Nude Weekend - Saturday Night

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Sharon's adventures continue, this time with anal.
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Sharon scanned the gathering of naked men and women around the table and smiled. There was not one dickhead amongst them. It was rare, in any situation, to be amongst a group of like-minded folk who all agreed on pretty much everything. There was never any discussion of religion or politics mind you, mainly just sport, entertainment and of course, sex.

During the meal the phone rang and Caz hopped up to answer it. A massive smile spread across her face and she subconsciously ran her hand down around her pussy as she spoke.

"It's going to be a big night tonight," she said, "Another six people to add to the list." She looked over at Lisa and said "Greg's coming."

"How many are coming?" Sharon asked excitedly. "And who's Greg?"

"That makes," Caz did a quick calculation in her head, "36 people."

"Fuck!" Sharon said in amazement. "36 people? Does that include us?"

"Actually," Caz looked at the French visitors, "We'll be losing a few after dinner."

"Sorry," Clement said, "We're going into the city for a concert tonight."

"Damn," Sharon slumped back in her chair, "When will you be home?"

"Who knows," Sophia said, "Maybe we'll get lucky."

"Umm," Karen coyly popped her hand up, "I have to go soon too, as do Mike and John."

"What are you three up to?" Caz asked.

"There's this new club that's opened," Karen said, "It's out in the mountains, a fair way, I thought I'd check it out."

"A new club?" Caz smiled, "That's awesome."

"I'm allowed to bring two guys and even if it's really lame, I get to take these two back to the hotel," Karen rubbed Mike's cock.

"Well let's hope it's a success so we can all go out one weekend," Caz held up her wine glass in celebration. "So that makes about 40 or so in total," Caz continued and directed herself at Sharon, "Will that be enough for you?"

Sharon giggled and nodded, "I'm sure I'll be fine. Who is this Greg guy?"

"I'm sure you'll work out why Greg is so popular once you meet him." Neil reached over and squeezed her left nipple, sending a bolt of electricity through her.

Sharon was about to reach over and start wanking his cock but Caz recognised her devious smile and interrupted proceedings.

"Our first guests will be here very soon so I nominate Sharon and Marcus to greet everyone as they arrive," Caz said and handed them a handwritten list. "Just cross their names off the list, help them get undressed, hang their clothes and Lisa will pass around the drinks.'

"No problem," Sharon was eager to see who was coming so she knocked her wine down, poured herself another and circled Greg's name. "Shall we?" she said to Marcus.

As they prepared for the new visitors, clearing space in the front room, setting out glasses of champagne, wine and beer in the hall, the four French guests began to dress themselves. Sharon though, decided to tease them.

She made space in the middle of the room and sat a chair down in the middle. Marcus figured that she was up to something and just let her be. As soon as she saw them coming down the hall, she sat on the chair and spread her legs wide. Marcus's cock twinged in happiness.

"Ahh," Clement laughed as he came into the room, "She won't let us leave, will she?"

Manny immediately grabbed his cock as soon as he saw her, but Sophia slapped him gently and admonished him in French.

"Just a little," he said, "Just suck."

"No," Sophia said sternly "We are late already."

"I don't mind," Manny said and moved within the grasp of Sharon who reached out and took a hold of his member. "Quick, suck it. Marcus, pass my shirt."

Marcus laughed and pointed at a rack of shirts, "Which one?"

"The blue, oh yes, that one," Manny stuttered out as Sharon sucked on his cock.

"Pathetique!" Clement said, "Come on, Manny, we'll come back tomorrow."

"Ok, ok," Manny reluctantly said and pulled himself away from Sharon, "Tomorrow I fuck you again."

"Maybe in my arse?" "I'll be back for sure," Manny bent over and kissed her and was soon followed by Raul, Clement and a long wet one from Sophia.

Marcus opened the door, and carefully hiding behind it, bid them farewell. As he watched them walk down the road, he noticed a group of seven sauntering up from the opposite direction. One of the ladies waved to him so he left the door open.

"Here come our first for the evening," he called out to Sharon who nearly leapt off the seat.

"How many?" she asked.

"Seven," Marcus replied, "Three ladies, four blokes."

"One spare," Sharon said and reached over to stroke Marcus's cock, "For when this one wears out."

"You're unbelievable," he said and slapped her hand away, "Behave, we have a job to do."

