Office Fuck Pt. 03


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"When I ordain it".

And Mary walked out of the café, her hips moving seductively, her walk clearly meant to entice him.

John thought about it a bit and then decided that he was going to follow Mary's edict. He took one last sip from his ebbing cup of coffee and then asked for the cheque.

John didn't hear from Mary for a couple of days. This made him concerned but he didn't want to look desperate so he didn't try to contact her.

Meanwhile Mary had gone back home that night to Talk to her mother and her friends to reassure them that she was fine. She decided to take much better care of herself, so she enrolled for Pilates classes. She also consulted a dietician to figure out a diet that would help her stay healthy inspite of her hectic work schedule.

Not that she really needed to exercise or eat healthy, Mary had a naturally gifted body and good metabolism so she never put on weight.

She also contemplated on how she could make life a little more miserable for her stewing lover.

Three days later she decided to make first contact. She was in office and she had some time to herself. She gave John a call.

"Hey Johnny boy" she said as seductively as possible when he picked up.

"Hey you. How've you been?"

"Kinda lonely.. kinda missed you."

Though she couldn't see John had a big smile on his face.

"Missed me did you? Why don't we meet today and catch up then."

"Can't, got lots of work."

"You know I can get you out of it."

"You know I wouldn't want you to. So.. have you been a good boy?"

"Yes. I haven't done anything in the past three days."

"You sure?"

"I wouldn't ever lie to you Mary."

She sighed heavily.

"I miss you inside me.."

"Then why won't you see me?"

"I just can't John. For now this phone call will have to do. God its getting hot in here.."

"What do you mean, aren' t you in the office?"

"I am but I dunno talking to you is kinda making me hot. Where are you?"

"I'm in my office. Why don't you come up here?"

"Would be against the rules now wouldn't it? You have twelve more days to go. You must be starting to get that feeling, an urge to whip it out and fuck my brains out."

John had started to get an erection at the way Mary was talking.

"You know what, I'm starting to feel a little hot too." Said John.

Mary could sense the desire in his voice, so she decided to make things more interesting.

"Are you getting erect John? Does my voice make you hard?"

"Yes. Mary stop, what are you doing to me?"

"I have been abstaining too you know. I want it to be amazing for us when we get back together. If we get back together."

"Why won't we?"

"I dunno Johnny boy, maybe you'll come during this conversation. That would be a deal breaker. Fuck its so hot in her, I think I'm gonna take off my shirt."

Mary put the call on hold for a bit to give the impression that she was taking off her shirt.

"You've taken off your shirt! In the office?"

"No dummy, I'm in the ladies room. I've taken off my bra as well. Oh my nipples are so hard."

John was quite hard now.

"Mary you have to stop talking like that."

"John, I'm feeling so hot" her voice was husky with desire.

"I'm going to touch myself now John. Stay with me."

Mary started to make a seductive moaning sound accompanied with heavy breathing.

"Mary stop. I beg you."

"How hot are you John?" she made another moaning sound. "How much do you want be inside me?"

"Oh baby I want you so bad.."

Mary moaned again.

"Will you come for me now?"

"You know I can't."

"Oh but it feels so right John. Oh my pussy is sooo wet. I wish we could fuck John. I wish I could feel you coming inside me right now."

John was very hard now and it almost felt like his penis was about to tear out of his pants.

"Mary please stop Mary."

"Show me John. Show me how much you want me. I want to see a picture of your hardness. I want to see how hard you are." She said continuing to make moaning sounds.

John unzipped his pants to let out his penis, it looked like it was ready to explode.

He clicked a picture and messaged it to Mary.

"Thanks John, this should do nicely for the next few days. I'll be in touch." Said Mary abruptly cutting off his call.

John sat there feeling stupid, his penis still very erect and just waiting to be abused. But he remembered his promise and put it back in its den.

'This is going to be harder than I thought' he thought to himself.

Meanwhile what he didn't know was that over the next few days, the picture of his penis was going to become the talking point among Mary's two other friends Megan and Mag. She had sent them the pic as well and they were mighty impressed.

