celebrate anything like that," Amy said into the phone. "Please don't call us again."

"Amy, wait!" Monica shouted, hurrying into Amy's office. "Hand me the phone, please!"

Confused, she handed the phone to Monica.

"Hello, this is Monica Kelly speaking, who is this?"

"This is Fred Belshaw, calling from Channel 6 News," the voice on the phone said. "We're doing a news segment on a workplace holiday called 'Nude Secretaries Day' and I was just calling around to find any businesses that might observe this. Does your office celebrate 'Nude Secretaries Day' by any chance?"

"Yes, yes we do," Monica said cheerfully.

Amy's eyes went wide. She looked up at Monica in shock.

"Can I speak to a manager in charge, please?" Fred asked.

( . )( . )

Monica clutched the armrest tightly when Matt pulled into the driveway of his parents' house.

"It's going to be fine, I promise," he assured her, squeezing her thigh.

She wanted to believe him. But Monica knew that Matt's parents had been hoping the two of them would split for months now. Ever since he had revealed to them that Monica's doctor had told her that she had less than a ten percent chance of ever conceiving a child, they'd been nothing but cold to her, and pushed Matt to date a woman who shared his dreams of starting a family of his own. Their disappointment could not have been clearer when Matt and Monica moved into an apartment together, and Matt's parents had packed several of his belongings inside a baby bassinet. They'd claimed it was simply because it was a convenient storage device, but Monica knew that they were sending a message.

Matt had assured her that her ability to have a child or lack thereof would have no bearing on their future together, but it appeared that the Purcells had pinned their hopes on Matt giving them a grandchild or three, being as neither of his siblings appeared to be up to the task. For that reason alone, Monica simply wouldn't do as a wife for their beloved son Matthew. At least that was how it felt when she was in their presence.

Tess Meadows' smiling face was on the television screen when Matt knocked on the front door. Robert Purcell remained on the couch with his eyes transfixed on the blonde beauty while his wife Maria answered the door.

"Well hello Matt, welcome, Monica, come on inside!" she greeted.

Monica handed Maria a pan of home cooked dinner rolls she'd brought, which her boyfriend's mother accepted graciously. She took them to the dining room and placed them onto the table. Matt brought his mother up to speed on the latest goings-on at the office. When Robert still hadn't gotten off the couch, his wife sent their daughter Olivia to retrieve him.

"Hey Dad, your older son and his girlfriend are here. You plan to take your eyes off Tess Meadows' breasts for five seconds to greet them?"

"It's almost over. Just give me a minute." He continued watching the anchor girl recapping the results of the Lingerie Bowl that he'd recorded on TiVo.

"Didn't you already watch that this morning?" Olivia asked incredulously.

"It's Tess Meadows. In lingerie," her brother Zach said, as if that explained everything. He sat by his father's side, equally transfixed on the scantily clad anchor. Olivia rolled her eyes and walked back to the kitchen.

"I was very impressed with the Afterglow's performance, but the Sensations absolutely crushed it today!" Tess said. "Now here's Scott Evans and Jon Corbett with their picks for the top three plays of today's game. Back to you, Scott and Jon!"

Tess did her trademark flip of her golden hair and pointed to the camera with both hands.

"God, I love that hair flip thing she does," Zach said.

"I heard she made a sex tape with a major leager," Robert said.

"Ronny Harris. Allegedly. It's nowhere on the Internet," Zach replied. He'd searched for it well.

Monica was in the dining room setting the table when Olivia walked in.

"I hope this is okay?" Monica asked hopefully.

"Looks great to me," Olivia said approvingly, checking the silverware and glasses that Monica placed at each setting.

Olivia had always been the nicest member of Matt's family. She'd been welcoming to Monica from the beginning, but ever since the night Shari had talked Monica into going to a gay bar with her, and Monica had run into Olivia there, Olivia had been especially grateful when Monica had promised never to tell Olivia's parents she'd been there. It was nice to have at least one other member of the Purcell family besides Matt to appreciate her.

Monica glanced into the living room.

"Your dad sure likes Tess Meadows, huh?" Monica remarked.

Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head. She did the same head shake as Matt, Monica noticed. There was strong family resemblance.

"He never misses San Amaury Today. He keeps the TV at the bakery on Channel 6 just for her. Always ogling her in her skimpy outfits," Olivia said snidely. "Such a hypocrite, too. You know I wasn't allowed to ever wear a bikini when I was a teenager?"

Monica wasn't surprised. Matt had told her that he was forbidden from dating cheerleaders or girls his parents considered "bimbos" when he was in high school, only proper young ladies. It was the reason she changed into a longer skirt after work and softened her makeup a bit before coming over. Robert and Maria wouldn't approve of the way Monica dressed at the office.

"Yet he can't get enough of sweet, sexy Tess," Olivia remarked. "My mom gave him a hall pass for her if he ever gets a shot. Hers is Russell Crowe."

Monica and Olivia laughed.

"I couldn't give Matt a hall pass," Monica said. "He's so cute, whoever he picks would probably take him up on it."

Olivia tsked.

"I don't know what you girls see in him. He's always been my annoying big brother."

Monica stared longingly into the kitchen at her boyfriend taking the roast out of the oven and placing it upon the kitchen counter, ready to be carved.

When dinner was ready, Robert and Zach finally joined their family around the table. Monica folded her hands in her lap, hoping all would go well during her dinner with the Purcells.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point," Robert began. "The recession's been hitting the bakery pretty hard. If things don't pick up soon, there's a good chance we won't last the year."

The table went silent. Monica breathed a sigh of relief that the focus of the conversation was not on her- or her uterus.

"But things should pick up- we're hoping," Maria said. "Wedding season is coming in a few months. But it will be tight until then."

"I'm really sorry to hear that," Monica said sympathetically.

Robert and Maria had opened a family bakery three years prior, and sales had been neck-in-neck from the very beginning. Monica knew from her job in marketing how important it was for a brand to have a strong start. She wanted to tell them that they needed to up their marketing game, but getting on their bad side was the last thing she wanted.