To avoid being seen from the street, Sharon darted back into the room and grabbed a few coat hangers from the rack.

A petite brunette with shoulder length hair was the first to introduce herself as Amy but in the confusion of seven people suddenly undressing, names were lost. Sharon was more interested in finding out which one Greg was and just why he was so popular. There was a tall blonde haired lady in her mid-40's, another with curly short hair in her 30's and the four men were all in their late 30's, early 40's, but none were called Greg.

One of the men, a nuggety bloke with a receding hairline, was quick to undress and made his way straight to Sharon to give her a hug.

"So," he ran his hands down her side and rested his hand on her hips. "You're the hot new member Sharon we've all been hearing about. I'm Tom."

Sharon tucked the guest list under her arm and reached down to grab his cock, "That I am," she said and began to stroke it. "I'm looking forward to it, seeing a house full of cocks, arses, tits and pussy."

"All being fucked," he said and slid his hand down to her cunt. Sharon lifted her right leg up on a chair, inviting him into her wetness. "Oh fuck yeah, that's so nice."

Sharon wanted to be fucked there and then. His cock was hardening in her palm as she gently stroked it, mimicking the timing of his strokes of her pussy. Sharon was only seconds away from dropping to her knees and sucking him off when a knock on the door interrupted proceedings.

"Sharon," Marcus said from behind a rack of clothes, "Sorry to interrupt you there, but could you grab the door?"

Sharon hung her head in mock sadness and kissed the man on the cheek, "I'll catch you inside."

Two more couples had arrived and for a moment they had to wait out in the hall for the others to finish undressing. Lisa offered them some drinks and so the sequencing of the first part of the evening progressed. Guests arrived, they got undressed, Sharon flirted with the men then they grabbed a drink from Lisa before heading out into the lounge room where the music was steadily increasing in volume.

Sharon urgently ran a line through each name as they streamed in, noting that the ratio was slightly weighted towards the men. Lisa came into the room with a tray of drinks and Sharon quickly slammed down another glass of champagne. All that booze though had two effects, one was that she was feeling even more horny and free than she had earlier, the other is that she needed to pee.

Placing the emptied glass back on the tray, Sharon excused herself and headed out to the party. Despite the fact that she'd already seen everyone there naked, viewing them all in the one location came as a pleasant shock.

"Well,' she said to Caz, "This is wild."

"Great isn't it," Caz replied rhetorically. "I take it that you've met everyone."

"All the men anyway." Sharon winked at Tom who raised his glass to her.

"Of course you have."

"I'm going to the loo," Sharon said, "Back soon."

Smiling at Tom and a bloke he was talking to, Sharon departed from Caz and made her way, with some urgency, to the bathroom. Luckily for her it was unoccupied and she was able to relieve herself quickly. In her rush she had forgotten to lock the door. Just as she finished, it clicked open.

"Oops, sorry. Hello again," Tom said as he entered the room. Sharon just cocked her head towards him, she knew it was no mistake he was there. He wasn't alone either, standing behind him was another guy who had just arrived in the last wave.

"It's okay," Sharon said, "I'm all finished here." Sharon went to stand up but Tom, now stroking his cock, held his hand up to stop her.

"No need to get up," he said, "I was, I mean, we were," he nodded at his mate, "wondering if you'd like to continue on from where you left off?'

"You mean about to suck your cock?" she spread her legs ever so slightly as she spoke. "You know I want to, but I do have a job to do right now."

Tom, still stroking his cock, moved closer, as did his mate. "Just a quick suck. There are so many blokes here wanting to have a piece of you that we don't want to miss out."

"You won't miss out," she said as she stood up. "I mean, look at that cock of yours. It's one of the best looking ones here." She took their cocks in her hands and really wanted to drop down and double blow them. "Besides if I were to fuck you now, you might miss out on all the other ladies."

Both men were now rubbing her tits and arse as she spoke. Sharon was rapidly reaching the point of no return, that moment where she would just begin fucking and wouldn't stop. But like so many other times that night, the flow was broken like a kinked hose.

"Sharon," Ellen said from the doorway, "Lisa wants you in the room, more people are here.'

"Can't you help her?" Sharon said hazily. "I really need to fuck right now."

"Caz told me to tell you that Greg was here."

Sharon snapped out of it quickly. "Greg! I really need to find out what all the fuss is about." She let go of the two men's cocks and ignoring their pleas, took off back to the bedroom.