She had told them about her devious plan to get back at John amongst squeals of delight from her friends.

"You show im girl" said Mag encouragingly.

Mary had intended to.

She didn't contact him for four more days. She concentrated her efforts on the office work and the pilates classes. In her spare time she read books or watched movies.

The next week, she received a an email from John. All it said was


Mary replied to the mail saying

"The first place, 11 p.m."

She meant the conference room where they had had sex for the first time.

Mary worked late that day, she finished up the work she was to do the next day as well and then loitered around for a bit. She ordered a salad for dinner from a nearby restaurant and just bided her time till 11 p.m.

She was in the conference room at 10.45 because she wanted to be there earlier... for the setup.

It was John's turn to be surprised. As he entered the dark conference room, the projection screen at the far side of the room lit up and he saw what seemed to be the beginning of an erotic movie. A woman stood in front of a man; his hands were strung up over his head secured to a beam with handcuffs and his torso was bare, revealing a ripped body. The only thing he was wearing were pants and the woman stood in front of him in a mink coat that covered her up to her knees.

As John looked on, Mary walked up to him from behind and whispered in his ear..

"This is what I'm going to do with you." She came around and stood at his side to watch his reaction to the movie. He seemed to be mesmerized and she could see that he was already erect as the woman on the screen started to play with the man. She was slowly unzipping his pants to reveal his erect penis, begging to be serviced. As she started to suck on it, slowly tantalizingly, John turned towards Mary and begged her to stop.

"Stop! Honey we're just getting started.."

"Mary please.. I don't know if I can hold on.." pleaded John.

"Oh but you have to Johnny boy, you have to. You mustn't forget our deal now, if you come.. you can forget about me."

Mary could see that he was desperately erect now. John averted his gaze from the screen but Mary forcibly turned his face towards the screen.

The woman on the screen had stopped sucking the guy's dick and she had opened up the mink coat to reveal beautiful rounded breasts and a luscious figure, her pubic hair cut neatly in a triangle, her lovely dark hair cut to shoulder length. She teased the man, taking her nipple close to his mouth and withdrawing it from his reach.

Meanwhile Mary came close to John and slid a hand inside his shirt. She slowly let her hand play over his chest, encircling his nipples tantalizingly, all the time not allowing John to avert his gaze. He closed his eyes and pleaded with her again but she wouldn't allow him to turn away.

She then slid her hand down towards his stomach and let her fingers dance playfully over his abdominal muscles. They were taught with excitement and her fingers made them twitch. John was visibly trying very hard not to come.

"Do you want me Johhny boy?"

"Yes. I want you.."

"Do you want to take me, right here right now?"

"Yes! Oh Mary I want it so bad."

"Do you want to come inside me like you used to?"

"For fuck's sake Mary, please either stop or let me have you."

"Do you want to fill me with your cum? Oh John I'm so wet." Said Mary in a sultry seductive voice.

"I wanna see how much you want me John. " she said sliding her hand down his pants and into his boxers to wrap her fingers around his taught penis. It was wet with precum and she could tell that he wasn't going to last much longer.

John suddenly turned around and took her in his arms, kissing her wantonly, passionately. He picked her up and lay her down on the conference room table. He raised her skirt and took off her panty which he threw to one side. Then he proceeded to take off his pants and slid down his boxers to reveal his penis, very hard and very sticky with precum. He was about to enter her when Mary sat up and put a restraining hand on his chest.

"Hold on cowboy, you do this now and I'll let you.. but you won't ever see me again. Make your choice."

John seemed to be caught in a dilemma, his desire at its peak, but at the same time he knew that Mary wasn't bluffing. She had a steely look on her face that clearly conveyed the seriousness of her threat.

Making his choice, he made a disgusted grunt and quietly stepped back to pull up his boxers and his pants.

"Damn it Mary why are you torturing me like this? Why does this have to be the end? You know I care about you."

"Oh Johnny boy.." sighed Mary condescendingly.

"You left me broken, unsure of whether I could continue with the memories of your rebuttal; The way you rejected me and the way I was tortured for days. Do you have any idea how I felt?"