Caz was laughing when she watched Sharon tear past her, checking all the people in the room for strangers. Lisa was no longer at her table of drinks and when she turned into the room she soon discovered why.

Lisa was sitting on a chair sucking Marcus's cock and there was no one else in the room at all.

"Has Greg already turned up and gone into the room?" she asked.

"No one has arrived since you left," Marcus said. "Promise."

Sharon looked back down the hallway and saw Ellen standing there laughing with Tom and the other guy who were just shrugging their shoulders.

"Bitch," Sharon laughed and mockingly shook her hands at Ellen, "You'll get your comeuppance young lady."

"Comeuppance?" Marcus laughed, "What are you, some Dickensian character?"

"What are you, some kind of literary expert?" Sharon retorted and spun around towards the two of them. "You do realise that you're the only two people indulging in sexual congress at the moment?"

"Could make it three if you care to join us," Marcus wiped his cock across Lisa's face and popped it back in her mouth.

"Well if you decide that you'd rather waste your seed on that strumpet," she pointed at Lisa who stuck her tongue out, "Well so be it. I, for now, shall partake in some more of this sparkling wine." Sharon took another glass from the table and imbibed half of it in her first gulp. "It is a fine drop, this is."

A knock on the door startled Sharon who spilt some of the wine from her second sip down onto her breasts. Marcus moved away from Lisa who begrudgingly returned to the table.

"Come on in," Sharon said to the three men and one lady that were standing there. "Welcome, I'm Sharon, the new girl." There was a casual introduction of names and Sharon didn't hear any of them except of that of a tall skinny guy with an untidy mop of hair.

"I'm Greg," he said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. He had no chiseled, hard body, no washboard abs. He was just an ordinary guy, she thought. Nothing to see here. That was until he unbuttoned his pants of course. His baggy jeans hid a monster of a cock so large that behind his underpants it looked like it was curved in and around itself.

"So that's why they told me about you," Sharon said as she reached over towards it. Greg though, knew just how to tease a woman, and he slapped her hand away.

"Rule number one," he light-heartedly scolded her, "No touching unless you're invited to."

Sharon ran her fingers through her hair and twirled a length flirtingly around her finger. "But I'm the new girl, surely you want to touch this before too many others do?"

Greg adjusted his cock behind his underwear as he watched her run her hand down to her pussy. "I'd love to touch that tight little twat of yours, feel it before I stretch it out so much you'll need two in there just to feel anything." Greg latched his thumbs around his underpants and slid them down until just the base of his fat cock was exposed. Sharon took in a sharp breath in anticipation.

"It really is a great cock," Lisa had entered the room with a tray of drinks, "Hi everyone. Who'd like a drink?"

Everyone greeted Lisa and drinks were snatched up, but Sharon was still transfixed, like a hunting dog on a rabbit, on the cock behind the cloth.

Greg inched his underpants slowly down, gradually exposing his cock. For what seemed like hours, that rough band of elastic slid down his cock. As soon as his knob popped out from behind, one of the other guys broke Sharon's trance.

"I always feel a little inadequate when Greg drops his pants," laughed one of the other men.

"You need not worry," the other woman said, "As Greg said, as soon as he's finished with a woman, you two can jointly fill the space."

"I'd rather take her arse," said the third man who came over to Sharon and rubbed her on it, "I hear that tonight will be your first time.'

"Well yeah, but I certainly won't be taking that schlong in it," she pointed at Greg's member with the guestlist.

"And there," Greg said as he took a beer off Lisa, "is the disadvantage of having this." He grabbed his cock and pointed it at Sharon. "Not many women want this in their arses."

"Fair enough," Sharon said, "I know I don't, but in my pussy, fuck yeah."

Greg moved up against Sharon who took it as an invitation to touch, which it was. His cock not only felt thick and long, it weighed heavily in her hand. "Do you get dizzy when this gets hard?" she asked.

"You know," he grabbed her right breast and gently pinched her nipple. "I've been asked that question ever since my first girl." Sharon looked down at his firming cock, examining the thick vein that ran underneath and running her finger around his circumcision scar. "And for non-originality, I'm outta here," he said.

"You go then Mr Big," she taunted him, "Go and intimidate the men and scare the women."

Greg just smiled at Sharon and as he turned out the door, gave her a last minute wink.

"He's a bit of a dick really," she said before realising exactly what she had said.

"More than just a bit," Marcus chortled, "That thing would be, and I mean this both figuratively and literally, a pain in the arse."

"Doesn't every man want a big dick?" Lisa snuck down a quick gulp of champagne as she asked.

Marcus answered with a question. "Does every woman want gigantic tits? I don't think so."

Taking care not to upset Marcus's self-esteem, Sharon took his cock in her hand and stroked it gently, "This one here does a pretty fine job, hey Lisa?"

Lisa groaned softly and licked her lips, "He's right you now. When they're as big as Greg's you can barely even suck them off without straining your jaw. I like to suck a cock that fits nicely down my throat."

A knock rang on the door and Sharon grabbed the list and prepared to check off the final guests. It was like a mini-bus had arrived as a swarm of guests flooded the room. There was so many that some of them had to wait in the hall as the first group undressed. When they had all finally disrobed Sharon checked the list and was pleased to find that there were only three more visitors expected.

The noise from the lounge room had increased exponentially with the growing numbers. Glasses chinked, people laughed and food was consumed as the naked throng carried on like any other partygoers. Sharon kept thinking that she was missing out on cock, and was constantly going back into the lounge to check on progress, but the night had only just begun.

As she stood gawking at the nudity, a cooling wave of air alerted her to the door being opened and the final three guests arriving. Two strong handsome men, that looked like models, and a middle-aged lady named Carol began to undress.

Sharon leant against the door jamb and watched the two toned men elegantly remove their clinging shirts. Chiselled is a term much used to describe men that look like the Statue of David, and it perfectly suited these two. Hunks was another term, hunks of men. Even Lisa was impressed and winked at Sharon. Carol gave Sharon a long look up and down and held a small tartan cosmetics bag up for her. "You must be Sharon," she guessed correctly, "that bag is for you."

Sharon, having no idea what was in it, quizzically looked at the two hunks who simultaneously shrugged in ignorance. "You can open it now if you like,' Carol pulled her bra off and passed it to Marcus, "or you can open it later with Ellen."

Realising that the contents had something to do with her virgin arse, Sharon decided not to look at all and set the bag aside.

"Oh no you don't," Carol picked the bag up and handed it back to her, "You have to carry that out with you."

Glad to be over meeting everyone, Sharon grabbed the bag and headed straight out into the din of the party. The bag, it seemed, was a flag for everyone to turn towards Sharon and respond by either nodding, raising glasses, clapping gently or as some men did, offering their pricks to her. When Sharon reached Ellen, who was sitting on the lounge casually stroking two guys cocks, and passed the bag to her, the same thing happened, applause, chinking and cock-shaking abounded.

"Both of you taking it up the arse for the first time tonight?" one of the men next to Ellen said, "Who's the lucky guy?"

Sharon pointed at Marcus who was talking to one of the women and a few blokes near the pool. "Him, if he manages to last until then."

"And you Ellen, who have you picked?" he asked.

Ellen looked askance at him and let go of the two men's dicks. "I'll be having my husband Neil over there, of course."

"Well done mate," the other man said as he watched Ellen walk off with the bag, "Now we'll be left here all alone."

Sharon just laughed and took another glass of champagne offered to her by one of the hunks that had taken up the role of waiter. "I think she just likes messing with people's heads." She sat down between them both and flipped a leg over each of their knees. "I however, like to mess with men's dicks." She grabbed their semi-hard cocks and began where Ellen left off.

The music changed to a nice funky dance tune and Amy, the petite short haired brunette, hopped off the lap she was sitting on and began a writhing, slow dance in the middle of the room. As is their way, when one woman dances, the others get up and strut their tail feathers, attempting to attract the males.

Sharon was no different and for the second time that night, the two lads were left naked and horny on the lounge as she almost leapt up and began what could only be described as an awkward dance.

"I'm no dancer," she said to the two men who she'd just abandoned, "Unless it's of the horizontal type." Lisa sashayed up behind Sharon and wrapped her arms around her, squeezing Sharon's tits towards the two, now masturbating, men. With her precision eyesight, Sharon noticed a small dome of precum oozing out of one of the cocks so she held firmly to Lisa's hand and swung herself away. Bending from the waist over, Sharon angled herself over his cock. With a quick wink she lowered her head and expertly licked the sticky load up and onto her tongue.