John stood there quietly, not saying anything. He realized now that what he had done was very inhumane and he had truly hurt Mary.

"I thought so" continued Mary.

She got off the table and walked up to John. When she was standing close to him she said

"Look John, I am ready to forgive you. But my terms won't be easy. Can you handle that?"

John looked deep into her eyes for a moment. He saw not desire in them but a lingering question, a plea for absolute trust and commitment. This was it, his moment of truth. He knew that he could walk away at that moment and that would be the end of it. But at the same time he realized at that moment that Mary was special. And he had started to deeply care about her.

Finally he spoke.

"You're right. I cannot even begin to fathom what you might've felt like. Yes, I am ready to make amends. Anything, I'll do anything to get you to forgive me and trust me completely."

Mary smiled and then kissed him passionately.

"I think we've done enough for today. You should go now John. I'll see you now when those fifteen days are over."

John didn't argue, he simply turned around and started to walk away. At the doorway he turned around and asked her

"You're gonna stick around?"

"Yes, I'm just going to finish up what we started."

A week thereafter, John didn't get a peek out of her. Mary had busied herself with office work and Pilates so as to get her mind off John.

She did pity him a little for she knew that it was tough for him, as a matter of fact for most men to abstain that long. She was right. John felt horny most of the time and he too tried to get his mind off things by trying to lead a hermit's life. Which meant TV, the internet and any other medium that could get him aroused was off the table. He truly wanted to save himself for that day when Mary would finally allow him to release.

That day finally came ten days after their last encounter. John truly felt like he was about to burst and it had come to a point where even the slightest provocation would make him erect.

Mary contacted him over the phone.

"How you doin Johnny boy?" she asked playfully. "Miss me?"

"Oh Mary you have no idea." Said John.

"You poor dear.. you've been a really good boy. And since you've been so good, it's time to give you a present. I'll be coming up to your office tonight Johnny boy and we are going to take care of your problem. Just.. keep it in your pants till then."

"I shall look forward to it."

The rest of the day seemed to crawl by. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days. John busied himself with making the attached bedroom as romantic as possible. He lit up scented candles and arranged for some nice romantic music. He intended to make love to Mary that night, not just have sex.

Finally the moment arrived when John heard a knock on his door. His secretary had left for the day and it was around 10 p.m. at night.

John opened the door to reveal Mary standing there with a couple of handcuffs in her hand. She looked very beautiful, her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. She wore a business suit and the coat was undone. The top two buttons of her shirt were undone to reveal part of her shapely breasts.

"May I come in?"

"Fuck yeah" said John taking her in his arms and kissing her passionately.

"Shall we take this into the bedroom?" said Mary.

Just like in the video, John stood there, his hands trussed up and secured with the handcuffs. His torso was bare and he stood there only wearing pants. He was already erect and Mary could see his penis twitching in anticipation through his pants.

Mary stood a few steps away from him, admiring his form.

"This is it Johnny boy. How does it feel?"

"You know how it feels."

"I do.. now lets make you feel better."

Mary walked upto John and kissed him. She brought her body close to his and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her crotch into his as she kissed him wantonly. John started to shiver with the effort to keep it in.

She then stopped kissing and trailed a nail down his throat to his chest and then to his nipple which she encircled tantalizigly.

John arched his body involuntarily at the teasing.

She then slid the nail down to his stomach, trailing it over the contours of his abdominal muscles, her touch eliciting shivers in his body.

She playfully kissed him on the neck then and let her kisses trail down to his chest where she paused to gently bite his nipple and then play her tongue over it.

John moaned with pleasure, his entire body convulsing with the pleasure it was giving him.

Mary stopped to say

"I want to see you now. All of you."

She undid his belt and slide down his pants to reveal his boxers, the front stained with a patch of pre cum. She slid down his boxers to reveal his penis which was rock hard and begging to be serviced. It glistened in the candle light, the pre cum making the head shine.

"Oh you poor dear." Said Mary patting the head of the penis. It twitched to her touch and John grunted.

Mary giggled when she saw the effect she had on his penis.

She then ran an index finger down its shaft and it seemed to twitch uncontrollably. He obviously seemed to be on the verge of coming.

She stopped and stood up.

Then she raised her skirt and took off her panties, all the time looking into John's eyes but not saying a word. Then she took a few steps backwards and propped herself up against a wall.

She slowly unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a revealing bra, barely covering her breasts, the boundaries close to her nipples that were taught and the stubs were clearly visible through the bra.

She then raised he skirt a little just enough to not reveal her pussy but enough to reveal most of her legs.

All the time she did not take her eyes off John.

She then closed her eyes and moaned as she trailed her nails along the outside of her thighs, her body arched to have her breasts push against the bra to completely reveal their shape.

She touched herself with one hand and slid the other one under her bra to play with her breast. She moaned with pleasure, very seductively. John was clearly very turned on.

She continued to masturbate, her fingers gently playing on her pussy and her other hand playing with her breast.

As her masturbation started to become more urgent, John started to flex his buttocks. His penis started to twitch in time with each flex and he started to arch his body in time with the motion of his thrusts.

Mary was breathing heavily now, interspersed with heavy breathing. She took off one side off her bra to reveal the nipple she was playing with. It was taught with pleasure, and she massaged it with her thumb and index finger.

Her body was starting to shake all over now indicating that she was on the verge of an orgasm.

John too was thrusting very hard now, his whole body taught, his muscles straining to help him achieve an orgasm.

Finally Mary came, her entire body rocked with the force of her orgasm, and it made her gasp for such was the force of her release.

Seeing this John exploded as well, his buttocks flexing urgently as he climaxed just with the force of his thrusting, the semen from his penis shooting far and wide. Since he hadn't had any sexual experiences in so many days, he came for a few seconds, his penis ejaculating copious amounts of semen.

Mary let him finish and then walked over to him and took his penis in her hands.

"I told you I'll make you come without touching you. And now to see what else you got.."

She started to wank him off as she knew that he wasn't fully satiated. She was going to milk him completely.

Sure enough, John was fully erect again, his body taught with excitement. He was grunting with pleasure as Mary stroked him urgently. He moved his body to the rhythm of her stroking and just like it felt like he was about to come, Mary stopped and allowed the feeling to subside.

John was breathing heavily now, his entire body drenched with sweat, his ripped body glowing and giving him the appearance of a Greek God.

Mary started to stroke again and John responded eagerly by thrusting his hips to the movement of her hand. Once again as it looked like he was about to come, Mary stopped and let it subside. She then played around with his penis head for a bit till it was almost purple with the want to come.

Finally she started to stroke one final time and this time when he was about to come, she didn't stop.

John exploded and exploded would be the right word because it seemed like all the muscles in his entire body contributed to the force of his orgasm. His arms strained against the cuffs and his buttocks were flexed to the limit as he came again, this time the force of his orgasm making the semen travel a fair distance.

Mary continued to stroke even after his orgasm that caused John to convulse since his penis head was very sensitive.

He pleaded to her to stop but she wouldn't and continued until every last drop of semen had been squeezed out of his penis.

When she finally relented, John collapsed, his body went limp hanging from the cuffs. His face and his entire body was drenched with sweat and he was breathing heavily. His head hung as he was so tired.

Mary let him recover for a bit and then she raised his head to kiss him, then uncuff him.

John immediately went over to the bed and collapsed on it.

Mary lay down beside him.

"Satisfied Johnny boy?" she finally said.

"Oh my God that was amazing. I've never had an orgasm like that before." Said John still gasping for breath.

"Well abstaining does have its advantages. Listen John."

John turned his head to look into Mary's eyes.

"I know it hasn't been easy for you. But I want you to know that though I have forgiven you, it will still take some time for me to trust you completely. I still want to know how things are between us."

John nodded his head in agreement.

"Where do we stand John?"

The question from Mary hung in the air like a knife about to slice through butter.

But John's answer wasn't going to be a knife through her heart this time.

"No Mary, you mean so much more to me now. I want to get to know you too. It isn't just about the sex anymore. I want more from us too."